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It has been confirmed and further documented that infection of the rabbit cornea with the E-43 strain of HSV-1 precludes superinfection of the corresponding trigeminal ganglia by another HSV strain, i.e., the challenging virus does not establish latency and can not be recovered from the ganglia. It was shown that after primary infection, a state of resistance is established in the neuronal cells of the ganglia, and although the challenging strain reaches the ganglia, it does not cause discernible acute infection, and does not displace the resident virus in the ganglia. This protection was present 6 months after primary infection, was independent of immune factors such as circulating or secretory antibodies, and was localized to the point of entry of the primary infecting strain and the sensory neurons that innervate that site. The smallest inoculum that provided protection from ganglionic superinfection was that which produced overt disease in the eye, although different degrees of disease resulted from varying inocula above this minimum. Asymptomatic primary infections produced by subminimal inocula of the E-43 strain or by the HSV recombinant strain, F(MP)F, which is avirulent for the rabbit eye, protected against severe disease and death, but the degree of protection against ganglionic superinfection was variable and depended on the time of challenge. These findings suggest that susceptible neurons in the trigeminal ganglion, when "occupied" by an infecting strain, cannot be superinfected by a second strain.  相似文献   

Strains of transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) virus possessing different pathogenicity were examined for stability to digestive enzymes and acid, and growth at various temperatures. In growth experiments, virus titer obtained at 37 degrees C were about equal between attenuated and virulent strains, but titers attained by the attenuated strain were higher at 30 degrees C. The attenuated virus multiplied at 28 degrees C, but the virulent virus did not at this temperature. The virulent virus was significantly stable to trypsin and pepsin, but the attenuated virus was inactivated rapidly by these proteolytic enzymes. No significant differences were observed in stability to acid between the attenuated and virulent strains. At different pH, both lost their infectivity more rapidly at 37 degrees C than at 22 degrees C.  相似文献   

Potential use of retrograde axoplasmic flow to eradicate virus persistence in ganglionic cells was studied in a new herpes simplex virus (HSV) persistence model in rat trigeminal ganglia. After injection of the F strain of HSV type 1 into the mental nerve, viral antigens were detectable in the ganglia by the immunofluorescence and peroxidase methods between postinoculation (p.i.) days 3 and 6 but not thereafter. None of 82 inoculated rats showed signs of acute illness, and some survived for more than 502 days without symptoms. By cocultivation of ganglion tissues with Vero cells, the virus was isolated from 42 of 49 ganglia (85.7%) between 15 and 386 days (p.i.). HSV DNA was solely localized in the nucleus of neurons by immunoperoxidase staining of paraffin sections with a biotinylated HSV DNA probe, and the presence of HSV DNA-positive cells was confirmed in four of four ganglia on p.i. day 6 and in five of six on p.i. day 502. The efficacy of axoplasmic flow in drug delivery to ganglionic cells was investigated by injection of doxorubicin (ADM) into the nerve once used for virus inoculation. As early as 19 h after injection, strong ADM-specific autofluorescence was seen in the nuclei of neurons parental to the mental nerve and in those of adjacent Schwann cells, and the death of ADM-positive cells subsequently ensued. A single injection of ADM reduced the virus isolation rate from 31/37 (84%) to 3/37 (8%).  相似文献   

Competitive polymerase chain reaction was used to quantitate latent varicella-zoster virus (VZV) DNA in human trigeminal ganglia. Ganglionic DNA from five subjects was amplified with oligonucleotide primers specific for VZV gene 28. Two of the samples were also analyzed with primers specific for VZV gene 62. Our results indicated that there are 6 to 31 copies of the VZV genome in every 100,000 ganglionic cells.  相似文献   

To investigate whether live attenuated pseudorabies virus (PRV) can be used as a vaccine vector, PRV recombinants that expressed envelope glycoprotein E1 of hog cholera virus (HCV) were generated. Pigs inoculated with these recombinants developed high levels of neutralizing antibodies against PRV and HCV and were protected against both pseudorabies and hog cholera (classical swine fever).  相似文献   

Bartha, the pseudorabies virus (PRV) vaccine strain, is widely used in studies of neuronal circuit-tracing, due to its attenuated virulence and retrograde spreading. However, we know little regarding the molecular mechanisms of PRV infection and spreading between structurally connected neurons. In this study, we systematically analyzed the host brain proteomes after acute infection with PRV, attempting to identified the proteins involved in the processes. Mice were injected with PRV-Bartha and PRV-Becker (PRV-Bartha's wild-type parent strain) in the olfactory system, the proteomes of the brain and synaptosome were analyzed and compared at various infection intervals using mass spectrometry-based proteomics techniques. In all, we identified > 100 PRV-infection regulated proteins at the whole-tissue level and the synaptosome level. While at whole-tissue level, bioinformatics analyses mapped most of the regulations to the inflammation pathways, at the synaptosome level, most of those to synaptic transmission, cargo transport and cytoskeleton organization. We established regulated protein networks demonstrating distinct cellular regulation pattern between the global and the synaptosome levels. Moreover, we identified a series of potentially PRV-strain-specific regulated proteins with diverse biological functions. This study may provide new clues for molecular mechanisms for PRV infection and spread.  相似文献   

