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We observed a light coloured female southern elephant seal juvenile (Mirounga leonina) twice at Marion Island in August 2008 and confirmed that it was leucistic rather than albinistic. Though there have been a few previous reports of light-coloured southern elephant seals, this is the first confirmed case of leucism in this species. Judged to be 1-year old, perhaps 2-years old at the most, and because we have not observed any leucistic pups at Marion Island during the past 2 years despite an extensive monitoring and tagging program, we think that this animal was born at nearby Prince Edward Island or perhaps further afield at Îles Crozet.  相似文献   

Body growth of 137 female southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) over 1 year of age was investigated at subantarctic Macquarie Island. An asymptotic straight line, snout–tail body length of 2.57±0.03 m was estimated to be attained at 9 years of age, using a three-parameter Gompertz equation. A significant increase of approximately 0.1 m (5%) in mean body length of females between 1 and 10 years of age was estimated to have occurred between the 1950–1960s and 1990s at Macquarie Island. This is consistent with a reduction in both the rate of population decline and the age of onset of sexual maturity. Age determination using dental cementum layers and the importance of standardised measurements in pinniped growth studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Mass changes in female southern elephant seals, sampled sequentially at different points through their annual cycle, were measured at King George Island, South Shetland Islands, during the 1995/1996 and 1996/1997 field seasons. Females weighed after they had given birth showed an increase of 37 ± 36 kg (mean ± SD), which represented 6.2 ± 6.4% in relation to their mass in the first breeding season. During the first aquatic phase, between the end of lactation and the beginning of moult, females gained a mean of 128 ± 35 kg, (n = 18) (2.19 ± 0.65 kg day−1), which represented between 27 and 83% of the mass they had lost during lactation. Nine females followed during moulting showed a mass loss rate of 5.0 ± 0.4 kg day−1, which was half the rate during lactation. Total mass loss during moulting (129 ± 22 kg) was not significantly different from mass gain for the same females between lactation and moult (135 ± 37 kg). Furthermore, at the end of moulting, female mass was not significantly different from the mass at the end of lactation. These masses represented 65 ± 5% and 64 ± 5%, respectively, of their initial mass after parturition. During the second period at sea, from the end of the moult until females hauled out to give birth in the following breeding season, the estimated mass gain was 1.45 ± 0.24 kg day−1 (n = 5), which was not significantly different to the rate of mass gain shown by the same females during the first period at sea (2.26 ± 0.70 kg day−1). Total mass gain during the second aquatic phase (364 ± 63 kg) was not correlated with the mass at the end of moulting, but it was positively related to the mass loss experienced by females from parturition until the end of the moulting period in the first breeding season. Accepted: 5 September 1998  相似文献   

Labelled-water methodology was used to quantify energy costs and energy transfer efficiency in 18 mother-pup pairs of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) during lactation. During the lactation period, mothers lost a mean mass of 227±47 kg. Mass loss included 22% of the protein, 60% of the fat, and 51% of the energy in the mothers body upon arrival. Total body-energy reserves at parturition explained 69% of the variation in the total lactation costs and 50% of the variation in the pups body energy at weaning. On average, pups retained 48% of the mass, 49% of protein, 53% of fat and 51% of energy lost by their mothers. Greater, fatter females showed a decrease in the efficiency of energy and fat transfer and, at the same time, an increase in the efficiency of protein transfer. This may be due to an increased use of protein as metabolic fuel, as fat demands for milk production increase. There was no evidence that greater total lactation costs influence the ability of mothers to produce a pup in the next breeding season.  相似文献   

Juvenile seals branded on the isthmus of Macquarie Island as pups displayed a high degree of philopatry. They returned more often and in greater densities to the northern third of the island within 10 km of their birth sites. Juvenile seals were observed to haul out more frequently and in greater numbers on the east coast as opposed to the west. Juvenile seals typically hauled out on two occasions, once during the winter, and once to moult. The probability of recapturing (resighting) branded and tagged seals was greater during the mid-year haulout. First-year survival estimates were obtained from searches of all Macquarie Island beaches for marked (branded and tagged) seals. From a branded population of 2000 seals, 897 were known to be alive at age 1 year, and minimum first-year survival was calculated at 44.85%. To this minimum estimate was added the number of seals overlooked during systematic and standardised searches of the island, and a revised estimate of 65.60% was calculated. Survival rates calculated using a custom model and a conventional mark-recapture model (MARK) were compared and no differences detected. Actual survival data and probability of sighting estimates were included in the revised estimate of first-year survival of southern elephant seals at Macquarie Island. There were no differences in the number of surviving males and females. Accepted: 25 October 1998  相似文献   

