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A recent trend in computational methods for annotation of protein function is that many prediction tools are combined in complex workflows and pipelines to facilitate the analysis of feature combinations, for example, the entire repertoire of kinase-binding motifs in the human proteome.  相似文献   

Membrane disruption can efficiently alter cellular function; indeed, pore-forming toxins (PFTs) are well known as important bacterial virulence factors. However, recent data have revealed that structures similar to those found in PFTs are found in membrane active proteins across disparate phyla. Many similarities can be identified only at the 3D-structural level. Of note, domains found in membrane-attack complex proteins of complement and perforin (MACPF) resemble cholesterol-dependent cytolysins from Gram-positive bacteria, and the Bcl family of apoptosis regulators share similar architectures with Escherichia coli pore-forming colicins. These and other correlations provide considerable help in understanding the structural requirements for membrane binding and pore formation.  相似文献   

The complete human genome sequences in the public database provide ways to understand the blue print of life. As of June 29, 2006, 27 archaeal, 326 bacterial and 21 eukaryotes is complete genomes are available and the sequencing for 316 bacterial, 24 archaeal, 126 eukaryotic genomes are in progress. The traditional biochemical/molecular experiments can assign accurate functions for genes in these genomes. However, the process is time-consuming and costly. Despite several efforts, only 50-60 % of genes have been annotated in most completely sequenced genomes. Automated genome sequence analysis and annotation may provide ways to understand genomes. Thus, determination of protein function is one of the challenging problems of the post-genome era. This demands bioinformatics to predict functions of un-annotated protein sequences by developing efficient tools. Here, we discuss some of the recent and popular approaches developed in Bioinformatics to predict functions for hypothetical proteins.  相似文献   

Functional annotation is routinely performed for large-scale genomics projects and databases. Researchers working on more specific problems, for instance on an individual pathway or complex, also need to be able to quickly, completely and accurately annotate sequences. The Bioverse sequence annotation server (http://bioverse.compbio.washington.edu) provides a web-based interface to allow users to submit protein sequences to the Bioverse framework. Sequences are functionally and structurally annotated and potential contextual annotations are provided. Researchers can also submit candidate genomes for annotation of all proteins encoded by the genome (proteome).  相似文献   

An extensive analysis of C. dubliniensis proteomics data showed that ~ 22% protein are conserved hypothetical proteins (HPs) whose function is still not determined precisely. Analysis of gene sequence of HPs provides a platform to establish sequence–function relationships to a more profound understanding of the molecular machinery of organisms at systems level. Here we have combined the latest versions of bioinformatics tools including, protein family, motifs, intrinsic features from the amino acid sequence, sequence–function relationship, pathway analysis, etc. to assign a precise function to HPs for which no any experimental information is available. Our results show that 27 HPs have well defined functions and we categorized them as enzyme, nucleic acid binding, transport protein, etc. Five HPs showed adhesin character that is likely to be essential for the survival of yeast and pathogenesis. We also addressed issues related to the sub-cellular localization and signal peptide identification which provides an idea about its colocalization and function. The outcome of the present study may facilitate better understanding of mechanism of virulence, drug resistance, pathogenesis, adaptability to host, tolerance for host immune response, and drug discovery for treatment of C. dubliniensis infections.  相似文献   

The MutT/Nudix superfamily proteins repair DNA damage and play a role in human health and disease. In this study, we examined two different cases of double MutT/Nudix domain-containing proteins from eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Firstly, these double domain proteins were discovered in Drosophila, but only single Nudix domain proteins were found in other animals. The phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the protein sequence of Nudix_N and Nudix_C from Drosophila, and Nudix from other animals. The phylogenetic analysis suggested that the double Nudix domain proteins might have undergone a gene duplication-speciation-fusion process. Secondly,two genes of the MutT family, DR0004 and DR0329, were fused by two mutT gene segments and formed double MutT domain protein genes in Deinococcus radiodurans. The evolutionary tree of bacterial MutT proteins suggested that the double MutT domain proteins in D. radiodurans probably resulted from a gene duplication-fusion event after speciation. Gene duplication-fusion is a basic and important gene innovation mechanism for the evolution of double MutT/Nudix domain proteins. Independent gene duplication-fusion events resulted in similar domain architectures of different double MutT/Nudix domain proteins.  相似文献   

