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Forest managers are setting Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests in the southwestern United States on a trajectory toward a restored ecosystem by reducing tree densities and managing with prescribed fire. The process of restoration dramatically alters forest stands, and the effects of these changes on wildlife remain unclear. Our research evaluated which aspects of habitat alteration from restoration treatments may be affecting the habitat quality of Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana), an insectivorous songbird whose populations are declining. Habitat loss resulting from fire‐suppression activities may be partially responsible for their population declines; thus, the bluebird is a good representative species for assessing how the reconstruction of presuppression forest conditions can affect wildlife. We measured habitat variables at 63 successful and 19 unsuccessful Western Bluebird nests in 1999–2001 and 2003. We compared habitat models that represented bluebird biology and habitat changes from restoration. Two models of nest success that included (1) an increased herbaceous and bare ground cover and (2) increased Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) densities and reduced Ponderosa pine densities were most supported by the data. Increased herbaceous ground cover and Gambel oak density likely represent improved invertebrate assemblages and thus improved forage abundance for nesting bluebirds. Lower Ponderosa pine densities may provide bluebirds with open perches from which to hunt and thereby improve the availability of invertebrates as a food source. We also provide a landscape‐scale example of changes to bluebird habitat quality from treatments, which we recommend as a useful tool in restoration planning.  相似文献   

Although open-cup nesting birds generally face increased risk of nest depredation from forest edge predators and brood parasites in fragmented temperate landscapes, little information exists to assess such risks in tropical birds. We compared nesting success of real birds' nests in large and small forest fragments to a control site in Caribbean lowland wet forest of Costa Rica. Pooling across species, nesting success was significantly greater in unfragmented forest than in either small, isolated fragments or the La Selva Biological Reserve, which is at the tip of a forest 'peninsula' embedded in a largely deforested landscape. Nesting success in isolated fragments did not vary according to distance from edge, suggesting that predators in fragments act throughout these forest patches. The case for increased nest predation as a plausible mechanism to explain the documented decline of forest interior bird populations in this fragmented tropical landscape is enhanced by a simple demographic model that suggests nesting success is likely too low to maintain populations at La Selva and in the fragments. The fact that the large (> 1000 ha) La Selva forest reserve is experiencing nest predation rates similar to those in much smaller fragments is cause for concern. Our results make a strong case for additional studies to document the identities of nest predators in both fragmented and unfragmented forests in such tropical forest landscapes.  相似文献   

Over the past century, ponderosa pine–dominated landscapes of the southwestern United States have been altered by human activities such as grazing, timber harvest, road building, and fire exclusion. Most forested areas within these landscapes now show increased susceptibility to stand‐replacing fires, insect outbreaks, and drought‐related mortality. Recent large wildfires in the region have spurred public interest in large‐scale fuel reduction and restoration programs, which create perceived and real conflicts with the conservation of biodiversity. Conservation concerns include the potential for larger road networks, soil and understory disturbance, exotic plant invasion, and the removal of large trees in treated areas. Pursuing prescribed burning, thinning, or other treatments on the broad scale that many scientists and managers envision requires the reconciliation of ecological restoration with biodiversity conservation. This study presents recommendations from a workshop for integrating the principles and practices of restoration ecology and conservation biology, toward the objective of restoring the composition, structure, and function of dry ponderosa pine forests. Planning on the scale of hundreds of thousands of hectares offers opportunities to achieve multiple objectives (e.g., rare species protection and restoration of ecological structures and processes) that cannot easily be addressed on a site‐by‐site basis. However, restoration must be coordinated with conservation planning to achieve mutual objectives and should include strict guidelines for protection of rare, declining, and sensitive habitats and species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Population growth for mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), and presumably other upland nesting ducks, in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States and Canada is most sensitive to nest success, and nest success is most strongly influenced by predation. We evaluated the efficacy of reducing predator populations to improve nest success of upland nesting ducks on township-sized (93.2 km2) management units in eastern North Dakota, USA, during 2005–2007. We monitored 7,489 nests on 7 trapped and 5 nontrapped sites. Trappers annually removed an average of 245 predators per trapped site, and we found nest success to be 1.4–1.9 times greater on trapped sites than nontrapped sites, depending on year. Nest success was greater on both trapped and nontrapped sites when compared with a study conducted in the same areas in the mid-1990s, likely because of changes in red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and coyote (Canis latrans) population dynamics. Nests initiated midseason had higher daily survival rates (DSR) than those initiated earlier or later in the season. Daily survival rates for nests in the middle of the nesting cycle were higher than for nests that were early in laying or late in incubation. Nests near the periphery of trapped sites had slightly higher DSRs than nests in the center of trapped sites. Predator reduction at the township scale provides managers with an effective tool to improve nest success at large spatial scales.  相似文献   

