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一个母系遗传非综合征耳聋大家系mtDNA序列分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
通过分析本家mtDNA序列,探讨淮阴一非综合耳聋大家患病的分子遗传学机制。采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增mtDNA与非综合征耳聋相关位点nt1555,nt7445的区域和人类种群研究的D-loop区,PCR-异源双链分析,PCR-RFLP、PCR产物克隆序列测定等技术对该家系进行了系统的研究。发现该家系中全部母系亲属有mtDNAA1555G突变,而家系中非母 个体,对照组(100例正常个体)的mtDNA1555位点均为A。该家系mtDNA7445位点无突变;该系属于Ⅱ型线性体;发现家系D-loop区存在未见报道的碱基插入。提示mtDNAA1555G位点突变可能是导致该家系患致聋的主要因素之一。遗传背景可能对家系疾病的表现存在一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

非综合征型遗传性耳聋基因的研究进展及相关网络资源   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
徐悦凡  任鲁风  杨宇 《遗传》2002,24(1):65-71
耳聋是一种最常见的人类感觉系统缺陷,70%的遗传性耳聋属于非综合征型听力缺损。据估计非综合征型遗传性耳聋基因总数在100个以上,迄今已经有大约80个基因座被绘制于人类染色体上,至少23个基因得鉴定。本文系统地介绍了已鉴定的23个非综合征型耳聋基因,并列举了与遗传性耳聋相关的部分网络资源以供参考。 Abstract:Deafness is the most prevalent sensory system impairment of human,and 70% of genetic deafness belongs to nonsyndromic hearing impairment.The total number of genes involved in nonsyndromic hereditary deafness has been estimated to above 100.So far,approximate 80 loci have been mapped to human chromosome,and 23 genes have been identified.In this article,these 23 genes were summarized systematically and some databases about hereditary deafness were provided for reference.  相似文献   

近亲结婚所致一遗传性非综合征型耳聋家系的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
舒安利  聂玉正 《遗传》2005,27(4):553-556
耳聋是一种最常见的人类感觉系统缺陷, 在已发现的遗传性耳聋中,有70%的属于非综合征型听力缺损。据估计非综合征型遗传性耳聋基因总数在100个以上,目前已经确定了近80个非综合征型遗传性耳聋的遗传位点,其中23个基因已经被成功克隆。文章报道一遗传性非综合征型耳聋家系。该家系中存在2代近亲结婚,共2代13人出现聋哑症状。经遗传分析,该家系的遗传方式与常染色体显性或隐性遗传均不符合,提示此家系中的非综合征型遗传性耳聋可能为线粒体突变所致。  相似文献   

应用基因芯片技术检测非综合征型耳聋基因突变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:应用遗传性耳聋基因芯片对散发性聋患者进行分子病因学检测,评估其在遗传性耳聋快速基因诊断中的可靠性。方法:门诊收集散发性聋患者10例,取外周血,提取基因组DNA,用遗传性耳聋基因芯片检测4个中国人中常见的耳聋相关基因中的9个热点突变,包括GJB2(35delG、176del16bp、235delC及299delAT)、GJB3(C538T)、SLC26A4(IVS7-2AG、A2168G)和线粒体DNA 12S rRNA(A1555G、C1494T)。同时,PCR扩增GJB2、线粒体12S rRNA基因全序列,DNA测序,以验证基因芯片检测结果的准确性。结果:在10名耳聋患者中,基因芯片方法检出1例携带线粒体DNA 12S rRNA C1494T突变;2例GJB2基因235delC纯合突变;2例235delC杂合突变;SLC26A4基因和GJB3基因未检出突变。基因芯片的结果与测序结果完全一致。结论:遗传性耳聋基因芯片技术对中国人常见耳聋相关基因热点突变的检出率高,结果准确、可靠,具有快速、高通量、高准确性、低成本等特点,能够满足临床耳聋基因检测的要求,同时结合产前诊断技术能有效预防耳聋患儿的出生,因而具有广阔的临床应用前景。  相似文献   

