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Numazawa M  Tominaga T  Watari Y  Tada Y 《Steroids》2006,71(5):371-379
Our rationale is based on the finding that estrone 3-sulfamate (EMATE, 2d), a typical estrone sulfatase (ES) inhibitor, can be hydrolyzed and the pharmacological effect of the free estrogen contributes to the bioactivity of the sulfamate. A number of 3-sulfamoylated derivatives of the good aromatase inhibitors, 2- and 4-halogeno (F, Cl, and Br) estrones and their estradiol analogs as well as 6beta-methyl and phenyl estrones, were synthesized and evaluated as inhibitors of ES in human placental microsomes in comparison with the lead compound EMATE. Among them, 2-chloro- and 2-bromoestrone 3-sulfamates (2b and 2c), along with their estradiol analogs 3b and 3c, were powerful competitive inhibitors with K(i)'s ranging between 4.0 and 11.3 nM (K(i) for EMATE, 73 nM). These four sulfamates as well as the 2-fluoro analogs 2a and 3a inactivated ES in a time-dependent manner more efficiently than EMATE, and 2-halogeno estrone sulfamates 2 also caused a concentration-dependent loss of ES activity. The results may be useful for developing a new class of drugs having a dual function, ES inhibition and aromatase inhibition, for the treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   

The implementation of aromatase inhibitors for treatment of early and metastatic breast cancer has been one of the major improvements in endocrine therapy of breast cancer. Measurement of endocrine effects of aromatase inhibition in vivo has been a major tool in the process of evaluating novel compounds. Biochemical efficacy of aromatase inhibitors in vivo may be determined from their effects on “total body aromatization” as well changes in plasma and tissue estrogen levels. Due to high sensitivity, tracer methods allowing calculation of whole body aromatase inhibition are still considered the gold standard. The method developed by our group in collaboration with the Royal Marsden Hospital and the results of this joint program are summarized and discussed. These studies allowed classification of the different aromatase inhibitors and their optimal dosage, selecting the best compounds for clinical evaluation. In vivo total body aromatase assessment is a work-consuming method, allowing such studies to be conducted in a limited number of patients only. In contrast, plasma estrogen measurement is a cruder but simpler method, allowing screening of larger groups of patients. As plasma estrogens arise through passive diffusion of estrogens synthesized in different body compartments, plasma estrogens, as well as total body aromatase assessment, present a rough estimate of total body tissue estrogen production, and changes associated with treatment with aromatase inhibitors reflect the effects on tissue estrogen production in general. However, plasma estrogen levels do not correlate to breast cancer tissue estrogen levels. This is due to the endocrine autonomy of breast cancer tissue with significant local estrogen production in some tumors. Thus, direct measurement of intratumor estrogens is demanded to evaluate the effects of aromatase inhibitors in malignant target tissues. Our group has developed a highly sensitive HPLC-RIA for the simultaneous measurement of estrone, estradiol, and estrone sulfate in malignant breast tissue samples, and we are currently using this method to assess alterations in intratumor estrogen levels during treatment with different aromatase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Development of aromatase inhibition and aromatase inhibitors as a therapeutic strategy was initiated through two different pathways. The one pathway went through systematic exploration of aromatase substrate analogues for enzyme inhibitions, subsequently leading to the development of steroidal agents for clinical use. The second involved clinical observation with an unsuccessful anti-epileptic compound named aminoglutethimide, attempting to achieve a “medical adrenalectomy”. Endocrine studies on patients treated with aminoglutethimide lead to direct assessment of in vivo aromatase inhibition in patients on treatment, thus identifying a novel therapeutic strategy. As such, both research programs represent different examples of pioneering translational work leading towards a successful therapeutic strategy. Subsequent studies with respect to total aromatase inhibition have led to successful development of more potent strategies. Most importantly, these studies have revealed a correlation between aromatase inhibition and clinical outcome. Ongoing studies exploring tissue estrogen levels as well as gene expression profiles on therapy may further improve this important therapeutic area.  相似文献   

