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Cytochrome b and D-loop nucleotide sequences were used to study patterns of molecular evolution and phylogenetic relationships between the pheasants and the partridges, which are thought to form two closely related monophyletic galliform lineages. Our analyses used 34 complete cytochrome b and 22 partial D-loop sequences from the hypervariable domain I of the D-loop, representing 20 pheasant species (15 genera) and 12 partridge species (5 genera). We performed parsimony, maximum likelihood, and distance analyses to resolve these phylogenetic relationships. In this data set, transversion analyses gave results similar to those of global analyses. All of our molecular phylogenetic analyses indicated that the pheasants and partridges arose through a rapid radiation, making it difficult to establish higher level relationships. However, we were able to establish six major lineages containing pheasant and partridge taxa, including one lineage containing both pheasants and partridges (Gallus, Bambusicola and Francolinus). This result, supported by maximum likelihood tests, indicated that the pheasants and partridges do not form independent monophyletic lineages.  相似文献   

叶绿体基因组序列变异和基因组成等特征可有效反映植物类群间的系统发育和进化关系。本研究利用Illumina高通量测序平台对梅花草属(Parnassia)及其近缘属5种植物的叶绿体基因组进行测序和组装,同时基于已发表的近缘种叶绿体基因组信息,对梅花草属叶绿体基因组结构特征、序列遗传变异和蛋白编码基因密码子偏好性比对分析。结果显示:梅花草属叶绿体基因组整体结构较为保守,均为四分体结构;梅花草多个基因出现假基因化,而本属其他物种叶绿体基因组成一致,均编码115个基因;与近缘属物种相比,本属所有物种均丢失rpl16基因的内含子;蛋白质编码基因的非同义/同义替代率比值较低,叶绿体基因可能经历纯化选择作用;密码子偏好性聚类结果与蛋白编码序列重建的系统发育关系结果一致。本研究表明选择压力可能在梅花草属叶绿体基因组蛋白编码基因进化过程中发挥作用,有助于进一步理解梅花草属植物的进化和适应机制。  相似文献   

Gene paralogs are copies of an ancestral gene that appear after gene or full genome duplication. When two sister gene copies are maintained in the genome, redundancy may release certain evolutionary pressures, allowing one of them to access novel functions. Here, we focused our study on gene paralogs on the evolutionary history of the three polypyrimidine tract binding protein genes (PTBP) and their concurrent evolution of differential codon usage preferences (CUPrefs) in vertebrate species. PTBP1-3 show high identity at the amino acid level (up to 80%) but display strongly different nucleotide composition, divergent CUPrefs and, in humans and in many other vertebrates, distinct tissue-specific expression levels. Our phylogenetic inference results show that the duplication events leading to the three extant PTBP1-3 lineages predate the basal diversification within vertebrates, and genomic context analysis illustrates that local synteny has been well preserved over time for the three paralogs. We identify a distinct evolutionary pattern towards GC3-enriching substitutions in PTBP1, concurrent with enrichment in frequently used codons and with a tissue-wide expression. In contrast, PTBP2s are enriched in AT-ending, rare codons, and display tissue-restricted expression. As a result of this substitution trend, CUPrefs sharply differ between mammalian PTBP1s and the rest of PTBPs. Genomic context analysis suggests that GC3-rich nucleotide composition in PTBP1s is driven by local substitution processes, while the evidence in this direction is thinner for PTBP2-3. An actual lack of co-variation between the observed GC composition of PTBP2-3 and that of the surrounding non-coding genomic environment would raise an interrogation on the origin of CUPrefs, warranting further research on a putative tissue-specific translational selection. Finally, we communicate an intriguing trend for the use of the UUG-Leu codon, which matches the trends of AT-ending codons. Our results are compatible with a scenario in which a combination of directional mutation–selection processes would have differentially shaped CUPrefs of PTBPs in vertebrates: the observed GC-enrichment of PTBP1 in placental mammals may be linked to genomic location and to the strong and broad tissue-expression, while AT-enrichment of PTBP2 and PTBP3 would be associated with rare CUPrefs and thus, possibly to specialized spatio-temporal expression. Our interpretation is coherent with a gene subfunctionalisation process by differential expression regulation associated with the evolution of specific CUPrefs.  相似文献   

