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Following up on earlier research suggesting a link between implicit affiliation motivation and progesterone (P) and implicit power motivation and testosterone [T; Schultheiss, O.C., Dargel, A., Rohde, W., 2003. Implicit motives and gonadal steroid hormones: Effects of menstrual cycle phase, oral contraceptive use, and relationship status. Horm. Behav. 43, 293-301.], we tested whether arousal of affiliation motivation increases P levels and whether arousal of power motivation increases T levels. Sixty subjects were randomly assigned to watch 30 min of either Bridges of Madison County (affiliation arousal) or The Godfather II (power arousal), or a documentary about the Amazon (control condition). Levels of P and T were assessed in saliva samples taken before (T1), immediately after (T2), and 45 min after the movie (T3). The efficacy of experimental conditions to differentially arouse motives was verified by assessment of changes in affiliation and power motive imagery expressed in imaginative stories written before and after the movie. After the movie, salivary P levels (T2 and T3) in the affiliation-arousal group were significantly higher than in the control group and marginally higher than in the power-arousal group. Subjects' postmovie T responses (T3) depended on premovie T levels: in men, higher premovie T levels predicted a greater likelihood of postmovie T increases in the Power Arousal condition but not in the other conditions, whereas in women, higher premovie T levels tended to be associated with postmovie T decreases in the Power Arousal condition but not in the other conditions. These findings suggest that aroused affiliation motivation has a specific stimulatory effect on P, whereas aroused power motivation has a specific stimulatory effect on T in men, but not in women, with high baseline T levels.  相似文献   

Gonadal steroids (estradiol and progesterone) can alter neuronal functioning, but electrophysiological evidence in women is still sparse. Therefore, the present study investigated event-related potentials (ERPs) to neutral stimuli over the course of the menstrual cycle. In addition, associations between ERPs and salivary estradiol and progesterone concentrations were investigated. Eighteen young healthy women were tested at three different phases of their menstrual cycle (menses, and follicular and luteal phases). ERPs (i.e., the N1 and P2 components, reflecting cortical arousal and the orienting response, the N2, P3, and the Slow Wave (SW), reflecting controlled processing) were measured using two different paradigms. In the luteal phase, early ERPs reflecting the cortical arousal response were diminished in the first stimulus block indicating an attenuated orienting response. These changes were significantly correlated with estradiol as well as progesterone levels. As to the later ERP components, the N2 latency was shorter during menses compared to the other two phases. No menstrual cycle-associated changes were apparent in other late ERP components. In sum, this study documents changes in auditory ERPs across the menstrual cycle with the most prominent changes occurring during the luteal phase. Future ERP studies therefore need to be more attentive to the issue of menstrual phase when studying female subjects or female patients.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether women's interest in visual sexual stimuli varied with their hormonal state. Viewing times of 30 women, 15 normal cycling (NC) and 15 oral contracepting (OC), to sexually explicit photos were measured at three different times. NC women were tested during their menstrual, periovulatory, and luteal phases, and OC women were tested at equivalent temporal intervals. Subjects viewed stimuli as long as desired, thus viewing time measured subject interest. Subjective ratings of stimulus sexual attractiveness were obtained on each test. There was no overall relationship between menstrual cycle phase and viewing time. However the participant's menstrual cycle phase during first exposure to sexual stimuli predicted subsequent interest in sexual stimuli during the next two tests. NC women who first viewed stimuli during their periovulatory phase looked longer at the sexual stimuli across all sessions than did women first tested in their luteal phase. OC women first exposed to the sexual stimuli during menstruation looked longer at the stimuli across all sessions than did OC women first exposed at other test phases. Neither current test phase nor initial cycle phase influenced subjective ratings. Women had increased interest in sexual stimuli across all sessions if first exposed to sexual stimuli when endogenous estrogens were most likely highest. These data suggest that women's interest in visual sexual stimuli is modulated by hormones such that the hormonal condition at first exposure possibly determines the stimuli's emotional valence, markedly affecting subsequent interest in sexual stimuli.  相似文献   