Estrogen deprivation is an effective approach for treatment of hormone sensitive breast cancer. While much is known about plasma estrogen levels with respect to castration in premenopausal women and use of aromatase inhibitors in postmenopausal women, currently there is increasing interest in intra-tumour estrogen production. However, knowledge about alterations in intra-tumour estrogen levels is limited, mainly due to methodological problems with measurements of estrogen fractions in tissue samples. Here we describe a new method for simultaneous measurement of the three main estrogen fractions, estrone (E(1)), estradiol (E(2)) and estrone sulphate (E(1)S) in breast tumour tissue. Following incubation with -labelled estrogen standards, crude fractions were separated by ether extraction. The E(1)S fraction was hydrolysed with sulphatase followed by eluation on a Sephadex column. High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to purify the individual estrogen fractions prior to RIA analysis. Estrone and E(1)S were converted into E(2), and all three estrogen fractions were finally measured by the same highly sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay using estradiol-6-(O-carboxymethyl)-oximino-2-(2--iodo-histamine) as a ligand. Although several purification steps were used, the internal recovery values for tritiated estrogens were found to be 25-50% for E(1) and E(2) and 15-30% for E(1)S. The detection limit of this method was 4.3 fmol/g tissue for E(2), 19.8 fmol/g tissue for E(1) and 11.9 fmol/g E(1)S, respectively. Using tissue from locally advanced breast cancers (n = 14), we found median levels of E(1), E(2) and E(1)S to be 283.8 fmol/g tissue (range 19.8-547.5), 554.1 fmol/g (9.5-3024.2) and 209.4 fmol/g (11.9-753.4), respectively. The method described here is a promising tool to study intra-tumour estrogen fractions in breast tissue biopsies.  相似文献   

Breast cancer tissue estrogen levels on an average exceed plasma as well as benign breast tissue levels. To evaluate the contribution of intra-tumor aromatization to individual tumor estrogen levels (estradiol, E2; estrone, E1; estrone sulfate, E1S), breast cancer tissue sections obtained during mastectomy in 28 postmenopausal breast cancer patients were stained for aromatase protein expression using the aromatase antibody 677. The findings were correlated to intra-tumor estrogen levels determined with a highly sensitive HPLC-RIA. Staining with 677 alone (irrespective of the hormone receptor status) revealed no difference in tumor E2 levels comparing 677+ versus 677? tumors, although a non-significant trend towards higher tumor E1 and E1S levels was observed in 677+ breast cancers. In contrast, tumor levels of E2 were significantly higher in ER+ tumors compared to ER? tumors (P < 0.001) and to benign breast tissue from the same breast (P < 0.001). Analysing the additional effect of positive staining with the aromatase antibody 677 on tumor estrogen levels in the subgroup of ER+ tumors, revealed significantly higher tumor levels of E2 (mean level of 544.7 versus 197.1 fmol/g tissue) as well as a non-significant trend concerning tumor E1 (mean level of 296.9 versus 102.1 fmol/g tissue). The mean tumor tissue E1S level was observed somewhat lower in ER+677+ (103.5 fmol/g) versus ER+677? tumors (190.1 fmol/g). In the subgroup of ER+PgR+ tumors, tissue levels of E2 were also found to be significantly higher among 677+ compared to 677? tumors: 873.2 fmol/g (95% CI 395.9–1925.6) versus 217.9 fmol/g (95% CI 88.8–534.9) (P = 0.015).In conclusion, our results indicate a moderate effect of aromatase enzyme expression evaluated by IHC using the antibody 677 on intra-tumor estrogen levels among ER+ breast cancers. A substantial interindividual variation in the ratios between the individual estrogen fractions suggests additional effects, like alterations in other enzymes to be involved in the intra-tumor estrogen homeostasis.  相似文献   

