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Zhang S  Mehdy MC 《The Plant cell》1994,6(1):135-145
The mRNA encoding the bean proline-rich protein PvPRP1 has been shown previously to be destabilized in elicitor-treated cells. In this study, we identified a 50-kD protein in cellular extracts that binds specifically to the PvPRP1 mRNA by UV cross-linking assays. Using 32P-labeled RNAs transcribed in vitro from a series of 5[prime] deleted PvPRP1 cDNA clones, we demonstrated that the PvPRP1 mRNA binding protein (PRP-BP) binds to a 27-nucleotide U-rich (~60%) domain in the 3[prime] untranslated region. Poly(U) and, to a lesser extent, poly(A-U) competed for the PRP-BP binding activity. PRP-BP activity is redox regulated in vitro, as shown by the effects of sulfhydryl-modifying reagents on the RNA binding activity. Treatment of cellular extracts with the reducing agents DTT and [beta]-mercaptoethanol increased binding activity, whereas treatment with the oxidizing agent diamide and the alkylating agent N-ethylmaleimide inhibited binding. In extracts from elicitor-treated cells, PRP-BP activity increased approximately fivefold prior to rapid PvPRP1 mRNA degradation. The increase in PRP-BP activity was apparently due to post-translational regulation because control and elicitor-treated cell extracts supplemented with DTT showed high comparable levels of RNA binding activity. The kinetics of PRP-BP activation after elicitor treatment and its capacity for redox regulation in vitro suggested that PRP-BP may function in the elicitor-induced destabilization of PvPRP1 mRNA.  相似文献   

We previously reported that Vibrio parahaemolyticus expresses two outer membrane proteins of 78 and 83 kDa concomitant with production of siderophore vibrioferrin in response to iron starvation stress and that these proteins are the ferric vibrioferrin receptor and heme receptor, respectively (S. Yamamoto, T. Akiyama, N. Okujo, S. Matsuura, and S. Shinoda, Microbiol. Immunol. 39:759-766, 1995; S. Yamamoto, Y. Hara, K. Tomochika, and S. Shinoda, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 128:195-200, 1995). In this study, the Fur titration assay (FURTA) system was applied to isolate DNA fragments containing a potential Fur box from a genomic DNA library of V. parahaemolyticus WP1. Sequencing a 3.2-kb DNA insert in one FURTA-positive clone revealed that an amino acid sequence deduced from a partial gene, which was preceded by a full-length gene (psuA) encoding a receptor for a siderophore of unknown origin, was consistent with the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 78-kDa ferric vibrioferrin receptor. Then, the full-length gene (pvuA) encoding the ferric vibrioferrin receptor was cloned and characterized. The deduced protein encoded by pvuA displayed the highest similarity (31% identity; 48% similarity) to RumA, a ferric rhizoferrin receptor of Morganella morganii. Primer extension and Northern blot analyses indicated that psuA and pvuA constitute an operon which is transcribed from a Fur-repressed promoter upstream of psuA. The product of the pvuA gene and its function were confirmed by generating a pvuA-disrupted mutant, coupled with genetic complementation studies. A mutant with disruption in the upstream psuA gene also displayed a phenotype impaired in the utilization of ferric vibrioferrin.  相似文献   

SPRR genes (formerly SPR) encode a novel class of polypeptides (small pr oline rich proteins) that are strongly induced during differentiation of human epidermal keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo. Recently we found that the N- and C-terminal domains of these proteins show strong sequence homology to loricrin and involucrin, suggesting that SPRR proteins constitute a new class of cornified envelope precursor proteins. Here we show that SPRR proteins are encoded by closely related members of a gene family, consisting of two genes for SPRR1, approximately seven genes for SPRR2, and a single gene for SPRR3. All SPRR genes are closely linked within a 300-kb DNA segment on human chromosome 1 band q21-q22, a region where the related loricrin and involucrin genes have also been mapped. The most characteristic feature of the SPRR gene family resides in the structure of the central segments of the encoded polypeptides that are built up from tandemly repeated units of either eight (SPRR1 and SPRR3) or nine (SPRR2) amino acids with the general consensus *K*PEP**. Sequencing data of the different members, together with their clustered chromosomal organization, strongly suggest that this gene family has evolved from a single progenitor gene by multiple intra- and intergenic duplications. Analysis of the different SPRR subfamilies reveals a gene-specific bias to either intra- or intergenic duplication. We propose that a process of homogenization has acted on the different members of one subfamily, whereas the different subfamilies appear to have diverged from each other, at the levels of both protein structure and gene regulation.  相似文献   