We evaluated landscape‐scale forest restoration treatment implementation and effectiveness in meeting objectives in a ponderosa pine forest at Mt. Trumbull, Arizona, U.S.A. The goal of the project was to alter forest structure by thinning and burning to more closely resemble forest conditions prior to Euro‐American settlement in 1870. We measured 117 permanent plots before (1996/1997) and after (2003) treatments. The plots were evenly distributed across the landscape (approximately 1,200 ha), about half of which was an untreated control. We evaluated treatment implementation and effectiveness based on 1870 structure and/or goals outlined by managers. The success of treatment implementation varied: about 94% of the area originally planned for restoration was treated in some manner by 2003, but only 70% received the full planned treatment (thin and burn). Although density of ponderosa pines >2.5 cm was reduced significantly by 66% from approximately 429 pines/ha to approximately 146 pines/ha in the treated area, the targeted residual density was exceeded by 111–256% (all plots) or 10–85% (thinned and burned plots). Thirteen percent of the pre‐settlement pines died in the treated area by 2003, but 9% percent also died in the control, indicating that pre‐settlement pines in untreated areas were nearly as vulnerable as those exposed to restoration treatments. Large snags increased 45%, and 65% of logs >50 cm were retained, achieving implementation goals. Although restoration treatments were not implemented totally to specifications, they were effective in attaining the overall project goal of restoring more open forest structure while preserving more than 75% of the pre‐settlement pines. Canopy fuel loads were substantially reduced, allowing for the reintroduction of surface fires.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Identifying nest predators is critical to understanding predation pressures that birds face, and using surveillance cameras appears to be the most reliable method of nest predator identification. However, presence and methods of using camera equipment may introduce bias in predation rates. To summarize potential effects of cameras on nest success we reviewed published and unpublished studies that estimated daily nest predation for bird nests with and without surveillance cameras. We used meta-analyses to quantitatively synthesize the direction and magnitude of these effects from independent studies. We found evidence that, on average, use of camera equipment may reduce nest predation rates, although these differences were not always significant and varied relative to geographic regions, vegetation types, and study duration. Researchers using camera surveillance to monitor nests must be aware that the equipment may be affecting rates of predation and possibly biasing data collected on predator identity. Based on our review and analysis, we provide recommendations for researchers seeking to minimize or control for potential bias when using surveillance cameras to monitor nest predation.  相似文献   

马尾松林恢复为常绿阔叶林的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
我国东部地区的自然植被破坏后 ,水土流失严重 ,山地土壤很快变得非常瘠薄。过去人们认为马尾松 (Pinusmassoniana)是唯一可以在这种生境条件下很好生长的林木 ,于是广泛种植马尾松林 ,使大面积荒山得到绿化 ,并且解决了村民的烧材问题。目前我国东部低山丘陵区大部分为马尾松林覆盖 ,除少量为自然林及演替阶段群落外 ,绝大部分为人工林 ,马尾松人工林分布面积占全国人工林面积的14% [1] 。近年来马尾松病虫害 ,特别是松材线虫的爆发流行 ,严重威胁着它的生存。在日本 ,由于松材线虫的危害 ,松林的面积大幅度减少 ,几乎完全…  相似文献   