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a lung disease, affects a large number of people worldwide, leading to death. Here, we analyzed the compositional features and trends of codon usage of the genes influencing COPD to understand molecular biology, genetics, and evolutionary relationships of these genes as no work was reported yet. Coding sequences of COPD genes were found to be rich in guanine-cytosine (GC) content. A high value (34-60) of the effective number of codons of the genes indicated low codon usage bias (CUB). Correspondence analysis suggested that the COPD genes were distinct in their codon usage patterns. Relative synonymous codon usage values of codons differed between the more preferred codons and the less-preferred ones. Correlation analysis between overall nucleotides and those at third codon position revealed that mutation pressure might influence the CUB of the genes. The high correlation between GC12 and GC3 signified that directional mutation pressure might have operated at all the three codon positions in COPD genes.  相似文献   

Salim HM  Ring KL  Cavalcanti AR 《Protist》2008,159(2):283-298
We used the recently sequenced genomes of the ciliates Tetrahymena thermophila and Paramecium tetraurelia to analyze the codon usage patterns in both organisms; we have analyzed codon usage bias, Gln codon usage, GC content and the nucleotide contexts of initiation and termination codons in Tetrahymena and Paramecium. We also studied how these trends change along the length of the genes and in a subset of highly expressed genes. Our results corroborate some of the trends previously described in Tetrahymena, but also negate some specific observations. In both genomes we found a strong bias toward codons with low GC content; however, in highly expressed genes this bias is smaller and codons ending in GC tend to be more frequent. We also found that codon bias increases along gene segments and in highly expressed genes and that the context surrounding initiation and termination codons are always AT rich. Our results also suggest differences in the efficiency of translation of the reassigned stop codons between the two species and between the reassigned codons. Finally, we discuss some of the possible causes for such translational efficiency differences.  相似文献   

A major assumption of many molecular phylogenetic methods is the homogeneity of nucleotide frequencies among taxa, which refers to the equality of the nucleotide frequency bias among species. Changes in nucleotide frequency among different lineages in a data set are thought to lead to erroneous phylogenetic inference because unrelated clades may appear similar because of evolutionarily unrelated similarities in nucleotide frequencies. We tested the effects of the heterogeneity of nucleotide frequency bias on phylogenetic inference, along with the interaction between this heterogeneity and stratified taxon sampling, by means of computer simulations using evolutionary parameters derived from genomic databases. We found that the phylogenetic trees inferred from data sets simulated under realistic, observed levels of heterogeneity for mammalian genes were reconstructed with accuracy comparable to those simulated with homogeneous nucleotide frequencies; the results hold for Neighbor-Joining, minimum evolution, maximum parsimony, and maximum-likelihood methods. The LogDet distance method, specifically designed to deal with heterogeneous nucleotide frequencies, does not perform better than distance methods that assume substitution pattern homogeneity among sequences. In these specific simulation conditions, we did not find a significant interaction between phylogenetic accuracy and substitution pattern heterogeneity among lineages, even when the taxon sampling is increased.  相似文献   

Lignins are complex phenolic heteropolymers present in xylem and sclerenchyma cell walls in tracheophytes. The occurrence of lignin-like polymers in bryophytes is controversial. In this study two polyclonal antibodies against homoguaiacyl (G) and guaiacyl/syringyl (GS) synthetic lignin-like polymers that selectively labelled lignified cell walls in tracheophytes also bound to cell walls in bryophytes, the GS antibody usually giving a stronger labelling than the G antibody. In contrast to tracheophytes, the antibody binding in liverworts and mosses was not tissue-specific. In the hornworts Megaceros flagellaris and M. fuegiensis the pseudoelaters and spores were labelled more intensely than the other cell types with the GS antibody. The cell walls in Nitella were labelled with both antibodies but no binding was observed in Coleochaete. The results suggest that the ability to incorporate G or GS moieties in cell walls is a plesiomorphy (primitive character) of the land plant clade.  相似文献   

Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC., a medicinal plant with high economic value in the Asteraceae family, is widely distributed in China and Southeast Asia. However, studies on the population structure or phylogenetic relationships with other related species are rare owing to the lack of genome information. In this study, through high-throughput sequencing, we found that the chloroplast genome of B. balsamifera was 151,170 bp in length, with a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRa and IRb) comprising 24,982 bp, a large single-copy (LSC) region comprising 82,740 bp, and a small single-copy (SSC) region comprising 18,466 bp. A total of 130 genes were identified in the chloroplast genome of B. balsamifera, including 85 protein-coding, 37 transfer RNA, and 8 ribosomal RNA genes; furthermore, sequence analysis identified 53 simple sequence repeats. Whole chloroplast genome comparison indicated that the inverted regions (IR) were more conserved than large single-copy and SSC regions. Phylogenetic analysis showed that B. balsamifera is closely related to Pluchea indica. Conclusively, the chloroplast genome of B. balsamifera was helpful for species identification and analysis of the genetic diversity and evolution in the genus Blumea and family Asteraceae.  相似文献   

长爪栘[木衣](Docynia longiunguis Q.Luo & J.L.Liu)是我国特有的栘[木衣]属植物,具有较高的食药用价值.对其叶绿体基因组进行分析,有助于阐明栘[木衣]属内的系统发育关系,为长爪栘[木衣]资源的开发利用及进一步研究奠定基础.结合其近缘种云南移[木衣]叶绿体基因组数据,在进行全序列比对后...  相似文献   

在基因组学水平上研究密码子使用偏性模式、成因并分析进化过程中的选择压力在基因组学研究中有重要意义。文章概述了目前提出的密码子使用偏性的量化方法及实现原理。目前研究发现:有些量化密码子偏性的方法受高表达基因参考数据集未完全注释的限制,不同密码子位置对变异和选择的影响不同,以及不同密码子位置处GC含量和嘌呤含量的贡献不同。由此展望密码子偏性量化方法发展方向为:需要设计不需要相关参考基因集合先验知识的密码子使用偏性量化方法;考虑不同位置处背景核苷酸组成的密码子使用偏性的量化方法;同时考虑基因表达水平的密码子使用偏性量化方法。最后,归纳了目前可用的密码子使用偏性的量化工具和数据库。  相似文献   

该研究以2株野生沙枣(Elaeagnus angustifolia Linn.)嫩枝经温室水培后的嫩叶为材料,采用CTAB法分别提取总DNA,并利用第二代测序技术进行总DNA从头测序,组装后得到2株沙枣叶绿体基因组全序列,并详细分析了其蛋白质编码基因密码子使用的偏好性及其原因,为沙枣叶绿体基因工程和分子系统进化等研究奠定基础。结果显示:(1)组装得到沙枣叶绿体基因组序列全长150 546 bp,由长度为81 113 bp的长单拷贝(LSC)区域和25 494 bp的短单拷贝(SSC)区域,以及1对分隔开它们的长18 445 bp的反向重复序列(IRS)组成;注释共得到132个基因,包括86个蛋白编码基因、38个tRNA基因和8个rRNA基因。(2)沙枣叶绿体基因组蛋白编码基因密码子的第三位碱基GC含量(GC_3)为28.47%,明显低于整个叶绿体基因组GC含量(37%),也低于第一位(GC_1)和第二位(GC_2)碱基的GC含量,说明密码子对AT碱基结尾有偏好性;其中, UCU、CCU、UGU、GCU、CUU、GAU、UCA和UAA为最优密码子。(3)同义密码子相对使用频率(RSCU)分析发现,影响密码子使用模式的因素并不单一,密码子的偏好性受到突变、选择及其他因素的共同影响,并且自然选择表达引起的序列差异比突变对密码子偏好性的影响要显著;中性绘图分析、有效密码子数(ENC-plot)分析和奇偶偏好性(PR2-plot)分析表明,沙枣叶绿体基因组使用密码子的偏性受选择的影响更大。(4)通过最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯方法对胡颓子科6个物种和1个枣的叶绿体基因序列构建系统发育树,与它们使用密码子偏性聚类的结果一致,表明叶绿体基因组使用密码子偏性与物种的亲缘关系相关。  相似文献   

