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稳定性同位素核酸探针技术DNA-SIP 原理与应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
贾仲君 《微生物学报》2011,51(12):1585-1594
稳定性同位素核酸探针技术DNA-SIP(Stable isotope probing),是将复杂环境中微生物物种组成及其生理功能耦合分析的有力工具.微生物的体积在μm尺度,因此,自然环境中微生物群落在μm尺度下生理过程的发生、发展,其新陈代谢物质在环境中累积与消减的动力学变化规律,形成了微生物生理生态过程,决定了不同尺度下生态系统物质和能量的良性循环.利用稳定性同位素示踪复杂环境中微生物基因组DNA,实现了单一微生物生理过程研究向微生物群落生理生态研究的转变,能在更高更复杂的整体水平上定向发掘重要微生物资源,推动微生物生理生态学和生物技术开发应用.本文重点探讨了DNA-SIP的技术原理、主要技术瓶颈及对策,初步展望了DNA-SIP为基础的环境微生物基因组学发展趋势.  相似文献   

宏基因组学技术以特定环境样品中微生物复杂群落的基因组总和为研究对象,突破了传统微生物纯培养方法的局限,为不可培养微生物中丰富的基因资源的开发和利用提供了强有力的工具,已经取得了令人瞩目的研究进展。对宏基因组学技术及其在微生物功能酶新基因发现中的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

屈爱娜  吴德 《病毒学报》2022,(6):1488-1494
随着高通量测序技术的发展,与人体共生的微生物群成为当今研究的热点。肠道微生物群是人体最庞杂且重要的微生态系统,与人体健康密切相关。其中,肠道菌群与疾病的研究是热点,但是人们对肠道病毒群的关注较少。该文对人体肠道病毒宏基因组学的研究进行综述,介绍病毒宏基因组学的基本研究内容,以及研究面临的瓶颈问题,阐述利用宏病毒组学探索健康人体肠道病毒群组成的特征、肠道病毒群与某些人类疾病相关性的研究进展。  相似文献   

高通量测序技术的发展促进了组学技术在环境微生物研究中的广泛应用,而宏基因组学是目前最为关键和成熟的组学方法。生物信息学在微生物宏基因组学研究中具有至关重要的作用。它贯穿于宏基因组学的数据收集和存储、数据处理和分析等各个阶段,既是宏基因组学推广的最大瓶颈,也是目前宏基因组学研究发展的关键所在。本文主要介绍和归纳了目前在高通量宏基因组测序中常用的生物信息学分析平台及其重要的信息分析工具。未来几年之内,测序成本的下降和测序深度的增加将进一步增大宏基因组学研究在数据存储、数据处理和数据挖掘层面的难度,因此相应生物信息学技术与方法的研究和发展也势在必行。近期内我们应该首先加强基础性分析和存储平台的建设以方便普通环境微生物研究者使用,同时针对目前生物信息分析的瓶颈步骤和关键任务重点突破,逐步发展。  相似文献   

微生物在自然界中广泛存在,除土壤和水中的微生物最多外,其次在农业畜牧业中反刍动物的瘤胃微生态系统中的微生物中所占比例最多。反刍动物瘤胃微生物由于种类繁多,数量巨大,微生物区系之间关系非常复杂,它们之间寄生共生,共同影响宿主的生长发育和机体代谢,所以是反刍动物营养学研究的热点之一。随着分子生物学技术的发展,宏基因组学技术帮助我们揭开了瘤胃微生物群落的真实面貌,有助于挖掘瘤胃微生物基因库并筛选其中的功能基因,使人们对反刍动物瘤胃微生物群落的研究更加方便、透彻。本文综述了近些年应用宏基因组学技术在反刍动物瘤胃微生态群落系统的应用,旨在对瘤胃微生物功能特征进行更深入的研究,为畜牧科学生产及微生物发酵等相关领域的研究提供科学指导。  相似文献   

环境微生物的宏基因组学研究新进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
孙欣  高莹  杨云锋 《生物多样性》2013,21(4):393-400
宏基因组学以环境中微生物的基因组的总和为研究对象,从而规避了传统方法中绝大部分微生物不能培养的缺陷,因此近年来在环境微生物学研究中得到了广泛应用.本文重点介绍了宏基因组学技术中关键的两类技术:即以罗氏454及Illumina为代表的高通量测序技术和以基因芯片(GeoChip)为代表的基因芯片技术在微生物研究中的应用.测序技术可以发现新物种和新基因,但由于测序深度有限,定量性差,不易发现低丰度物种,且易受污染物干扰.芯片技术很好地克服了这些局限,但不易于发现新基因.本文介绍了这些技术近年来在气候变化、水处理工程系统、极端环境、人体肠道、石油污染修复、生物冶金等方面取得的部分代表性成果.在此基础上,对宏基因组技术在环境微生物研究方面的未来发展方向提出了预判和展望.我们认为由于两种技术各自的优缺点,今后将两类技术结合起来的综合研究会越来越多.另外,由于大量数据的处理方法已成为制约宏基因组学发展的瓶颈,相应的生物信息学技术开发将是未来科研的热点和难点.  相似文献   

