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2005-2006年的1月、4月、7月和10月,利用样带法对广州市新垦红树林湿地和周边农田进行鸟类物种多样性研究。利用Shannon-Wiener指数分析了生境类型的鸟类群落种数、数量、物种多样性、均匀性指数等特征。结果表明,新垦红树林湿地1月鸟类种数高于周边农田湿地2倍,鸟类群落个体数量高于农田湿地9倍;红树林湿地4月和7月鸟类种数高于周边农田湿地1.5倍,鸟类群落个体数量高于农田湿地4倍;红树林湿地10月鸟类种数高于周边农田湿地1.5倍,鸟类群落个体数量高于农田湿地6.8倍;新垦红树林湿地和周边农田湿地鸟类物种多样性表现出明显的季节性变化。  相似文献   

海南东寨港红树林湿地鸟类多样性研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
红树林湿地是全球湿地生态系统中的重要组成部分,湿地鸟类是湿地价值的重要指标[14].东寨港是我国红树林面积最大、种类最多、生长最好的地区之一[10],广阔的滩涂成为许多鸟类的觅食地和越冬点,每年春季和冬季都有许多迁徙鸟类在此觅食和越冬.红树林湿地鸟类的研究国内外都有一些报道[2,3,5,6,8,11,13],但正如Lefebvre所说"我们对红树林鸟类群落的认识主要局限于鸟类物种的编目"[13].对东寨港红树林鸟类研究,20世纪60~70年代有学者做过一些采集及考察工作[1,7,9],80年代和90年代初也有学者进行过一些调查[5,12],但大多数都是在东寨港作短暂的停留,记录的物种数很少、调查的结果也有局限性.1997~1998年我们对海南东寨港红树林湿地的鸟类进行了调查,这对未来东寨港鸟类的监测、湿地的保护及生态管理有重要意义.  相似文献   

福建红树林湿地鸟类区系研究   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
红树林湿地是热带、亚热带海岸带的重要湿地类型。由于红树林是自然辅助供能的高生产率的生态系统 ,具有高光合率、高呼吸率和高归还率的三高特点 ,为红树林区底栖动物的生活提供了能量来源 ,丰富的底栖动物又为鸟类等高等动物提供了充足的饵料来源。红树林湿地特殊的环境特点 ,使之成为咸淡水交迭的环境下生存的动植物、微生物丰富的基因库[10 ] 。因此 ,红树林区域在生物多样性研究中具有重要价值。在香港米埔红树林保护区 ,鸟类学家对当地鸟类的迁徙和生态进行了 30多年的研究[15,16 ] ,2 0世纪 80年代后对广东、广西、海南等地主要红树…  相似文献   

中国红树林湿地物种多样性及其形成   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
何斌源  范航清  王瑁  赖廷和  王文卿 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4859-4870
目前中国红树林湿地共记录了2854种生物,包括真菌136种、放线菌13种、细菌7种、小型藻类441种、大型藻类55种、维管束植物37种、浮游动物109种、底栖动物873种、游泳动物258种、昆虫434种、蜘蛛31种、两栖类13种、爬行类39种、鸟类421种和兽类28种。这些动物中有8种国家一级保护动物,75种二级保护动物。中国红树林湿地是中国濒危生物保存和发展的重要基地,并在跨国鸟类保护中起着重要作用。中国红树林湿地单位面积的物种丰度是海洋平均水平的1766倍。从初级生产物质基础、食物关系多样性、宏观尺度和微观尺度的空间异质性、生境利用的时序性等方面分析了中国红树林湿地物种多样性极其丰富的原因。  相似文献   

广州新垦红树林湿地鸟类多样性动态研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2005年1月(冬季)、4月(春季)、7月(夏季)和10月(秋季),对广州市南沙区新垦红树林湿地区利用样带法进行了鸟类多样性动态研究。广州新垦红树林主要是以人工种植(海桑)为主,研究该湿地鸟类群落多样性,对于红树林生态恢复和物种多样性具有重要意义。在野外调查的基础上对广州新垦红树林鸟类多样性指数(Hˊ)进行了计算,结果表明:1月Hˊ=3.051;4月Hˊ=2.6314;7月Hˊ=2.6867和10月Hˊ=3.0382。该湿地鸟类多样性动态表明出明显的季节性。新垦红树林湿地是广州市鸟类重要的繁殖地和越冬地。  相似文献   