 Population censuses of the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) and the sub-Antarctic fur seal (A. tropicalis) were conducted during the 1994/1995 breeding season at Marion Island. Pup numbers, determined from direct counts and a mark-recapture experiment, were used to estimate population sizes. Pup numbers of A. tropicalis showed a mean annual change of 2.0% over the previous 6 years, culminating in an estimated total population of 49, 523 for 1994/1995. The population appears to be entering the maturity phase of population growth and may therefore have recovered from the effects of uncontrolled sealing that ended in the early twentieth century. Numbers at the major colonies on Marion Island showed little change since 1989 and these sites may have reached carrying capacity. The extension of breeding to other parts of the island continues. Over the same period, A. gazella pup numbers showed a mean annual change of 17% and the total population numbered 1,205 in 1994/1995. This species has possibly entered the rapid recolonisation phase of population growth. A few hybrid seals were found. Received: 25 October 1995/Accepted: 14 April 1996  相似文献   

Thirteen female southern elephant seals moulting at Macquarie Island lost an average of 4.46±0.80 kg/day (10.01±1.20g/kg/day). There was no significant difference between this rate of body mass loss and that reported for moulting female southern elephant seals from South Georgia. Moulting female southern elephant seals however exhibited larger mass specific mass loss than either female northern elephant seals or male southern elephant seals, indicating a higher metabolic cost of moult in these animals.  相似文献   

Elephant seals are known from long-term behavioral studies tobe highly polygynous and to show high variance in reproductivesuccess among males. However, genetic studies have determinedthat the level of polygyny varies between the closely relatednorthern and southern elephant seals. In the present study,we investigate paternal success at the Sea Lion Island southernelephant seal colony in the Falkland Islands by using both behavioralmeasures and genetic markers. We find that the average successof harem holding males at Sea Lion Island is significantly higherthan both the northern species and the nearby southern elephantseal population at Punta Delgada. We compare genetic paternitywith various behavioral indices of male mating success, andwe find that the behavioral measures provide a good estimateof the variance in male reproductive success. Only 28.2% ofmales achieved paternities, and among these, harem holders accountedfor 89.6%. We discuss the implications of our results in thecontext of the demographic and physical environment. Specifically,a comparatively high variance in resource holding potentialamong males, differences in male social behavior, and a smalltidal cycle limiting peripheral male access during female departurefrom the harem at this colony may be important factors leadingto the comparatively high variance in male reproductive successat Sea Lion Island.  相似文献   

1. Variation in transferrin types were investigated in sympatric populations of two fur seal species which are undergoing limited hybridization at Marion Island. 2. Vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of serum was performed to demonstrate the transferrin types. 3. The two species appear fixed for alternative alleles: A. tropicalis being homozygous for the fast allele, and A. gazella (with one exception) being homozygous for the slow allele, indicating low gene flow between these two species. The single hybrid tested was homozygous for the slow allele. 4. The use of electrophoretically determined transferrin variation holds promise for the investigation of these and other sympatric fur seal populations.  相似文献   

Parental investment is a key variable in the study of breeding strategies and life-histories evolution. In Pinnipedia, parental investment is usually calculated from direct measurements of pup weight gain or energy transfer between the mother and the pup. These direct methods always involve handling and restraining procedures that pose practical, logistical and ethical problems. To evaluate if weighing can be substituted by indirect observational estimates of parental investment, we analysed the relationship among various behavioural measures of suckling and post-natal growth in the southern elephant seal population of Sea Lion Island (Falkland Islands). Behavioural measures were in all cases a poor predictor of true investment as estimated by weighing. We concluded that there are currently no effective alternatives to direct handling, and that the best way to reduce the potential adverse impact of investment studies is the improvement of the handling protocol, which should include an estimation of the long-term effects on the health of handled animals. Further research is needed to test the validity of non-behavioural indirect methods (e.g. 3D photogrammetry).  相似文献   