煤层气是一种重要的能源资源,有生物成因和热成因两种类型。生物成因煤层气是在煤层微生物的作用下形成的。本研究通过向煤层气井中注入培养基,采用宏基因组学技术对煤层水中细菌菌群的组成多样性进行分析。结果表明,在培养基注入前后,煤层水中微生物均具有较丰富的多样性,注入前丛毛单胞菌科、甲基球菌科、假单胞菌科、鞘氨醇单胞菌科和嗜甲基菌科的微生物为优势菌种。注入3个月后,优势菌种主要为链球菌科、丛毛单胞菌科、嗜甲基菌科和红环菌科。注入6个月后,红环菌科和甲基球菌科的丰度最高。主成分分析显示,红环菌科、甲基球菌科、弯曲杆菌科、鞘氨醇单胞菌科、假单胞菌科、丛毛单胞菌科、嗜甲基菌科和链球菌科8个科的微生物对生物成气过程有重要影响。细菌菌群的ɑ多样性从chao1、ACE、Shannon、npS hannon和Simpson指数进行分析,结果显示,培养基的注入能显著增加物种的多样性。本研究结果为解析煤层生物成气过程中微生物的动态变化提供了依据。  相似文献   

酯酶(esterase)可以催化酯水解和合成、多肽合成、内酯合成、酯交换等多种反应,在工业领域被广泛应用,故开发具有高活力、耐盐、耐碱、耐酸、耐高温等特殊性质的酯酶具有重要意义,而来自于极端环境微生物的酯酶往往具有这些特殊的性质.从环境中获得酯酶基因的传统方式主要依赖于微生物的纯培养和基于单菌的测序技术,但是自然界中可...  相似文献   

宏基因组学技术的研究与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宏基因组学研究作为研究微生物种群生态分布、群体遗传特征和基因相互作用的新兴学科领域,在很大程度上促进了环境微生物资源,特别是未培养微生物资源的开发利用,在土壤、海洋、人体医学、药物等各个领域的应用中取得了突破性的进展,为发现新的生物活性物质提供了新的有效途径。就宏基因组学研究进展进行综述,并重点介绍了宏基因组学研究中的机遇及挑战。  相似文献   

高通量测序技术的发展提高了人们对微生物组的认识。宏基因组学技术因其全面和深入的分析功能被广泛应用于各种环境微生物组的研究中,尤其在阐明各种疾病与人体微生物组的关系中,宏基因组学技术具有重要作用。痤疮作为一种常见的皮肤疾病,严重影响人们皮肤美观度和心理健康。利用宏基因组学技术挖掘皮肤微生物与痤疮的关系,将有助于痤疮发病机理的研究和临床治疗方法的改进。通过介绍宏基因组学技术的发展背景、概述及其应用研究进展,探讨皮肤微生物与痤疮的关系,综述宏基因组学技术在痤疮研究中的应用现状,并总结目前宏基因组学技术在皮肤疾病研究中存在的问题,旨在为痤疮的宏基因组研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Methane is used as an alternative carbon source in the denitrification of wastewater lacking organic carbon sources because it is nontoxic and may be efficiently produced by anaerobic biological processes. Methane-dependent denitrification (MDD) in the presence of oxygen requires the co-occurrence of methanotrophy and denitrification. Activated sludge was incubated with 13C-labeled methane in either a nitrate-containing medium or a nitrate-free medium. Then, bacterial and methanotrophic populations were analyzed by cloning analysis and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis targeting 16S rRNA gene and cloning analysis targeting pmoA genes. DNA-based stable-isotope probing (DNA-SIP) analysis of the 16S rRNA gene revealed an association of the Methylococcaceae and the Hyphomicrobiaceae in a MDD ecosystem. Furthermore, supplementation of nitrate stimulated methane consumption and the activity of methanotrophic populations (i.e. the stimulation of uncultivated relatives of distinct groups of the Methylococcaceae). In particular, uncultured type-X methanotrophs of Gammaproteobacteria were dominant when nitrate was added, i.e. in the MDD incubations. On the other hand, most methanotrophs (types I, II, and X methanotrophs) were found to have been labeled with 13C under nitrate-free conditions. This DNA-SIP study identifies key bacterial populations involved in a MDD ecosystem.  相似文献   