珠海淇澳岛冬季的鸟类群落   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在淇澳岛红树林湿地设置7条样带,分别于2005-2007年每年1月对该区冬季鸟类群落特征进行研究.共记录到鸟类63种,隶属12目23科,雀形目种类最丰富;其中留鸟、冬候鸟、夏候鸟分别占66.7%、31.7%和1.6%,水禽和陆禽分别占28.6%和71.4%.鸟类群落总体α多样性指数(H)为3.171,均匀度(J)为0.765;各个样带的H值为0.602~2.853,J值为0.336~0.919,其中滩涂与红树林生境的鸟类群落多样性与均匀度在7种生境中最低.β多样性指数分析表明,滩涂、红树林鱼塘湿地和村落之间的鸟类群落差异较大.根据等级聚类分析的结果,淇澳岛冬季鸟类群落可划分为滩涂水禽、红树林鱼塘湿地鸟类、农田森林鸟类3个群落.  相似文献   

红树植物分子生态与进化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红树林是热带与亚热带海洋森林和地球湿地生态系统的重要组成部分 ,是多种海洋动物及鸟类栖息繁衍的重要场所 ,在调节全球生态平衡及维持生物多样性方面起着十分重要的作用。有关红树林的生态生物学研究 ,特别是红树林及其生物多样性变化的监测研究 ,红树林的保护与管理已成为热带亚热带海洋及湿地生态学研究的重要内容。海南岛有长达 1 5 2 8km的海岸线 ,红树林群落的分布十分广泛。孢粉学证据说明 ,海南岛滨海地区在第三纪时即有红树林出现[1 ] 。现海南岛红树林植物种类有 1 8科 2 6属 34种 ,占中国红树植物种数的 97.1 % [2 ] 。由于…  相似文献   

以福田红树林湿地生态系统为研究对象,将其生物组成分为红树植物、底栖动物、浮游植物、浮游动物、鸟类和碎屑等15个功能组,运用Ecopath with Ecosim(EWE)软件,构建了福田红树林湿地生态系统的EWE模型,探讨了红树林湿地生态系统的状态、特征及不同物种之间的营养关系,并评价红树林湿地生态系统当前的健康状况。分析表明,福田红树林湿地生态系统能流的最主要来源是碎屑,能流主要在营养级Ⅰ到Ⅳ之间流动,转化效率最高发生在第Ⅰ和第Ⅱ营养级之间(28.8%),总体转化效率为11.2%,且系统对营养级Ⅱ的利用最为充分。处于低营养级的功能组在系统能量传递的过程中起着非常关键的作用,并且对整个系统的影响强烈。生态系统总体特征参数生物量/总流量(TB/TT)、连接指数(CI)和系统杂食性指数(SOI)分别为0.163、0.123和0.018,综合分析表明,福田红树林湿地生态系统目前有退化的趋势。  相似文献   

雷州半岛红树林湿地鸟类多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从2000年5月-2003年11月,调查了雷州半岛红树林湿地鸟类.共记录鸟类133种,水鸟和迁徙鸟分别占总记录鸟类数量的81.7%和70.4%.分别有9种、2种、16种和12种鸟被列为中国红皮书保护种、IUCN保护种、CITES保护种和中国国家Ⅱ级保护种;还有63种被列为中日候鸟协定保护种、32种被列为中澳候鸟协定保护种.不同调查地点,鸟类的种类和数量相差较大,高桥鸟类最丰富,记录到83种鸟;五里鸟类种类最少,仅记录到40种鸟,各地鸟类种的相似性很低.环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)、白腰杓鹬(Numenius arquata)和红嘴鸥(Larus ridibundus)在雷州半岛的种群数量达到国际重要湿地的标准.雷州半岛鸟类种的丰度和多度季节变化明显,冬季种类多、数量丰富,夏季种类少、数量贫乏.冬季和夏季总的鸟类数量(P=0.043)和水鸟数量(P=0.001)差异明显.保护整个沿海红树林湿地是保护雷州半岛红树林湿地鸟类多样性的关键.  相似文献   

红树林湿地在海岸生态系统维护中的功能*   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
段舜山  徐景亮 《生态科学》2004,23(4):351-355
综述了红树林湿地在海岸生态系统中所具有的维护生物多样性、防风消浪、促淤护岸、防灾减灾、净化海水、调节大气和美化海岸带景观等方面的功能。探讨了广东及华南沿海红树林的分布状况和存在问题,指出了华南沿海现存的红树林湿地正在遭受严重的威胁和破坏。华南沿海现存红树林湿地面积仅有1.5×105hm2,比历史最大面积减少了70%;广东省的红树林湿地由10年前的1.47×104hm2减少到现在的9100hm2,减少了38%。提出了建立和完善红树林自然保护网络系统、积极实施红树林湿地生态修复工程、注重红树林的引种和种苗培育技术研究、充分评估红树林湿地的巨大生态效价等对策与建议。  相似文献   