In our previous study we found that MCF-7 cells possess aromatase activity and stimulate estrogen receptor-mediated growth. The pathways through which androgens are converted to estrogens by aromatase and estrogens interact with estrogen receptors contribute significantly to growth stimulation. The administration of aromatase inhibitor results in suppression of growth stimulation by androgens. This system enabled us to assess directly the biological activities of aromatase inhibitors. Aromatase activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by the addition of aminoglutethimide and CGS 16949A, competitive inhibitors, and of 14-hydroxy-4-androstene-3,6,17-trione and 4-hydroxy-androstenedione, mechanism-based inhibitors. After preincubation with mechanism-based inhibitors, aromatase activity was significantly suppressed, whereas after preincubation with competitive inhibitors, it was adversely increased. These effects were concentration- and time-dependent. Preincubation with competitive inhibitors resulted in augmentation of subsequent androgen stimulation of thymidine incorporation, while preincubation with mechanism-based inhibitors resulted in diminished stimulation by subsequent androgen administration. These results suggest that in MCF-7 cells competitive inhibitors adversely induce aromatase and accelerate the subsequent androgen stimulation of DNA synthesis. Suicide inhibitors are more effective than competitive inhibitors. This system will be useful for aromatase inhibitor screening.  相似文献   

In the present study, the concentrations of estrone (E(1)), estradiol (E(2)) and their sulfates (E(1)S and E(2)S), as well as the sulfatase and aromatase activities, were evaluated in post-menopausal patients with breast cancer. Comparative studies of the evaluation of these parameters were carried out in (a) tumor tissue, (b) areas surrounding the tumor, and (c) areas distant from the tumor (glandular tissue) which were considered as normal tissue. The levels (in pm/g; mean +/- SEM) were: for E(1) in the (a) area: 320+/-95; in (b): 232+/-86; and in (c): 203+/-71; for E(2) in the (a) area: 388+/-106; in (b): 224+/-48; and in (c): 172+/-80; for E(1)S in the (a) area: 454+/-110; in (b): 259+/-90; and in (c): 237+/-65; for E(2)S in the (a) area:318+/-67; in (b): 261+/-72; and in (c): 232+/-75, respectively. The values of E(1)S and E(2) were significantly higher in the tumor tissue than in the area considered as normal. In all the tissues studied, the sulfatase activity was much higher than aromatase (130-200). In addition, the sulfatase levels were significantly higher in the peripheral and in the tumor tissue than in the area considered as normal. The levels of aromatase were significantly higher in tumoral than in normal tissue. The present data extend the "intracrine concept" for breast cancer tumors. The physiopathology and clinical significance as promoter parameters in breast cancer is to be explored.  相似文献   

The aromatase and quinone reductase-2 inhibition of synthesized heterocyclic pyrazole derivatives fused with steroidal structure for chemoprevention of cancer is reported herein. All compounds were interestingly less toxic than the reference drug (Cyproterone(?)). The aromatase inhibitory activities of these compounds were much more potent than the lead compound resveratrol, which has an IC(50) of 80 μM. In addition, all the compounds displayed potent quinone reductase-2 inhibition. Initially the acute toxicity of the compounds was assayed via the determination of their LD(50). The aromatase and quinone reductase-2 inhibitors resulting from this study have potential value in the treatment and prevention of cancer.  相似文献   

Aromatase is a cytochrome P450 enzyme complex that catalyzes the conversion of androst-4-ene-3,17-dione (AD) to estrone through three sequential oxygenations of the 19-methyl group. To gain insight into the ability of 3-deoxy derivative of AD, compound 1, and its 5-ene isomer 4, which are potent competitive inhibitors of aromatase, to serve as a substrate, we studied their 19-oxygenation by human placental aromatase and the metabolites isolated were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Inhibitors 1 and 4 were found to be oxygenated with aromatase to produce the corresponding 19-hydroxy derivatives 2 and 5 and 19-oxo derivatives 3 and 6 as well as the 17β-reduced 19-hydroxy compounds 7 and 8. Kinetic studies indicated that the 5-ene steroid 4 was surprisingly a good substrate for the aromatase-catalyzing 19-oxygenation with the Vmax value of 45 pmol/min per mg prot which was approx. four times higher than that of the other. The relative Km value for steroids 1 and 4 obtained in this study is opposite from the relative Ki value obtained previously in the inhibition study. The results reveal that there is a difference between a binding suitable for serving as an inhibitor of aromatase and a binding suitable for serving as a substrate of the enzyme in the 3-deoxy steroid series and the C-3 carbonyl group of AD is essential for a proper binding as a substrate to the active site of aromatase.  相似文献   