Yellow fever (YF) virus is currently found in tropical Africa and South America, and is responsible for a febrile to severe illness characterized by organ failure and shock. The attenuated YF 17D strain, used in YF vaccine, was derived from the wild-type strain Asibi. Although studies have been done on genetic markers of YF virulence, differentiation of the two strains in terms of host-cell interaction during infection remains elusive. As YF wild-type strains are hepatotropic, we chose a hepatic cell line (HepG2) to study YF virus-host cell interaction. HepG2 cells rapidly produced high titres of infectious viral particles for 17D and Asibi YF strains. However, HepG2 cells were more susceptible to the attenuated 17D virus infection, and only this virus strain induced early apoptosis in these cells. Molecular markers specific for the 17D virus were identified by microarray analysis and confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. As early as 1h postinfection, three genes, (IEX-1, IRF-1, DEC-1) all implicated in apoptosis pathways, were upregulated. Later in infection (48 h) two other genes (HSP70-1A and 1B), expressed in cases of cellular stress, were highly upregulated in 17D-infected HepG2 cells. The early specific upregulation of these cellular genes in HepG2 cells may be considered markers of the 17D virus. This study on the YF attenuated strain gives a new approach to the analysis of the factors involved in virus attenuation.  相似文献   

Using real-time fluorescence PCR, we quantitated the numbers of copies of latent varicella-zoster virus (VZV) and herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) genomes in 15 human trigeminal ganglia. Eight (53%) and 1 (7%) of 15 ganglia were PCR positive for HSV-1 or -2 glycoprotein G genes, with means of 2,902 +/- 1,082 (standard error of the mean) or 109 genomes/10(5) cells, respectively. Eleven of 14 (79%) to 13 of 15 (87%) of the ganglia were PCR positive for VZV gene 29, 31, or 62. Pooling of the results for the three VZV genes yielded a mean of 258 +/- 38 genomes/10(5) ganglion cells. These levels of latent viral genome loads have implications for virus distribution in and reactivation from human sensory ganglia.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of pseudorabies virus (PRV) to induce and suppress apoptosis in the trigeminal ganglion during acute infection of its natural host. Eight pigs were intranasally inoculated with a virulent field strain of PRV, and at various early times after inoculation, the trigeminal ganglia were assessed histologically. PRV-infected cells were detected by use of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, and apoptosis was identified by in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling. Light and electron microscopy was also used for morphological studies. Apoptosis was readily detected among infiltrating immune cells that were located surrounding PRV-infected neurons. The majority of PRV-infected neurons did not show morphological or histochemical evidence of apoptosis, even including those neurons that were surrounded by numerous inflammatory cells and exhibited profound pathological changes. However, neuronal virus-induced apoptosis also occurred but at a sporadic low level. These findings suggest that PRV is able to block apoptosis of infected trigeminal ganglionic neurons during acute infection of swine. Furthermore, our results also suggest that apoptosis of infiltrating inflammatory cells may represent an important viral mechanism of immune evasion.  相似文献   

Free-ranging feral swine (Sus scrofa) are known to be present in at least 32 states of the USA and are continuously expanding their range. Infection with pseudorabies virus (PRV) occurs in feral swine and the primary route of transmission in free-living conditions seems to be venereal. Between 1995 and 1999, naturally infected feral swine and experimentally infected hybrid progeny of feral and domestic swine, were kept in isolation and evaluated for occurrence of latent PRV indigenous to feral swine in sacral and trigeminal ganglia and tonsil. Sacral ganglia were shown, by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the thymidine kinase (TK) gene of PRV, to be the most frequent sites of latency of PRV. Nine (56%) of 16 sacral ganglia, seven (44%) of 16 trigeminal ganglia, and five (39%) of 13 tonsils from naturally infected feral swine were positive for PCR amplification of TK sequences of PRV. These tissues were negative for PRV when viral isolation was attempted in Vero cells. DNA sequencing of cloned TK fragments from the sacral ganglia of two feral swine, showed only one nucleotide difference between the two fragments and extensive sequence homology to fragment sequences from various domestic swine PRV strains from China, Northern Ireland, and the USA. The hybrid feral domestic swine, experimentally inoculated with an indigenous feral swine PRV isolate by either the genital or respiratory route, acquired the infection but showed no clinical signs of pseudorabies. Virus inoculated into either the genital or respiratory tract could, at times, be isolated from both these sites. The most common latency sites were the sacral ganglia, regardless of the route and dose of infection in these experimentally infected hybrids. Nine of 10 sacral ganglia, six of 10 trigeminal ganglia, and three of 10 tonsils were positive for PCR amplification of TK sequences. No virus was isolated from these tissues in Vero cells. The demonstration of the sacral ganglia as the most common sites of latency of pseudorabies viruses indigenous to feral swine, supports the hypothesis that these viruses are primarily transmitted venereally, and not by the respiratory route as is common in domestic swine, in which the trigeminal ganglia are the predominant sites of virus latency.  相似文献   