The relationship between plasma testosterone (T) secretion and patterns of sexual behavior was examined in 18 women using oral contraceptives (OCs) and 13 nonusers matched for partner availability. Retrospective assessments of perimenstrual symptoms, sexual attitudes, and sexual experience were obtained and women completed daily ratings of the frequency of sexual activities and the level of well-being for 1 month. Plasma levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), progesterone, Total T, Free T, and non-SHBG bound T were determined by radioimmunoassay at four phases of the pill or menstrual cycle. Overall, women not using OCs had higher plasma levels of Total, Free, and non-SHBG bound T and lower plasma levels of SHBG than those of OC users. Further, only nonusers had perimenstrual decreases in plasma levels of Total and Free T. The two groups were comparable on most retrospective measures. However, OC users reported more satisfaction with their sexual partners than did nonusers and prospective monitoring revealed that they engaged in sexual interactions more frequently than did nonusers across the cycle. In contrast, both groups reported a similar frequency of autosexual activities across the cycle. There were no correlations between average levels of T and levels of sexual desire, sexual interactions, or autosexuality. Moreover, only nonusers reported a decrease in levels of sexual desire during the perimenstrual period that was associated with the changes in Free T over the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

Women's sexual interest changes with hormonal fluctuations across the menstrual cycle. It is unclear how hormones modify women's sexual behavior and desire, but one possibility is that they alter women's positive appraisals of stimuli and thus their sexual interest. Using 3 T fMRI, we measured neural activation in women at two time points in their menstrual cycle (late follicular, luteal) while they evaluated photos of men presented as potential sexual partners. Participants were ten heterosexual women aged 23-28 none of who was using hormonal contraceptives or in a committed relationship. In an event-related design, the women were presented with as series of photos of male faces and asked questions to assess their degree of sexual interest in the men depicted. Results demonstrate an overall effect of menstrual cycle phase on neural activation. During their follicular versus luteal phase, women demonstrated increased activation in the right medial orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), suggesting increased positive appraisal. Activation in the OFC was positively correlated with women's estradiol to progesterone ratios. There were no areas that demonstrated increased activation during the luteal versus follicular phase. The observed increase in activation in the OFC during the follicular phase may reflect a hormonally mediated increase in appetitive motivation and may prime women towards increased sexual interest and behavior around ovulation.  相似文献   

Measuring serum androgen levels in women has been challenging due to limitations in method accuracy, precision sensitivity and specificity at low hormone levels. The clinical significance of changes in sex steroids across the menstrual cycle and lifespan has remained controversial, in part due to these limitations. We used validated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assays to determine testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) along with estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1) levels across the menstrual cycle of 31 healthy premenopausal females and in 19 postmenopausal females. Samples were obtained in ovulatory women in the early follicular phase (EFP), midcycle and mid luteal phase (MLP). Overall, the levels of T, DHT, E2 and E1 in premenopausal women measured by LC-MS/MS were lower overall than previously reported with immunoassays. In premenopausal women, serum T, free T, E2, E1 and SHBG levels peaked at midcycle and remained higher in the MLP, whereas DHT did not change. In postmenopausal women, T, free T, SHBG and DHT were significantly lower than in premenopausal women, concomitant with declines in E2 and E1. These data support the hypothesis that the changes in T and DHT that occur across the cycle may reflect changes in SHBG and estrogen, whereas in menopause, androgen levels decrease. LC-MS/MS may provide more accurate and precise measurement of sex steroid hormones than prior immunoassay methods and can be useful to assess the clinical significance of changes in T, DHT, E2 and E1 levels in females.  相似文献   

