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The secondary deformity of the unilateral cleft lip nose has many components. One is the dorsal dislocation of the lateral crus of the alar cartilage. We used a conchal composite graft positioned between the piriform aperture and the lateral crus and the upper lateral cartilage to correct this dislocation in nine patients. We believe that this graft is effective because it elevates the lateral crus of the alar cartilage off the depressed piriform aperture. This technique is very simple to perform, and it is easy to achieve nasal symmetry. Our results have been quite satisfactory, with no recurrence of dorsal dislocation. The donor site was covered by a subcutaneous pedicled flap from the cephaloauricular sulcus, leaving an inconspicuous deformity.  相似文献   

One of the problems in the correction of the unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity is the alar web deformity on the mediosuperior side of the nostril. A number of methods for the correction of the alar web deformity have been introduced, but no single procedure has been identified as the standard. In this report, the incision line of the open rhinoplasty was modified and the alar web deformity was corrected by using an incision and closure. Open rhinoplasty with the asymmetric incision was performed on 18 patients with unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity. The incision line used in the normal side was the usual intranasal rim incision line and that used for the columella was the transcolumella incision line. For the cleft side, an intranasal rim incision line was plotted after the rim was lifted upward with forceps to achieve symmetry of the nasal tip. After removal of the forceps, the incision line of the cleft side was displaced outside the nostril. After such an incision, the alar cartilage mobilization and suspension were performed with or without the conchal cartilage graft. All patients used nasal retainers for 6 months after the procedures. So far, satisfactory results have been obtained with the modification of the incision line for open rhinoplasty. This method is unique in designing the incision line, and its procedure is rather simple. The postoperative follow-up period has been 12 to 26 months. A long-term follow-up is still needed, especially in growing children.  相似文献   

Almost 25 percent of unilateral cleft lip and palate patients present with their deformity in their teens or later years in the developing world. Because more than 80 percent of the world population lives in the developing world, the established protocol for repair of these deformities is not applicable to these patients. Despite the magnitude, there are no significant reports in the literature that deal with this problem. Several issues need to be addressed, but the author limits himself here to the correction of the nasal deformity. The patients at this age are very much concerned with the aesthetic outcome. Procedures described hitherto for primary nasal correction in infants are not successful in restoring nasal shape and symmetry at this late age of presentation. Our experience with radical correction of secondary nasal deformity in unilateral cleft lip patients presenting late prompted us to extend the concept by undertaking a definitive primary correction of the nasal deformity in cleft patients presenting late. Twenty-two patients with unilateral cleft lip deformity (nine male patients and 13 female patients) with ages ranging from 13 to 22 years, presenting between August of 1997 and December of 2000, are included in this study. Of these, 11 patients had a cleft of the lip alone, eight also had a cleft of the alveolus, and three had a cleft of the palate continuous with the cleft lip. All patients showed some maxillary hypoplasia. An external rhinoplasty with lip repair was carried out in all patients. The corrective procedures on the nose included columellar lengthening; augmentation along the pyriform margin, nasal floor, and alveolus using bone grafts; submucous resection of the nasal septum; repositioning of lower lateral cartilages; and augmentation of nasal dorsum by bone graft. Clinical follow-up ranged from 4 to 24 months, and the median follow-up period was 13 months. Results have been very good, and much better than results seen earlier with other primary rhinoplasty techniques. While repairing unilateral cleft lip in adolescents, the author thinks it would be most appropriate to address the entire gamut of the deformity in a single stage, provide complete vector reorientation, and augment the hypoplastic elements by autologous tissue. It is not just the fear of poor follow-up, but that merely correcting the lip deformity in these patients without attempting definitive rhinoplasty, in the author's opinion, would be insufficient surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Correction of the unilateral cleft lip nose   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The cleft lip nasal deformity is best repaired secondarily in teenagers. Some more severe cases may be repaired during childhood. Optimal repair requires adequate exposure, best obtained with transcolumellar flying-bird incisions. The major anatomic defect, the misplaced lateral crus, needs to be advanced to a normal position. The vestibular lining of the lateral crus should remain attached to add circulation and support, especially when scoring of the cartilage is needed. The lateral defect left after advancement of the lateral crus should be closed with sutures. Accessory procedures, including septoplasty, augmentation or reshifting of the alar base attachment, and occasionally, cartilage grafts, are critical to achieving an aesthetic result. Fifty-three patients operated on using the technique described are reviewed.  相似文献   

