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Kato N  Nakanishi M  Hirashima N 《Biochemistry》2002,41(25):8068-8074
To investigate the role of the asymmetric distribution of phospholipids of the plasma membrane in exocytosis, we examined the effects of disruption of this asymmetrical distribution of lipids on exocytotic release from mast cells (RBL-2H3). Lipid scramblase, which is activated by divalent cations and catalyzes the transbilayer movement of phospholipids, was overexpressed in mast cells. Exogenous lipid scramblase was expressed in the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm. Activation of scramblase by divalent cations disrupted the asymmetrical distribution of phospholipids in the plasma membrane. Exocytotic release induced by calcium ionophore and phorbol ester was significantly inhibited in the cells transfected with wild-type scramblase. This inhibition was observed with time lag of about 5 min. Furthermore, when the asymmetric distribution of lipids was disrupted before induction of exocytosis, the inhibition of exocytotic release was obvious from the beginning without time lag. These results suggest that the asymmetric distribution of phospholipids in the plasma membrane plays an essential role in fusion between secretory granules and the plasma membrane. This finding also demonstrates that the transbilayer asymmetry of phospholipids regulates exocytosis and gives a new insight into the significance of lipid asymmetry in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Isolated matrices of the giant secretory vesicles of mast cells of the beige mouse were reliably produced by the osmotic lysis of isolated vesicles. These matrices maintained their form, and their sizes were easily measured using Nomarski optics. The size of the matrix depended on the ionic composition of the bathing solution. The physiologically relevant ions, histamine and serotonin, contracted the matrix. Multivalent cations condensed the matrix relative to univalents. Ag+, acid pH (below 5), and basic pH (above 9) expanded the matrix. In the presence of 10 mM histamine, lowering the pH from 9 to 5 contracted the matrix more than can be attributed to the pH-dependent matrix contraction in zero histamine. The nontitratable organic cation, dimethonium, contracts the matrix with little effect of pH in the range of 5-9. These results suggest that histamine acts as a matrix contractor in the divalent form. The dose-response (contraction) relation for histamine was gradual from micromolar to 316 mM (millimolar) histamine. Experiments with mixtures of histamine and sodium show antagonistic effects on the matrix but are inconsistent with either a model where ions compete for identical sites or a parallel model where ions interact with separate independent sites. In vigorous histamine washoff experiments, the half time for vesicle expansion in 10(-4) M pH buffer was approximately 4 s; in isotonic NaCl solution, it was 0.5 s. When 1 M histamine was presented to closely apposed matrices, fusion resulted. The matrix material returned to its initial shape after being mechanically deformed with a glass probe. These results suggest that the matrix size is controlled by its ion exchange properties. The matrix expansion can quantitatively account for the vesicular size increase observed upon exocytosis (as a postfusional event) and the osmotic nonideality of intact vesicles. The mechanical expansion is probably significant in the widening of the exocytotic pore and the dispersal of the vesicular contents.  相似文献   

The major part of mast cell actin is Triton-soluble and behaves as a monomer in the DNase I inhibition assay. Thus, actin exists predominantly in monomeric or short filament form, through filamentous actin is clearly apparent in the cortical region after rhodamine-phalloidin (RP) staining. The minimum actin content is estimated to be approximately 2.5 micrograms/10(6) cells (cytosolic concentration approximately 110 microM. After permeabilization of mast cells by the bacterial cytolysin streptolysin-O, approximately 60% of the Triton-soluble actin leaks out within 10 min. However, the staining of the cortical region by RP remains undiminished, and the cells are still capable of exocytosis when stimulated by GTP-gamma-S together with Ca2+. In the presence of cytochalasin E the requirement for Ca2+ is decreased, indicating that disassembly of the cytoskeleton may be a prerequisite for exocytosis. This disassembly is likely to be controlled by Ca2(+)-dependent actin regulatory proteins; their presence is indicated by a Ca2(+)-dependent inhibition of polymerization of extraneous pyrene-G-actin by a Triton extract of mast cells. The effect of cytochalasin E on secretion is similar to that of phorbol myristate acetate, an activator of protein kinase C; both agents enhance the apparent affinity for Ca2+ and cause variable extents of Ca2(+)-independent secretion. Exposing the permeabilized cells to increasing concentrations of Ca2+ caused a progressive decrease in F-actin levels as measured by flow cytometry of RP-stained cells. In this respect, both cytochalasin E and phorbol ester mimicked the effects of calcium. GTP-gamma-S was not required for the Ca2(+)-dependent cortical disassembly. Thus, since conditions have not yet been identified where secretion can occur in its absence, cortical disassembly may be essential (though it is not sufficient) for exocytosis to occur.  相似文献   

