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The association of paraoxonase-1 (PON1) with high-density lipoproteins (HDL) is a prerequisite for maintaining normal serum activity of the enzyme. The lipoprotein furnishes an amphipathic environment to shield the hydrophobic, N-terminal region of the enzyme, and such an environment may also be necessary for interaction of PON1 with its substrates. HDL provides the optimal physiological acceptor complex, in terms of both stimulating PON1 secretion and stabilizing the secreted peptide. Lipid and peptide components of HDL contribute to these effects, such that modulating HDL composition influences PON1 activity and function. In this context, understanding how PON1 associates with HDL, what governs the association, and the mechanism by which the PON1–HDL complex exerts its antioxidant function is of particular physiological relevance. Moreover, HDL is subject to substantial compositional variations under both normal and pathological metabolic conditions. It has implications for the influence of the enzyme on cardiovascular risk, as normal enzyme activity may not correlate with optimal functional (antioxidant) efficiency. We review evidence that HDL lipid and protein components interact to promote PON1 secretion and maintain serum enzyme activity. Emerging data on how the enzyme associates with HDL are discussed, and the consequences for PON1 function of modifications to HDL are outlined. Finally, we highlight questions concerning the HDL–PON1 association that remain unanswered but are of particular importance in defining PON1 efficiency.  相似文献   

Benjwal S  Jayaraman S  Gursky O 《Biochemistry》2005,44(30):10218-10226
High-density lipoproteins (HDL) remove cholesterol from peripheral tissues and thereby help to prevent atherosclerosis. Nascent HDL are discoidal complexes composed of a phospholipid bilayer surrounded by protein alpha-helices that are thought to form extensive stabilizing interhelical salt bridges. Earlier we showed that HDL stability, which is necessary for HDL functions, is modulated by kinetic barriers. Here we test the role of electrostatic interactions in the kinetic stability by analyzing the effects of salt, pH, and point mutations on model discoidal HDL reconstituted from human apolipoprotein C-1 (apoC-1) and dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC). Circular dichroism, Trp fluorescence, and light scattering data show that molar concentrations of NaCl or Na(2)SO(4) increase the apparent melting temperature of apoC-1:DMPC complexes by up to 20 degrees C and decelerate protein unfolding. Arrhenius analysis shows that 1 M NaCl stabilizes the disks by deltaDeltaG* approximately equal 3.5 kcal/mol at 37 degrees C and increases the activation energy of their denaturation and fusion by deltaE(a) approximately equal deltaDeltaH* approximately equal 13 kcal/mol, indicating that the salt-induced stabilization is enthalpy-driven. Denaturation studies in various solvent conditions (pH 5.7-8.2, 0-40% sucrose, 0-2 M trimethylamine N-oxide) suggest that the salt-induced disk stabilization results from ionic screening of unfavorable short-range Coulombic interactions. Thus, the dominant electrostatic interactions in apoC-1:DMPC disks are destabilizing. Comparison of the salt effects on the protein:lipid complexes of various composition reveals an inverse correlation between the lipoprotein stability and the salt-induced stabilization and suggests that short-range electrostatic interactions significantly contribute to lipoprotein stability: the better-optimized these interactions are, the more stable the complex is.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein J (apoJ) defines a heterogeneous subclass of human plasma high-density lipoproteins (HDL) having a bimodal distribution of molecular mass of 70-90 kDa (approximately 50%) and 200 kDa or larger (approximately 50%). ApoJ-HDL are unstable in stored plasma, and must be evaluated within 24 h. All apoJ-HDL in freshly obtained plasma have alpha 2 electrophoretic mobility and are distinct from a minor subpopulation of apoAI-HDL which electrophorese in the pre beta region. Although apoAI is not associated with the majority of plasma apoJ-HDL, a small fraction of these particles also containing apoAI. There is little variation in the apoJ/apoAI mole ratio of apoJ-HDL immunoaffinity purified from the same individual on different days. In addition, there is a constant ratio among individuals, assessed for five volunteers, of 4.9 +/- 0.6. Purified apoJ added directly to apoJ-depleted plasma can interact with apoAI or with apoAI-containing lipoproteins, as evidenced by the association of apoAI with apoJ that is reisolated by immunoaffinity chromatography. The amount of apoAI associated with apoJ increases linearly with increasing amount of apoJ added, over the range of apoJ concentrations tested. No other known apolipoprotein is associated with apoJ. By two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis, the lipoproteins containing both apoJ and apoAI have approximate molecular masses of 350-400 kDa. Taken together, the results suggest that the interaction between apoJ and apoAI is physiologically important and that lipoproteins which contain both apoJ and apoAI can be produced in the plasma. ApoJ-HDL and apoJ/apoAI-HDL may have different functions and metabolic fates or may represent different stages of apoJ catabolism.  相似文献   