Cutting CB  Dayan JH 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2003,111(1):17-23; discussion 24-6
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the symmetry in lip height and lip width after extended Mohler unilateral cleft lip repair, with long-term follow-up monitoring. In the Mohler repair procedure, Millard's C-flap is used to fill the entire defect created by the downward rotation of the medial lip element. Because a lateral advancement flap is not transposed into this defect, Mohler repair is often expected to produce a short lip. In a retrospective study of 120 patients, anthropometric measurements were made on black-and-white photographs. Of those patients, 49 met the study criterion of having a set of photographs taken 13 months or less postoperatively and another set taken at least 2 years postoperatively. The distance from the Cupid's bow peak to a line tangent to the base of the columella (lip height) and the distance from the Cupid's bow peak to the ipsilateral commissure (lip width) were measured with a Vernier caliper. The medial intercanthal distance was also measured, for standardization of all measurements. All values were normalized to the mean intercanthal distance at age 6, as reported by Farkas. Matched-pair test analyses were used to assess the statistical significance of differences in cleft-side versus non-cleft-side measurements for each group, as well as changes with time. No statistically significant difference in cleft side versus non-cleft-side lip height for the two groups or with time was observed (< or =13 months, p = 0.28; >2 years, p = 0.08; change with time, p = 0.69). Statistically significant differences in lip width between the cleft side and the non-cleft side were observed for both time groups. The average difference in lip width at 1 to 13 months was 8.6 percent (p < 0.001). The average difference in lip width at 2 years or more postoperatively was 5.8 percent (p < 0.001). In comparisons of early versus late measurements, it was noted that lip width significantly increased with time (mean, 0.91 mm; p = 0.035). The findings suggest that extended Mohler repair does not produce a short lip. Interestingly, lip width was observed to be significantly smaller on the cleft side in the immediate postoperative period. However, this deficiency was observed to decrease significantly during long-term follow-up monitoring.  相似文献   

Cephalometric distances, angles, and proportions were evaluated for 32 children 5 to 8 years of age treated for unilateral cleft lip and palate. The children were age and sex matched with untreated controls with normal skeletal relationships. The unilateral cleft lip and palate sample was treated by the same surgeon and orthodontist using the same techniques and appliances. Measures of overall facial proportions, facial convexity, and prognathism were not significantly different between the two groups. The primary group differences pertain to the posterior aspect of the maxilla, which is vertically short in the unilateral cleft lip and palate sample. Horizontally, the maxilla of the unilateral cleft lip and palate children was significantly longer, producing a steeper palatal plane. In addition, the zygoma and orbits of unilateral cleft lip and palate children were somewhat retruded; the posterior cranial base and total mandibular length also were longer in the unilateral cleft lip and palate children.  相似文献   

Unilateral nasal shortening is an essential step in both the primary and the secondary treatment of the unilateral cleft lip nose. Procedures for this are described.  相似文献   

The majority of patients with a unilateral cleft nasal deformity still benefit from additional nasal surgery in their teenage years, despite having undergone a primary nasal repair. However, the secondary nasal deformity of these patients stands in sharp contrast to those of children who have not benefited from primary repair. The authors' algorithm for the definitive correction of these secondary deformities considers the differences in these two patient groups and defines their indications for rib cartilage grafts and their method of using septal and ear cartilage in the repair. Balancing the muscle forces on the septum and alar cartilage is emphasized in both the primary and secondary repair. Both cartilage malposition and hypoplasia of the lower lateral cartilage complex have been identified as factors contributing to the deformity.  相似文献   

