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Detection of lateral gene transfer among microbial genomes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
An increasingly comprehensive assessment is being developed of the extent and potential significance of lateral gene transfer among microbial genomes. Genomic sequences can be identified as being of putatively lateral origin by their unexpected phyletic distribution, atypical sequence composition, differential presence or absence in closely related genomes, or incongruent phylogenetic trees. These complementary approaches sometimes yield inconsistent results. Not only more data but also quantitative models and simulations are needed urgently.  相似文献   

Complete archaeal genomes were probed for the presence of long (> or = 25 bp) oligonucleotide repeats (words). We detected the presence of many words distributed in tandem with narrow ranges of periodicity (i.e., spacer length between repeats). Similar words were not identified in genomes of non-archaeal species, namely Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Haemophilus influenzae, Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. BLAST similarity searches against the GenBank nucleotide sequence database revealed that these words were archaeal species-specific, indicating that they are of a signature character. Sequence analysis and genome viewing tools showed these repeats to be restricted to non-coding regions. Thus, archaea appear to possess a non-coding genomic signature that is absent in bacterial species. The identification of a species-specific genomic signature would be of great value to archaeal genome mapping, evolutionary studies and analyses of genome complexity.  相似文献   

Tandemly arrayed genes (TAGs) play an important functional and physiological role in the genome. Most previous studies have focused on individual TAG families in a few species, yet a broad characterization of TAGs is not available. Here we identified all TAGs in the genomes of humans, mouse, and rat and performed a comprehensive analysis of TAG distribution, TAG sizes, TAG orientations and intergenic distances, and TAG functions. TAGs account for about 14-17% of all genes in the genome and nearly one-third of all duplicated genes, highlighting the predominant role that tandem duplication plays in gene duplication. For all species, TAG distribution is highly heterogeneous along chromosomes and some chromosomes are enriched with TAG forests, whereas others are enriched with TAG deserts. The majority of TAGs are of size 2 for all genomes, similar to the previous findings in Caenorhabditis elegans, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Oryza sativa, suggesting that it is a rather general phenomenon in eukaryotes. The comparison with the genome patterns shows that TAG members have a significantly higher proportion of parallel gene orientation in all species, corroborating Graham's claim that parallel orientation is the preferred form of orientation in TAGs. Moreover, TAG members with parallel orientation tend to be closer to each other than all neighboring genes in the genome with parallel orientation. The analyses of Gene Ontology function indicate that genes with receptor or binding activities are significantly overrepresented by TAGs. Computer simulation reveals that random gene rearrangements have little effect on the statistics of TAGs for all genomes. Finally, the average proportion of TAGs shows a trend of increase with the increase of family sizes, although the correlation between TAG proportions in individual families and family sizes is not significant.  相似文献   

We have examined the mouse genome sequence to determine its VH gene segment repertoire. In all, 141 segments are mapped to a 3 Mb region of chromosome 12. There is evidence that 92 of these are functional in the mouse strain used for the genome sequence, C57BL/6J; 12 are functional in other mouse strains, and 37 are pseudogenes. The mouse VH gene segment repertoire is therefore twice the size of that in humans. The mouse and human loci bear no large-scale similarity to each other. The 104 functional segments belong to one of the 15 known sequence subgroups, which have been further clustered into eight sets here. Seven of these sets, comprising 101 sequences, are related to five of the human VH families and have the same canonical structures in their hypervariable regions. Duplication of members of one set in the distal half of the locus is mainly responsible for the larger size of the mouse repertoire. Phylogenetic analysis of the VH segments indicates that most of the sequences in the human and mouse VH loci have arisen subsequent to the divergence of the two organisms from their common ancestor.  相似文献   

The determination and analysis of complete genome sequences has led to the suggestion that horizontal gene transfer may be much more extensive than previously appreciated. Many of these studies, however, rely on evidence that could be generated by forces other than gene transfer including selection, variable evolutionary rates, and biased sampling.  相似文献   

李雪娟  黄原  雷富民 《遗传》2014,36(9):912-920
海南山鹧鸪(Arborophila ardens)对生境选择比较严格,种群数量稀少,属于濒危物种。为进一步研究山鹧鸪属的进化和系统发育关系,文章利用Illumina Hiseq2000高通量测序技术获得了海南山鹧鸪线粒体全基因组序列,从比较基因组学角度分析了4种山鹧鸪鸟类的线粒体基因组特征,并探讨了山鹧鸪属鸟类的系统发育地位。研究结果表明:(1) 海南山鹧鸪线粒体基因组长度为16 730 bp,编码13个蛋白质编码基因、2个核糖体RNA基因、22个转运RNA基因以及1个控制区;(2) 山鹧鸪属物种受到了纯化选择的作用,且在进化过程中积累了更多的非同义替换;(3) 山鹧鸪属位于雉科鸟类系统树的基部位置,其中白眉山鹧鸪与红喉山鹧鸪互为姐妹群,海南山鹧鸪位于山鹧鸪属的基部位置,与其他3种山鹧鸪鸟类的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