非综合征性耳聋(nonsyndromic hearing impairment, NSHI)是一种十分常见的人类神经系统疾病, 约有1/1000的新生儿患有语前聋。GJB2基因编码间隙连接蛋白Cx26, 是最常见的NSHI致病基因, 大约50%的常染色体隐性遗传NSHI是由GJB2基因突变引起的。在本研究中, 收集了江苏省一个复杂的非综合征性耳聋家系, 并对其进行了分子遗传学研究。对所有已知常染色体隐性遗传的NSHI致病基因, 选用其侧翼的微卫星标记进行连锁分析, 发现该家系的致病基因与D13S175连锁。对GJB2基因进行整个编码区域的测序, 发现235碱基处发生了碱基C的纯合缺失, 这一突变可能是该家系中绝大多数患者致病的遗传基础。  相似文献   

Zheng BJ  Peng GH  Chen BB  Fang F  Zheng J  Wu Y  Liang LZ  Nan BY  Tang XW  Zhu Y  Lu JX  Guan MX 《遗传》2012,34(6):695-704
线粒体DNA(Mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)突变是引起耳聋的重要原因之一。尤其是12S rRNA基因是药物性耳聋与非综合征型耳聋相关的突变热点区域。文章收集了浙江省各地区非综合征型及药物性耳聋患者标本318例,对其进行临床和分子遗传学评估。12S rRNA基因突变分析发现34个变异位点,已知的1555A>G、1494C>T和1095T>C突变分别占9.1%、0.6%和1.25%。结构和种系发生分析显示,839A>G和1452T>C突变位于12S rRNA基因的高度保守区域且未在449例正常对照组中发现,可能增加了耳毒性药物的敏感性。其他变异位点为多态性位点。文章数据支持了12S rRNA基因是耳毒性药物的作用靶点之一这一理论,为预测个体耳毒性的发生风险,提高氨基糖甙类药物治疗安全性提供了有价值的信息,以期降低耳聋的发生。  相似文献   

永久保存珍贵的家系材料,是对该家系进行深入研究的基础,为此采用EB病毒(Epstein-Barr virus,EBV)转化淋巴细胞的方法对中国江苏淮阴地区非综合征耳聋大家系行建系工作。该家系患者呈典型的母系遗传特征,且研究发现患者中均具有线粒体DNA 12s RNA A1555G突变,是迄今世界上最大的非综合征耳聋家系之一,在该家系的建系过程中 使用了4种不同的方法。建系结果分别为:微量全血法1株,冻存全血法1株,冻存白细胞法14株及环孢霉素A(CyA)法36株,共计52株。本文就建系工作及这四种转化方法作一简单探讨。  相似文献   

亐开兴  连林生  聂龙  史宪伟  张亚平 《遗传》2003,25(5):526-528
摘要:为了解云南保山猪(Baoshan pig)的遗传多样性及其遗传背景,我们测定了19个个体线粒体DNA D-loop高变区I 15 363~15 801片段序列438 bp。检测到10种单倍型,包括8个多态位点,其中5次T/C转换、1次G/A转换、1次G/C颠换和1次A/T颠换,其A、T、G、C碱基的平均含量分别为35.4%、26.9%、13.2%和24.5%,A+T含量(62.3%)明显高于G+C含量(37.7%)。对于保山猪的保种及其持续利用有着重要的理论指导意义。 Abstract:To investigate the genetic diversity and genetic data of Baoshan pig in Yunnan province,the mitochondrial DNA D-loop hypervariable segment I sequences 15 363~15 801 (438 bp) in 19 individuals of Baoshan pig were sequenced.Ten mitochondrial haplotypes were identified in the samples,with 8 sites showing polymorphism,which were 5 T/C and 1 G/A transitions,1 G/C and 1 A/T transversions.The contents of A,T,G and C were 35.4%,269%,13.2% and 24.5%,respectively.The content of A+T (62.3%) was significantly higher than that of G+C (37.3%).It will be of importance to conservation and sustainable utilization in Baoshan pig.  相似文献   

间隙连接蛋白β2(GJB2)基因突变与遗传性非综合征性耳聋密切相关,其广泛的突变类型及特异性的热点突变被认为是一种独特的致聋基因。本研究应用生物信息学方法对17个物种的GJB2蛋白进行了系统发育、保守性、跨膜区结构、三维结构和错义突变的分析,并结合已有报道的实验结果进行关联性分析。分析预测获得了166个固定的氨基酸位点、2个非保守区以及2个空间结构保守位点;关联性分析证实发生在保守位点的突变致病性高,非保守区突变的概率致病性小,跨膜区且改变氨基酸性质的突变,可能影响蛋白的空间结构而改变膜通道的通透性。本文为进一步研究GJB2基因突变与聋病的关联性及分子发病机制提供了理论依据,同时,这种研究思路对其它疾病的相关研究具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