How organisms respond to variation in environmental conditions and whether behavioral responses can mitigate negative consequences on growth, condition, and other fitness measures are critical to our ability to conserve populations in changing environments. Offspring development is affected by environmental conditions and parental care behavior. When adverse environmental conditions are present, parents may alter behaviors to mitigate the impacts of poor environmental conditions on offspring. We determined whether parental behavior (provisioning rates, attentiveness, and nest temperature) varied in relation to environmental conditions (e.g., food availability and ectoparasites) and whether parental behavior mitigated negative consequences of the environment on their offspring in Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis). We found that offspring on territories with lower food availability had higher hematocrit, and when bird blow flies (Protocalliphora spp.) were present, growth rates were reduced. Parents increased provisioning and nest attendance in response to increased food availability but did not alter behavior in response to parasitism by blow flies. While parents altered behavior in response to resource availability, parents were unable to override the direct effects of negative environmental conditions on offspring growth and hematocrit. Our work highlights the importance of the environment on offspring development and suggests that parents may not be able to sufficiently alter behavior to ameliorate challenging environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Forest restoration is an increasingly important tool to offset and indeed reverse global deforestation rates. One low cost strategy to accelerate forest recovery is conserving scattered native trees that persist across disturbed landscapes and which may act as seedling recruitment foci. Ficus trees, which are considered to be critically important components of tropical ecosystems, may be particularly attractive to seed dispersers in that they produce large and nutritionally rewarding fruit crops. Here, we evaluate the effectiveness of remnant Ficus trees in inducing forest recovery compared to other common trees. We studied the sapling communities growing under 207 scattered trees, and collected data on seed rain for 55 trees in a modified landscape in Assam, India. We found that Ficus trees have more sapling species around them (species richness = 140.1 ± 9.9) than non‐Ficus trees (79.5 ± 12.9), and significantly more saplings of shrub and large tree species. Sapling densities were twice as high under Ficus trees (median = 0.06/m2) compared to non‐Ficus (0.03/m2), and seed rain densities of non‐parent trees were significantly higher under Ficus trees (mean = 12.73 ± 3/m2/wk) than other fruit or non‐zoochorous trees (2.19 ± 0.97/m2/wk). However, our regression model found that canopy area, used as a proxy for tree size, was the primary predictor of sapling density, followed by remnant tree type. These results suggest that large trees, and in particular large Ficus trees, may be more effective forest restoration agents than other remnant trees in disturbed landscapes, and therefore the conservation of these trees should be prioritized.  相似文献   

改造辽西山地人工油松纯林为混交林的探讨   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
改造辽西山地人工油松纯林为混交林的探讨雷启迪刘明久刘景彦(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)(辽宁省喀左县林业局,122300)AnApproachofTransformingtheArtificialForestofChinesePine...  相似文献   

森林景观恢复过程中景观要素空间分布格局及其动态研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
郭晋平  张芸香 《生态学报》2002,22(12):2021-2029
在ARC/INFO支持下,应用空间趋势面分析法,采用统一网络样点取样法,通过对关帝山天然次生林区从1959年到1992年4个时期景观要素空间分布趋势的定量化分析,从高度异质和变化的复杂景观中,揭示了一些不随时间发生根本变化的森林景观空间分布格局及其主要控制因素,研究结果表明,以海拔,坡向和坡度为主要因素形成的立地条件空间格局和人为干扰的空间格局,共同控制着森林景观恢复过程及其空间格局;高海拔带上的森林恢复过程主要受立地条件格局的控制,景观要素的生态潜力高,而较低海拔和沟谷地段的森林恢复过程受人为活动的影响较强,景观要素生态潜力较低;不同海拔带上,坡度和坡向的作用有明显差异;总的来说,研究范围内随着海拔的降低,坡向的作用增强,但在低海拔带上由于人为干扰的作用增强,植被类型分布格局的变化较复杂。坡度对植被类型空间分布的作用以中高海拔带上最强,高海拔带上的作用不明显,中海拔带上的作用也有所下降,而在低海拔带上,由于坡度对人为干扰格局的显著作用和坡度对坡向效应的加强,出现坡度大森林植被分布多的情况,控制人为干扰的强度和曼延是森林景观恢复和建设规划中不容忽视的重要内容。  相似文献   