Codon usage in chloroplasts is different from that in prokaryotic and eukaryotic nuclear genomes. However, no experimental approach has been made to analyse the translation efficiency of individual codons in chloroplasts. We devised an in vitro assay for translation efficiencies using synthetic mRNAs, and measured the translation efficiencies of five synonymous codon groups in tobacco chloroplasts. Among four alanine codons (GCN, where N is U, C, A or G), GCU was the most efficient for translation, whereas the chloroplast genome lacks tRNA genes corresponding to GCU. Phenylalanine and tyrosine are each encoded by two codons (UUU/C and UAU/C, respectively). Phenylalanine UUC and tyrosine UAC were translated more than twice as efficiently than UUU and UAU, respectively, contrary to their codon usage, whereas translation efficiencies of synonymous codons for alanine, aspartic acid and asparagine were parallel to their codon usage. These observations indicate that translation efficiencies of individual codons are not always correlated with codon usage in vitro in chloroplasts. This raises an important issue for foreign gene expression in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The relationships among the four major embryophyte lineages (mosses, liverworts, hornworts, vascular plants) and the timing of the origin of land plants are enigmatic problems in plant evolution. Here, we resolve the monophyly of bryophytes by improving taxon sampling of hornworts and eliminating the effect of synonymous substitutions. We then estimate the divergence time of crown embryophytes based on three fossil calibration strategies, and reveal that maximum calibration constraints have a major effect on estimating the time of origin of land plants. Moreover, comparison of priors and posteriors provides a guide for evaluating the optimal calibration strategy. By considering the reliability of fossil calibrations and the influences of molecular data, we estimate that land plants originated in the Precambrian (980–682 Ma), much older than widely recognized. Our study highlights the important contribution of molecular data when faced with contentious fossil evidence, and that fossil calibrations used in estimating the timescale of plant evolution require critical scrutiny.  相似文献   

为探究滇黄精(Polygonatum kingianum)叶绿体全基因组特征和密码子使用偏性,利用第二代测序技术对滇黄精嫩叶进行测序,再经组装与注释后得到其叶绿体基因组全序列,通过MISA、EMBOSS和CodonW等软件对滇黄精叶绿体全基因组的SSR位点、系统发育及密码子偏好性进行分析。结果表明,滇黄精完整叶绿体基因组长度为155 852 bp,基因组平均GC含量为37.7%,其大、小单拷贝区(LSC)长度分别为84 633和185 25 bp,反向重复区长度为26 347 bp,注释了132个基因,包括86个蛋白编码基因、38个tRNA基因和8个核糖rRNA基因。叶绿体基因组中共有69个SSR位点,绝大多数属于单碱基重复的A/T类型。系统发育分析表明滇黄精与格脉黄精(P. tessellatum)亲缘关系近,可能与分布地域有关。密码子偏好性分析表明,滇黄精叶绿体基因组密码子使用模式受到自然选择影响大于突变因素,最终确定9个最优密码子。因此, 滇黄精叶绿体基因组遗传结构和系统发育位置及其密码子偏倚的分析,为叶绿体基因工程研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

DING proteins have been described as animal and plant proteins with potential biomineralisation, receptor or signalling roles that have been characterised by an N-terminal DINGGG-sequence. However, these sequences have only ever been identified as either N-terminal peptides or partial cDNA sequences, and have yet to be detected in any of the many genomic animal and plant genomes now available. Microbial relatives of the DING proteins have been described, which appear to be periplasmic phosphate-binding proteins. Recently, full-length Pseudomonas aeruginosa UCBPP-PA14 and Hypericum perforatum genes have been sequenced that show high homology to the published DING protein N-terminal sequences, and small peptides previously identified in conjunction with the peptide sequencing of DING proteins can also be mapped to regions across these full-length sequences. Searching with these sequences identifies other plant and animal cDNA fragments in the public nucleotide databases, and, additionally, an unordered rat genomic contig that contains a DING-like sequence on a small fragment. Analysing the codon usage of these DNA sequences identifies all of these sequences as of Pseudomonas origin, suggesting that DING proteins do not exist in eukaryotes, but instead are potentially due to microbial contamination or infection.  相似文献   