A guanidine-resistant mutant of the attenuated strain of aphthovirus type 01 strain Campos and the original wild-type strain were crossed to generate recombinant viruses. Two independently derived recombinant viruses were isolated. One isolate (RI) contained the P1 (structural proteins) gene region of attenuated strain and P3 (polymerase precursor) gene region of the wild-type strain. The other isolate (RII) had a genomic structure complementary to that of RI, this is, P1 of the wild-type strain and P3 of the attenuated virus. Recombinant RII inherited some in vitro phenotypic markers that were characteristic of the attenuated strain, whereas the RI recombinant had in vitro behavior that was similar to that of the wild-type strain. The data obtained suggest that the polymerase precursor (P3) of the attenuated strain (01 Campos) could be involved in the determination of the attenuated phenotype for fetal bovine kidney cells and, eventually, for cattle.  相似文献   

The effect of monoclonal antibodies on the growth of herpes simplex virus type 1 in trigeminal ganglia was investigated. Four-week-old mice were infected on an abrased cornea with herpes simplex virus type 1. Forty-eight hours after infection, trigeminal ganglia ipsilateral with infected eyes were removed and placed in culture. Incubation of infected ganglia in the presence of a pool of nonneutralizing monoclonal antibodies specific for glycoproteins of gB and gE suppressed virus growth by greater than 90%. This was comparable to the amount of suppression observed when infected ganglia were incubated in hyperimmune serum. Individual monoclonal antibodies were less efficient, being able to inhibit virus growth by only two- to threefold. The mechanism of suppression was examined. Reduction in virus growth was observed under conditions in which all susceptible ganglion cells were infected in vitro before nonneutralizing monoclonal antibody was added. Similar results were obtained in tests with virus-infected neuroblastoma cells. Furthermore, suppression of infectious progeny was seen in the absence of complement and immunologically reactive cells. Thus, neither virus neutralization nor immunocytolysis could account for the effects of antibody on virus growth. Rather, the data suggest that antibody can bind to herpes simplex virus type 1-infected neuronal cells and suppress intracellular virus replication.  相似文献   

The Bartha strain of pseudorabies virus has several recognized mutations, including a deletion in the unique short region encompassing the glycoprotein I (gI), gE, Us9, and Us2 genes and point mutations in the gC, gM, and UL21 genes. We have determined that Bartha has mutations in the serine/threonine kinase encoded by the Us3 gene relative to the wild-type Becker strain. Our analysis revealed that Becker virions contain the Us3 protein, whereas Bartha virions do not. To test whether the mutations in the Bartha Us3 protein were responsible for this observation, we constructed a recombinant Bartha strain, PRV632, which expresses the Becker Us3 protein. PRV632 failed to package Us3 into the tegument, indicating that mutations other than those in the Us3 primary amino acid sequence were responsible for the failure of Bartha to package its Us3 protein. A recombinant Becker strain, PRV634, which expresses the Bartha Us3 protein, was constructed to test whether it was capable of being packaged into virions. The Bartha Us3 protein was not incorporated into PRV634 virions efficiently, suggesting that the primary sequence of the Bartha Us3 protein affects packaging into the tegument. To determine whether the packaging of other tegument proteins was affected in the Bartha strain, we examined VP22. Whereas Becker packaged VP22 into virions, Bartha had a severe deficiency in VP22 incorporation. Analysis of VP22 expression in Bartha-infected cells revealed that Bartha VP22 had a slower mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, indicating either primary sequence differences and/or different posttranslational modifications relative to Becker VP22. Taken together, these data indicate that, while the primary sequence of the Us3 protein does affect its incorporation into the tegument, other factors are involved. Furthermore, our data suggest that one or more of the gI, gE, Us9, or Us2 genes influences the localization of the Us3 protein in infected cells, and this effect may be important for the proper incorporation of Us3 into virions.  相似文献   

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