新疆木垒波斑鸨营巢成功率的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
1998年 4月中旬~ 7月中旬 ,对分布于新疆木垒的波斑鸨 (Chlamydotisundulatamacqueenii)种群的营巢成功率进行了初步考察与研究。考察中共发现 16个巢、2 5窝幼雏。每巢产卵 3~ 6枚 ,卵鲜重 (6 4 7± 5 8)g ,卵径为 6 0 9mm× 43 9mm。产卵有两个高峰期 ,表明雌鸟第 1次繁殖失败后可再次产卵。第 1产卵期的巢卵数为(4 1± 0 8)枚 ,第 2产卵期的巢卵数为 (3 5± 0 6 )枚。雌鸟营巢成功率为 77 5 %~ 87 5 % ,卵的孵化率为83 6 %。每窝内从破壳到具备飞行能力的幼雏数基本不变 ,表明繁殖雌鸟大都能将幼雏全部抚育到可以飞行的年龄  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Forest restoration has been undertaken on >200,000 ha of agricultural land in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA, during the past few decades. Decisions on where and how to restore bottomland forests are complex and dependent upon landowner objectives, but for conservation of silvicolous (forest-dwelling) birds, ecologists have espoused restoration through planting a diverse mix of densely spaced seedlings that includes fast-growing species. Application of this planting strategy on agricultural tracts that are adjacent to extant forest or within landscapes that are predominately forested has been advocated to increase forest area and enhance forested landscapes, thereby benefiting area-sensitive, silvicolous birds. We measured support for these hypothesized benefits through assessments of densities of breeding birds and reproductive success of 9 species on 36 bottomland forest restoration sites. Densities of thamnic (shrub-scrub dwelling) and silvicolous birds, such as yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens), indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea), and white-eyed vireo (Vireo griseus) were positively associated with 1) taller trees, 2) greater stem densities, and 3) a greater proportion of forest within the landscape, whereas densities of birds associated with grasslands, such as dickcissel (Spiza americana) and red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus), were negatively associated with these variables. Vegetation structure, habitat edge, and temporal effects had greater influence on nest success than did landscape effects. Taller trees, increased density of woody stems, greater vegetation density, and more forest within the landscape were often associated with greater nest success. Nest success of grassland birds was positively related to distance from forest edge but, for thamnic birds, success was greater near edges. Moreover, nest success and estimated fecundity of thamnic species suggested their populations are self-sustaining on forest restoration sites, whereas these sites are likely population sinks for grassland and open-woodland species. We recommend restoration strategies that promote rapid development of dense forest stands within largely forested landscapes to recruit breeding populations of thamnic and silvicolous birds that have reproductive success sufficient to sustain their populations.  相似文献   

Restoration of ponderosa pine ecosystems results in altered stand structure, potentially affecting microclimatic conditions and habitat quality for forest organisms. This research focuses on microclimatic changes resulting from forest and landscape structural alterations caused by restoration treatments in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Three microclimate variables—light intensity, air temperature, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD)—were monitored over two field seasons. Differences in microclimate between the treated forest and the surrounding untreated forest were measured, and microclimatic gradients across the structural edge between these two forest types were quantified. Restoration treatments increased sunlight penetration to the forest floor but did not significantly impact ambient air temperature or VPD. Mean values for air temperature and VPD did not differ significantly between treatments, although temperature and vapor pressure deficit did exhibit a trend in the morning; both variables were higher at the structural edge and in the treated forest during morning hours. Significant edge gradients were detected for air temperature and VPD in the morning and evening, increasing from the structural edge into the untreated forest. Our results show that microclimatic effects of these restoration treatments are generally modest, but the changes are more prominent at specific locations and during certain times of day. Because even modest changes in microclimate have the potential to impact a range of key ecological processes, microclimatic effects should be considered when forest restoration treatments at the landscape scale are being planned and implemented.  相似文献   

The effects of tree guards and weed mats on establishment and growth of native tree seedlings, Thick‐leaved oak (Cyclobalanopsis edithiae (Skan) Schott., Fagaceae), planted in an exposed hillside grassland in Hong Kong, were investigated. The natural regeneration of C. edithiae is poor due to a lack of seed dispersal agents and high seed predation, and therefore, this species is often targeted for forest restoration. The experiment lasted for 3.5 years during which the height, basal diameter, and crown diameter of individual seedlings were measured and survivorship recorded. The use of weed mats alone did not have a significant effect, but a combination of tree guards and weed mats led to a significant improvement in establishment, survivorship, and growth of the seedlings during the experimental period. Initially, the guards promoted rapid height growth of the seedlings, although lateral growth and secondary stem thickening were compromised. After the seedlings grew over the tree guards, the basal diameter and crown diameter increased at a notably faster rate. The combined effect of the tree guard and weed mat on the seedling growth pattern was found to be beneficial and contributed to the high survivorship of the seedlings. Comparing the survivorship data and the costs of various treatments, the use of tree guards in combination with the weed mats was demonstrated to be more cost‐effective than planting the seedlings without tree guards or weed mats. The potential for applying the technique in afforestation programs with native tree species for forest restoration in Hong Kong and other tropical regions is discussed.  相似文献   

