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Addition of nifurtimox (a nitrofuran derivative) to Trypanosoma cruzi culture (epimastigote) forms induced an increase in the respiratory rate and the release of H2O2 from the whole cells to the suspending medium. Growth-inhibiting concentrations of nifurtimox were able to stimulate O2? production by the T. cruzi mitochondrial fraction supplemented with NADH (or succinate), and also to enhance the generation of O2? by the microsomal fraction with NADPH as reductant.  相似文献   

Chicken liver mevalonate-5-pyrophosphate decarboxylase (ATP:5-diphosphomevalonate carboxy-lyase (dehydrating), EC is inactivated by phenylglyoxal in triethanolamine buffer at pH 8.15. The reaction follows pseudo-first-order kinetics with a second-order rate constant of 108 M-1 min-1. Appropriate treatment of the kinetic data for the inactivation reaction indicates that the reaction of a single phenylglyoxal molecule per active unit of the enzyme is enough to completely inactivate the protein. The partially inactivated enzyme shows unaltered Km but decreased V as compared to native mevalonate-5-pyrophosphate decarboxylase. The dissociation constants for the enzyme-substrate complexes were estimated from inactivation reactions at different concentrations of substrates. From the data it is concluded that the modified amino acid is important for the binding of both substrates.  相似文献   

In aerobic reaction mixtures containing NADH, phenazine methosulfate, and nitroblue tetrazolium, O2- production is mediated by the tetrazolium, not the phenazine. Thus, superoxide dismutase inhibited reduction of the tetrazolium, but when ferricytochrome c was substituted for the tetrazolium its reduction was not affected by this enzyme. Furthermore, NADH plus the phenazine did not accelerate the oxidation of epinephrine to adrenochrome unless the tetrazolium was present, and under those circumstances superoxide dismutase did inhibit adrenochrome formation. When the tetrazolium and ferricytochrome c were present simultaneously, addition of superoxide dismutase was seen to accelerate the reduction of the cytochrome. This is explainable by the reduction of O2- by the reduced phenazine, which thus competes with cytochrome c for the available O2-. When the O2- was eliminated by superoxide dismutase, more of the reduced phenazine was available for the direct reduction of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Vanadate or molybdate strongly accelerate the cooxidation of NADH, or of reduced nicotinamide mononucleotide, by the xanthine oxidase plus xanthine reaction. Superoxide dismutase eliminated the effect of vanadate or molybdate, while catalase was without effect. It follows that vanadate or molybdate accelerate the oxidation of dihydropyridines by O-2. A stoichiometry of 4 NADH oxidized per O-2 introduced suggests a chain reaction for which a mechanism is proposed. These results provide an explanation for the reported stimulation, by vanadate, of NADH oxidation by biological membranes.  相似文献   

A relationship between thiols and the superoxide ion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Electron paramagnetic resonance studies have provided evidence for metmyoglobin initiation of the radical decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide, carried out in buffered aqueous solutions at ambient temperatures. The radicals formed oxidize aminopyrine to a free radical, readily detected at acidic pH, or react with the spin trap nitrosobenzene. The only species so trapped was the cumyl radical (optimal pH, 9.0), previously observed in a similar spin-trapping study of the chemical decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide in organic solvents. The earlier proposal that the cumyl radical arises from breakdown of an initially formed, unstable phenylcumyloxy nitroxide is consistent with the experimental findings of this study. Moreover, it was shown that the decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide initiated by ferrous ion or by other heme compounds occurs by the same mechanism. Thus, the very low peroxidatic activities of several hemeproteins with cumene hydroperoxide involve oxidizing free radicals, unlike H2O2-dependent oxidations catalyzed by true hemeprotein peroxidases, in which enzyme species are the functional oxidants.  相似文献   

