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在人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)次要衣壳蛋白L2的N端和C端,有大量带正电荷的氨基酸残基组成核定位信号(nuclear localization signal,NLS)。细胞的核结构域10(nuclear domain 10,ND10)是细胞周期和病毒生活周期的重要调节者。L2定位到ND10的过程不仅会受到早幼粒细胞白血病蛋白(promyleocytic leukaemia protein,PML)、死亡结构域相关蛋白(deathdomain-associated protein,Daxx)、Sp100核抗原(Sp100 nuclear antigen)等细胞蛋白的影响,也会与L1在ND10发生相互作用。在HPV感染和组装过程中,L2的核定位信号有着重要作用。  相似文献   

Coexpression of bovine papillomavirus L1 with L2 mutants lacking either eight N-terminal or nine C-terminal amino acids that encode positively charged domains resulted in wild-type levels of viral genome encapsidation. Despite wild-type binding to the cell surface, the resulting virions were noninfectious. An L2 mutant encoding a scrambled version of the nine C-terminal residues restored infectivity, in contrast to an L2 mutant encoding a scrambled version of the N-terminal residues.  相似文献   

The expression and the nuclear translocation of the constitutive heat shock protein 70 (Hsc70) were determined during the cell cycle in synchronized rat astrocytomic C6 glioma cells. Cells were first shifted to the GO by serum starvation. Twelve hours after a subsequent growth stimulation by transfer to 20% newborn calf serum, about 50% of the cells entered S phase. Western blot analysis with different monoclonal antibodies showed that only the constitutively expressed and moderately stress-activated Hsc70 is induced during serum stimulation. Maximal cellular Hsc70 content (170% of the control) was observed in early to mid S phase followed by a drastic decline while cells pass through G2/M (20% of the control). Hsp70, the major heat-inducible heat shock protein in C6 cells, is not detected in either asynchronously proliferating, serum-starved or in serum-stimulated C6 cells. Analysis of the nuclear and cytoplasmic protein fractions showed a significant increase of Hsc70 translocation into the nucleus during early S phase. These results indicate a role for Hsc70 but not for Hsp70 in the process of S phase entry and/or progression in C6 cells under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

During the life cycle of human papillomaviruses (HPVs), the L1 capsid proteins seem to enter the nucleus twice: once after the virions infect the cells, and later during the productive phase when they assemble the replicated HPV genomic DNA into infectious virions. We established for the high-risk HPV45 that when digitonin-permeabilized HeLa cells were incubated with L1 homopentameric capsomers, the HPV45 L1 protein was imported into the nucleus in a receptor-mediated manner. In contrast, intact capsids were not able to enter the nucleus. Immunoisolation assays showed that HPV45 L1 capsomers interact with cytosolic karyopherin alpha 2 beta 1 heterodimers. HPV45 L1 bound strongly to karyopherin alpha 2, and weakly to karyopherin beta 1, as did its nuclear localization signal (NLS). Nuclear import of HPV45 L1, or of a GST-NLS(HPV45L1) fusion protein was efficiently mediated by karyopherin alpha 2 beta 1 heterodimers, and only weakly by karyopherin beta 1. Nuclear import required RanGDP, but was independent of GTP hydrolysis by Ran. Together, these data suggest that the major nuclear import pathway for HPV45 L1 major capsid protein in infected host cells is mediated by karyopherin alpha 2 beta 1 heterodimers and that GTP hydrolysis by Ran is not required for import. Remarkably, HPV45 L1 capsomers can interact nonspecifically with different types of HPV-DNA, and the DNA binding region of HPV45 L1 overlaps with its NLS sequence.  相似文献   

