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Ben Walton 《Bioacoustics.》2013,22(6):592-603

Alarm vocalizations are a common feature of the mammalian antipredator response. The meaning and function of these calls vary between species, with some species using calls to reference-specific categories of predators. Species can also use more than just the calls of conspecifics to detect threat, ‘eavesdropping’ on other species’ signalling to avoid predation. However, the evidence to date for both referential signalling and eavesdropping within primates is limited. We investigated two sympatric populations of wild lemur, the Coquerel’s sifaka Propithecus coquereli and the common brown lemur Eulemur fulvus, presenting them with playbacks of predator calls, conspecific alarm calls and heterospecific lemur alarm calls, and recorded their behavioural responses following the playbacks. Results suggest that the Coquerel’s sifaka may have functionally referential alarm calls with high specificity for aerial predators, but there was no evidence for any referential nature of the other call investigated. Brown lemurs appear to have a mixed alarm system, with one call being specific with respect to aerial predators. The other call investigated appeared to reference terrestrial predators. However, it was also used in other contexts, so does not meet the criteria for functional reference. Both species showed evidence for heterospecific alarm call recognition, with both the Coquerel’s sifaka and the brown lemurs responding appropriately to heterospecific aerial alarm calls.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. This paper describes spatial variation in density of a mutualist Hemiptera, and attempts to elucidate an understanding of the spatial variation in conditionality of its mutualism with ants.
2. Aggregations of the membracid treehopper, Campylenchia sp., occurred more frequently, and with higher number of individuals, in isolated trees as compared with their occurrence in the same tree species in wooded patches.
3. Using treehopper aggregations as the level of replication, there was a habitat × ant presence interaction associated with colony survival time. However, when the median survival time of all aggregations within each tree was used, only an additive effect of both habitat type and ant presence were apparent. This suggests that treehopper aggregations in some isolated trees experienced more benefit from ant presence than other trees.
4. The ant:treehopper ratio averaged over each tree was correlated with effect of ant presence on survivorship (survival time without ants/survival time with ants). Therefore, conditionality in the ant–membracid mutualism appears related to ant attendance level at the scale of individual trees.
5. Ant attendance at treehopper aggregations in isolated and matorral trees did not differ, and therefore there is no clear mechanism by which ants create the contrast in treehopper densities between the two habitat types.
6. The main force shaping initial treehopper densities in the two habitats is likely plant quality. Results suggest that growing situation (or more specifically plant health) is likely a good predictor of membracid density, while general ant activity within a tree is the best indicator of interaction strength.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Although the majority of lycaenid–ant associations is facultative, few studies have documented the protection benefits provided by ants to lycaenids that are tended facultatively (Pierce & Easteal, 1986; Peterson, 1993).
2. Larvae of Hemiargus isola (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) feeding on Dalea albiflora are tended facultatively by several species of ant. In 1999 and 2000, the levels of parasitism and the identities of attendant ants were determined for larvae of H. isola . In addition, the presence of ants was manipulated experimentally to determine the efficacy of protection provided by attendant ants to H. isola .
3. Lycaenids were parasitised by a braconid wasp, Cotesia cyaniridis (Riley), and a tachinid fly, Aplomya theclarum (Scudder). In 1999 and 2000, 62 and 65% of larvae were parasitised; the percentage of the population parasitised did not differ significantly between years. In both 1999 and 2000, parasitism by the braconid wasp C. cyaniridis accounted for > 99% of all parasitism events.
4. Four species of ant, Crematogaster sp., Dorymyrmex sp., Forelius sp., and Formica sp., were associated with 88–99% of the tended lycaenids collected in both 1999 and 2000. For both years, there was a single, numerically dominant species associated with >80% of the tended larvae collected, but the identity of this numerically dominant ant differed between years.
5. Experimental exclusion of ants from D. albiflora plants resulted in 78% larval mortality as a result of parasitism, nearly twice that of larvae that were tended by ants on unmanipulated plants.  相似文献   