The large size of the vesicles of beige mouse peritoneal mast cells (4 microns in diameter) facilitated the direct observation of the individual osmotic behavior of vesicles. The vesicle diameter increased as much as 73% when intact cells were perfused with a 10 mM pH buffer solution; the swelling of the vesicle membranes exceeded that of the insoluble vesicle gel matrix, which resulted in the formation of a clear space between the optically dense gel matrix and the vesicle membrane. Hypertonic solutions shrank intact vesicles of lysed cells in a nonideal manner, suggesting a limit to the compressibility of the gel matrix. The nonideality at high osmotic strengths can be adequately explained as the consequence of an excluded volume and/or a three-dimensional gel-matrix spring. The observed osmotic activity of the vesicles implies that the great majority of the histamine known to be present is reversibly bound to the gel matrix. This binding allows vesicles to store a large quantity of transmitter without doing osmotic work. The large size of the vesicles also facilitated the measurement of the kinetics of release as a collection of individual fusion events. Capacitance measurements in beige mast cells revealed little difference in the kinetics of release in hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic solutions, thus eliminating certain classes of models based on the osmotic theory of exocytosis for mast cells.  相似文献   

Loss of granule content during exocytosis requires the opening of a fusion pore between the secretory granule and plasma membrane. In a variety of secretory cells, this fusion pore has now been shown to subsequently close. However, it is still unclear how pore closure is physiologically regulated and contentious as to how closure relates to granule content loss. Here, we examine the behavior of the fusion pore during zymogen granule exocytosis in pancreatic acinar cells. By using entry of high-molecular-weight dyes from the extracellular solution into the granule lumen, we show that the fusion pore has a diameter of 29-55 nm. We further show that by 5 min after granule fusion, many granules have a closed fusion pore with evidence indicating that pore closure is a prelude to endocytosis and that in granules with a closed fusion pore the chymotrypsinogen content is low. Finally, we show that latrunculin B treatment promotes pore closure, suggesting F-actin affects pore dynamics. Together, our data do not support the classical view in acinar cells that exocytosis ends with granule collapse. Instead, for many granules the fusion pore closes, probably as a transition to endocytosis, and likely involving an F-actin-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

infrastructurel techniques have shown that an early event in the exocytotic fusion of a secretory vesicle is the formation of a narrow, water-filled pore spanning both the vesicle and plasma membranes and connecting the lumen of the secretory vesicle to the extracellular environment. Smaller precursors of the exocytotic fusion pore have been detected using electrophysio-logical techniques, which reveal a dynamic fusion pore that quickly expands to the size of the pores seen with electron microscopy. While it is clear that in the latter stages of expansion, when the size of the fusion pore is several orders of magnitude bigger than any known macromolecule, the fusion pore must be mainly made of lipids, the structure of the smaller precursors is unknown. Patch-clamp measurements of the activity of individual fusion pores in mast cells have shown that the fusion pore has some unusual and unexpected properties, namely that there is a large flux of lipid through the pore and the rate of pore closure has a discontinuous temperature dependency, suggesting a purely lipidic fusion pore. Moreover, comparisons of experimental data with theoretical fusion pores and with breakdown pores support the view that the fusion pore is initially a pore through a single bilayer, as would be expected for membrane fusion proceeding through a hemifusion mechanism. Based on these observations we present a model where the fusion pore is initially a pore through a single bilayer. Fusion pore formation is regulated by a macromolecular scaffold of proteins that is responsible for bringing the plasma membrane into a highly curved dimple very close to a tense secretory granule membrane, creating the architecture where the strongly attractive hydrophobic force causes the membranes to form a ‘hemifusion’ intermediate. Membrane fusion is completed by the formation of an aqueous pore after rupture of the shared bilayer. We also propose that the microenvironment of the interface when the pore first opens, dominated by the charged groups on the secretory vesicle matrix and phospholipids, will greatly influence the release of secretory products.  相似文献   