Influenza virus poses a significant threat to public health, as exemplified by the recent introduction of the new pandemic strain H1N1/09 into human populations. Pandemics have been initiated by the occurrence of novel changes in animal sources that eventually adapt to human. One important issue in studies of viral genomes, particularly those of influenza virus, is to predict possible changes in genomic sequence that will become hazardous. We previously established a clustering method termed ‘BLSOM’ (batch-learning self-organizing map) that does not depend on sequence alignment and can characterize and compare even 1 million genomic sequences in one run. Strategies for comparing a vast number of genomic sequences simultaneously become increasingly important in genome studies because of remarkable progresses in nucleotide sequencing. In this study, we have constructed BLSOMs based on the oligonucleotide and codon composition of all influenza A viral strains available. Without prior information with regard to their hosts, sequences derived from strains isolated from avian or human sources were successfully clustered according to the hosts. Notably, the pandemic H1N1/09 strains have oligonucleotide and codon compositions that are clearly different from those of human seasonal influenza A strains. This enables us to infer future directional changes in the influenza A viral genome.  相似文献   

The compositional non-randomness was studied in genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In both species, codon usage is well correlated with expressivity (measured as the codon adaptation index). Both species generally display higher nucleotide non-randomness in the group of highly expressed genes than in the lowly expressed genes. The highly expressed genes in both species are furthermore characterized by marked peaks in non-randomness at N=3 upstream of start codons, N=2 downstream of start codons and at N=1 and N=7 downstream of stop codons, indicating that these nucleotides may be key elements in translational regulation. Intragenic variation in codon usage was also observed to be linked to expressivity. It is suggested that the firm link between expressivity and codon usage calls for codon optimization. Based on bioinformatic calculations, examples of proteins are given for which codon optimizations might be relevant.  相似文献   

Over a broad taxonomic range that spans monocots and dicots, upstream enzymes of the anthocyanin pigment pathway have evolved less rapidly than downstream enzymes. In this article we show that this pattern is also evident within the genus Ipomoea. Specifically, the most upstream enzyme, chalcone synthase (CHS-D), evolves more slowly than the two most downstream enzymes, ancyocyanidin synthase (ANS) and UDP glucose flavonoid 3-oxy-glucosyltransferase (UFGT). This pattern appears not to be due to variation in mutation rates, because the CHS-D gene exhibits higher synonymous substitution rates than the genes for the other two enzymes. Codon-based tests for positive selection suggest that it has been negligible or absent in all three genes. In addition, the mean number of indel-creating events is four times as high in the downstream genes as in CHS-D. Unlike the downstream genes, CHS-D also exhibits evidence of codon bias. Together, the evidence suggests that the difference in nonsynonymous substitution rates between upstream and downstream genes is due to relaxed constraint on the downstream genes rather than a greater frequency of positively selected substitutions.  相似文献   

The main threat to maize production in the Mediterranean area is maize rough dwarf disease (MRDD) caused by Maize rough dwarf virus (MRDV). The analysis of virus diversification is necessary to assess the risk of MRDD outbreaks. We analysed the virome of MRDD by next-generation sequencing using pooled samples prepared from maize plants collected in Spain between 1999 and 2017. This yielded the sequences of all 10 genomic segments from six MRDV isolates plus an additional variant of S5 in one sample. Five of the genomes were 29,145 nucleotides (nt) in length, and the other was 3 nt longer. The six genomes were AT rich with low codon usage bias and the 13 open reading frames (ORFs) showed low potential expression levels. The highest expression levels were predicted for ORFs encoding the non-structural proteins P6, P5-1 and P9-1, and the structural protein P10. There was a strong correlation between higher level expression and T-ended codons, which were the most over-represented class. The concatenate and three individual segments (S3, S6 and S7) each formed a monophyletic group, whereas the remaining segments split into two groups with different clustering relationships relative to two other European MRDV isolates. The MRDV virome showed certain temporal and geographical diversification, but several proteins were highly conserved, especially P7-2. Three significant recombination hotspots were identified among genomic segments and four within segments. The ORFs encoding structural proteins appear under greater purifying selection.  相似文献   

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