Prior studies, which have relied upon the use of pseudovirions generated in heterologous cell types, have led to sometimes conflicting conclusions regarding the role of the minor capsid protein of papillomaviruses, L2, in the viral life cycle. In this study we carry out analyses with true virus particles assembled in the natural host cell to assess L2's role in the viral infectious life cycle. For these studies we used the organotypic (raft) culture system to recapitulate the full viral life cycle of the high-risk human papillomavirus HPV31, which was either wild type or mutant for L2. After transfection, the L2 mutant HPV31 genome was able to establish itself as a nuclear plasmid in proliferating populations of poorly differentiated (basal-like) human keratinocytes and to amplify its genome to high copy number, support late viral gene expression, and cause formation of virus particles in human keratinocytes that had been induced to undergo terminal differentiation. These results indicate that aspects of both the nonproductive and productive phases of the viral life cycle occur normally in the absence of functional L2. However, upon the analysis of the virus particles generated, we found an approximate 10-fold reduction in the amount of viral DNA encapsidated into L2-deficient virions. Furthermore, there was an over-100-fold reduction in the infectivity of L2-deficient virus. Because the latter deficiency cannot be accounted for solely by the 10-fold decrease in encapsidation, we conclude that L2 contributes to at least two steps in the production of infectious virus.  相似文献   

Papillomaviruses enter cells via endocytosis (H. C. Selinka et al., Virology 299:279-287, 2002). After egress from endosomes, the minor capsid protein L2 accompanies the viral DNA to the nucleus and subsequently to the subnuclear promyelocytic leukemia protein bodies (P. M. Day et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:14252-14257, 2004), suggesting that this protein may be involved in the intracytoplasmic transport of the viral genome. We now demonstrate that the L2 protein is able to interact with the microtubule network via the motor protein dynein. L2 protein was found attached to microtubules after uncoating of incoming human papillomavirus pseudovirions. Based on immunofluorescence and coimmunoprecipitation analyses, the L2 region interacting with dynein is mapped to the C-terminal 40 amino acids. Mutations within this region abrogating the L2/dynein interaction strongly reduce the infectivity of pseudoviruses, indicating that this interaction mediates the minus-end-directed transport of the viral genome along microtubules towards the nucleus.  相似文献   

Florin L  Sapp C  Streeck RE  Sapp M 《Journal of virology》2002,76(19):10009-10014
The major and minor capsid proteins of polyomavirus are preassembled in the cytoplasm and translocated to the nucleus only as a VP1-VP2/VP3 complex. In this study, we describe independent nuclear translocation of the L1 major protein and the L2 minor capsid protein of human papillomavirus type 33 by several approaches. First, we observed that expression and nuclear translocation of L2 in natural lesions precede expression of L1. Second, using a cell culture system for coexpression, we found that accumulation of L2 in nuclear domain 10 (ND10) subnuclear structures precedes L1 by several hours. In contrast, complexes of L2 and mutants of L1 forced to assemble in the cytoplasm are translocated directly to ND10, like L2 expressed alone. Interestingly, accumulation of wild-type L1 is observed only after L2-induced release of the ND10-associated protein Sp100. Third, nuclear translocation of L2 but not of L1 was blocked by the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Our data suggest that L1 and L2 interaction occurs after L2-induced reorganization of ND10 subnuclear domains.  相似文献   

Papillomaviruses are a family of nonenveloped DNA tumor viruses. Some sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) types, including HPV type 16 (HPV16), cause cancer of the uterine cervix. Papillomaviruses encode two capsid proteins, L1 and L2. The major capsid protein, L1, can assemble spontaneously into a 72-pentamer icosahedral structure that closely resembles native virions. Although the minor capsid protein, L2, is not required for capsid formation, it is thought to participate in encapsidation of the viral genome and plays a number of essential roles in the viral infectious entry pathway. The abundance of L2 and its arrangement within the virion remain unclear. To address these questions, we developed methods for serial propagation of infectious HPV16 capsids (pseudoviruses) in cultured human cell lines. Biochemical analysis of capsid preparations produced using various methods showed that up to 72 molecules of L2 can be incorporated per capsid. Cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction analysis of purified capsids revealed an icosahedrally ordered L2-specific density beneath the axial lumen of each L1 capsomer. The relatively close proximity of these L2 density buttons to one another raised the possibility of homotypic L2 interactions within assembled virions. The concept that the N and C termini of neighboring L2 molecules can be closely apposed within the capsid was supported using bimolecular fluorescence complementation or "split GFP" technology. This structural information should facilitate investigation of L2 function during the assembly and entry phases of the papillomavirus life cycle.  相似文献   