It is essential to understand how ecological restoration (ER) improves human well‐being in order to justify more investments and upscaling in this emergent field of action. As part of a 22‐year‐old, 80 ha ER project being carried out around a water reservoir that supplies drinking water to the city of Iracemápolis (population 19,700), in the mega‐diversity Atlantic Forest biome of Brazil, we assessed local community perceptions of the tangible and intangible benefits expected to arise from this project. A detailed questionnaire was completed for 292 members of the local community to gauge perceptions of benefits arising from various cultural and provisioning ecosystem services (ESs; especially safe and clean drinking water) provided by the 80 ha forest restoration project. A striking 94% of those interviewed wanted more ER projects in their community. Participants reported an appreciation for cultural ESs such as esthetic landscape improvement, tourism, recreation, as well as various religious, spiritual, and educational services. In addition, 87% of interviewees believed that the restoration project improved the quality of their drinking water, and 63% said they would agree to an increase in water tariffs if the proceeds were to be invested in more forest restoration. Judging from this study, investigation and subsequent communication of popular perceptions of the various benefits of ER projects could promote consensus‐building and support for projects among stakeholders, and inform governmental and societal investments in restoration .  相似文献   

Cabin (2007) asks whether formal science is an effective framework and methodology for designing and implementing ecological restoration programs. He argues that beyond certain ancillary benefits, restoration science has little of practical value to offer the practice of restoration. He goes on to suggest that restoration science most often represents an impediment to restoration practice because an “ivory tower” mentality limits the utility of experiments and diverts research dollars away from answering practical questions. His conclusion is that a nonscientific gardening approach may be more effective at restoring degraded ecosystems. We disagree with this perspective because: (1) restoration science has moved beyond exclusively using “square grids” placed on small patches of land to examine treatment effects on species representation; (2) Cabin’s critique greatly undervalues the contribution of science to restoration practice even where the input of restoration scientists is not directly evident; and (3) the practice of restoration is unlikely to advance beyond small‐scale and truly haphazard successes without well‐designed studies that can provide peer‐reviewed and widely accessible published information on the mechanisms underlying both successes and failures. We conclude that through integration with other disciplines, restoration science increasingly will provide novel approaches and tools needed to restore ecosystem composition, structure, and function at stand to landscape scales. As with the broader role of science in the human enterprise ( Sagan 1996 ), the contribution of restoration science to restoration practice can only grow as the discipline matures.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the impact of certain climatic variables on the breeding success of some populations of Bonelli's eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus V. 1822) throughout its latitudinal distribution range, in order to account for recent and differential declines in populations. Location Western Mediterranean, from southern Morocco to southern France. Methods Seven populations were considered for the latitudinal distribution range of the species. Data from 1052 breeding attempts were taken from the literature and, for each population, breeding success was measured as the mean number of fledglings per pair per year. Breeding success, as a dependent variable, was related to five geographical and climatic variables (latitude, mean annual temperature, mean minimum temperature of the coldest month, mean maximum temperature of the hottest month and mean annual precipitation) as independent variables, through some regression models, which take into account the multicolinearity of the variables. Results All the analyses agreed that average annual temperature was an important factor associated with the breeding success of the species in each region, and accounted for up to 97% of the variance of the breeding success throughout a latitudinal gradient in the study area. Main conclusions The low breeding success of the northern populations (probably because of climatic constraints) and the tendency of juveniles to disperse southwards, diminishes recruitment in those populations. Therefore, as human pressure and habitat destruction causes high adult and pre‐adult mortality of the species throughout its entire latitudinal range, disturbances in the northern populations have more profound effects, thereby explaining observed population declines.  相似文献   

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