The scavenging of superoxide radical by manganous complexes: in vitro   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Dialyzable manganese has been shown to be present in millimolar concentrations within cells of Lactobacillus plantarum and related lactic acid bacteria. This unusual accumulation of Mn appears to serve the same function as Superoxide dismutase (SOD), conferring hyperbaric oxygen and Superoxide tolerance on these SOD-free organisms. The form of the Mn in the lactic acid bacteria and the mechanisms whereby it protects the cell from oxygen damage are unknown. This report examines the mechanisms by which Mn catalytically scavenges O2?, both in the xanthine oxidase/cytochrome c SOD assay and in a number of in vitro systems relevant to the in vivo situation. In all the reaction mixtures examined, Mn(II) is first oxidized by O2? to Mn(III), and H2O2 is formed. In pyrophosphate buffer the Mn(III) thus formed is re-reduced to Mn(II) by a second O2?, making the reaction a true metal-catalyzed dismutation like that catalyzed by SOD. Alternatively, if the reaction takes place in orthophosphate or a number of other buffers, the Mn(III) is preferentially reduced largely by reductants other than O2?, such as thiols, urate, hydroquinone, or H2O2. H2O2, a common product of the lactic acid bacteria, reacted rapidly with Mn(III) to form O2, apparently without intermediate O2 release. Free hexaquo Mn(II) ions were shown by electron spin resonance spectroscopy and activity assays in noncomplexing buffers to be poorly reactive with O2?. In contrast, Mn(II) formed complexes having a high catalytic activity in scavenging O2? with a number of organic acids, including malate, pyruvate, propionate, succinate, and lactate, with the Mn-lactate complex showing the greatest activity.  相似文献   

Coenzyme model reactions, such as the H (H+ + 2e) transfer from NADH models to triphenyl methane dyes, were investigated in the presence of lipid bilayers, for example, -α-dimyristoyl phosphatidyl choline and egg yolk lecithin. In the temperature dependence of the acceleration effect by the lipid bilayer, discontinuous points were observed, corresponding to the phase transition point such as gel-liquid crystal (Tc) or the segregation point (Ts). The Tc and Ts values of the bilayers varied with the reactant as a result of the difference of perturbing effect on the structure of the bilayers. The pressure effect on the transition point was also studied. Transition points such as Tc or Ts became higher with increasing pressure, and dTc/dP or dTs/dP was different for various bilayers. In the gel phase of the membrane, stereospecific reduction of malachite green was observed by chiral nicotinamide: the difference in the catalytic effect on the reduction rate between (R)- and (S)-dihydronicotinamides was larger in the gel phase than that in the liquid crystal phase or in the phase separated state, which suggests that the gel-state molecule can recognize the molecular structure better than the liquid-crystal state molecule.  相似文献   

A model lipid peroxidation system dependent upon the hydroxyl radical, generated by Fenton's reagent, was compared to another model system dependent upon the enzymatic generation of superoxide by xanthine oxidase. Peroxidation was studied in detergent-dispersed linoleic acid and in phospholipid liposomes. Hydroxyl radical generation by Fenton's reagent (FeCl2 + H2O2) in the presence of phospholipid liposomes resulted in lipid peroxidation as evidenced by malondialdehyde and lipid hydroperoxide formation. Catalase, mannitol, and Tris-Cl were capable of inhibiting activity. The addition of EDTA resulted in complete inhibition of activity when the concentration of EDTA exceeded the concentration of Fe2+. The addition of ADP resulted in slight inhibition of activity, however, the activity was less sensitive to inhibition by mannitol. At an ADP to Fe2+ molar ratio of 10 to 1, 10 mm mannitol caused 25% inhibition of activity. Lipid peroxidation dependent on the enzymatic generation of superoxide by xanthine oxidase was studied in liposomes and in detergent-dispersed linoleate. No activity was observed in the absence of added iron. Activity and the apparent mechanism of initiation was dependent upon iron chelation. The addition of EDTA-chelated iron to the detergent-dispersed linoleate system resulted in lipid peroxidation as evidenced by diene conjugation. This activity was inhibited by catalase and hydroxyl radical trapping agents. In contrast, no activity was observed with phospholipid liposomes when iron was chelated with EDTA. The peroxidation of liposomes required ADP-chelated iron and activity was stimulated upon the addition of EDTA-chelated iron. The peroxidation of detergent-dispersed linoleate was also enhanced by ADP-chelated iron. Again, this peroxidation in the presence of ADP-chelated iron was not sensitive to catalase or hydroxyl radical trapping agents. It is proposed that initiation of superoxide-dependent lipid peroxidation in the presence of EDTA-chelated iron occurs via the hydroxyl radical. However, in the presence of ADP-chelated iron, the participation of the free hydroxyl radical is minimal.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the conversion of superoxide to hydroxyl free radicals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The conversion of superoxide (O-.2) to the hydroxyl (HO.) free radical by superoxide-driven Fenton reactions was measured by the formation of hydroxylated derivatives from benzoate. Among a range of catalysts required for the conversion, the Fe3+EDTA complex was the most effective. The effect of superoxide dismutase and catalase indicated that O-.2 and H2O2 were essential reactants, while the formation of authentic HO. was confirmed by the inhibiting capacities of formate, t-butanol, and mannitol. The conversion of O-.2 to HO. was tested over a broad pH range, and was found to be highest at pH 4.8 whether Fe3+EDTA or free Fe3+ were used as the catalysts. When Fe3+EDTA was used at the optimum pH, every HO. produced required 3.7 O-.2 radicals, close to the theoretical limit of one HO. from every three O-.2 radicals generated.  相似文献   

