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Elastin and collagen are the principal scleroproteins of the aortic wall, and they largely determine its physical and mechanical properties. During perinatal development of the aorta, elastin and collagen accumulate rapidly, being present as inverse gradients by the time of birth. Elastin is most prevalent in the thoracic aorta, decreasing distally, while collagen shows the opposite trend. The present studies have determined the relative and absolute rates of collagen and elastin synthesis in the porcine aorta between 60 days of fetal development (mid-gestation) and 110 days after birth. Although there was measurable elastin synthesis in the upper thoracic aorta at the earliest time evaluated, there was a fourfold increase in relative elastin synthesis (from 4 to 16% of total protein synthesis) between 60 fetal days and birth. Elastin synthesis was maximal in successively distal segments between 1 and 3 weeks after birth. Relative collagen synthesis progressively increased in distal aortic regions between 90 fetal days and 60 days postpartum. Greater than twofold increases over thoracic levels were measured. Both elastin and collagen synthesis largely subsided by 110 days of development. When expressed as absolute rates of protein synthesis, these scleroproteins were maximally expressed in the first 3 postnatal weeks. Elastin mRNA levels were determined with a cloned sheep gene fragment by molecular hybridization. Gradients of elastin message were present at 60 fetal days and at 4 and 14 days after birth, elastin mRNA levels being maximal in the upper thoracic aorta at 14 days after birth. The differentiation of the aortic wall thus follows discrete patterns of phenotypic change which may be coupled to the rheologic stresses accompanying development of the circulatory system.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid plays an important role in connective tissue metabolism, where, among other effects, it acts as a reducing factor in the reactions catalyzed by prolyl and lysyl hydroxylases. In vitro, ascorbic acid has been shown to have a positive influence on collagen synthesis at pre- and/or post-translational levels and a negative effect on elastin production. In the present work, the effects of vitamin C on extracellular matrix deposition have been studied in vivo. Stereological analysis on electron micrographs showed, compared to age-matched controls, a 50 to 60% increase of collagen deposition in the media and in the adventitia of the aorta of rats treated for 30 days from the 18th day of life with 10% ascorbate in their drinking water. By contrast, elastin volume density was significantly reduced by the treatment at all ages examined. These morphological data were supported by in situ hybridization observations showing enhanced collagen type I mRNA and reduced elastin mRNA expression upon treatment. Although vitamin C did not inhibit lysyl oxidase activity in vivo, being only slightly higher than in controls, enzyme activity was significantly reduced, when high doses of ascorbate were added in vitro. Lysyl oxidase activity may be a function of enhanced collagen metabolism rather than a direct effect of the vitamin on the enzyme activity. These data indicate that ascorbate exerts opposite effects on the deposition of two major components of the extracellular matrix in vivo, at least during periods of rapid growth.  相似文献   

Highly purified elastin from porcine aorta was submitted to elastase digestion. The enzymic products were subjected to gel filtration on Sephadex G 25. The excluded fraction was then submitted to thermolysin digestion and gel filtration. The excluded fraction was submitted to partial acid hydrolysis and gel filtration. Several sub-fractions were obtained. The F3 subfraction containing cross-linking agents (desmosines and lysinonorleucine) was finally subjected to ion exchange chromatography. A highly enriched peptide fraction containing lysinomorleucine was obtained and then purified by preparative electrophoresis. The ratio of enrichment passed from 2 residues of lysinonorleucine (expressed as lysine) from starting material (elastin) to 178 out of 1,000 residues in the final step. In this peptide fraction, if we express in molar ratio and consider the amount of lysinonorleucine is one residue, the following amino-acid composition is Pro:3, Gly:1, Ala:2, LNL:1, Lys:2. No traces of desmosines are detected. The role of lysinonorleucine in bridging functions in elastin is discussed.  相似文献   

This report describes the use of photolysis and ozonolysis as a means of achieving complete cleavage of the pyridinium ring of (iso)desmosine in crosslinked elastin peptides. Although photolysis leads to the opening of the ring with concomitant formation of lysine, the peptide chains remain attached. Subsequent ozonolysis is able to completely achieve the cleavage of the rest of the ring skeleton, thus leading to the separation of the peptide chains. Formation of new amino acids, i.e. alpha-aminoadipic and glutamic acids, is emphasized. Localization of these amino acids within the released peptides should be of help in structural investigations on the crosslinking zones involving either isodesmosine or desmosine. However, other amino acids such as tyrosine and phenylalanine are sensitive to this procedure and side reactions occur which are responsible for peptide bond cleavage with the formation of breakdown products.  相似文献   