The earliest event in exocytosis is the formation of a fusion pore, an aqueous channel that connects the lumen of a secretory granule with the extracellular space. We can observe the formation of individual fusion pores and their subsequent dilation or closure by measuring the changes in the admittance of patch-clamped mast cells during GTP gamma S-stimulated exocytotic fusion. To investigate the molecular structure of the fusion pore, we have studied the temperature dependency of the rate constants for fusion pore formation and closure. An Arrhenius plot of the rate of fusion pore formation shows a simple linear relationship with an apparent activation energy of 23 kcal/mol. In contrast, the Arrhenius plot of the rate of closure of the fusion pore is discontinuous, with the break at approximately 13 degrees C. Above the break point, the rate of closure has a weak temperature dependence (7 kcal/mol), whereas below 13 degrees C the rate of closure is temperature independent. This type of temperature dependency is characteristic of events that depend on diffusion in a lipid phase that undergoes a fluid-solid phase transition. We propose that the formation of the fusion pore is regulated by the conformational change of a molecular structure with a high activation energy, whereas the closure of the fusion pore is regulated by lipids that become phase separated at 13 degrees C.  相似文献   

To clarify the function of the multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein in mast cells we used the green fluorescent compound Bodipy-FL-verapamil, which is a substrate of P-glycoprotein. This compound is also transported by Multidrug Resistance-related Protein (MRP), another membrane transport protein expressed in many tumour resistant cells as well as in normal cells. When rat peritoneal mast cells were incubated with Bodipy-verapamil, a rapid uptake of this compound was observed. Pretreatment with modulators of P-glycoprotein activity, such as verapamil and vinblastine, increased Bodipy-verapamil intracellular concentrations. In addition, Bodipy-verapamil efflux from these cells was rapid and also inhibited by verapamil and vinblastine. In contrast, no effect was observed when cells were treated with agents, such as probenecid and indomethacin, that are known inhibitors of MRP. Methylamine and monensin, substances that modify the pH values in the granules, were able to lower the concentrations of Bodipy-verapamil. Microscopical observations, conducted in both rat and beige mouse mast cells, demonstrated that the fluorochrome accumulated in the cytoplasmic secretory granules. RT–PCR performed on rat peritoneal mast cells revealed the presence of MDR1a and MDR1b mRNAs; on the contrary, MRP mRNA was not expressed. Mast cells were further treated with the fluorescent probe LysoSensor Blue, a weak base that becomes fluorescent when inside acidic organelles. This substance accumulated in mast cell granular structures and its fluorescence was reduced either by treatment with P-glycoprotein modulators or with agents that disrupt pH gradients. In conclusion, these data further confirm the presence of an active P-glycoprotein, but not of MRP, in rat peritoneal mast cells. These findings, coupled with previous ultrastructural data, lend further support to the assumption that this protein is located on the mast cell perigranular membrane. The functional role of P-glycoprotein in these cells is at present unclear, but a possible involvement in the transport of molecules from the granules to the cytosol can be hypothesized. Alternatively, this protein might be indirectly implicated in changes of pH values inside secretory granules.  相似文献   

Glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity plays a major role in the degeneration of motor neurons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and reduced astrocytary glutamate transport, which in turn increases the synaptic availability of the amino acid neurotransmitter, was suggested as a cause. Alternatively, here we report our studies on the exocytotic release of glutamate as a possible source of excessive glutamate transmission. The basal glutamate efflux from spinal cord nerve terminals of mice-expressing human soluble superoxide dismutase (SOD1) with the G93A mutation [SOD1/G93A(+)], a transgenic model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, was elevated when compared with transgenic mice expressing the wild-type human SOD1 or to non-transgenic controls. Exposure to 15 mM KCl or 0.3 μM ionomycin provoked Ca(2+)-dependent glutamate release that was dramatically increased in late symptomatic and in pre-symptomatic SOD1/G93A(+) mice. Increased Ca(2+) levels were detected in SOD1/G93A(+) mouse spinal cord nerve terminals, accompanied by increased activation of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase II and increased phosphorylation of synapsin I. In line with these findings, release experiments suggested that the glutamate release augmentation involves the readily releasable pool of vesicles and a greater capability of these vesicles to fuse upon stimulation in SOD1/G93A(+) mice.  相似文献   