When to commence breeding is a crucial life-history decision that may be the most important determinant of an individual''s lifetime reproductive output and can have major consequences on population dynamics. The age at which individuals first reproduce is an important factor influencing the intensity of potential costs (e.g. reduced survival) involved in the first breeding event. However, quantifying age-related variation in the cost of first reproduction in wild animals remains challenging because of the difficulty in reliably recording the first breeding event. Here, using a multi-event capture–recapture model that accounts for both imperfect detection and uncertainty in the breeding status on an 18-year dataset involving 6637 individuals, we estimated age and state-specific survival of female elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) in the declining Macquarie Island population. We detected a clear cost of first reproduction on survival. This cost was higher for both younger first-time breeders and older first-time breeders compared with females recruiting at age four, the overall mean age at first reproduction. Neither earlier primiparity nor delaying primiparity appear to confer any evolutionary advantage, rather the optimal strategy seems to be to start breeding at a single age, 4 years.  相似文献   

C. Campagna    B. J. Le Boeuf    M. Lewis    C. Bisioli 《Journal of Zoology》1992,226(4):551-561
Sex ratio theory predictions concerning differential parental investment in offspring by sex were tested on southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina , breeding at Península Valdés, Argentina. Females invested equally in sons and daughters, as reflected by the similar mass at birth (mean ± 1 S.D.) of 14 males (44.1 ± 6.5 kg) and 14 females (43.4 ± 3.8 kg), and similar mass at weaning of 52 males (131.5 ± 22.4 kg) and 38 females (131.4 ± 18.3 kg). There were also no sex differences in the rate of mass gain during nursing (males = 4.0 ± 0.9 kg/day; females = 3.9 ± 0.8 kg/day), rate of mass loss during the first month of post-weaning fast (males = 0.85 ± 0.19 kg/day; females = 0.92 ± 0.15 kg/day), mean age at weaning (males = 22.3 ± 1.6 days; females = 22.7 ± 1.7 days), and female nursing behaviour. Mother's size accounted for most of the variation in mass of pups at weaning. Mothers ranked as small, medium and large, weaned pups with a mean mass of 102, 130 and 145 kg, respectively. The sex ratio of weanlings did not differ from unity. These data are consistent with Fisher's (1930) sex ratio theory.  相似文献   

Summary The elephant seal populations breeding on the Crozet and Kerguelen Archipelago were surveyed during the eighties. Elephant seals were observed moving between Kerguelen, Amsterdam, Heard Islands and Vestfold Hills and between Crozet and Prince-Edward Archipelagos. No exchanges were observed between Crozet and Kerguelen Archipelagos suggesting that the two populations are more isolated than previously stated. On the Crozet Archipelago, since 1966, the Possession Island population showed at 70% reduction in numbers of cows ashore and the population is still decreasing. On Kerguelen Island there has been a decline of 44% from 1956 to 1989 but the population appears to have stabilized since 1984. It is suggested that elephant seal populations in the Southern Indian Ocean may have been affected by a change at the trophic level over the last four decades. But the highest rate of decrease observed on the Crozet Archipelago and the fact that the population is still decreasing may be explained by additional factors, in particular by killer whale predation.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have addressed the migration and dive behaviour of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina), questions remain about their habitat use in the marine environment. We report on the vertical use of the water column in the species and the potential lifetime implications for southern elephant seals from Marion Island. Long-term mark-resight data were used to complement vertical habitat use for 35 known individuals tagged with satellite-relay data loggers, resulting in cumulative depth use extrapolated for each individual over its estimated lifespan. Seals spent on average 77.59% of their lives diving at sea, 7.06% at the sea surface, and 15.35% hauled out on land. Some segregation was observed in maximum dive depths and depth use between male and female animals—males evidently being physiologically more capable of exploiting increased depths. Females and males spent 86.98 and 80.89% of their lives at sea, respectively. While at sea, all animals spent more time between 300 and 400 m depth, than any other depth category. Males and females spent comparable percentages of their lifetimes below 100 m depth (males: 65.54%; females: 68.92%), though males spent 8.98% of their lives at depths in excess of 700 m, compared to females’ 1.84% at such depths. Adult males often performed benthic dives in excess of 2,000 m, including the deepest known recorded dive of any air-breathing vertebrate (>2,133 m). Our results provide a close approximation of vertical habitat use by southern elephant seals, extrapolated over their lifespans, and we discuss some physiological and developmental implications of their variable depth use.  相似文献   