Collagen and elastin synthesis in the developing chick aorta   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thoracic aortas from 8- to 18-day embryonic chicks were incubated in vitro for 30 min with [3H]glycine and the newly synthesized, labeled proteins were subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. The gels were fractionated and the incorporation of label into procollagen (125,000 Mr) and tropoelastin (70,000 Mr) was estimated by summation of the radioactivity found in the appropriate regions of the gel. The analyses showed that at Day 8 approximately 14% of the incorporated [3H]glycine was found in procollagen and 22% in tropoelastin. In the following 6 days of development, there was a significant decline in the relative incorporation into procollagen and an increase into tropoelastin so that at Days 14–18 less than 10% of the label was found in collagen and 40% was now found in tropoelastin. Since glucocorticoids have been shown to alter the rate of synthesis of other proteins in the developing chick, 150 μg of hydrocortisone was injected into 8-day eggs and 24 h later the aortas were incubated and treated as described above. The pattern of protein synthesis exhibited by the hormone-treated aortas resembled that of 14- to 18-day embryos. Furthermore, incubation of 8-day aortas with 10?8m hydrocortisone for 24 h produced a significant increase in the rate of elastin synthesis relative to that of other proteins. These results demonstrate that collagen and elastin synthesis vary during development of the chick aorta and they suggest that glucocorticoids may be involved in the control of their synthesis.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to understand elastin's role in the mechanical homeostasis of the arterial wall. The mechanical properties of elastin vary along the aorta, and we hypothesized this maintained a uniform mechanical environment for the elastin, despite regional variation in loading. Elastin's physiological loading was determined by comparing the inflation response of intact and autoclave purified elastin aortas from the proximal and distal thoracic aorta. Elastin's stretch and stress depend on collagen recruitment. Collagen recruitment started in the proximal aorta at systolic pressures (13.3 to 14.6 kPa) and in the distal at sub-diastolic pressures (9.3 to 10.6 kPa). In the proximal aorta collagen did not contribute significantly to the stress or stiffness, indicating that elastin determined the vessel properties. In the distal aorta, the circumferential incremental modulus was 70% higher than in the proximal aorta, half of which (37%) was due to a stiffening of the elastin. Compared to the elastin tissue in the proximal aorta, the distal elastin suffered higher physiological circumferential stretch (29%, P=0.03), circumferential stress (39%, P=0.02), and circumferential stiffness (37%, P=0.006). Elastin's physiological axial stresses were also higher (67%, P=0.003). These findings do not support the hypothesis that the loading on elastin is constant along the aorta as we expected from homeostasis.  相似文献   

The determination of collagen and elastin in tissues   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  

The aorta possesses a micro-architecture that imparts and supports a high degree of compliance and mechanical strength. Alteration of the quantity and/or arrangement of the main load-bearing components of this micro-architecture – the elastin and collagen fibers – leads to mechanical, and hence functional, changes associated with aortic disease and aging. Therefore, in the future, the ability to rigorously characterize the wall fiber micro-architecture could provide insight into the complicated mechanisms of aortic wall remodeling in aging and disease. Elastin and collagen fibers can be observed using state-of-the-art multi-photon microscopy. Image-analysis algorithms have been effective at characterizing fibrous constructs using various microscopy modalities. The objective of this study was to develop a custom MATLAB-language automated image-based analysis tool to describe multiple parameters of elastin and collagen micro-architecture in human soft fibrous tissue samples using multi-photon microscopy images. Human aortic tissue samples were used to develop the code. The tool smooths, cleans and equalizes fiber intensities in the image before segmenting the fibers into a binary image. The binary image is cleaned and thinned to a fiber skeleton representation of the image. The developed software analyzes the fiber skeleton to obtain intersections, fiber orientation, concentration, porosity, diameter distribution, segment length and tortuosity. In the future, the developed custom image-based analysis tool can be used to describe the micro-architecture of aortic wall samples in a variety of conditions. While this work targeted the aorta, the software has the potential to describe the architecture of other fibrous materials, tube-like networks and connective tissues.  相似文献   