Summary DNA-based stable-isotope probing (SIP) using 13C-labeled growth substrates as bait is a powerful tool for the selective DNA isolation from microorganisms that are actively involved in consuming these substrates. To enhance the detection frequency of target genes in screens for new natural products, we have combined for the first time DNA-based SIP with the construction of metagenomic libraries. To isolate genes encoding coenzyme B12-dependent glycerol dehydratases an enrichment of glycerol-fermenting microorganisms from a sediment sample of the Wadden Sea was performed by using glycerol–13C3 as sole carbon source. Subsequently, the 13C-labeled DNA was separated from the naturally abundant 12C-DNA by density centrifugation, and used for library generation. Screening of the constructed libraries for the target genes revealed that the gene detection frequencies employing DNA-based SIP for enrichment of genomes harboring dehydratase genes were 2.1- to 3.8-fold higher than those recorded by using a traditional step with unlabeled glycerol for enrichment.  相似文献   

Microbial biodegradation and biotransformation reactions are essential to most bioremediation processes, yet the specific organisms, genes, and mechanisms involved are often not well understood. Stable isotope probing (SIP) enables researchers to directly link microbial metabolic capability to phylogenetic and metagenomic information within a community context by tracking isotopically labeled substances into phylogenetically and functionally informative biomarkers. SIP is thus applicable as a tool for the identification of active members of the microbial community and associated genes integral to the community functional potential, such as biodegradative processes. The rapid evolution of SIP over the last decade and integration with metagenomics provide researchers with a much deeper insight into potential biodegradative genes, processes, and applications, thereby enabling an improved mechanistic understanding that can facilitate advances in the field of bioremediation.  相似文献   

郑智俊  黄云  秦楠 《微生物学报》2018,58(11):2020-2032
最近5年来,微生物组与人体健康之间的微妙关系已成为全球研究热点,特别是基于高通量测序的宏基因组技术推动了这个领域的发展。然而宏基因组生物信息学分析往往是开展研究过程中的难点。本文对宏基因组生物信息常规分析方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

With the development of high throughput sequencing and single-cell genomics technologies, many uncultured bacterial communities have been dissected by combining these two techniques. Especially, by simultaneously leveraging of single-cell genomics and metagenomics, researchers can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of obtaining whole genome information from complex microbial communities, which not only allow us to identify microbes but also link function to species, identify subspecies variations, study host-virus interactions and etc. Here, we review recent developments and the challenges need to be addressed in single-cell metagenomics, including potential contamination, uneven sequence coverage, sequence chimera, genome assembly and annotation. With the development of sequencing and computational methods, single-cell metagenomics will undoubtedly broaden its application in various microbiome studies.  相似文献   

Groundwater microbial community dynamics are poorly understood due to the challenges associated with accessing subsurface environments. In particular, microbial interactions and their impact on the subsurface carbon cycle remain unclear. In the present project, stable isotope probing with uniformly labeled [13C]-acetate was used to identify metabolically active and inactive bacterial populations based on their ability to assimilate acetate and/or its metabolites. Furthermore, we assessed whether substrate availability (bottom–up control) or grazing mortality (top–down control) played a greater role in shaping bacterial community composition by separately manipulating the organic carbon supply and the protozoan grazer population. A community fingerprinting technique, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism, revealed that the bacterial community was not affected by changes in acetate availability but was significantly altered by the removal of protozoan grazers. In silico identification of terminal restriction fragments and 16S rRNA gene sequences from clone libraries revealed a bacterial community dominated by Proteobacteria, Firmicutes , and Bacteroidetes . Elucidation of the factors that structure the bacterial community will improve our understanding of the bacterial role in the carbon cycle of this important subterranean environment.  相似文献   

In many of the DNA-based stable-isotope probing (SIP) studies published to date in which soil communities were investigated, a single DNA extraction was performed on the soil sample, usually using a commercial DNA extraction kit, prior to recovering the (13)C-labeled (heavy) DNA by density-gradient ultracentrifugation. Recent evidence suggests, however, that a single extraction of a soil sample may not lead to representative recovery of DNA from all of the organisms in the sample. To determine whether multiple DNA extractions would affect the DNA yield, the eubacterial 16S rRNA gene copy number, or the identification of anthracene-degrading bacteria, we performed seven successive DNA extractions on the same aliquot of contaminated soil either untreated or enriched with [U-(13)C]anthracene. Multiple extractions were necessary to maximize the DNA yield and 16S rRNA gene copy number from both untreated and anthracene-enriched soil samples. Sequences within the order Sphingomonadales, but unrelated to any previously described genus, dominated the 16S rRNA gene clone libraries derived from (13)C-enriched DNA and were designated "anthracene group 1." Sequences clustering with Variovorax spp., which were also highly represented, and sequences related to the genus Pigmentiphaga were newly associated with anthracene degradation. The bacterial groups collectively identified across all seven extracts were all recovered in the first extract, although quantitative PCR analysis of SIP-identified groups revealed quantitative differences in extraction patterns. These results suggest that performing multiple DNA extractions on soil samples improves the extractable DNA yield and the number of quantifiable eubacterial 16S rRNA gene copies but have little qualitative effect on the identification of the bacterial groups associated with the degradation of a given carbon source by SIP.  相似文献   

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