Efforts to develop a novel class of nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors began with the discovery that the infertility in male rats exposed to high levels of the agricultural fungicide, fenarimol (alpha-(2-chlorophenyl)-alpha-(4-chlorophenyl)-5-pyrimidine-methanol), was attributable to the inhibition of aromatase activity within the central nervous system during the critical neonatal period. Although fenarimol was not particularly potent in inhibiting rat ovarian microsome aromatase activity in vitro (50% inhibition (IC50) = 4.1 microM). Subsequent testing of a number of analogues led to the identification of LY56110 (alpha,alpha-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-5-methylpyrimidine) which exhibited an IC50 of 29 nM. LY56110 was orally active, blocking the testosterone-induced increase of uterine weight and ovarian estrogen biosynthesis in immature female rats. In rats with established DMBA-induced mammary carcinoma, complete tumor regression was observed in 80% of the animals. Development of LY56110 was, however, stopped because of its effects on hepatic microsomal enzymes and an unacceptably long half-life. Structural modifications resulted in the development of the indenopyrimidines. LY113174 (8-chloro-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-5H-indeno less than 1, 2D greater than pyrimidine) was highly effective in vitro (IC50 = 24 nM) and in vivo but was far less potent than LY56110 with respect to induction of hepatic microsomal enzymes. LY113174 exhibited an acceptable biological half-life and had no effect on cholesterol side-chain cleavage. The indenopyrimidines appear to be a novel class of nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors which may prove useful in the treatment of estrogen-dependent diseases.  相似文献   

Potency and selectivity of aromatase inhibition are parameters which ultimately influence the therapeutic efficacy of aromatase inhibitors. This report describes an in vitro model which allows an assessment of the selectivity with which aromatase inhibitors inhibit estrogen biosynthesis. Estrogen production was stimulated by incubating adult female hamster ovarian tissue with ovine LH. The production rates of estrogens (E), testosterone (T) and progesterone (P) were determined using radioimmunoassays to measure the amount of these steroids released into the incubation medium over a 4-hour incubation period. The selectivity of aromatase inhibition was assessed by determining the IC50S with which each inhibitor inhibited the production of E (end product), T (immediate precursor of E) and P (early precursor of E). Selectivity was studied for each of the 4 aromatase inhibitors, CGS 16949A (a new non-steroidal compound), 4-OH-androstenedione, aminoglutethimide and testolactone. CGS 16949A was the most potent of the four, followed by 4-OH-androstenedione, aminoglutethimide and testolactone. As far as selectivity was concerned, both CGS 16949A and 4-OH-androstenedione selectively inhibited aromatase judging from the IC50s for E and P production (CGS 16949A: IC50 for E & P = 0.03 & 160 microM, resp.; 4-OH-androstenedione: IC50 for E & P = 0.88 & greater than or equal to 330 microM, resp.). Aminoglutethimide was the least selective inhibitor of aromatase (IC50 for E & P = 13 & 60 microM, resp.). For testolactone, the least potent of the four (IC50 for E = 130 microM), no conclusive data were obtained concerning the selectivity of aromatase inhibition. Thus a simple, effective and reproducible method is described for assessing the selectivity with which aromatase inhibitors inhibit aromatase.  相似文献   