Myogenin is a member of the myoD family of myogenic regulatory factors which direct the initiation of myogenesis during skeletal muscle development. Myogenin is responsible for the differentiation of proliferating myoblasts into myotubes and the absence of this factor results in severe muscular deficiency. Using PCR primers designed from mammalian myogenin sequences, a 215 bp PCR product was amplified from porcine genomic DNA and found to be 89.7% homologous to mouse myogenin. A porcine cosmid library was screened with the myogenin PCR probe and a 6.5 kb portion of a cosmid containing the pig myogenin gene was sequenced. The sequence includes 5´ flanking region, the entire protein coding region composed of three exons and two introns and 3´ flanking region. The protein coding region was highly conserved (≥92.5%) with mouse and human myogenin coding regions. Transfection of pig myogenin into C3H10T1/2 cells, a multipotential fibroblast cell line, resulted in 28% myogenic conversion assayed by cell fusion to form multinucleated cells and synthesis of sarcomeric myosin. These results indicate that the cloned myogenin gene was capable of initiating myogenesis in a fibroblast cell line.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of collagen and elastin fibers in the lungs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Surface tension forces acting on the thin-wall alveolar septa and the collagen-elastin fiber network are major factors in lung parenchymal micromechanics. Quantitative serial section analysis and morphometric evaluations of planar sections were used to determine the spatial location of collagen and elastin fibers in Sprague-Dawley rat and normal human lung samples. A large concentration of connective tissue fibers was located in the alveolar duct wall in both species. For rats, the tissue densities of collagen and elastin fibers located within 10 microns of an alveolar duct were 13 and 9%, respectively. In human lung samples, the tissue densities of collagen and elastin fibers within 20 microns of an alveolar duct were 18 and 16%, respectively. In both species, bands of elastin fibers formed a continuous ring around each alveolar mouth. In human lungs, elastin fibers were found to penetrate significantly deeper into alveolar septal walls than they did in rat lungs. The concentration of connective tissue elements in the alveolar duct walls of both species is consistent with their proposed roles as the principal load-bearing elements of the lung parenchyma.  相似文献   

1. The preparative Edman degradation of desmosine-containing peptides permitted the isolation of peptides C-terminal to the desmosine cross-links in bovine, porcine and human aortic elastin as well as bovine ligamentum nuchae elastin. This identifies the lysines in the tropoelastin which give rise to the desmosine cross-links. 2. The sequences from bovine aortic elastin were identical with those obtained from bovine ligamentum nuchae elastin but differed from those obtained from the other species. The most striking difference involves the occurrence of phenylalanine in bovine elastin and tyrosine in porcine and human elastin C-terminal to the desmosine cross-links. 3. The sequences of the C-terminal peptides were found to fall into two distinct classes, one starting with hydrophobic residues, the other starting with alanine. It is proposed that thehydrophobic residue prevents the enzymic oxidative deamination of the adjacent lysine e-amino group and this then contributes the nitrogen to the pyridinium ring of the cross-links.  相似文献   

Summary Distinction between elastin and collagen in arteriosclerotic lesions is difficult because immature and incompletely cross-linked collagen bind so-called elastica stains; furthermore, abnormal collagen can lack cross-striation and thus resemble elastin in electron microscopy. However, collagen and elastin differ significantly in their content of basic amino acids and hence in their affinity for heteropolyacids. This chemical difference was utilized for the development of a fluorescence microscopic method for distinction between collagen and elastin.Paraffin sections of human autopsy material were treated with a 1% aqueous solution of phosphomolybdic acid (PMA) for five minutes, rinsed in distilled water, dehydrated and mounted. Other series were treated with the PMA-molybdenum blue reaction and with various special stains.Only elastic membranes of aorta, the elastica interna and externa of sizable arteries, and true elastic fibers remained strongly fluorescent; the autofluorescence of collagen, reticulum fibers, basement membranes, pseudo-elastic fibers, and elastic membranes in small arteries was quenched. In other series PMA abolished the fluorescence of basic fluorochromes.Correlation of fluorescence and direct light microscopic observations with chemical and electron microscopic data showed that the PMA-fluorescence method permits distinction between elastin and various types of collagen.  相似文献   

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