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Summary A soybean agglutinin was found to agglutinate mouse, rat and human cell lines transformed by viral carcinogens, but not hamster cells transformed by viral or non-viral carcinogens. Normal cells from which the transformed cells were derived were not agglutinated by this agglutinin, but they were rendered agglutinable after short incubation with trypsin or pronase. The transformed hamster cells, on the other hand, became agglutinable only after prolonged treatment with pronase. The agglutination was specifically inhibited by N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, indicating that N-acetyl-d-galactosamine-like saccharides are part of the receptor sites for soybean agglutinin on the surface membrane. Such sites exist in a cryptic form in normal cells; they are exposed in transformed mouse, rat and human cells, but become less accessible in transformed hamster cells. The receptor sites for soybean agglutinin differ from the receptors for two other plant agglutinins (wheat germ agglutinin that interacts with N-acetyl-d-glucosamine-like sites and Concanavalin A that interacts with -d-glucopyranoside-like sites) which become exposed upon transformation of all lines tested. In normal hamster cells, the receptors for all three agglutinins become exposed after incubation with trypsin, but the exposure of N-acetyl-d-galactosamine-like sites requires the longest enzyme treatment. The results indicate a difference in the location of different carbohydrate-containing sites in the surface membrane. The differences in the exposure of carbohydrate-containing sites in the membrane could not be correlated with the levels of carbohydrate-splitting glycosidases in normal and transformed cells.  相似文献   

Summary Amino acid and carbohydrate transport in normal and malignant transformed hamster cells was studied after binding of the protein Concanavalin A (Con. A) to the surface membrane. Experimental conditions were used so that a similar number of Con. A molecules were bound to both types of cells. The transport of amino acids was inhibited after Con. A binding in the transformed cells but not in normal cells. This was found with the metabolizable amino acidsl-leucine,l-arginine,l-glutamic acid, andl-glutamine, and with the non-metabolizable amino acids cycloleucine and -aminoisobutyric acid. Transport ofd-glucose andd-galactose was more inhibited by Con. A in transformed than in normal cells, and in both types of cellsd-glucose was inhibited more thand-galactose. The inhibition by Con. A on transport was specific, since there was no effect on the transport ofl-fucose in either normal or transformed cells. Con. A also did not effect the entry of 3-0-methyl-d-glucose.These observations can be used to locate amino acid and carbohydrate transport sites in the surface membrane in relation to the binding sites for Con. A. The results indicate that Con. A sites are associated in normal cells with transport sites ford-glucose and to a lesser extentd-galactose, and in transformed cells with transport sites for amino acids and to a greater extent than in normal cells withd-glucose andd-galactose. Malignant transformation of normal cells therefore results in a change in the location of amino acid and carbohydrate transport sites in the surface membrane in relation to the binding sites for Con. A.  相似文献   

Summary Binding sites for horseradish peroxidase (HRP), with unusual properties, were detected on the surface of cultured and isolated cells after the cells (on cover slips) had been quickly dried, fixed in cold methanol, and postfixed in a paraformaldehyde solution. The reaction for surface-bound HRP was suppressed by micromolar concentrations of glycoproteins such as invertase, equine luteinizing hormone (eLH) or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The reaction was also suppressed by 20 mM CDP, UDP, GTP, NAD, and ribose 5-phosphate. Two to six times higher concentrations of GMP, fructose 1-phosphate, galactose 6 phosphate, mannose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, and glucose 6-phosphate were required to suppress the binding eaction. AMP, ATP, heparin, mannan, and eight non-phosphorylated sugars showed relatively low competing potencies but fucoidin and -lactalbumin were strong inhibitors. No addition of Ca2+ was required for the binding of HRP to the cell surface. However, calcium-depleted, inactive HRP did not compete with the binding of native (calcium-containing) HRP whereas H2O2-inactivated HRP suppressed the binding. GTP, NAD, ribose 5-phosphate, and EGTA accelerated the release of previously-bound HRP from the cell surface whereas glycoproteins (invertase, cLH, and hCG) did not do se. Addition of Ca2+ to GTP, NAD, ribose 5-phosphate or to EGTA prevented the accelerated release of HRP from the cell surface. It is suggested that calciam, present either in the surface membrane or in HRP itself, is involved in the binding of HRP to the cell surface and in the inhibition of binding by GTP, NAD, and ribose 5-phosphate. It is also suggested that -lactalbumin, GTP, UDP, and CDP compete with the binding of HRP to a glycosyltransferase on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Mapping of hydrophobic sites on the surface of myosin and its fragments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
J Borejdo 《Biochemistry》1983,22(5):1182-1187