HDL (high-density lipoproteins) remove cell cholesterol and protect from atherosclerosis. The major HDL protein is apoA-I (apolipoprotein A-I). Most plasma apoA-I circulates in lipoproteins, yet ~5% forms monomeric lipid-poor/free species. This metabolically active species is a primary cholesterol acceptor and is central to HDL biogenesis. Structural properties of lipid-poor apoA-I are unclear due to difficulties in isolating this transient species. We used thermal denaturation of human HDL to produce lipid-poor apoA-I. Analysis of the isolated lipid-poor fraction showed a protein/lipid weight ratio of 3:1, with apoA-I, PC (phosphatidylcholine) and CE (cholesterol ester) at approximate molar ratios of 1:8:1. Compared with lipid-free apoA-I, lipid-poor apoA-I showed slightly altered secondary structure and aromatic packing, reduced thermodynamic stability, lower self-associating propensity, increased adsorption to phospholipid surface and comparable ability to remodel phospholipids and form reconstituted HDL. Lipid-poor apoA-I can be formed by heating of either plasma or reconstituted HDL. We propose the first structural model of lipid-poor apoA-I which corroborates its distinct biophysical properties and postulates the lipid-induced ordering of the labile C-terminal region. In summary, HDL heating produces folded functional monomolecular lipid-poor apoA-I that is distinct from lipid-free apoA-I. Increased adsorption to phospholipid surface and reduced C-terminal disorder may help direct lipid-poor apoA-I towards HDL biogenesis.  相似文献   

Jayaraman S  Gantz DL  Gursky O 《Biochemistry》2008,47(12):3875-3882
High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) prevent atherosclerosis by removing cholesterol from macrophages and by providing antioxidants for low-density lipoproteins. Oxidation of HDLs affects their functions via the complex mechanisms that involve multiple protein and lipid modifications. To differentiate between the roles of oxidative modifications in HDL proteins and lipids, we analyzed the effects of selective protein oxidation by hypochlorite (HOCl) on the structure, stability, and remodeling of discoidal HDLs reconstituted from human apolipoproteins (A-I, A-II, or C-I) and phosphatidylcholines. Gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy revealed that, at ambient temperatures, protein oxidation in discoidal complexes promotes their remodeling into larger and smaller particles. Thermal denaturation monitored by far-UV circular dichroism and light scattering in melting and kinetic experiments shows that protein oxidation destabilizes discoidal lipoproteins and accelerates protein unfolding, dissociation, and lipoprotein fusion. This is likely due to the reduced affinity of the protein for lipid resulting from oxidation of Met and aromatic residues in the lipid-binding faces of amphipathic alpha-helices and to apolipoprotein cross-linking into dimers and trimers on the particle surface. We conclude that protein oxidation destabilizes HDL disk assembly and accelerates its remodeling and fusion. This result, which is not limited to model discoidal but also extends to plasma spherical HDL, helps explain the complex effects of oxidation on plasma lipoproteins.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound cation-transporting P-type Na,K-ATPase isolated from pig kidney membranes is much more resistant towards thermal inactivation than the almost identical membrane-bound Na,K-ATPase isolated from shark rectal gland membranes. The loss of enzymatic activity is correlated well with changes in protein structure as determined using synchrotron radiation circular dichroism (SRCD) spectroscopy. The enzymatic activity is lost at a 12°C higher temperature for pig enzyme than for shark enzyme, and the major changes in protein secondary structure also occur at T(m)'s that are ~10-15°C higher for the pig than for the shark enzyme. The temperature optimum for the rate of hydrolysis of ATP is about 42°C for shark and about 57°C for pig, both of which are close to the temperatures for onset of thermal unfolding. These results suggest that the active site region may be amongst the earliest parts of the structure to unfold. Detergent-solubilized Na,K-ATPases from the two sources show the similar differences in thermal stability as the membrane-bound species, but inactivation occurs at a lower temperature for both, and may reflect the stabilizing effect of a bilayer versus a micellar environment.  相似文献   