A new acidic protein with a molecular weight of 14,000 was purified from rat brain, in which it was specifically expressed, and partially sequenced by protein sequencing. On the basis of results obtained from the amino acid sequences, mixed oligonucleotides were synthesized and used as probes to clone a cDNA from a rat brain cDNA library. The cloned cDNA provided the full-length sequence of the 14-kDa protein. Northern blot hybridization using total RNA from several tissues of the rat provided evidence that the 14-kDa protein was expressed specifically in rat brain. Transfection of this cDNA into mammalian cells resulted in expression of the 14-kDa protein. The amino acid sequence predicted from the cDNA of the rat brain 14-kDa protein contained 137 amino acid residues. A hydropathy profile revealed a hydrophobic domain (amino acids 60-80) flanked by highly hydrophilic stretches on both sides. Whereas the N-terminal region of the 14-kDa protein contained four repeating motifs, EKTKEGV, the C-terminal domain was rich in glutamic acid and proline. A computer search of the amino acid sequence of the 14-kDa protein indicated no homology to any other protein reported so far.  相似文献   

An open reading frame (termed ORF-PR) encoding a metallothionein-like domain-including protein was found upstream of a previously identified Streptomyces chymotrypsin-type protease gene (sam-P20). Promoter and terminator activities of ORF-PR were detected using the promoterless Streptomyces tyrosinase gene as a reporter gene and expression of ORF-PR was supposed to occur before that of sam-P20 gene. Frameshift mutation anaysis showed that the ORF-PR product might act as a repressive regulator of the sam-P20 gene.  相似文献   

Seprase is a homodimeric 170-kDa integral membrane gelatinase that is related to the ectoenzyme dipeptidyl peptidase IV. We have identified an alternatively spliced seprase messenger from the human melanoma cell line LOX that encodes a novel truncated isoform, seprase-s. The splice variant mRNA is generated by an out-of-frame deletion of a 1223-base pair exonic region that encodes part of the cytoplasmic tail, transmembrane, and the membrane proximal-central regions of the extracellular domain (Val(5) through Ser(412)) of the seprase 97-kDa subunit (seprase-l). The seprase-s mRNA has an elongated 5' leader (548 nucleotides) that harbors at least two upstream open reading frames that inhibit seprase-s expression from a downstream major open reading frame. Deletion mutagenesis of the wild type splice variant cDNA confirms that initiation of the seprase-s coding sequence begins with an ATG codon that corresponds to Met(522) of seprase-l. The seprase-s open reading frame encodes a 239-amino acid polypeptide with an M(r) approximately 27,000 that precisely overlaps the carboxyl-terminal catalytic region of seprase-l.  相似文献   

Abstract. The major histidine-rich protein (HRP) found in the stratum corneum of neonatal mouse epidermis (band 2 protein, molecular weight 27,000) is a relatively late product of epidermal differentiation and incorporates labelled amino acids in vivo only after a 6–9 h lag period. A number of putative precursor HRPs in the 70–300 K molecular weight range were initially identified using short pulse labelling times and our previously described methods for isolation of epidermis and extraction of proteins. However, when steps were taken to minimise proteolysis during preparation, a single species of approximately 350 K molecular weight was the most strongly labelled protein following a 1 h in vivo pulse of [3H]-histidine. This protein was stable in sodium dodecyl sulphate dithiothreitol at 100°C and in 4 M urea, suggesting a single covalently linked polypeptide. The kinetics of labelling and the localisation of the 350 K HRP in the lower granular layers suggest that it is a precursor of the stratum corneum HRP. The processing of the 350 K HRP to the stratum corneum species appears to involve a complex series of specific cleavage steps which give rise to a number of HRPs of intermediate molecular weight.  相似文献   