基于DNA序列K-tuple分布的一种非序列比对分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈娟  吴文武  解小莉  郭满才  袁志发 《遗传》2010,32(6):606-612
文章在基因组K-tuple分布的基础上, 给出了一种推测生物序列差异大小的非序列比对方法。该方法可用于衡量真实DNA序列和随机重排序列在K-tuple分布上的差异。将此方法用于构建含有26种胎盘哺乳动物线粒体全基因组的系统树时, 随着K的增大, 系统树的分类效果与生物学一致公认的结果愈加匹配。结果表明, 用此方法构建的系统进化树比用其他非序列比对分析方法构建的更加合理。  相似文献   

一个氨基糖苷类抗生素致聋家系线粒体DNA突变研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用PCR、PCR-SSCP和DNA序列分析等分子生物学技术,对一个有明确氨基糖苷类抗生素应用史的母系遗传耳聋家系共8人(包括聋人和听力正常者) 的线粒体DNA进行研究,结果显示,家系中有4份样品存在线粒体DNA 12S rRNA 1 555位点A→G的突变。提示线粒体DNA点突变是导致该家系致聋的主要因素之一。 Abstract:Blood samples were obtained from a pedigree with aminoglycoside antibiotic induced deafness.DNA was extracted from the isolated leukocytes.The mitochondrial DNA fragments were detected by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing.It was found that four individuals from the pedigree carried 1 555 A→G mutation.From our results,mitochondrial DNA mutation may be one of major factors in aminoglycoside antibiotic induced deafness.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA突变与氨基糖甙类抗生素致聋   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
傅四清  陈观明 《遗传》2000,22(1):61-63
近年来的研究表明,氨基糖甙类抗生素致聋与线粒体DNA突变有关。本文从分子水平阐述了线粒体DNA突变的发生情况及其在氨基糖甙类抗生素致聋中的作用。  相似文献   

三例氨基糖甙类抗生素致聋患者的线粒体DNA测序分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
应用PCR扩增产物直接对3名氨基糖甙类抗生素致聋患者的线粒体DNA进行序 列分析, 结果表明,他们的线粒体DNA均存在第1555位核苷酸A-G的突变。因此认为该突 变是人体对氨基糖甙类抗生素致聋遗传易感性的分子基础,与氨基糖甙类抗生素共同作用造成耳聋。 Abstract:The mitochondria DNAs(mtDNAs)of three patients with AAID were analysed using the method of direct sequencing of their PCR products.The results showed that all their mtDNAs had an A-G mutation at nucleotides 1555.It is considered that this mutation is the molecular basis causing human susceptibility to Aminoglycoside Antibiotics toxicity which in cooperation with Aminoglycoside Antibiotics results in deafness.  相似文献   