Neuronal dendritic spines are a key component of brain circuitry, implicated in many mechanisms for plasticity and long-term stability of synaptic communication. They can undergo rapid actin-based activity-dependent shape fluctuations, an intriguing biophysical property that is believed to alter synaptic transmission. Yet, because of their small size (approximately 1 microm or less) and metastable behavior, spines are inaccessible to most physical measurement techniques. Here we employ atomic force microscopy elasticity mapping and novel dynamic indentation methods to probe the biomechanics of dendritic spines in living neurons. We find that spines exhibit 1), a wide range of rigidities, correlated with morphological characteristics, axonal association, and glutamatergic stimulation, 2), a uniquely large viscosity, four to five times that of other cell types, consistent with a high density of solubilized proteins, and 3), weak power-law rheology, described by the soft-glassy model for cellular mechanics. Our findings provide a new perspective on spine functionality and identify key mechanical properties that govern the ability of spines to rapidly remodel and regulate internal protein trafficking but also maintain structural stability.  相似文献   

It has been shown that in the solution of low density lipoproteins (LDL) during their incubation at 37 degrees C the turbidity and concentration of malondialdehyde was increased, as compared to that observed at 4 degrees C. Both parameters were slowed down by the addition of high density lipoproteins (HDL) into the medium. The protective effect of HDL depended on the time of incubation and the concentration of HDL added. Delipidated HDL had no effect. Similar action of HDL was established in the experiments where the peroxidation in LDL was induced by the xanthine-xanthine oxidase. The data obtained demonstrate that HDL possess an antioxidant property that may play an important role in their antiatherogenic action.  相似文献   