Serum growth-promoting activity measured upon lymphocytes, sulfation activity and radioimmunoassayable somatomedin C (Sm-C) levels were measured in sera from women during the menstrual cycle. The data showed that: estradiol, progesterone, LH or FSH added in vitro do not increase the 3H-thymidine uptake into lymphocytes; the serum thymidine activity decreases during the luteal stage of the cycle, and is negatively correlated with the progesterone levels; the sulfation factor and Sm-C levels do not have significant variations during the menstrual cycle, and the GH maximum values are attained during the luteal stage.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to expand the data on menstrual cycle serum hormone patterns in female common chimpanzees, both in terms of the number of cycles analyzed and by the addition of data on testosterone levels. Samples were obtained from 11 unanesthetized animals trained for conscious blood withdrawal. LH, FSH, 17β-estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), and testosterone (T) were measured by radioimmunoassay, genital swelling was recorded, and menstrual blood was noted. Concurrent midcycle elevations in LH and FSH and luteal phase elevations in progesterone suggested that the cycles were ovulatory. Detumescence of genital swelling occurred about 3 days after the midcycle LH peak, 1 day after the luteal phase nadir in E2, and 1 day after P levels exceeded 5 ng/ml. These relationships provide further support for the use of genital swelling in monitoring progress of the menstrual cycle. The hormone patterns in the chimpanzees closely resembled those of the human females, but E2 and T levels were higher. The levels of E2 and T were higher and the midcycle elevation in T was broader in the chimpanzee than in gorillas and orangutans. This is of interest because E2 and T are implicated in the regulation of mating, and chimpanzees mate over a greater portion of the cycle than the other apes. These data indicate the need for further study of hormonal contributions to the different patterns of mating in the great apes. They also support the use of the female common chimpanzee as a model for the human female in endocrine studies of the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

The effects of menstrual cycle (days 1, 14, 21) on sex steroids and psychophysiological measures were studied in 5 normally cycling women not receiving oral contraceptives. Testing consisted of three 1/2-hour sessions. Time of day and order effects were controlled. Nonspecific skin conductance responses, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), and mean pressure were recorded in 5-minute blocks. After each test, 10 cc of venous blood was drawn and the serum was analyzed in duplicate via RIA procedures for levels of estrone, estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone. Significant differences were found over days for estone, estradiol, and progesterone but not for testosterone. Systolic BP also showed significant variation with day of cycle. Significantly more nonspecific SCRs occurred furing the luteal phase than during the other 2 phases. Results indicate that there are significant differences in systolic BP, diastolic BP, heart rate, and skin conductance responses which are associated with varying levels of estrogen and progesterone which occur during the menstrual cycle. Since actual measurement of hormones was made, these results can be clearly linked to different hormonal concentrations, raher than being merely inferred as was done in previous studies.  相似文献   

Rhythms in the ovulatory cycle. 2nd: LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The circadian profiles of LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone were compared in a homogeneous group of 15 young normally cycling women, at 4 well characterized times of the menstrual cycle: early follicular (EF), late follicular (LF), early luteal (EL) and late luteal (LL) stages. The circatrigintan profiles of the same hormones were also evaluated. Population-mean cosinor analysis failed to demonstrate a circadian periodicity of LH in any of the 4 stages of the menstrual cycle; a circadian rhythm for FSH was present only in the 2 luteal phases (EL, LL); the same type of rhythmicity was present for estradiol only in the late luteal stage; on the contrary, a highly significant circadian rhythm of progesterone was present in each of the 4 menstrual stages considered (EF, LF, EL and LL). Population-mean cosinor analysis showed a highly significant circatrigintan periodicity of LH and FSH with the acrophases respectively between -109 degrees and -181 degrees and between -74 degrees and -125 degrees. Circatrigintan rhythmicity was also present for estradiol (acrophases between -161 degrees and -245 degrees) and progesterone (acrophases between -246 degrees and -296 degrees).  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effect of oral contraceptive (OC) use (OCU) and non-use (OCNU) on growth hormone (GH) responses to exercise in the same females (n = 7, age 22-31 years) during the normal course of OC therapy. Continuous (60% maximum oxygen consumption, VO2max for 20 min) and intermittent exercise (>80% VO2max) protocols of equal total duration, and similar external work were performed during phases of OCNU (days 3-5 of the menstrual cycle) and OCU (days 7-11). Levels of GH, lactate, 17 beta-estradiol, and progesterone were measured. Lactate responses were significantly greater (P<0.05) during intermittent than continuous exercise, with no effect of OC use. However, significantly greater GH responses were found during the OCU phase than the OCNU phase in both the continuous (+94%) and intermittent (+250%) exercise protocols. Estradiol and progesterone levels increased significantly during exercise in all four conditions. We suggest that the increased GH responses observed during the OCU-phase were potentiated by the elevated levels levels of total estrogens (endogenous 17 beta-estradiol and exogenous ethinyl estradiol). It is suggested that training programs for female athletes could be timed in accordance with the menstrual cycle to benefit from an increased GH response to exercise during phases of OC use or the luteal phase of women not on OC therapy.  相似文献   