The average age at sexual maturity (ASM) is an important parameter for evaluating the reproductive potential or status of a population. South American sea lions, Otaria flavescens in Patagonia (Argentina) were exploited and reduced to less than 10% of pre-exploitation numbers. At present, the population is recovering at a rate of 6%. In this paper, we studied growth and age at sexual maturity of South American sea lions in the south-western south Atlantic by examining 219 individuals (females and males) collected between 1989-2008. Individuals were aged by counting growth layer groups in tooth sections, standard body length was measured and male and female reproductive organs were examined macroscopically and histologically to establish individual sexual maturity. Maximum recorded length for males and females was 264 cm and 200 cm, respectively, and maximum ages 19 and 21 yrs. ASM defined as the age where 50% of females are mature, was estimated at 4.8±0.5 years old, corresponding to a mean SL of 147 cm, about 81% of their asymptotic length. First observed ovulation occurred during the 4th year, first birth may occur between 4 and 5 years old. Males physiologically mature between 4-6 years, but the size of the testes shows that all males became sexually mature by the age of 9 years when they reach a mean SL of 212 cm, about 86% of their asymptotic body length. The present information on ASM and growth of O. flavescens will improve the development of population dynamics models, to investigate the impact of recovering sea lions populations on its marine environment, as well as its trophic interactions with commercial fisheries.  相似文献   

Our aim was to describe the free-ranging diving pattern and to determine the location of foraging of pregnant female southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina , from Peninsula Valdes, Argentina. This colony is unusual in two respects: it is removed from deep water by a broad shallow shelf (345–630 km wide), and colony numbers have been increasing in recent years in contrast to numbers from other southern hemisphere colonies that are stable or in decline. Microprocessor controlled, geolocation-time-depth recorders were deployed on four females, recording a total of 15,836 dives (270 dive days) during the period February to April, 1992. Departing seals crossed the continental shelf quickly (54–5–62–1 h) and did not show signs of foraging until reaching deep water, due east of the colony in the South Atlantic Ocean. Diving was virtually continuous (93% of the time underwater) with overall mean (±S.D.) rates of 2.5±0.2 dives/h, mean dive durations of 22.8 ± 7.1 min (maximum dive duration = 79 min) with 1.6±0.6min surface intervals between dives, and dive depths of 431±193m (maximum dive depth = 1,072 m). The diving pattern of females from Patagonia is similar to that of seals from colonies where numbers are decreasing (Macquarie stock) or are stable (South Georgia Island). Our subjects did not, however, feed in or south of the Antarctic Polar Front, or in cold waters along the Antarctic coast, where seals from declining or stable colonies forage.  相似文献   

The agonistic and sexual activity of individual male Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) was studied during the breeding season at South Georgia. Harem bulls were older and larger than non-harem bulls and, although size and age are related, harem bulls were also larger than non-harem bulls of the same age. Large body size conferred advantages in fighting and the agonistic relationships of the bulls gave rise to a dominance hierarchy with access to harems and activity within harems, being determined by rank. Vocalizations were the most highly rank-related aggressive behaviours. The most common vocalization, the roar, probably functioned in both individual recognition and size assessment. Over 90% of encounters of high-ranked bulls were "walkovers" and only 4% of 4003 agonistic interactions nvolved physical contact.  相似文献   

A male northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) that was conceived in captivity was stillborn February 14, 1981, at Mystic Marinelife Aquarium in Mystic, Connecticut. Either of two males in the exhibit could have sired the pup. Both were only 3 yr at the time of conception.  相似文献   

We studied the dispersion of 4-year-old southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) along a 75.5 km coastal area at the Courbet Peninsula, Iles Kerguelen, relative to their birth site when they were ashore to moult in early 1984. The seals were mostly faithful to their natal sites, but availability of suitable moulting habitat (e.g. wallows, vegetated areas) influenced seal dispersion. As moult progressed, the seals moved farther away from their initial moult sites and natal sites, but remained largely on the easterly beaches of the Courbet Peninsula. This behaviour would facilitate mark-recapture estimates of age and sex specific survival.  相似文献   

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