The papillomavirus capsid mediates binding to the cell surface and passage of the virion to the perinuclear region during infection. To better understand how the virus traffics across the cell, we sought to identify cellular proteins that bind to the minor capsid protein L2. We have identified syntaxin 18 as a protein that interacts with bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) L2. Syntaxin 18 is a target membrane-associated soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor-attachment protein receptor (tSNARE) that resides in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ectopic expression of FLAG-tagged syntaxin 18, which disrupts ER trafficking, blocked BPV1 pseudovirion infection. Furthermore, the expression of FLAG-syntaxin 18 prevented the passage of BPV1 pseudovirions to the perinuclear region that is consistent with the ER. Genetic studies identified a highly conserved L2 domain, DKILK, comprising residues 40 to 44 that mediated BPV1 trafficking through the ER during infection via an interaction with the tSNARE syntaxin 18. Mutations within the DKILK motif of L2 that did not significantly impact virion morphogenesis or binding at the cell surface prevented the L2 interaction with syntaxin 18 and disrupted BPV1 infection.  相似文献   

Interactions between papillomavirus L1 and L2 capsid proteins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The human papillomavirus (HPV) capsid consists of 360 copies of the major capsid protein, L1, arranged as 72 pentamers on a T=7 icosahedral lattice, with substoichiometric amounts of the minor capsid protein, L2. In order to understand the arrangement of L2 within the HPV virion, we have defined and biochemically characterized a domain of L2 that interacts with L1 pentamers. We utilized an in vivo binding assay involving the coexpression of recombinant HPV type 11 (HPV11) L1 and HPV11 glutathione S-transferase (GST) L2 fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. In this system, L1 forms pentamers, GST=L2 associates with these pentamers, and L1+L2 complexes are subsequently isolated by using the GST tag on L2. The stoichiometry of L1:L2 in purified L1+L2 complexes was 5:1, indicating that a single molecule of L2 interacts with an L1 pentamer. Coexpression of HPV11 L1 with deletion mutants of HPV11 L2 defined an L1-binding domain contained within amino acids 396 to 439 near the carboxy terminus of L2. L2 proteins from eight different human and animal papillomavirus serotypes were tested for their ability to interact with HPV11 L1. This analysis targeted a hydrophobic region within the L1-binding domain of L2 as critical for L1 binding. Introduction of negative charges into this hydrophobic region by site-directed mutagenesis disrupted L1 binding. L1-L2 interactions were not significantly disrupted by treatment with high salt concentrations (2 M NaCl), weak detergents, and urea concentrations of up to 2 M, further indicating that L1 binding by this domain is mediated by strong hydrophobic interactions. L1+L2 protein complexes were able to form virus-like particles in vitro at pH 5.2 and also at pH 6.8, a pH that is nonpermissive for assembly of L1 protein alone. Thus, L1/L2 interactions are primarily hydrophobic, encompass a relatively short stretch of amino acids, and have significant effects upon in vitro assembly.  相似文献   