Since smoking has been shown to affect serum progesterone and estradiol levels in postmenopausal women, we evaluated the levels of these hormones and luteinizing hormone (LH) over an entire menstrual cycle (17 points) in eight healthy nonsmokers and eight healthy smokers. The total length of the cycle and the lengths of the follicular and luteal phases did not differ between the groups. There was no difference in estradiol, progesterone, or LH levels during the periovulatory and luteal phases. Follicular-phase serum progesterone, which had a level 37% higher in smokers, showed a plateau in both groups (28.3 +/- 5.7 ng/dl versus 20.7 +/- 5.7; P less than 0.0001). Follicular-phase serum estradiol showed a rising curve in both groups. The mean value in smokers was slightly higher than that in nonsmokers (107 pg/ml versus 95; P approximately 0.05); during the early part of the follicular phase, prior to the rapid preovulatory increase, the difference was greater (23%) and of higher statistical significance (80 pg/ml versus 65; P less than 0.001). The follicular-phase LH levels of smokers were skewed downward from the levels in nonsmokers, presumably by negative feedback from the elevated estradiol and progesterone levels; the difference was significant (P less than 0.001). The elevations of serum progesterone and estradiol in smokers probably represent activation of adrenocortical secretion by smoking. The greater and more clear-cut rise of progesterone than of estradiol is probably due to the fact that essentially all of the follicular-phase serum progesterone is secreted by the adrenal, while only part of the follicular-phase serum estradiol comes from the adrenal (via androstenedione and estrone).  相似文献   

The Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis (CPH) proposes that during periods of increased susceptibility to infections, e.g., during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle when progesterone suppresses immune function, women should feel more disgust toward pathogen cues and behave prophylactically. We investigate differences in disgust sensitivity and contamination sensitivity during different phases of the menstrual cycle in regularly cycling, healthy 93 rural and urban Polish women using the within-subject design. Disgust sensitivity was measured during two different phases of a menstrual cycle: 1) the follicular phase (the 5th or 6th day of the cycle) and 2) the luteal phase (on the 5th day after a positive ovulatory test or on 20th day of a cycle if the result of the ovulatory test was not positive). In the luteal phase, women scored higher on the Pathogen Disgust of the Three-Domain Disgust Scale, the Contamination Obsessions and Washing Compulsions Subscale of Padua Inventory, and on ratings of photographs showing sources of potential infections than in the follicular phase. Moral Disgust of the Three-Domain Disgust Scale did not differ between cycle phases. Hence, results suggest that women feel more disgusted toward cues to pathogens during the luteal phase, when susceptibility to infection is greater. We suggest that it is necessary to incorporate ovulatory testing as well as to conduct repeated measurements of disgust sensitivity in future tests of the CPH. Moreover, we believe that understanding how the feeling of pathogen disgust varies across the menstrual cycle and in relation to progesterone levels could be useful in designing effective infectious diseases prevention strategies for women.  相似文献   