Inhibition of postmenopausal estrogen production by aromatase inhibitors is an established drug treatment modality for postmenopausal breast cancer. In this article postmenopausal estrogen disposition and the alterations caused by treatment with aromatase inhibitors are reviewed. Recent investigations have challenged the hypothesis that aromatization of androstenedione into estrone is the sole production pathway for estrogens in postmenopausal women. The finding that estrogens persist in the plasma of patients receiving aminoglutethimide treatment despite a near total inhibition of the aromatase enzyme suggests that alternative pathways for estrogen synthesis exist. While nonspecific actions of aromatase inhibitors may be disadvantageous, certain effects may also be beneficial. Recent findings that aminoglutethimide may induce estrone sulfate metabolism questions whether this "prototype" aromatase inhibitor might have a dual mechanism of action. The importance of investigating the possible influence of different aromatase inhibitors on all components of estrogen disposition is considered.  相似文献   

We describe a novel assay that permits measurement of entry of murine leukemia virus and pseudotypes with greater sensitivity and more rapidly than previously possible. To achieve this, we encapsulated a sensitive reporter enzyme, luciferase, directly into fully infectious, intact viral particles. The enzyme is specifically targeted to the viral lumen, as a C-terminal fusion on the viral envelope protein. Only when the incorporated luciferase is released from the viral lumen and gains access to its substrates is light emitted and readily detected. When cells are perfused with luciferin, quantitative measurements of entry can be made in real time on live cells. Uniquely, the amount of cell-bound virus can be determined in the same assay by addition of detergent to expose the luciferase. We demonstrate that virus carrying a mutation in the fusion peptide binds normally to cells but is unable to infect them and gives no entry signal. Using this assay, we show that inhibitors of endosomal acidification inhibit signal from vesicular stomatitis virus pseudotypes but not murine leukemia virus, consistent with a pH-independent mode of entry for the latter virus. Additionally, the fusion kinetics are rapid, with a half-life of 25 min after a delay of 10 to 15 min. The future use of this assay will permit a detailed examination of the entry mechanism of viruses and provide a convenient platform to discover novel entry inhibitors. The design also permits packaging of potential therapeutic protein cargoes into functional virus particles and their specific delivery to cellular targets.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of various steroids on DNA synthesis in MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells, which have aromatase activity and which exert an oestrogen receptor-mediated growth, to assess the significance of intracellular aromatase on growth stimulation as well as inhibition by aromatase inhibitors. The cells were cultured for 96 h in phenol red-free medium containing 10% charcoal-treated fetal bovine serum and test reagents and pulse-labelled with [3H]thymidine. Physiological concentrations of oestradiol, oestrone, testosterone (T) and androstenedione (AD) stimulated thymidine incorporation. However, oestrone-sulphate and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) only stimulated at concentrations greater than the physiological levels. T and DHT stimulation was blocked by tamoxifen, but not by cyproterone acetate, suggesting that the stimulation was mediated via the oestrogen receptor but not by the androgen receptor. Stimulation by T and AD was reduced by aminoglutethimide and 14 alpha-hydroxy-4-androstene-3,6,17-trione, both of which inhibit aromatase activity, however, stimulation by nonaromatizable DHT was not reduced by the inhibitors, suggesting that androgens were converted by the intracellular aromatase to oestrogens which stimulated the thymidine incorporation. It is suggested that intracellular aromatase significantly contributes to the stimulation of DNA synthesis and that aromatase inhibitors suppress the stimulation.  相似文献   