Fay A  Yutzy WH  Roden RB  Moroianu J 《Journal of virology》2004,78(24):13447-13454
During the papillomavirus (PV) life cycle, the L2 minor capsid protein enters the nucleus twice: in the initial phase after entry of virions into cells and in the productive phase to mediate encapsidation of the newly replicated viral genome. Therefore, we investigated the interactions of the L2 protein of bovine PV type 1 (BPV1) with the nuclear import machinery and the viral DNA. We found that BPV1 L2 bound to the karyopherin alpha2 (Kap alpha2) adapter and formed a complex with Kap alpha2beta1 heterodimers. Previous data have shown that the positively charged termini of BPV1 L2 are required for BPV1 infection after the binding of the virions to the cell surface. We determined that these BPV1 L2 termini function as nuclear localization signals (NLSs). Both the N-terminal NLS (nNLS) and the C-terminal NLS (cNLS) interacted with Kap alpha2, formed a complex with Kap alpha2beta1 heterodimers, and mediated nuclear import via a Kap alpha2beta1 pathway. Interestingly, the cNLS was also the major DNA binding site of BPV1 L2. Consistent with the promiscuous DNA encapsidation by BPV1 pseudovirions, this DNA binding occurred without nucleotide sequence specificity. Moreover, an L2 mutant encoding a scrambled version of the cNLS, which supports production of virions, rescued the DNA binding but not the Kap alpha2 interaction. These data support a model in which BPV1 L2 functions as an adapter between the viral DNA via the cNLS and the Kaps via the nNLS and facilitates nuclear import of the DNA during infection.  相似文献   

The L2 minor capsid proteins enter the nucleus twice during viral infection: in the initial phase after virion disassembly and in the productive phase when, together with the L1 major capsid proteins, they assemble the replicated viral DNA into virions. In this study we investigated the interactions between the L2 protein of high-risk human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) and nuclear import receptors. We discovered that HPV16 L2 interacts directly with both Kapbeta(2) and Kapbeta(3). Moreover, binding of Ran-GTP to either Kapbeta(2) or Kapbeta(3) inhibits its interaction with L2, suggesting that the Kapbeta/L2 complex is import competent. In addition, we found that L2 forms a complex with the Kapalpha(2)beta(1) heterodimer via interaction with the Kapalpha(2) adapter. In agreement with the binding data, nuclear import of L2 in digitonin-permeabilized cells could be mediated by either Kapalpha(2)beta(1) heterodimers, Kapbeta(2), or Kapbeta(3). Mapping studies revealed that HPV16 L2 contains two nuclear localization signals (NLSs), in the N terminus (nNLS) and C terminus (cNLS), that could mediate its nuclear import. Together the data suggest that HPV16 L2 interacts via its NLSs with a network of karyopherins and can enter the nucleus via several import pathways mediated by Kapalpha(2)beta(1) heterodimers, Kapbeta(2), and Kapbeta(3).  相似文献   

Beet western yellows luteovirus is obligately transmitted by the aphid Myzus persicae in a circulative, non-propagative fashion. Virus movement across the epithelial cells of the digestive tube into the hemocoel and from the hemocoel into the accessory salivary glands is believed to occur by receptor-mediated endocytosis and exocytosis. Virions contain two types of protein; the major 22 kDa capsid protein and the minor read-through protein, P74, which is composed of the major capsid protein fused by translational read-through to a long C-terminal extension called the read-through domain. Beet western yellows virus carrying various mutations in the read-through domain was tested for its ability to be transmitted to test plants by aphids fed on agro-infected plants and semi-purified or purified virus preparations. The results establish that the read-through domain carries determinants that are essential for aphid transmission. The findings also reveal that the read-through domain is important for accumulation of the virus in agro-infected plants.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of cervical cancer in developing countries. Rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment of the HPV infection are critical. Various methods have been employed to reduce the immunogenicity of antibodies targeting HPV serotypes. Nanobodies are the smallest fragments of naturally occurring single-domain antibodies with their antigenbinding site compromised into a single domain. Nanobodies have remarkable properties such as high stability, solubility, and high homology to the human VH3 domain. In this study, a phagemid library was employed to enrich for nanobodies against the L1 protein of the human papilloma virus. Binding reactivity of the selected clones was evaluated using phage enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (phage-ELISA). Finally, two nanobodies (sm5 and sm8) with the best reactivity against the Gardasil vaccine and the purified HPV-16 L1 protein were expressed and purified using a Ni(+)-NTA column. The accuracy of expression and purification of the nanobodies was confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting assays. In vitro studies demonstrated that neutralization was achieved by the selected nanobodies. The ease of generation and unique features of these molecules make nanobodies promising molecules for the new generation of HPV diagnosis and therapy.  相似文献   