Sex differences in attentional selection of global and local components of stimuli have been hypothesized to underlie sex differences in cognitive strategy choice. A Navon figure paradigm was employed in 32 men, 41 naturally cycling women (22 follicular, 19 luteal) and 19 users of oral contraceptives (OCs) containing first to third generation progestins in their active pill phase. Participants were first asked to detect targets at any level (divided attention) and then at either the global or the local level only (focused attention). In the focused attention condition, luteal women showed reduced global advantage (i.e. faster responses to global vs. local targets) compared to men, follicular women and OC users. Accordingly, global advantage during the focused attention condition related significantly positively to testosterone levels and significantly negatively to progesterone, but not estradiol levels in a multiple regression model including all naturally cycling women and men. Interference (i.e. delayed rejection of stimuli displaying targets at the non-attended level) was significantly enhanced in OC users as compared to naturally cycling women and related positively to testosterone levels in all naturally cycling women and men. Remarkably, when analyzed separately for each group, the relationship of testosterone to global advantage and interference was reversed in women during their luteal phase as opposed to men and women during their follicular phase. As global processing is lateralized to the right and local processing to the left hemisphere, we speculate that these effects stem from a testosterone-mediated enhancement of right-hemisphere functioning as well as progesterone-mediated inter-hemispheric decoupling.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that women are more sensitive than men to subtle cuteness differences in infant faces. It has been suggested that raised levels in estradiol and progesterone may be responsible for this advantage. We compared young women's sensitivity to computer-manipulated baby faces varying in cuteness. Thirty-six women were tested once during ovulation and once during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle. In a two alternative forced-choice experiment, participants chose the baby which they thought was cuter (Task 1), younger (Task 2), or the baby that they would prefer to babysit (Task 3). Saliva samples to assess levels of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone were collected at each test session. During ovulation, women were more likely to choose the cuter baby than during the luteal phase, in all three tasks. These results suggest that cuteness discrimination may be driven by cyclic hormonal shifts. However none of the measured hormones were related to increased cuteness sensitivity. We speculate that other hormones than the ones measured here might be responsible for the increased sensitivity to subtle cuteness differences during ovulation.  相似文献   

Anterior pituitary glands were removed from 27 intact cycling rhesus monkeys sacrificed in the early (Day 2), mid (Days 6--9) and late (Days 11--12) follicular phase, and in the early and late luteal phase (3--5 and 10--15 days after the midcycle luteinizing hormone (LH) surge). Assignment of cycle stage was confirmed by the pattern of circulating steroid and gonadotropin levels seen in the blood samples taken daily throughout the cycle. The anterior pituitary glands were weighed, stored at -30 degrees C and assayed for LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) content by specific radioimmunoassays. Serum estradiol levels and pituitary LH and FSH contents rose simultaneously during the follicular phase. After the preovulatory gonadotropin surge, pituitary LH content was low and invariant. Pituitary FSH content reached a nadir in the early luteal phase and tended to rise in the late luteal phase. Multiple correlation analyses revealed that there is a positive correlation between rising levels of estradiol in the circulation and pituitary LH (p = 0.003) and FSH (p = 0.017) content, and that there is a significant negative correlation between circulating progesterone levels and pituitary FSH content (p = 0.002). Pituitary LH content is less strongly related to circulating progesterone levels. There was no significant difference in the wet weights of the anterior pituitary glands during the five phases of the menstrual cycle studied.  相似文献   