A minor pathway for dopamine oxidation to dopaminochrome, by tyrosinase, is proposed. Characterization of intermediates in this oxidative reaction and stoichiometric determination have both been undertaken. After oxidizing dopamine with mushroom tyrosinase or sodium periodate in a pH range from 6.0 to 7.0, it was spectrophotometrically possible to detect o-dopaminoquinone-H+ as the first intermediate in this pathway. The steps for dopamine transformation to dopaminochrome are as follows: dopamine → o-dopaminequinone-H+o-dopaminequinone → leuko-dopaminochrome → dopaminochrome. No participation of oxygen was detected in the conversion of leukodopaminochrome to dopaminochrome. Scanning spectroscopy and graphical analysis of the obtained spectra also verified that dopaminequinone-H+ was transformed into aminochrome in a constant ratio. The stoichiometry equation for this conversion is 2 o-dopaminequinone-H+ → dopamine + dopaminochrome. The pathway for dopamine oxidation to dopaminochrome by tyrosinase has been studied as a system of various chemical reactions coupled to an enzymatic reaction. A theoretical and experimental kinetic approach is proposed for such a system; this type of mechanism has been named “Enzymatic-chemical-chemical” (EZCC). Rate constants for the implied chemical steps at different pH and temperature values have been evaluated from the measurement of the lag period arising from the accumulation of dopaminochrome that took place when dopamine was oxidized at acid pH. The thermodynamic activation parameters of the chemical steps, the deprotonation of dopaminequinone-H+ to dopaminequinone, and the internal cyclization of dopaminequinone to leukodopaminochrome have been calculated.  相似文献   

Rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase is inactivated by 2,3-butanedione in borate buffer. The inactivation follows pseudo-first-order kinetics with a calculated second-order rate constant of 4.6 m?1 min?1. The modification can be reversed with almost total recovery of activity by elimination of the butanedione and borate buffer, suggesting that only arginyl groups are modified; this result agrees with the loss of arginine detected by amino acid analysis of the modified enzyme. Using the kinetic data, it was estimated that the reaction of a single butanedione molecule per subunit of the enzyme is enough to completely inactivate the protein. The inactivation is partially prevented by phosphoenolpyruvate in the presence of K+ and Mg2+, but not by the competitive inhibitors lactate and bicarbonate. These findings point to an essential arginyl residue being located near the phosphate binding site of phosphoenolpyruvate.  相似文献   

Paraquat (10–30 μm) exerted a dose-dependent and light-dependent toxicity on Chlorella sorokiniana. Paraquat was also seen to increase the superoxide dismutase content of these cells and to cause the appearance of a new electrophoretically distinct isozyme. Cells grown in the absence of paraquat contained one manganese-superoxide dismutase and two iron-superoxide dismutases, while the paraquat-grown cells contained an additional manganese-superoxide dismutase. Cells which were grown in the presence of 25 μm Paraquat, and which therefore possessed elevated levels of superoxide dismutase, were resistant to 30 μm Paraquat, whereas control cells were bleached and killed by this level of Paraquat. Electron micrography and chemical analysis revealed that Paraquat decreased the starch content of the cells and caused a failure of dividing cells to separate. It appears that Paraquat increases the photoproduction of O2? in C. sorokiniana and that an increase in the cell content of superoxide dismutase is an adaptive response which provides protection against this herbicide.  相似文献   