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Most AQPs (aquaporins) function at the plasma membrane, however AQP6 is exclusively localized to membranes of intracellular vesicles in acid-secreting type-A intercalated cells of renal collecting ducts. The intracellular distribution indicates that AQP6 has a function distinct from trans-epithelial water movement. RESULTS: We show by mutational analyses and immunofluorescence that the N-terminus of AQP6 is a determinant for its intracellular localization. Presence or absence at the plasma membrane of AQP6 constructs was confirmed by electrophysiological methods. Addition of a GFP (green fluorescent protein) or a HA (haemagglutinin) epitope tag (GFP-AQP6 or HA-AQP6) to the N-terminus of AQP6, directed AQP6 to the plasma membranes of transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. In contrast, addition of a GFP tag to the C-terminus (AQP6-GFP) caused the protein to remain intracellular, similar to untagged wild-type AQP6. Replacement of the N-terminus of AQP6 by that of AQP1 also directed AQP6 to the plasma membranes, whereas the N-terminus of AQP6 retained AQP1 in cytosolic sites. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the N-terminus of AQP6 is critical for trafficking of the protein to the intracellular sites. Moreover, our studies provide an approach for future identification of proteins involved in vesicle sorting in the acid-secreting type-A intercalated cells.  相似文献   

The cell surface of eukaryotic cells is enriched in choline phospholipids, whereas the aminophospholipids are concentrated at the cytosolic side of the plasma membrane by the activity of one or more P-type ATPases. Lipid translocation has been investigated mostly by using short chain lipid analogs because assays for endogenous lipids are inherently complicated. In the present paper, we optimized two independent assays for the translocation of natural phosphatidylcholine (PC) to the cell surface based on the hydrolysis of outer leaflet phosphoglycerolipids by exogenous phospholipase A2 and the exchange of outer leaflet PC by a transfer protein. We report that PC reached the cell surface in the absence of vesicular traffic by a pathway that involved translocation across the plasma membrane. In erythrocytes, PC that was labeled at the inside of the plasma membrane was translocated to the cell surface with a half-time of 30 min. This translocation was probably mediated by an ATPase, because it required ATP and was vanadate-sensitive. The inhibition of PC translocation by glibenclamide, an inhibitor of various ATP binding cassette transporters, and its reduction in erythrocytes from both Abcb1a/1b and Abcb4 knockout mice, suggest the involvement of ATP binding cassette transporters in natural PC cell surface translocation. The relative importance of the outward translocation of PC as compared with the well characterized fast inward translocation of phosphatidylserine for the overall asymmetric phospholipid organization in plasma membranes remains to be established.  相似文献   

The presence of mosaicism in the organization of concanavalin agglutinin (Con A) binding sites on murine egg cells was first reported 30 year ago. This discovery has triggered extensive studies into the roles of glycoproteins in gamete interactions in animals. This report comprises the first account of the existence of the mosaicism in higher plants. The distribution of Con A binding sites on both egg cells and central cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) was found to be polar and apparently determined by the location of the nucleus of the cell. On central cells, Con A binding sites were distributed on the section of the plasma membrane surface near the nucleus. By contrast, the binding sites on egg cells were concentrated away from the nucleus. Therefore, polarity of the plasma membrane component of female cells was confirmed for the first time. It is proposed that such polarized ConA binding sites could be involved in sperm recognition.  相似文献   

Turnover of the plasma membrane of mammalian cells.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
D Doyle  H Baumann 《Life sciences》1979,24(11):951-966

The hemoglobin binding sites on the inner surface of the erythrocyte membrane were identified by measuring the fraction of hemoglobin released following selective proteolytic or lipolytic enzyme digestion. In addition, binding stoichiometry to and fractional hemoglobin release from inside-out vesicle preparations of human and rabbit membranes were compared since rabbit membranes differ significantly from human membranes only in that they lack glycophorin. Our results show that rabbit inside-out vesicles bind about 65% less human or rabbit hemoglobin under conditions of optimal and stoichiometric binding, despite being otherwise similar in composition. We suggest that this difference is either directly or indirectly due to the absence of glycophorin in rabbit membranes. Further supportive evidence includes demonstrating (a) that neuraminidase treatment of human membranes did not affect hemoglobin binding and (b) that reconstitution of isolated glycophorin into phospholipid vesicles increased the hemoglobin binding capacity in a manner proportional to the fraction of glycophorin molecules oriented with their cytoplasmic sides exposed to the exterior of the vesicle. Proteolysis of human inside-out vesicles either before or after addition of hemoglobin reduced the binding capacity by about 25%. This is consistent with the known proportion of total hemoglobin binding sites involving band 3 protein and the selective lability of the cytoplasmic aspect of band 3 protein to proteolysis. Phospholipid involvement in hemoglobin binding was determined using various phospholipase C preparations which differ in their reactivity profiles. Approximately 38% of the bound hemoglobin was released upon cleavage of phospholipid headgroups. These results suggest that the predominant sites of binding for hemoglobin on the inner surface of the red cell membrane are the two major integral membrane glycoproteins.  相似文献   

RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are proteins that bind to the RNA and participate in forming ribonucleoprotein complexes. They have crucial roles in various biological processes such as RNA splicing, editing, transport, maintenance, degradation, intracellular localization and translation. The RBPs bind RNA with different RNA-sequence specificities and affinities, thus, identification of protein binding sites on RNAs (R-PBSs) will deeper our understanding of RNA-protein interactions. Currently, high-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by crosslinking immunoprecipitation (HITS-CLIP, also known as CLIP-Seq) is one of the most powerful methods to map RNA-protein binding sites or RNA modification sites. However, this method is only used for identification of single known RBPs and antibodies for RBPs are required. Here we developed a novel method, called capture of protein binding sites on RNAs (RPBS-Cap) to identify genome-wide protein binding sites on RNAs without using antibodies. Double click strategy is used for the RPBS-Cap assay. Proteins and RNAs are UV-crosslinked in vivo first, then the proteins are crosslinked to the magnetic beads. The RNA elements associated with proteins are captured, reverse transcribed and sequenced. Our approach has potential applications for studying genome-wide RNA-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopically localizations of Concanavalin A, Soybean Agglutinin, and Asparagus Pea Lectin-binding sites on the intestinal microvillous membrane were studied by means of horseradish peroxidase labelled lectins. The distribution of the lectin-binding sites was composed with the cell differentiation from the crypts to the tip of the intestinal villi. The visualization of lectin receptors in the mucin vesicles in the goblet cells was established as well. The controls for the determination of the specificity of reactions were carried out.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential melastatin 7 (TRPM7) channels are divalent cation-selective ion channels that are permeable to Ca(2+) and Mg(2+). TRPM7 is ubiquitously expressed in vertebrate cells and contains both an ion channel and a kinase domain. TRPM7 plays an important role in regulating cellular homeostatic levels of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) in mammalian cells. Although studies have shown that the kinase domain of TRPM7 is required for channel activation and can phosphorylate other target proteins, a systematic analysis of intact TRPM7 channel phosphorylation sites expressed in mammalian cells is lacking. We applied mass spectrometric proteomic techniques to identify and characterize the key phosphorylation sites in TRPM7 channels. We identified 14 phosphorylation sites in the cytoplasmic domain of TRPM7, eight of which have not been previously reported. The identification of phosphorylation sites using antibody-based immunopurification and mass spectrometry is an effective approach for defining the phosphorylation status of TRPM7 channels. The present results show that TRPM7 channels are phosphorylated at multiple sites, which serves as a mechanism to modulate the dynamic functions of TRPM7 channels in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Electron-density maps for the crystal structures of membrane proteins often show features suggesting binding of lipids and/or detergent molecules on the hydrophobic surface, but usually it is difficult to identify the bound molecules. In our studies, heavy-atom-labelled phospholipids and detergents have been used to unequivocally identify these binding sites at the surfaces of test membrane proteins, the reaction centres from Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Blastochloris viridis. The generality of this method is discussed in the present article.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes isolated from eight different tissues from either man, rat, mouse or rabbit and from tissue culture were shown to inhibit protein synthesis in a cell-free system. From all membranal extracts an RNase endonuclease activity could be isolated which split rRNΔ. In contrast, the polyribosomal structure of rabbit reticulocytes was unaffected, showing that 9S mRNA was not destroyed under these conditions. The Triton X-100 membranal extracts blocked protein synthesis in the elongation stage and all resembled very closely the previously described RNase M activity [2]. A hypothesis is put forward, suggesting that newly formed ribosomes migrate in the cytoplasm while accomplishing protein synthesis. After being engaged in a series of such rounds of protein synthesis they meet with the plasma membrane and are inactivated by the RNase endonucleolytic splitting of their ribosomal RNA (rRNA). It is suggested that this is a mechanism common to all eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

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