1. Ant–plant mutualisms have been the focus of considerable empirical research, but few studies have investigated how introduced ants affect these interactions. Using 2 years of survey data, this study examines how the introduced Argentine ant [Linepithema humile (Mayr)] differs from native ants with respect to its ability to protect the extrafloral nectary‐bearing coast barrel cactus (Ferocactus viridescens) in Southern California. 2. Eighteen native ant species visited cacti in uninvaded areas, but cacti in invaded areas were primarily visited by the Argentine ant. The main herbivore of the coast barrel cactus present at the study sites is a leaf‐footed bug (Narnia wilsoni). 3. Herbivore presence (the fraction of surveys in which leaf‐footed bugs were present on individual cacti) was negatively related to ant presence (the fraction of surveys in which ants were present on individual cacti). Compared with cacti in uninvaded areas, those in invaded areas were less likely to have herbivores and when they did had them less often. 4. Seed mass was negatively related to herbivore presence, and this relationship did not differ for cacti in invaded areas versus those in uninvaded areas. 5. Although the Argentine ant might provide superior protection from herbivores, invasion‐induced reductions in ant mutualist diversity could potentially compromise plant reproduction. The cumulative number of ant species on individual cacti over time was lower in invaded areas and was associated with a shortened seasonal duration of ant protection and reduced seed mass. These results support the hypothesis that multiple partners may enhance mutualism benefits.  相似文献   

Young-of-the-year, predator-naive fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas , from a pikesympatric population did not respond to chemical stimuli from northern pike, Esox Indus , while wild-caught fish of the same age and size did. These results suggest that chemical predator recognition is a result of previous experience and not genetic factors, Wild young-of-the-year minnows responded to pike odour with a response intensity that was similar to that of older fish, demonstrating that the ability to recognize predators is learned within the first year. The intensity of response of wild minnows which had been maintained in a predator free environment for 1 year was similar to that of recently caught minnows of the same age, suggesting that reinforcement was not required for predator recognition to be retained. Naive minnows that were exposed simultaneously to chemical stimuli from pike (a neutral stimulus) and minnow alarm substance exhibited a fright response upon subsequent exposure to the pike stimulus alone. Predator-naive minnows exposed simultaneously to chemical stimuli from pike and glass-distilled water did not exhibit a fright response to the pike stimulus alone. These results demonstrate that fathead minnows can acquire predator recognition through releaserinduced recognition learning, thus confirming a known mechanism through which alarm substance may benefit the receivers of an alarm signal.  相似文献   

Partner quality can be crucial for the outcome of a mutualistic interaction. In multi-species associations, the characteristics of potential partners can vary substantially and thus the associated benefits. As a consequence of such variation, one might expect strategies of adjusting investments to the characteristics of a partner. Lycaenid butterfly larvae often interact mutualistically with several ant species of different size and aggressiveness and thereby different ability to protect the larvae. Attending ants are rewarded with nutritious secretions. Both ant behavior and a larva's need for protection are known to influence larval investment in the relationship. This study investigates the effect of six ant species on larval behavior in the lycaenid butterfly, Glaucopsyche lygdamus. The overall level of secretion, as well as the response to varying number of attending ants, were found to be influenced by ant species. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

While observations suggest that plant chemicals could be important in maintaining the specificity and permitting the functioning of ant-plant symbioses, they have been little studied. We report here the strongest evidence yet for chemical signalling between ants and plants in a specific ant-plant protection symbiosis. In the mutualism between Leonardoxa africana subsp. africana and Petalomyrmex phylax, ants continuously patrol young leaves, which are vulnerable to attacks by phytophagous insects. We provide experimental evidence for chemical mediation of ant attraction to young leaves in this system. By a comparative analysis of the related non-myrmecophytic tree L. africana subsp. gracilicaulis, we identify likely candidates for attractant molecules, and suggest they may function not only as signals but also as resources. We also propose hypotheses on the evolutionary origin of these plant volatiles, and of the responses to them by mutualistic ants.  相似文献   

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