Superoxide generation, assessed as the rate of acetylated cytochrome c reduction inhibited by superoxide dismutase, by purified NADPH cytochrome P-450 reductase or intact rat liver microsomes was found to account for only a small fraction of their respective NADPH oxidase activities. DTPA-Fe3+ and EDTA-FE3+ greatly stimulated NADPH oxidation, acetylated cytochrome c reduction, and O(2) production by the reductase and intact microsomes. In contrast, all ferric chelates tested caused modest inhibition of acetylated cytochrome c reduction and O(2) generation by xanthine oxidase. Although both EDTA-Fe3+ and DTPA-Fe3+ were directly reduced by the reductase under anaerobic conditions, ADP-Fe3+ was not reduced by the reductase under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Desferrioxamine-Fe3+ was unique among the chelates tested in that it was a relatively inert iron chelate in these assays, having only minor effects on NADPH oxidation and/or O(2) generation by the purified reductase, intact microsomes, or xanthine oxidase. Desferrioxamine inhibited microsomal lipid peroxidation promoted by ADP-Fe3+ in a concentration-dependent fashion, with complete inhibition occurring at a concentration equal to that of exogenously added ferric iron. The participation of O(2) generated by the reductase in NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation was also investigated and compared with results obtained with a xanthine oxidase-dependent lipid peroxidation system. NADPH-dependent peroxidation of either phospholipid liposomes or rat liver microsomes in the presence of ADP-Fe3+ was demonstrated to be independent of O(2) generation by the reductase.  相似文献   

Addition of nifurtimox (a nitrofuran derivative used for the treatment of Chagas' disease) to rat liver microsomes produced an increase of (a) electron flow from NADPH to molecular oxygen, (b) generation of both superoxide anion radical (O2?) and hydrogen peroxide, and (c) lipid peroxidation. The nifurtimox-stimulated NADPH oxidation was greatly inhibited by NADP+ and p-chloromercuribenzoate, and to a lesser extent by SKF-525-A and metyrapone. These inhibitions reveal the function of both the NADPH-cytochrome P-450 (c) reductase and cytochrome P-450 in nifurtimox reduction. Superoxide dismutase, catalase (in the presence of superoxide dismutase), and hydroxyl radical scavengers (mannitol, 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-1-oxide) inhibited the nifurtimox-stimulated NADPH oxidation, in accordance with the additional operation of a reaction chain including the hydroxyl radical. Further evidence supporting the role of superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals in the nifurtimox-induced NADPH oxidation resulted from the effect of specific inhibitors on NADPH oxidation by O2? (generated by the xanthine oxidase reaction) and by OH. (generated by an iron chelate or the Fenton reaction). Production of O2? by rat kidney, testes and brain microsomes was significantly stimulated by nifurtimox in the presence of NADPH. It is postulated that enhanced formation of free radicals is the basis for nifurtimox toxicity in mammals, in good agreement with the postulated mechanism of the trypanocide effect of nifurtimox on Trypanosoma cruzi.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the Haber-Weiss reaction and other interactions between free radicals has been investigated in the effects of mixtures of free radicals on the permeability of resealed erythrocyte ghosts and on the activity of membrane-bound glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. The following mixtures were found to induce damage greater than that which could be accounted for by the independent actions of the constituent free radicals: (i) · OH + H2O2, and (ii) · OH + H2O2 + O2?. In contrast, the following mixtures were found to induce less damage than that predicted on the basis of independent actions of constituent free radicals: (i) H2O2 + O2?, and (ii) oxidizing radicals ( · OH, H2O2) + reducing radicals (e?, H · ). These results suggest a Haber-Weiss-like interaction between H2O2 and O2?and an interaction between H2O2 and · OH to produce a species more potent than either in causing increased permeability. The decrease in damage observed in the simultaneous presence of oxidizing and reducing radicals suggests an antagonistic effect by which each tends to moderate damage by the other. Inactivation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was found to be more sensitive to radiation than permeability by an order of magnitude, while permeability was more sensitive to the enhancement of damage by oxygen. Comparison of the effectiveness of free radical scavengers in inhibiting the increase in permeability caused by free radicals showed the following order of effectiveness, expressed in terms of percentage protection: formate (90%) > nitrogen (65%) > catalase (60%) > dismutase (32%), and with respect to enzymatic inactivation, nitrogen (100%) > formate (77%) > dismutase (48%) > catalase (44%). The relative rates observed anaerobically and aerobically in the presence and absence of the above scavengers suggest that (at least in the case of radiation damage to the membranes of erythrocyte ghost cells) the “oxygen effect” is due to the interaction of oxygen with e? and H., producing O2? which aggravates damage under conditions which allow consequent Haber-Weiss-like reactions. The further increase in damage when oxygen concentration is raised yet higher is due to the interaction of oxygen with the sites of initial damage.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was rapidly inactivated following aerobic incubation with NADPH, NADH, and several other reductants, in a time- and temperature-dependent process. The inactivation had already reached 50% when the NADPH concentration reached that of the glutathione reductase subunit. The inactivation was very marked at pH values below 5.5 and over 7, while only a slight activity decrease was noticed at pH values between these two values. After elimination of excess NADPH the enzyme remained inactive for at least 4 h. The enzyme was protected against redox inactivation by low concentrations of GSSG, ferricyanide, GSH, or dithiothreitol, and high concentrations of NAD(P)+; oxidized glutathione effectively protected the enzyme at concentrations even lower than GSH. The inactive enzyme was efficiently reactivated after incubation with GSSG, ferricyanide, GSH, or dithiothreitol, whether NADPH was present or not. The reactivation with GSH was rapid even at 0 degree C, whereas the optimum temperature for reactivation with GSSG was 30 degrees C. A tentative model for the redox interconversion, involving an erroneous intramolecular disulfide bridge, is put forward.  相似文献   