Surgical or pharmacological suppression of ovarian hormones leads to declines in verbal memory, and estrogen treatment reverses these deficits. In the current study, we investigated the effects of menstrual cycle phase and oral contraceptives on verbal memory, as measured by the California Verbal Learning Test, in two groups of premenopausal women — 16 naturally cycling women and 20 current users of estrogen-based oral contraceptives (OCs). Naturally cycling women were assessed twice — once during the early follicular phase (Days 2-4) and once during the midluteal phase (Days 20-22) of the menstrual cycle. OC users were tested on the same cycle days, corresponding to inactive and active pill phases, respectively. We predicted that naturally cycling women would show improved verbal memory during the midluteal phase, when estradiol levels are high, compared with the follicular phase, when estradiol levels are low. We also predicted that OC users, who show no change in endogenous estradiol across the cycle, would show no change in verbal memory. Contrary to predictions, naturally cycling women showed no changes in verbal memory across the cycle, whereas OC users showed enhanced memory during the active pill phase (p < .05). None of the secondary cognitive outcome measures varied with cycle phase or OC use including measures of visuospatial memory, verbal fluency, visuospatial abilities, and attention. Overall, these results suggest that verbal memory performance in premenopausal women varies across the cycle with OC use, but does not vary systematically with changes in endogenous estradiol.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay was used to study the effect of restricted motor activity on circadian rhythms of blood plasma sexual steroids and cortisol in female Papio hamadryas during different phases of the menstrual cycle. Instact animals manifested clear-cut circadian rhythms of the testosterone and cortisol content during both the phases and those of estradiol and progesterone during the follicular phase of the cycle. Two-week immobilization did not produce any changes in the general pattern of circadian rhythms of cortisol and testosterone but led to a decrease in their mean daily concentrations, with that decrease being more pronounced for testosterone of females immobilized during the luteal phase. The authors established unbalance of sexual steroids with a dramatic fall of the mean daily concentrations of estradiol and progesterone and desynchronism of their circadian rhythms regardless of the cycle phase at the moment of immobilization. The mechanisms responsible for alterations in circadian rhythms of sexual steroids in hypokinetic females are discussed.  相似文献   

Stimulant abuse continues to be a growing problem among women. Over the last 10-15 years, an increasing number of studies have focused on factors that may be implicated in stimulant abuse in women as compared to men, including the role of hormonal fluctuations across the menstrual cycle. Numerous preclinical studies have documented that female rodents are more sensitive than male rodents to the behavioral effects of stimulant administration and the hormone estradiol is involved in the enhanced response to stimulants observed in females. In contrast, fewer studies have been conducted in humans and non-human primates addressing the role of sex and gonadal hormones on the effects of cocaine. This review paper presents a recent update on data collected in our Human Cocaine Challenge Laboratory and our Non-human Primate Laboratory, including analysis of cocaine pharmacokinetics, sex differences, the menstrual cycle, and the role of progesterone in modulating the response to cocaine. Our studies indicate that there is minimal evidence that the response to intranasal cocaine varies across the menstrual cycle or between men and women. In contrast, the response to smoked cocaine is greater in the follicular phase than the luteal phase and differences between men and women generally only emerge when men are compared to women in the luteal phase. In terms of potential hormonal mechanisms for these differences, the hormone progesterone attenuates the subjective response to cocaine. With respect to cocaine self-administration, there are minimal changes across the menstrual cycle in both humans and non-human primates. Thus, there is converging evidence across a range of species that the behavioral effects of cocaine (1) differ between males and females, (2) differ in relation to hormonal fluctuations, (3) can be attenuated by progesterone (at least in females), and (4) do not appear to be related to differences in cocaine pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

The concentrations of LH, FSH, prolactin, oestradiol and progesterone in serum were measured daily during the menstrual cycle of 100 normal Chinese women. The cyclic changes in LH, FSH, oestradiol and progesterone were typical of ovulatory cycles in women of other ethnic groups as reported in the literature. The geometric mean of the LH midcycle peak value was 51 X 64 i.u./l, the FSH mid-cycle peak value was 11 X 52 i.u./l, the preovulatory oestradiol peak was 1229 X 12 pmol/l, and the progesterone luteal maximum was 53 X 27 nmol/l. The cyclic changes of prolactin concentrations were irregular: the value at mid-cycle was significantly higher than that at the follicular or luteal phases. A correlation between the length of the cycle and mean concentrations of LH and oestradiol at different stages throughout the cycle was shown.  相似文献   

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