Apoptosis: the importance of being eaten   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In vivo, cells undergoing apoptosis are usually recognised and swiftly ingested by macrophages or neighbouring cells acting as semi-professional phagocytes. This review debates evidence that the contents of apoptotic cells represent a danger to the organism, being capable of injuring tissue directly or triggering autoimmune responses, concluding that phagocytic clearance of intact apoptotic cells is a safe disposal route. Indeed, new data suggest that, in certain circumstances, phagocytes ingesting apoptotic cells may actively downregulate inflammatory and immune responses. Consequently, increasing evidence that there may be factors capable of perturbing safe clearance of apoptotic cells in vivo suggests that failure of this process may be a hitherto unrecognised pathogenetic factor in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. New treatments designed to promote safe phagocytic clearance of dying cells can be anticipated, and it may even prove possible to eliminate unwanted cells by inducing appearance of cell surface 'eat me' signals.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence supports the notion that oxidative processes participate in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic heart disease. Major evidence for myeloperoxidase (MPO) as enzymatic catalyst for oxidative modification of lipoproteins in the artery wall has been suggested in numerous studies performed with low-density lipoprotein. In contrast to low-density lipoprotein, plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol and apoAI, the major apolipoprotein of HDL, inversely correlate with the risk of developing coronary artery disease. These antiatherosclerotic effects are attributed mainly to HDL's capacity to transport excess cholesterol from arterial wall cells to the liver during 'reverse cholesterol transport'. There is now strong evidence that HDL is a selective in vivo target for MPO-catalyzed oxidation impairing the cardioprotective and antiinflammatory capacity of this antiatherogenic lipoprotein. MPO is enzymatically active in human lesion material and was found to be associated with HDL extracted from human atheroma. MPO-catalyzed oxidation products are highly enriched in circulating HDL from individuals with cardiovascular disease where MPO concentrations are also increased. The oxidative potential of MPO involves an array of intermediate-generated reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species and the ability of MPO to generate chlorinating oxidants-in particular hypochlorous acid/hypochlorite-under physiological conditions is a unique and defining activity for this enzyme. All these MPO-generated reactive products may affect structure and function of HDL as well as the activity of HDL-associated enzymes involved in conversion and remodeling of the lipoprotein particle, and represent clinically useful markers for atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The effects of alpha-tocopherol on the properties of model high-density lipoproteins (HDLs), composed of human apolipoprotein A-I and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, were investigated by physicochemical methods. The intrinsic fluorescence of alpha-tocopherol and its effects on the polarization of fluorescence of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, which probes the hydrocarbon region of the lipids, and 4-heptadecyl-7-hydroxycoumarin, which is a probe of lipid surfaces, suggest that alpha-tocopherol is located at the lipid-water interface. Relative to cholesterol, alpha-tocopherol in lipid surfaces is virtually inert physicochemically. Incorporation of alpha-tocopherol into HDLs induces only a modest increase in particle size, no change in the transition temperature, and little change in lipid polarity and lipid-lipid interactions. Moreover, alpha-tocopherol has only a negligible effect on the kinetic parameters of the lipophilic enzyme lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase, which binds to phosphatidylcholine surfaces and forms cholesteryl esters. However, alpha-tocopherol has a dramatic inhibitory effect on the rate of association of apolipoprotein A-I with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, a process that occurs through the insertion of the protein into preformed defects in the lipid surface. It is proposed that alpha-tocopherol inhibits the rate of association of apolipoprotein A-I with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine by inserting into defects within the lipid surface, thereby reducing the size and/or number of sites for insertion of apolipoprotein A-I.  相似文献   

Native starches from twenty-six botanical sources were determined for their structural features and stability against freeze-thaw treatments. Starch gels (5%, w/w) were prepared and repeatedly freeze-thawed up to five cycles by storing at −18 °C for 21 h and then at 30 °C for 3 h. Water release (syneresis) from the thawed gel after the 1st, 3rd and 5th cycle was measured gravimetrically, and evaluated in relation to apparent amylose content (AAC) and distribution of amylopectin branch chains with degree of polymerization 6-12 (APC ratio). Syneresis was not observed for starch gels of cassava, normal and waxy japonica rice up to the 1st, 3rd and 5th cycle, respectively. On the other hand, syneresis rapidly occurred for starch gels of elephant yam, new cocoyam, potato, edible canna, and water yam. Optimal multiple linear regression models were generated to predict individual effect of AAC and APC ratio on syneresis of starch gels. The prediction models illustrated the positive unit-contribution of AAC and negative unit-contribution of APC ratio to syneresis (P < 0.001).  相似文献   

Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) is the main plasma carrier of triacylglycerol that is elevated in pathological conditions such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity and dyslipidemia. How variations in triacylglycerol levels influence structural stability and remodeling of VLDL and its metabolic product, low-density lipoproteins (LDL), is unknown. We applied a biochemical and biophysical approach using lipoprotein remodeling by lipoprotein lipase and cholesterol ester transfer protein, along with thermal denaturation that mimics key aspects of lipoprotein remodeling in vivo. The results revealed that increasing the triacylglycerol content in VLDL promotes changes in the lipoprotein size and release of the exchangeable apolipoproteins. Similarly, increased triacylglycerol content in LDL promotes lipoprotein remodeling and fusion. These effects were observed in single-donor lipoproteins from healthy subjects enriched in exogenous triolein, in single-donor lipoproteins from healthy subjects with naturally occurring differences in endogenous triacylglycerol, and in LDL and VLDL from pooled plasma of diabetic and normolipidemic patients. Consequently, triacylglycerol-induced destabilization is a general property of plasma lipoproteins. This destabilization reflects a direct effect of triacylglycerol on lipoproteins. Moreover, we show that TG can act indirectly by increasing lipoprotein susceptibility to oxidation and lipolysis and thereby promoting the generation of free fatty acids that augment fusion. These in vitro findings are relevant to lipoprotein remodeling and fusion in vivo. In fact, fusion of LDL and VLDL enhances their retention in the arterial wall and, according to the response-to-retention hypothesis, triggers atherosclerosis. Therefore, enhanced fusion of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins suggests a new causative link between elevated plasma triacylglycerol and atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Approximately half of all eukaryotic genes show signs of prokaryotic origin. Genes derived from eubacteria are more abundant than those from archaebacteria, but the latter are functionally more important. This supports archaebacteria as founding ancestors of the eukaryotic nucleus.  相似文献   

DNA helix: the importance of being GC-rich   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

Protein aggregation, being an outcome of improper protein folding, is largely dependent on the folding kinetics of a protein. Previous studies have reported a positive correlation between the stability of the secondary structural elements of a protein and their rate of folding/unfolding. In this in silico study, the secondary and tertiary structures of proteins a) that form inclusion bodies on overexpression in Escherichia coli, b) that form amyloid fibrils and c) that are soluble on overexpression in E. coli are analyzed for certain features that are known to be associated with structural stability. The study revealed that the soluble proteins seem to have a higher rate of folding (based on contact order) and a lower percentage of exposed hydrophobic residues as compared to the inclusion body forming or amyloidogenic proteins. The soluble proteins also seem to have a more favored helix and strand composition (based on the known secondary structural propensities of amino acids). The secondary structure analyses also reveal that the evolutionary pressure is directed against protein aggregation. This understanding of the positive correlation between structural stability and solubility, along with the other parameters known to influence aggregation, could be exploited in the design of mutations aimed at reducing the aggregation propensity of the proteins.  相似文献   

RNA sequences that conform to the consensus sequence of 5' splice sites but are not used for splicing occur frequently in protein coding genes. Mutational analyses have shown that suppression of splicing at such latent sites may be dictated by the necessity to maintain an open reading frame in the mRNA. Here we show that stop codon frequency in introns having latent 5' splice sites is significantly greater than that of introns lacking such sites and significantly greater than the expected occurrence by chance alone. Both observations suggest the occurrence of a general mechanism that recognizes the mRNA reading frame in the context of pre-mRNA.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The interest for the human HDL system was recently revived by the identification of the ABCA1 as a critical component in the formation and maintenance of plasma HDL levels. The present review focuses on recent progress in our understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying HDL biogenesis pathways. RECENT FINDINGS: Several novel mechanisms governing ABCA1/apoA-I interactions have recently been identified: apolipoprotein A-I activates ABCA1 phosphorylation through the cAMP/protein kinase A-dependent pathway; the majority of ABCA1 exists as a tetramer in human living cell, supporting the concept that the homotetrameric ABCA1 complex constitutes the minimum functional unit for the formation of nascent HDL particles; apolipoprotein A-I has been shown to have a recycling retroendocytic pathway with uptake and resecretion of the lipidated nascent HDL particles by the cell, most likely through the ABCA1 transporter pathway; there is evidence that the speciation of nascent HDL into pre-beta and alpha-HDL is linked to specific cell lines, and occurs by both ABCA1-dependent and independent pathways. SUMMARY: The fundamental mechanisms underlying the biogenesis, speciation and maturation of HDL remain complex and not well understood. Understanding the mechanisms governing HDL genesis at the cellular level could provide novel insights into the human atheroprotective system in health and disease.  相似文献   

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