Rats fed ethanol (1.74 +/- 0.12 g/day/100 g body wt for 12 weeks) showed a 45% increased microsomal production of O-2 (2.23 +/- 0.14 nmol/min/mg protein) and a 28% increased content of endoplasmic reticulum protein (26.8 +/- 1.4 mg/g liver). This could lead, at substrate saturation, to a 86% increased cytosolic production of O-2 which is not compensated by cytosolic superoxide dismutase levels that remain normal. It is claimed that this unbalance between O-2 production and superoxide dismutase leads to a peroxidative stress in agreement with the 54% increased spontaneous liver chemiluminescence (37 +/- 2 cps/cm2) measured in the ethanol-treated rats. Hydroperoxide-induced chemiluminescence was 57, 43, and 28% higher, respectively, in homogenates, mitochondria, and microsomes isolated from ethanol-treated rats as compared with controls. Vitamins E and A were more effective inhibitors of the hydroperoxide-stimulated chemiluminescence in the liver homogenates from ethanol-treated rats as compared with the effect on the homogenates from control animals. The results are consistent with a peroxidative stress in chronic alcoholism leading to increased lipoperoxidation and decreased levels of antioxidants.  相似文献   

Mixed-solvent systems of methanol and other alcohols and water were used to study the properties of bovine phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase. The presence of methanol decreased the binding affinity of the enzyme for its amine substrate but did not alter the maximum velocity. The change in binding was accompanied by an alkaline shift in the pK of an ionizable group in the active site. The well-known property of enzyme inhibition by substrate was also alleviated. Increasing the pH of the medium, in the presence or absence of methanol, increased the maximum velocity but did not alter substrate inhibition. It is proposed that substrate inhibition is due in part to the ionic state of a single unidentified ionizable group in the active site of the enzyme and to a slow release of product. Evidence that an essential, pH-dependent sulfhydryl modulates product release is presented. The properties of phenylethanolamine-N-methyl-transferase are quite responsive to changes in pH, ionic strength, and water content so that the enzyme may well be regulated at the microenvironmental level.  相似文献   

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