The conservation of mangroves and other coastal “blue carbon” ecosystems is receiving heightened attention because of recognition of their high ecosystem carbon stocks as well as vast areas undergoing land conversion. However, few studies have paired intact mangroves with degraded sites to determine carbon losses due to land conversion. To address this gap we quantified total ecosystem carbon stocks in mangroves and cattle pastures formed from mangroves in the large wetland complex of the Pantanos de Centla in SE Mexico. The mean total ecosystem carbon stocks of fringe and estuarine tall mangroves was 1358 Mg C/ha. In contrast the mean carbon stocks of cattle pastures was 458 Mg C/ha. Based upon a biomass equivalence of losses from the top 1 m of mangrove soils, the losses in carbon stocks from mangrove conversion are conservatively estimated at 1464 Mg CO2e/ha. These losses were 7-fold that of emissions from tropical dry forest to pasture conversion and 3-fold greater than emissions from Amazon forest to pasture conversion. However, we found that limiting ecosystem carbon stocks differences to the surface 1 m or even 2 m soil depth will miss losses that occurred from deeper horizons. Mangrove conversion to other land uses comes at a great cost in terms of greenhouse gas emissions as well losses of other important ecosystem services.  相似文献   

The village-fringe mangroves throughout the Indian Sunderbans have become ecologically fragile due to decades of unsustainable utilization practices and changes in hydro-geomorphic conditions. These mangroves are generally managed by the state-run Forest Department, community institutions and non-governmental organizations either separately or in collaboration. This paper attempts to assess the forest health of three such mangrove sites managed by these different institutions using quantitative vegetation surveys. Transformations of land use and land cover patterns of these sites from 2003 to 2013 have also been analyzed by geospatial techniques. Moreover, a qualitative estimation of the products and services provided by these mangroves was performed through participatory appraisals among the local forest dependents to comprehend the level of economic sustenance achieved. Results indicate that the overall performance of the site managed by a non-governmental organization in collaboration with local forest dependents was better than the other two sites managed by Forest Department and joint state-community institution respectively. Proper recognition of the causes of forest degradation and subsequent creation of zonal plantations with respect to species associations and utilization patterns were identified as the prime determinants of comparative success of the former site. Restructuring of community institutions by strengthening participation of actual forest dependents in decision making was suggested to be beneficial for mangrove restoration of sites performing poorly. In general, adaptation of collaborative approaches towards addressing the issues of tenure rights, legitimate sharing of mangrove produces and services, conflict resolutions among and within these institutions were found to be imperative for resilient management of these mangroves.  相似文献   

Ethnobiology, socio-economics and management of mangrove forests: A review   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
There is growing research interest in the ethnobiology, socio-economics and management of mangrove forests. Coastal residents who use mangroves and their resources may have considerable botanical and ecological knowledgeable about these forests. A wide variety of forest products are harvested in mangroves, especially wood for fuel and construction, tannins and medicines. Although there are exceptions, mangrove forest products are typically harvested in a small-scale and selective manner, with harvesting efforts and impacts concentrated in stands that are closer to settlements and easiest to access (by land or by sea). Mangroves support diverse, local fisheries, and also provide critical nursery habitat and marine productivity which support wider commercial fisheries. These forests also provide valuable ecosystem services that benefit coastal communities, including coastal land stabilization and storm protection. The overlapping of marine and terrestrial resources in mangroves creates tenure ambiguities that complicate management and may induce conflict between competing interests. Mangroves have been cut and cleared extensively to make way for brackish water aquaculture and infrastructure development. More attention is now given to managing remaining forests sustainably and to restoring those degraded from past use. Recent advances in remotely sensed, geo-spatial monitoring provide opportunities for researchers and planners to better understand and improve the management of these unique forested wetlands.  相似文献   