The aminosteroid U73122 has been established as potent, selective, and cell-permeable inhibitor C-type phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipases (PI-PLCs), and has been used to define a contribution of PI-PLCs as part of exocytotic signalling pathways in rat peritoneal mast cells (RPMCs). However, doubts have been raised regarding its PI-PLC selectivity of action. Therefore, in the present study, U73122 was tested in RPMCs under experimental conditions allowing to elicit exocytosis PI-PLC independently (streptolysin O [SLO]-permeabilised cells; stimulated by GTPgammaS; in the presence of low concentrations of free Ca2+). The release of [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine ([3H]5-HT) from [3H]5-HT-loaded RPMCs served as measure of secretion. U73122 potently inhibited the exocytotic response induced by 10 microM GTPgammaS (Ca2+: 10(-6) M) in permeabilised cells (IC50: 0.6 microM, n=5) in an insurmountable manner. In intact RPMCs, with a nearly equal potency (IC50: 4 microM, n=4), U73122 also inhibited the PI-PLC-dependent exocytotic response induced by concomitant application of nerve growth factor and lyso-phosphatidylserine (NGF/lyso-PS). CONCLUSION: U73122 exerts potent PI-PLC-independent secretostatic effects, limiting its use to define PI-PLC function within exocytotic processes.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of mouse mast cells with 10(-7) to 10(-6) M dexamethasone (DM) during overnight sensitization with mouse IgE antibody resulted in inhibition of antigen-induced histamine release and degranulation. The inhibition of both degranulation and histamine release increased linearly with the duration of the treatment; maximal inhibition was obtained after approximately 16 hr with DM. The addition of DM to sensitized mast cells immediately before antigen challenge did not affect the antigen-induced histamine release. DM interacted directly with mast cells by binding to DM-specific cytoplasmic receptors. The treatment of mast cells with DM did not affect the binding of IgE to mast cells or intracellular cAMP levels. Bridging of cell-bound IgE anti-DNP antibody on mouse mast cells either by multivalent DNP-HSA or by anti-IgE induced phospholipid methylation at the plasma membrane and Ca++ influx into the cells. Pretreatment of mast cells with DM inhibited the antigen-induced phospholipid methylation and Ca++ uptake but failed to affect histamine release by Ca++ ionophore A23187. The results suggest that DM treatment inhibits histamine release by the inhibition of the early stage of biochemical processes leading to opening Ca++ channels but does not affect the process distal to Ca++ influx or the binding of IgE molecules to IgE receptors.  相似文献   

Induction of PYPAF1 during in vitro maturation of mouse mast cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coculture of mouse bone marrow-derived immature mast cells (BMMC) with Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts in the presence of stem cell factor (SCF) promotes morphological and functional maturation toward a connective tissue mast cell (CTMC)-like phenotype, which is accompanied by increased expression of several unique genes. Here we report the molecular identification of one of them, mast cell maturation-associated inducible gene (MMIG)-1. The MMIG-1 cDNA encodes a 117-kDa cytosolic protein that comprises an N-terminal PYRIN domain, a central nucleotide-binding domain, and nine C-terminal leucine-rich repeats. MMIG-1 shows >85% sequence similarity to human cryopyrin/PYPAF1, a causal gene for familial cold urticaria and Muckle-Wells syndrome. MMIG-1 was distributed in the cytosol of CTMC-like differentiated BMMC. MMIG-1 underwent alternative splicing in the leucine-rich repeats and each variant was induced differently in BMMC during coculture. Moreover, its expression was increased in the ears of mice with experimental atopic dermatitis. Thus, MMIG-1, a likely mouse PYPAF1 ortholog, may play a role in mast cell-directed inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Giant granules in leukocytes of the beige mouse   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