Sequence Evolution of Drosophila Mitochondrial DNA   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
We have compared nucleotide sequences of corresponding segments of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules of Drosophila yakuba and Drosophila melanogaster, which contain the genes for six proteins and seven tRNAs. The overall frequency of substitution between the nucleotide sequences of these protein genes is 7.2%. As was found for mtDNAs from closely related mammals, most substitutions (86%) in Drosophila mitochondrial protein genes do not result in an amino acid replacement. However, the frequencies of transitions and transversions are approximately equal in Drosophila mtDNAs, which is in contrast to the vast excess of transitions over transversions in mammalian mtDNAs. In Drosophila mtDNAs the frequency of C----T substitutions per codon in the third position is 2.5 times greater among codons of two-codon families than among codons of four-codon families; this is contrary to the hypothesis that third position silent substitutions are neutral in regard to selection. In the third position of codons of four-codon families transversions are 4.6 times more frequent than transitions and A----T substitutions account for 86% of all transversions. Ninety-four percent of all codons in the Drosophila mtDNA segments analyzed end in A or T. However, as this alone cannot account for the observed high frequency of A----T substitutions there must be either a disproportionately high rate of A----T mutation in Drosophila mtDNA or selection bias for the products of A----T mutation. --Consideration of the frequencies of interchange of AGA and AGT codons in the corresponding D. yakuba and D. melanogaster mitochondrial protein genes provides strong support for the view that AGA specifies serine in the Drosophila mitochondrial genetic code.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate association of variants in the mitochondrial asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase NARS2 with human hearing loss and Leigh syndrome. A homozygous missense mutation ([c.637G>T; p.Val213Phe]) is the underlying cause of nonsyndromic hearing loss (DFNB94) and compound heterozygous mutations ([c.969T>A; p.Tyr323*] + [c.1142A>G; p.Asn381Ser]) result in mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiency and Leigh syndrome, which is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by symmetric, bilateral lesions in the basal ganglia, thalamus, and brain stem. The severity of the genetic lesions and their effects on NARS2 protein structure cosegregate with the phenotype. A hypothetical truncated NARS2 protein, secondary to the Leigh syndrome mutation p.Tyr323* is not detectable and p.Asn381Ser further decreases NARS2 protein levels in patient fibroblasts. p.Asn381Ser also disrupts dimerization of NARS2, while the hearing loss p.Val213Phe variant has no effect on NARS2 oligomerization. Additionally we demonstrate decreased steady-state levels of mt-tRNAAsn in fibroblasts from the Leigh syndrome patients. In these cells we show that a decrease in oxygen consumption rates (OCR) and electron transport chain (ETC) activity can be rescued by overexpression of wild type NARS2. However, overexpression of the hearing loss associated p.Val213Phe mutant protein in these fibroblasts cannot complement the OCR and ETC defects. Our findings establish lesions in NARS2 as a new cause for nonsyndromic hearing loss and Leigh syndrome.  相似文献   

Comprehensive genetic testing has the potential to become the standard of care for individuals with hearing loss. In this study, we investigated the genetic etiology of autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing loss (ARNSHL) in a Turkish cohort including individuals with cochlear implant, who had a pedigree suggestive of an autosomal recessive inheritance. A workflow including prescreening of GJB2 and a targeted next generation sequencing panel (Illumına TruSightTM Exome) covering 2761 genes that we briefly called as mendelian exome sequencing was used. This panel includes 102 deafness genes and a number of genes causing Mendelian disorders. Using this approach, we identified causative variants in 21 of 29 families. Three different GJB2 variants were present in seven families. Remaining 14 families had 15 different variants in other known NSHL genes (MYO7A, MYO15A, MARVELD2, TMIE, DFNB31, LOXHD1, GPSM2, TMC1, USH1G, CDH23). Of these variants, eight are novel. Mutation detection rate of our workflow is 72.4%, confirming the usefulness of targeted sequencing approach in NSHL.  相似文献   

Genetic miscoding lesions can cause inaccuracies during the interpretation of ancient DNA sequence data. In this study, genetic miscoding lesions were identified and assessed by cloning and direct sequencing of degraded, amplified mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) extracted from human remains. Forty-two individuals, comprising nine collections from five geographic locations, were analyzed for the presence of DNA damage that can affect the generation of a correct mtDNA profile. In agreement with previous studies, high levels (56.5% of all damage sites) of proposed hydrolytic damage products were observed. Among these, type 2 transitions (cytosine → thymine or guanine → adenine), which are highly indicative of hydrolytic deamination, were observed in 50% of all misincorporations that occurred. In addition to hydrolytic damage products, oxidative damage products were also observed in this study and were responsible for approximately 43.5% of all misincorporations. This level of misincorporation is in contrast to previous studies characterizing miscoding lesions from the analysis of bone and teeth, where few to no oxidative damage products were observed. Of all the oxidative damage products found in this study, type 2 transversions (cytosine → adenine/guanine → thymine or cytosine → guanine/guanine → cytosine), which are commonly formed through the generation of 8-hydroxyguanine, accounted for 30.3% of all genetic miscoding lesions observed. This study identifies the previously unreported presence of oxidative DNA damage and proposes that damage to degraded DNA templates is highly specific in type, correlating with the geographic location and the taphonomic conditions of the depositional environment from which the remains are recovered. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

云南保山猪线粒体DNA D-loop区序列初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵寿元 《遗传》2003,8(6):526-528
采用低小牛血清、低叶酸、pH 值较高的培养基,对50例白血病患儿进行rJL色休脆性浑位分析。发 现染色体畸变率及脆性部位表达率明显高于正常对照组, 且表达之脆性部位与痛断裂点及;zEt基因座位 密切相关。本文就脆性部位与白血病类型关系进行了讨沱。  相似文献   

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