The MutT/Nudix superfamily proteins repair DNA damage and play a role in human health and disease. In this study, we examined two different cases of double MutT/Nudix domain-containing proteins from eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Firstly, these double domain proteins were discovered in Drosophila, but only single Nudix domain proteins were found in other animals. The phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the protein sequence of Nudix_N and Nudix_C from Drosophila, and Nudix from other animals. The phylogenetic analysis suggested that the double Nudix domain proteins might have undergone a gene duplication-speciation-fusion process. Secondly, two genes of the MutT family, DR0004 and DR0329, were fused by two mutT gene segments and formed double MutT domain protein genes in Deinococcus radiodurans. The evolutionary tree of bacterial MutT proteins suggested that the double MutT domain proteins in D. radiodurans probably resulted from a gene duplication-fusion event after speciation. Gene duplication-fusion is a basic and important gene innovation mechanism for the evolution of double MutT/Nudix domain proteins. Independent gene duplication-fusion events resuited in similar domain architectures of different double MutT/Nudix domain proteins.  相似文献   



Functional cooperation between FACT and the MCM helicase complex constitutes an integral step during DNA replication initiation. However, mode of regulation that underlies the proper functional interaction of FACT and MCM is poorly understood.  相似文献   

Functional and comparative genomic studies have previously shown that the essential protein lysyl-tRNA synthetase (LysRS) exists in two unrelated forms. Most prokaryotes and all eukaryotes contain a class II LysRS, whereas most archaea and a few bacteria contain a less common class I LysRS. In bacteria the class I LysRS is only found in the alpha-proteobacteria and a scattering of other groups, including the spirochetes, while the class I protein is by far the most common form of LysRS in archaea. To investigate this unusual distribution we functionally annotated a representative phylogenetic sampling of LysRS proteins. Class I LysRS proteins from a variety of bacteria and archaea were characterized in vitro by their ability to recognize Escherichia coli tRNA(Lys) anticodon mutants. Class I LysRS proteins were found to fall into two distinct groups, those that preferentially recognize the third anticodon nucleotide of tRNA(Lys) (U36) and those that recognize both the second and third positions (U35 and U36). Strong recognition of U35 and U36 was confined to the pyrococcus-spirochete grouping within the archaeal branch of the class I LysRS phylogenetic tree, while U36 recognition was seen in other archaea and an example from the alpha-proteobacteria. Together with the corresponding phylogenetic relationships, these results suggest that despite its comparative rarity the distribution of class I LysRS conforms to the canonical archaeal-bacterial division. The only exception, suggested from both functional and phylogenetic data, appears to be the horizontal transfer of class I LysRS from a pyrococcal progenitor to a limited number of bacteria.  相似文献   

McCauliff LA  Xu Z  Storch J 《Biochemistry》2011,50(34):7341-7349
Niemann--Pick C disease is an inherited disorder in which cholesterol and other lipids accumulate in the late endosomal/lysosomal compartment. Recently, cyclodextrins (CD) have been shown to reduce symptoms and extend lifespan in animal models of the disease. In the present studies we examined the mechanism of sterol transport by CD using in vitro model systems and fluorescence spectroscopy and NPC2-deficient fibroblasts. We demonstrate that cholesterol transport from the lysosomal cholesterol-binding protein NPC2 to CD occurs via aqueous diffusional transfer and is very slow; the rate-limiting step appears to be dissociation of cholesterol from NPC2, suggesting that specific interactions between NPC2 and CD do not occur. In contrast, the transfer rate of the fluorescent cholesterol analogue dehydroergosterol (DHE) from CD to phospholipid membranes is very rapid and is directly proportional to the acceptor membrane concentration, as is DHE transfer from membranes to CD. Moreover, CD dramatically increases the rate of sterol transfer between membranes, with rates that can approach those mediated by NPC2. The results suggest that sterol transfer from CD to membranes occurs by a collisional transfer mechanism involving direct interaction of CD with membranes, similar to that shown previously for NPC2. For CD, however, absolute rates are slower compared to NPC2 for a given concentration, and the lysosomal phospholipid lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA) does not stimulate rates of sterol transfer between membranes and CD. As expected from the apparent absence of interaction between CD and NPC2, the addition of CD to NPC2-deficient fibroblasts rapidly rescued the cholesterol accumulation phenotype. Thus, the recent observations of CD efficacy in mouse models of NPC disease are likely the result of CD enhancement of cholesterol transport between membranes, with rapid sterol transfer occurring during CD--membrane interactions.  相似文献   

Reduced cytochrome-c, reduced myoglobin and oxyhemoglobin respectively have been oxidized to oxidized cytochrome-c, metmyoglobin and methemoglobin by ceruloplasmin. Metmyoglobin and methemoglobin formation was stoichiometric while oxidized cytochrome-c reacted catalytically. Only 50% methemoglobin was formed which suggested that two hemes out of four could transfer electrons. Hydrogen peroxide was formed in the reaction of reduced cytochrome-c with ceruloplasmin.  相似文献   