We examined the changes in spatial pattern that accompanied the population decline of the garden tiger moth, Arctia caja (L.) in Britain between 1968 and 1999 using Spatial Analysis by Distance Indices (SADIE) techniques. A principal co-ordinate analysis of all pair-wise spatial associations between years indicated three groupings of years: 1969–1978,1979–1990,1991–1999, which revealed three phases during the population decline: an early period with highly structured spatial pattern; a middle period with nearly random distribution overall; and a recent period with highly structured spatial pattern but small abundance overall. The change in spatial structure in the early 1980’s accompanied rapid changes in abundance but preceded a sharp decline in occupancy and confirms that the sharp decline in abundance included decreases from widespread high-density sites. Perhaps unusually, A. caja varied from spatially aggregated to randomly distributed and back to spatially aggregated, all while its abundance declined sharply. Present distribution pattern may reflect past abundance changes poorly in this species. Areas showing the greatest variation in abundance displayed the greatest range in spatial structure, but also the greatest stability of spatial pattern, indicating changes between extremes of spatial pattern occurred slowly. SADIE techniques are a powerful method to quantify temporal changes in spatial pattern and relate them to temporal changes in abundance.  相似文献   

对一水稻cDNA 克隆(R1908) 的分析表明, 其可能编码水稻酰基辅酶A 结合蛋白(acylCoAbinding protein,ACBP)。Southern 杂交显示水稻( Oryza sativa L.) 基因组中仅有一个该基因的拷贝。Northern 分析表明水稻的ACBP基因在水稻的根、茎、叶、叶鞘、黄化苗和幼穗中皆表达,而以黄化苗的绿苗叶鞘中的表达强度高于绿苗叶片。  相似文献   

利用cDNA快速末端扩增 (RACE )技术获得红树植物秋茄液泡膜内在蛋白 (TIP)的全长cDNA (GenBank登录号 :AF5 2 1135 )。该cDNA全长为 1 1kb ,含有一个 75 6个核苷酸的完整开放阅读框 ,编码 2 5 2个氨基酸 ,等电点为5 77,分子量为 2 6 3kD。该氨基酸序列含有 6个跨膜区和两个高度保守的Asparagine proline alanine (NPA)基序。与冬葡萄、花椰菜、拟南芥的TIP相比 ,氨基酸的一致性达到 77%~ 79%。Northern分析表明盐分抑制该基因在红树 3个种中的表达 ,这种下调表达可能降低液泡膜水分渗透 ,有利于盐胁迫下细胞的保水。  相似文献   

The maternally inherited intracellular symbiont Wolbachia pipientis is well known for inducing a variety of reproductive abnormalities in the diverse arthropod hosts it infects. It has been implicated in causing cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, and the feminization of genetic males in different hosts. The molecular mechanisms by which this fastidious intracellular bacterium causes these reproductive and developmental abnormalities have not yet been determined. In this paper, we report on (i) the purification of one of the most abundantly expressed Wolbachia proteins from infected Drosophila eggs and (ii) the subsequent cloning and characterization of the gene (wsp) that encodes it. The functionality of the wsp promoter region was also successfully tested in Escherichia coli. Comparison of sequences of this gene from different strains of Wolbachia revealed a high level of variability. This sequence variation correlated with the ability of certain Wolbachia strains to induce or rescue the cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotype in infected insects. As such, this gene will be a very useful tool for Wolbachia strain typing and phylogenetic analysis, as well as understanding the molecular basis of the interaction of Wolbachia with its host.  相似文献   

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