It is universally acknowledged that correction of a cleft lip nasal deformity continues to be a difficult problem. In developing countries, it is common for patients with cleft lip deformities to present in their early or late teens for correction of severe secondary lip and nasal deformities retained after the initial repairs were carried out in infancy or early childhood. Such patients have never had the benefit of primary nasal correction, orthodontic management, or alveolar bone grafting at an appropriate age. Along with a severe nasal deformity, they present with alveolar arch malalignments and anterior fistulae. In the study presented here, a strategy involving a complete single-stage correction of the nasal and secondary lip deformity was used.In this study, 26 patients (nine male and 17 female) ranging in age from 13 to 24 years presented for the first time between June of 1996 and December of 1999 with unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity. Eight patients had an anterior fistula (diameter, 2 to 4 mm) and 12 patients had a secondary lip deformity. An external rhinoplasty approach was used for all patients. The corrective procedures carried out in a single stage in these patients included lip revision; columellar lengthening; repair of anterior fistula; augmentation along the pyriform margin, nasal floor, and alveolus by bone grafts; submucous resection of the nasal septum; repositioning of lower lateral cartilages; fixation of the alar cartilage complex to the septum and the upper lateral cartilages; augmentation of nasal dorsum by bone graft; and alar base wedge resections. Medial and lateral nasal osteotomies were performed only if absolutely indicated. The median follow-up period was 11 months, although it ranged from 5 to 25 months. Overall results have been extremely pleasing, satisfactory, and stable.In this age group (13 years of age or older), it is not fruitful to use a technique for nasal correction that corrects only one facet of the deformity, because no result of nasal correction can be satisfactory until septal deviations and maxillary deficiencies are addressed along with any alar repositioning. The results of complete remodeling of the nasal pyramid are also stable in these patients because the patients' growth was nearly complete, and all the deformities could be corrected at the same time, leaving no active deforming vector. These results would indicate that aesthetically good results are achievable even if no primary nasal correction or orthodontic management had been previously attempted.  相似文献   

This paper reports a longitudinal quantitative cephalometric analysis of the craniofacial growth in subjects with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (UCCLP), and unilateral incomplete cleft lip (UICL), from 2 to 22 months of age. The purpose of the study was to determine the amount and direction of growth in UCCLP compared to UICL (control group) from 2 months of age (just prior to lip repair) to 22 months of age, 20 months later. The sample comprised of 49 subjects with UCCLP (37 males and 11 females) and 45 with UICL (29 males and 16 females). The cephalometric analysis of the craniofacial morphology included lateral, frontal, and axial projections. The data were presented as mean plots of the craniofacial region including the calvaria, cranial base, orbits, nasal bone, maxilla, mandible, cervical column, pharynx, and soft-tissue profile. A valid common coordinate system (registration according to the n-s line in the lateral projection, latero-orbitale line in the frontal projection, and meatus acusticus externus line in the axial projection for the landmark positions at examination 1 and 2) was ascertained. The growth at a specific anatomical location in a patient was defined as the displacement vector from the coordinate of the corresponding landmark in the X-ray at examination 1 to its coordinate at examination 2, corrected for X-ray magnification. The growth of an anatomical region in a patient was assessed by investigating the growth pattern formed by a collection of individual growth vectors in that region. The amount of growth in the UCCLP and UICL group was very similar. The general craniofacial growth pattern, in terms of the direction of growth, was also fairly similar in the UCCLP group and the control group. However, the maxilla and mandible showed a more vertical growth pattern than that observed in the control group. This study confirms that UCCLP is a localized deviation, and not a craniofacial anomaly, due to the fact that a normal growth potential has been observed in all craniofacial regions, except where the growth had been directly influenced by surgical intervention. Furthermore, the vertical growth pattern of the maxilla and mandible supports the hypothesis of a special facial type in cleft lip and palate individuals, and the facial type as a liability factor increasing the probability of cleft lip and palate.  相似文献   

This paper reports a cephalometric analysis of the craniofacial morphology in infants with unoperated unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (UCCLP) and unoperated unilateral incomplete cleft lip (UICL). The purpose of the study was to determine the nature and extent of the craniofacial deviations in UCCLP as compared to the morphology in UICL, which has previously been shown to be close to normal. The samples comprised 82 infants with UCCLP (58 males and 24 females) and 75 with UICL (48 males and 27 females). The mean age was about 2 months in both groups. The cephalometric analysis of craniofacial morphology included the lateral, frontal, and axial projections. The data were presented as mean plots of the craniofacial region including the calvaria, cranial base, orbits, nasal bone, maxilla, mandible, cervical column, pharynx, and soft-tissue profile. The most pronounced deviations in the UCCLP group were observed in the maxillary complex and the mandible. The most striking findings were: markedly increased width of the maxilla, a short mandible, and bimaxillary retrognathia except for the premaxillary area, which was relatively protruding and asymmetric. The study did not support the hypothesis previously suggested in the literature that cleft lip and palate is a craniofacial anomaly as size and shape of the calvaria and cranial base were found to be normal. The etiology of cleft lip and palate is still incompletely understood. Based on the present study, we suggest that facial type may be a liability factor that could represent a developmental threshold increasing the probability of cleft lip and palate.  相似文献   

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