Paramyxovirinae envelope glycoproteins constitute a premier model to dissect how specific and dynamic interactions in multisubunit membrane protein complexes can control deep-seated conformational rearrangements. However, individual residues that determine reciprocal specificity of the viral attachment and fusion (F) proteins have not been identified. We have developed an assay based on a pair of canine distemper virus (CDV) F proteins (strains Onderstepoort (ODP) and Lederle) that share approximately 95% identity but differ in their ability to form functional complexes with the measles virus (MV) attachment protein (H). Characterization of CDV F chimeras and mutagenesis reveals four residues in CDV F-ODP (positions 164, 219, 233, and 317) required for productive interaction with MV H. Mutating these residues to the Lederle type disrupts triggering of F-ODP by MV H without affecting functionality when co-expressed with CDV H. Co-immunoprecipitation shows a stronger physical interaction of F-ODP than F-Lederle with MV H. Mutagenesis of MV F highlights the MV residues homologous to CDV F residues 233 and 317 as determinants for physical glycoprotein interaction and fusion activity under homotypic conditions. In assay reversal, the introduction of sections of the CDV H stalk into MV H shows a five-residue fragment (residues 110-114) to mediate specificity for CDV F-Lederle. All of the MV H stalk chimeras are surface-expressed, show hemadsorption activity, and trigger MV F. Combining the five-residue H chimera with the CDV F-ODP quadruple mutant partially restores activity, indicating that the residues identified in either glycoprotein contribute interdependently to the formation of functional complexes. Their localization in structural models of F and H suggests that placement in particular of F residue 233 in close proximity to the 110-114 region of H is structurally conceivable.  相似文献   

In an era of rapid genome sequencing and high-throughput technology, automatic function prediction for a novel sequence is of utter importance in bioinformatics. While automatic annotation methods based on local alignment searches can be simple and straightforward, they suffer from several drawbacks, including relatively low sensitivity and assignment of incorrect annotations that are not associated with the region of similarity. ProtoNet is a hierarchical organization of the protein sequences in the UniProt database. Although the hierarchy is constructed in an unsupervised automatic manner, it has been shown to be coherent with several biological data sources. We extend the ProtoNet system in order to assign functional annotations automatically. By leveraging on the scaffold of the hierarchical classification, the method is able to overcome some frequent annotation pitfalls.  相似文献   



To discover remote evolutionary relationships and functional similarities between proteins, biologists rely on comparative sequence analysis, and when structures are available, on structural alignments and various measures of structural similarity. The measures/scores that have most commonly been used for this purpose include: alignment length, percent sequence identity, superposition RMSD and their different combinations. More recently, we have introduced the "Homologous core structure overlap score" (HCS) and the "Loop Hausdorff Measure" (LHM). Along with these we also consider the "gapped structural alignment score" (GSAS), which was introduced earlier by other researchers.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein and its variants are frequently used as F?rster (fluorescence) resonance energy transfer (FRET) pairs to determine the proximity of protein domains. We prepared fusion proteins comprising yellow fluorescent protein-Dictyostelium myosin II motor domain-cyan fluorescent protein (YFP-myosin-CFP) and compared their FRET properties with an existing construct (GFP-myosin-BFP), containing a green fluorescent protein acceptor and blue fluorescent protein donor [Suzuki, Y., Yasunaga, T., Ohkura, R., Wakabayashi, T. and Sutoh, K. (1998) Nature 396, 380-383]. The latter construct showed an apparent 40% reduction in acceptor fluorescence on ATP addition, when excited via the donor, compared with the YFP-myosin-CFP constructs which showed a small increase (相似文献   

Secretory proteins become folded and acquire stabilizing disulfide bonds in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Correct disulfide bond formation is a key step in ER quality control (ERQC). Proteins with incorrect disulfide bonds are recognized by the quality control machinery and are retrotranslocated into the cytosol where they are degraded by the proteasome. The mammalian ER contains 17 disulfide isomerases and at least one of them, ERp57, works in conjunction with the ER lectin-like chaperones calnexin and calreticulin. The targeting of ERp57 to calnexin-calreticulin is mediated by its noncatalytic b' domain, and analogous domains in other disulfide isomerases likely determine their substrate and partner preferences. This review discusses some explanations for the multiplicity of disulfide isomerases and highlights structural differences in the b' domains of PDI and ERp57 as an example of how noncatalytic domains define specialized roles in oxidative folding.  相似文献   

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