We have investigated the ATP-induced permeabilization of rat peritoneal mast cells using three different techniques: (a) by measuring uptake of fluorescent membrane and DNA marker dyes, (b) by voltage-clamp measurements using the patch-clamp technique, and (c) by measurements of exocytosis in response to entry of Ca2+ and GTP gamma S into permeabilized cells. In the absence of divalent cations cells become highly permeable at ATP concentrations as low as 3 microM. In normal saline containing 1 mM MgCl2 and 2 mM CaCl2, dye uptake and electric conductance are detectable at 100 microM ATP corresponding to 4 microM ATP4-. The permeabilization is half-maximal at an ATP4- concentration of 5-20 microM with a Hill coefficient near 2. The ATP-induced whole-cell conductance at saturating ATP concentrations was 35-70 nS, exhibiting only weak cation selectivity. The activation is very fast with a time constant less than or equal to 65 ms. Pores which are large enough to allow for permeation of substances of 300-900 D are expected to have a unit conductance of approximately 200-400 pS. However, in whole cells as well as outside-out patches, discrete openings and closings of channels could not be observed at a resolution of approximately 40 pS and the single-channel conductance obtained from noise analysis is approximately 2-10 pS. Entry of Ca2+ into cells permeabilized with ATP stimulates exocytosis at low but not at high ATP concentrations indicating loss of an essential intracellular component or components at a high degree of permeabilization. This inactivation is removed when GTP gamma S is provided in the medium and this leads to enhanced exocytosis. The enhancement only occurs at high ATP concentrations. These results strongly suggest that the ATP-induced pores are of variable size and can increase or decrease by very small units.  相似文献   

Summary Neuroblastoma cells grown on substrates in culture develop long processes and assume the morphology of normal neurons as judged light microscopically. The development of synapses in the cultured tissue is studied by periodic electron microscopic examination of the areas of contact between cells. The initial expiants are free of any apparent synaptic contacts. After 48 h in culture, simple swellings or boutons are detected at the periphery of the cells or at the end of the fine processes. These initial synaptic profiles contain a few vesicles but lack mitochondria. The synaptic vesicles appear to originate from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Further expiants remain primitive, only the number of vesicles in the cytoplasmic swellings or boutons increases. These clusters of vesicles are 40–60 nm in diameter and morphologically distinguishable from the synaptic vesicles of normal neurons. There are no postsynaptic folds or membrane thickenings. Specialized cell contacts between cells are also present.  相似文献   

Bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) have been used extensively as a mast cell model. BMMC, however, are immature cells that have no known physiological equivalent in tissues. They do not respond to IgG immune complexes. They may therefore not be appropriate for studying the physiopathology of IgE-induced allergies or IgG-induced tissue-specific inflammatory diseases which both depend on mature mast cells. Resident peritoneal mast cells are a minor population of differentiated cells that are not readily purified. They, however, can be expanded in culture to generate large numbers of homogeneous cells. We show here that these peritoneal cell-derived mast cells (PCMC) are mature serosal-type mouse mast cells which retain most morphological, phenotypic, and functional features of peritoneal mast cells. Like peritoneal mast cells, PCMC respond to IgG Abs. IgG immune complex-induced responses depended on FcgammaRIIIA and were negatively regulated by FcgammaRIIB. We found that a moderate FcgammaRIIB-dependent negative regulation, due not to a higher FcgammaRIIIA/FcgammaRIIB ratio, but to a relatively inefficient use of the lipid phosphatase SHIP1, determines this property of PCMC. PCMC also respond to IgE Abs. IgE-induced PCMC responses, however, differed quantitatively and qualitatively from BMMC responses. PCMC secreted no or much lower amounts of lipid mediators, chemokines, and cytokines, but they contained and released much higher amounts of preformed granular mediators. PCMC, but not BMMC, also contained and, upon degranulation, released molecules with a potent proteolytic activity. These properties make PCMC a useful new model for understanding the physiopathology of mast cells in IgE- and IgG-dependent tissue inflammation.  相似文献   

A population of mast cells can be derived in vitro by culturing normal spleen cells from C57BL/6 mice with the factor Interleukin 3. These mast cells share the morphological and histochemical features of mast cells at different stages of maturation. We have labelled these in vitro produced mast cells with 111In-Ox and injected them i. v. into normal syngeneic mice. The localisation of labelled cells has been determined 24 and 96 hours after the injection in the spleen, thymus and lymph-nodes.  相似文献   

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