The genus Mycobacterium comprises significant pathogenic species that infect both humans and animals. One species within this genus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is the primary killer of humans resulting from bacterial infections. Five mycobacterial genomes belonging to four different species (M. tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis, Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis) have been sequenced to date and another 14 mycobacterial genomes are at various stages of completion. A comparative analysis of the gene products of key metabolic pathways revealed that the major differences among these species are in the gene products constituting the cell wall and the gene families encoding the acidic glycine-rich (PE/PPE/PGRS) proteins. Mycobacterium leprae has evolved by retaining a minimal gene set for most of the gene families, whereas M. avium ssp. paratuberculosis has acquired some of the virulence factors by lateral gene transfer.  相似文献   

Aphelenchoides besseyi is a plant-parasitic nematode (PPN) in the family Aphelenchoididae capable of infecting more than 200 plant species. A. besseyi is also a species complex with strains exhibiting varying pathogenicity to plants. We present the genome and annotations of six Aphelenchoides species, four of which belonged to the A. besseyi species complex. Most Aphelenchoides genomes have a size of 44.7–47.4 Mb and are among the smallest in clade IV, with the exception of A. fujianensis, which has a size of 143.8 Mb and is one of the largest. Phylogenomic analysis successfully delimited the species complex into A. oryzae and A. pseudobesseyi and revealed a reduction of transposon elements in the last common ancestor of Aphelenchoides. Synteny analyses between reference genomes indicated that three chromosomes in A. besseyi were derived from fission and fusion events. A systematic identification of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) genes across 27 representative nematodes allowed us to identify two major episodes of acquisition corresponding to the last common ancestor of clade IV or major PPNs, respectively. These genes were mostly lost and differentially retained between clades or strains. Most HGT events were acquired from bacteria, followed by fungi, and also from plants; plant HGT was especially prevalent in Bursaphelenchus mucronatus. Our results comprehensively improve the understanding of HGT in nematodes.  相似文献   

DNA repeats are causes and consequences of genome plasticity. Repeats are created by intrachromosomal recombination or horizontal transfer. They are targeted by recombination processes leading to amplifications, deletions and rearrangements of genetic material. The identification and analysis of repeats in nearly 700 genomes of bacteria and archaea is facilitated by the existence of sequence data and adequate bioinformatic tools. These have revealed the immense diversity of repeats in genomes, from those created by selfish elements to the ones used for protection against selfish elements, from those arising from transient gene amplifications to the ones leading to stable duplications. Experimental works have shown that some repeats do not carry any adaptive value, while others allow functional diversification and increased expression. All repeats carry some potential to disorganize and destabilize genomes. Because recombination and selection for repeats vary between genomes, the number and types of repeats are also quite diverse and in line with ecological variables, such as host-dependent associations or population sizes, and with genetic variables, such as the recombination machinery. From an evolutionary point of view, repeats represent both opportunities and problems. We describe how repeats are created and how they can be found in genomes. We then focus on the functional and genomic consequences of repeats that dictate their fate.  相似文献   

微量元素指需要量很少(人体中含量在0.01%以下),但却是所有生物体所必需的元素。它们参与了生物体中各种复杂的生物过程,因此不同生物必须依赖相应的微量元素才能生存。过去大量的工作主要放在微量元素代谢通路和微量元素结合蛋白的实验研究上,由此凸显出微量元素对生命的重要性。然而,微量元素的计算生物学研究工作却非常有限。着重介绍当前利用比较基因组学的理论和方法来研究不同微量元素的利用、代谢、功能和进化方面问题的最新进展。对于所讨论的元素,大多数利用它们的蛋白已经基本确定,并且这些蛋白对于特定元素的依赖性也是非常保守的。通过比较基因组学分析,有助于帮助我们进一步认识微量元素领域很多基本问题(如在古菌、细菌和真核生物中的代谢、功能和动态进化规律等)及其重要特征。  相似文献   

Deciphering the evolutionary history and transmission patterns of virulence determinants is necessary to understand the emergence of novel pathogens. The main virulence determinant of most pathogenic proteobacteria is the type three secretion system (T3SS). The Xanthomonas genus includes bacteria responsible for numerous epidemics in agroecosystems worldwide and represents a major threat to plant health. The main virulence factor of Xanthomonas is the Hrp2 family T3SS; however, this system is not conserved in all strains and it has not been previously determined whether the distribution of T3SS in this bacterial genus has resulted from losses or independent acquisitions. Based on comparative genomics of 82 genome sequences representing the diversity of the genus, we have inferred three ancestral acquisitions of the Hrp2 cluster during Xanthomonas evolution followed by subsequent losses in some commensal strains and re‐acquisition in some species. While mutation was the main force driving polymorphism at the gene level, interspecies homologous recombination of large fragments expanding through several genes shaped Hrp2 cluster polymorphism. Horizontal gene transfer of the entire Hrp2 cluster also occurred. A reduced core effectome composed of xopF1, xopM, avrBs2 and xopR was identified that may allow commensal strains overcoming plant basal immunity. In contrast, stepwise accumulation of numerous type 3 effector genes was shown in successful pathogens responsible for epidemics. Our data suggest that capacity to intimately interact with plants through T3SS would be an ancestral trait of xanthomonads. Since its acquisition, T3SS has experienced a highly dynamic evolutionary history characterized by intense gene flux between species that may reflect its role in host adaptation.  相似文献   