Papillomaviruses are internalized via clathrin-dependent endocytosis. However, the mechanism by which viral genomes pass endosomal membranes has not been elucidated. In this report we show that the minor capsid protein L2 is required for egress of viral genomes from endosomes but not for initial uptake and uncoating and that a 23-amino-acid peptide at the C terminus of L2 is necessary for this function. Pseudogenomes encapsidated by L1 and L2 lacking this peptide accumulated in vesicular compartments similar to that observed with L1-only viral particles, and these mutant pseudoviruses were noninfectious. This L2 peptide displayed strong membrane-disrupting activity, induced cytolysis of bacteria and eukaryotic cells in a pH-dependent manner, and permeabilized cells after exogenous addition. Fusions between green fluorescent protein and the L2 peptide integrated into cellular membranes like the wild type but not like C-terminal mutants of L2. Our data indicate that the L2 C terminus facilitates escape of viral genomes from the endocytic compartment and that this feature is conserved among papillomaviruses. Furthermore, the characteristic of this peptide differs from the classical virus-encoded membrane-penetrating peptides.  相似文献   

We reconstituted prepro-alpha-factor translocation and signal peptide processing using a yeast microsomal detergent soluble fraction formed into vesicles with soybean phospholipids. Reconstituted translocation required ATP, and was deficient when sec63 and kar2 (BiP) mutant cells were used as a source of membranes. Normal translocation was observed with vesicles reconstituted from a mixture of pure wild-type yeast BiP and a soluble fraction of kar2 mutant membranes. Two other heat-shock cognate (hsc) 70 homologs, yeast cytosolic hsc70 (Ssalp) and E. coli dnaK protein did not replace BiP. Conversely, BiP was not active under conditions where translocation into native ER vesicles required cytosolic hsc70. We conclude that cytosolic hsc70 and BiP serve noninterchangeable roles in polypeptide translocation, possibly because distinct, asymmetrically oriented membrane proteins are required to recruit each protein to opposing surfaces of the ER membrane.  相似文献   

Both the Human papillomavirus (HPV) major (L1) and minor (L2) capsid proteins have been well investigated as potential vaccine candidates. The L1 protein first oligomerizes into pentamers, and these capsomers assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs) that are highly immunogenic. Here we examine the potential of using HPV type 16 (HPV-16) L1 subunits to display a well-characterized HPV-16 L2 epitope (LVEETSFIDAGAP), which is a common-neutralizing epitope for HPV types 6 and 16, in various regions of the L1 structure. The L2 sequence was introduced by PCR (by replacing 13 codons) into sequences coding for L1 surface loops D-E (chideltaC-L2), E-F (chideltaA-L2), and an internal loop C-D (chideltaH-L2); into the h4 helix (chideltaF-L2); and between h4 and beta-J structural regions (chideltaE-L2). The chimeric protein product was characterized using a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that bind to conformational and linear epitopes, as well as a polyclonal antiserum raised to the L2 epitope. All five chimeras reacted with the L2 serum. ChideltaA-L2, chideltaE-L2, and chideltaF-L2 reacted with all the L1 antibodies, chideltaC-L2 did not bind H16:V5 and H16:E70, and chideltaH-L2 did not bind any conformation-dependent MAb. The chimeric particles elicited high-titer anti-L1 immune responses in BALB/c mice. Of the five chimeras tested only chideltaH-L2 did not elicit an L2 response, while chideltaF-L2 elicited the highest L2 response. This study provides support for the use of PV particles as vectors to deliver various epitopes in a number of locations internal to the L1 protein and for the potential of using chimeric PV particles as multivalent vaccines. Moreover, it contributes to knowledge of the structure of HPV-16 L1 VLPs and their derivatives.  相似文献   

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