CGS 20267 is a new non-steroidal compound which potently inhibits aromatase in vitro (IC50 of 11.5 nM) and in vivo (ED50 of 1–3 μg/kg p.o.). CGS 20267 maximally inhibits estradiol production in vitro in LH-stimulated hamster ovarian tissue at 0.1 μM with an IC50 of 0.02 μM and does not significantly affect progesterone production up to 350 μM. In ACTH-stimulated rat adrenal tissue in vitro, aldosterone production was inhibited with an IC50 of 210 μM (10,000 times higher than the IC50 for estradiol production); no significant effect on corticosterone production was seen at 350 μM. In vivo, in ACTH-treated rats, CGS 20267 does not affect plasma levels of corticosterone or aldosterone at a dose of 4 mg/kg p.o. (1000 times higher than the ED50 for aromatase inhibition in vivo). In adult female rats, a 14-day treatment with 1 mg/kg p.o. daily, completely interrupts ovarian cyclicity and suppresses uterine weight to that seen 14 days after ovariectomy. In adult female rats bearing estrogen-dependent DMBA-induced mammary tumors, 0.1 mg/kg p.o. given daily for 42 days caused almost complete regression of tumors present at the start of treatment. Thus compared to each other, CGS 16949A and CGS 20267 are both highly potent in inhibiting estrogen biosynthesis in vitro and in vivo. The striking difference between them is that unlike CGS 16949A, CGS 20267 does not affect adrenal steroidogenesis in vitro or in vivo, at concentrations and doses several orders of magnitude higher than those required to inhibit estrogen biosynthesis.  相似文献   

We present a rapid assay for tRNA suppression in living Escherichia coli. An amber, ochre, or opal nonsense mutation in a cloned luxB gene from the bacterium Vibrio harveyi was suppressed. Because luciferase (Lux) activity depends completely on the appearance of the full-length luxB gene product, the amount of light produced was proportional to tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression in the cell. This luminometric assay was notably quicker, easier, and more sensitive than a traditional colorimetric assay employing beta-galactosidase. Assays required only one addition to a growing culture and were complete within 1 min. Light output was directly proportional to the amount of bacterial luciferase in a sample over a range of greater than or equal to 40,000-fold. Fewer than 100 cells were required for detection of Lux with ordinary instrumentation; assays were 80-fold more sensitive than simultaneous beta-galactosidase measurements. Assayed cells survived and could be recovered as colony formers. The beta-galactosidase colorimetric assay and the luciferase assay were similarly reproducible. Light from colonies expressing Lux was visible to the dark-adapted eye and useful for screening. A rapid assay that does not depend on the formation of permanent transformants can be based on electroporation followed by luminometry.  相似文献   

To facilitate investigation of the metabolism of lysophosphatidylcholine and choline lysoplasmalogen in small quantities of tissue, a method for the quantification of these phospholipid species that is capable of accurate and reproducible analysis in samples which contain less than 1 nmol of total choline lysophospholipid was developed. The procedure employs chloroform and methanol extraction of phospholipids from isolated tissue with subsequent separation of the choline lysophospholipid fraction by high-performance liquid chromatography. The choline lysophospholipids are then acetylated with [3H]acetic anhydride and the [3H]acetyl-lysophosphatidylcholine product is isolated by thin-layer chromatography and quantified by liquid scintillation counting. The choline lysophospholipid content in the sample is determined from a standard curve constructed from samples containing a known amount of synthetic lysophosphatidylcholine with correction for recovery based on the inclusion of [14C]lysophosphatidylcholine as an internal standard.  相似文献   

C Tenn  L Niles 《Life sciences》1991,49(25):1895-1900
A simple and sensitive radioreceptor assay (RRA) has been developed to measure melatonin levels in serum. The assay is based on competition between 2-[125I]iodomelatonin ([125I]MEL) and melatonin for binding to high-affinity binding sites in chick forebrain. To measure the amount of melatonin present in a serum sample, it was extracted with dichloromethane and added to the assay medium. The percentage inhibition of radioligand binding in the presence of the extracted serum was determined and compared to the percent displacement by known amounts of melatonin in a standard curve. There was little or no cross-reactivity with other structurally related compounds. The sensitivity of the assay is approximately 1.5pg/0.15 mL and the intra- and inter-assay variations are approximately 8%. Since the RRA results are comparable to that of an established radioimmunoassay (RIA), it provides a sensitive and rapid alternative to the more time consuming RIA.  相似文献   

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