Whole-genome sequencing, particularly in fungi, has progressed at a tremendous rate. More difficult, however, is experimental testing of the inferences about gene function that can be drawn from comparative sequence analysis alone. We present a genome-wide functional characterization of a sequenced but experimentally understudied budding yeast, Saccharomyces bayanus var. uvarum (henceforth referred to as S. bayanus), allowing us to map changes over the 20 million years that separate this organism from S. cerevisiae. We first created a suite of genetic tools to facilitate work in S. bayanus. Next, we measured the gene-expression response of S. bayanus to a diverse set of perturbations optimized using a computational approach to cover a diverse array of functionally relevant biological responses. The resulting data set reveals that gene-expression patterns are largely conserved, but significant changes may exist in regulatory networks such as carbohydrate utilization and meiosis. In addition to regulatory changes, our approach identified gene functions that have diverged. The functions of genes in core pathways are highly conserved, but we observed many changes in which genes are involved in osmotic stress, peroxisome biogenesis, and autophagy. A surprising number of genes specific to S. bayanus respond to oxidative stress, suggesting the organism may have evolved under different selection pressures than S. cerevisiae. This work expands the scope of genome-scale evolutionary studies from sequence-based analysis to rapid experimental characterization and could be adopted for functional mapping in any lineage of interest. Furthermore, our detailed characterization of S. bayanus provides a valuable resource for comparative functional genomics studies in yeast.  相似文献   

cDNA cloning and expression of an apoptosis-related gene, human TFAR15 gene   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
By means of cDNA-RDA method. some cDNA fragments were found to have high levels of expression during deprivation of GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor) in a human myeloid cell line, TF-1 cells. One of these tragments was identified as a novel gene. To get the full length of cDNA, rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and expressed sequence tags (EST) overlapping fragments assembling strategies were used. The novel gene was named TRAF15 (TF-1 cell apoptosis related gene-15), which consists of 1218 nueleotides and encodes 212 amino acids. The putative protein protein product of TFAR15 is partially homologous to C. elegans protein C14A4. 11. TFAR15 mRNA is expressed in fetal liver, kidney, spleen and lung. and also in some human myeloid cell lines. Both of the TFAR15 mRNA and protein were highly expressed in TF-(?) cells after GM-CSF withdrawal. In vitro analysis showed that the recombinant TFAR15 protein co(?)ld inhibit the natural cell death of 293 cells, an embryonic kidney cell  相似文献   

To identify the genes controlling plasma concentrations of triglycerides (TGs), FFAs, and glucose, we carried out a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of the closely related mouse strains New Zealand Black (NZB/B1NJ) and New Zealand White (NZW/LacJ), which share 63% of their genomes. The NZB x NZW F(2) progeny were genotyped and phenotyped to detect QTL, and then comparative genomics, bioinformatics, and sequencing were used to narrow the QTL and reduce the number of candidate genes. Triglyceride concentrations were linked to loci on chromosomes (Chr) 4, 7, 8, 10, and 18. FFA concentrations were affected by a significant locus on Chr 4, a suggestive locus on Chr 16, and two interacting loci on Chr 2 and 15. Plasma glucose concentrations were affected by QTL on Chr 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 15, 17, and 18. Comparative genomics narrowed the QTL by 31% to 86%; haplotype analysis was usually able to further narrow it by 80%. We suggest several candidate genes: Gba2 on Chr 4, Irs2 on Chr 8, and Ppargc1b on Chr 18 for TG; A2bp1 on Chr 16 for FFA; and G6pc2 on Chr 2 and Timp3 on Chr 10 for glucose.  相似文献   

小麦的比较基因组学和功能基因组学   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
小麦是异源多倍体植物,具有大的染色体组,并且基因组中重复序列所占比例较高,这些特征限制了小麦基因组研究的进展。比较基因组学方法为运用模式植物进行小麦基因组学研究提供了一个操作平台。功能基因组学的研究集中于基因组中转录表达的部分,基因功能的确定是功能基因组学研究的主要内容。对比较基因组学在小麦基因组研究中的应用和小麦功能基因组学的研究内容和方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

Among new insights coming from the completion of sequencing of the human genome, reported in Nature and Science, are clues of how evolution has increased the complexity of species, and in particular how the genetic code has enabled this process. It is clear that life has not only evolved by increasing the number of genes, but also by ingeniously evolving an efficient code for expressing diversity in the building blocks (i.e. the amino acids). The rules of nucleic acid base pairing and the classification of amino acids according to hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity relationships define a binary DNA code, which determines the general biophysical characteristics of proteins. Sense and antisense strands can encode protein segments having inverted and complementary hydropathy. The underlying binary code controls association and dissociation of proteins and presumably represents a primordial code that might have emerged in the early stages of self-organizing biochemical cycles. It is the purpose of this communication to provide a perspective of the code in the context of a binary language from its primordial origin to its present day format and to propose to use this code as a genomic mining tool.  相似文献   

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