水产养殖、城镇建设等引起的土地利用变化使红树林生态系统遭受严重破坏,是红树林生物多样性面临的主要威胁之一。了解雷州半岛红树林鱼类群落结构,探究人类活动强度对鱼类群落结构的影响,对红树林鱼类资源保护至关重要。基于2021—2022年雷州半岛7片红树林共21条潮沟的鱼类数据,结合周边土地利用数据,研究鱼类群落结构及其与土地利用类型的关系。结果显示,共采集鉴定鱼类49种,隶属于8目25科,鲈形目鱼类最多,共33种占总种类数的75.5%,其中,虾虎鱼科种数最多,共15种占30.6%;食性上,主要为杂食性和肉食性鱼类,分别为53.06%和44.90%;各红树林Shannon-Wiener多样性指数在秋冬春三季的变化范围均为0—2.5,Simpson多样性指数均为0—0.9;各红树林鱼类个体数、物种数和生物量均存在显著差异(P>0.05);除秋季北潭与流沙湾的鱼类群落无显著差异(P>0.05)外,其余红树林间的鱼类群落在三个季度均有显著差异(P<0.05);人类活动强度、红树林面积和东西岸对鱼类多样性指数、个体数、物种数和生物量均有显著的主效应和交互效应(P<0.05);青...  相似文献   

This study was initiated to provide information on mangrove structure, communities, wildlife, socio-economics and human impacts on one of the most important areas of mangroves in Oman at Mahout Island, located on the Arabian Sea coast. The island is fringed with a luxuriant vegetation of mangroves formed by Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. Tree height, diameter at breast-height (dbh) and basal area (m2) show progressive increases from the upper to the lower level of the shore. Density (number of stems/0.1 ha) is variable, showing three peaks in transects across western and southern mangroves. The northern mangroves are the most developed, characterized by muddy substrate, followed by the western on a sandy bottom, and the southern surrounded by rock-flat. The mangroves support a large number of fishes, shrimps, crabs and molluscs. Wildlife are represented by shorebirds, waterfowls, turtles and dolphins.The Mahout population consists of bedouins, mostly supported by fishing. It is semi-settled with seasonal migration in summer to large towns. Fishing activities are usually between September and May. Shrimps and fish are the main natural resources. Human impacts were identified and qualitatively assessed: overutilization of mangroves by woodcutting or livestock grazing; litter and pollution; killing of turtle and other wildlife; removal of benthic marine organisms; the proposed construction of a fishery harbor; and the potential of mariculture and tourism. Management, based on sustainable development, should be undertaken to protect Mahout resources.  相似文献   

Despite an increasing recognition of the ecosystem services provided by mangroves, we know little about their role in maintaining terrestrial biodiversity, including primates. Madagascar’s lemurs are a top global conservation priority, with 94 % of species threatened with extinction, but records of their occurrence in mangroves are scarce. I used a mixed-methods approach to collect published and unpublished observations of lemurs in mangroves: I carried out a systematic literature search and supplemented this with a targeted information request to 1243 researchers, conservation and tourism professionals, and others who may have visited mangroves in Madagascar. I found references to, or observations of, at least 23 species in 5 families using mangroves, representing >20% of lemur species and >50% of species whose distributions include mangrove areas. Lemurs used mangroves for foraging, sleeping, and traveling between terrestrial forest patches, and some were observed as much as 3 km from the nearest permanently dry land. However, most records were anecdotal and thus tell us little about lemur ecology in this habitat. Mangroves are more widely used by lemurs than has previously been recognized and merit greater attention from primate researchers and conservationists in Madagascar.  相似文献   

Plant populations are regulated by a diverse assortment of abiotic and biotic factors that influence seed dispersal and viability, and seedling establishment and growth at the microsite. Rarely does one animal guild exert as significant an influence on different plant assemblages as land crabs. We review three tropical coastal ecosystems–mangroves, island maritime forests, and mainland coastal terrestrial forests–where land crabs directly influence forest composition by limiting tree establishment and recruitment. Land crabs differentially prey on seeds, propagules and seedlings along nutrient, chemical and physical environmental gradients. In all of these ecosystems, but especially mangroves, abiotic gradients are well studied, strong and influence plant species distributions. However, we suggest that crab predation has primacy over many of these environmental factors by acting as the first limiting factor of tropical tree recruitment to drive the potential structural and compositional organisation of coastal forests. We show that the influence of crabs varies relative to tidal gradient, shoreline distance, canopy position, time, season, tree species and fruiting periodicity. Crabs also facilitate forest growth and development through such activities as excavation of burrows, creation of soil mounds, aeration of soils, removal of leaf litter into burrows and creation of carbon-rich soil microhabitats. For all three systems, land crabs influence the distribution, density and size-class structure of tree populations. Indeed, crabs are among the major drivers of tree recruitment in tropical coastal forest ecosystems, and their conservation should be included in management plans of these forests.  相似文献   

It is recognized that wildlife populations exhibit spatial and temporal variability in patterns of species richness across heterogeneous landscapes. This phenomenon can prove problematic for environmental practitioners when attempting to complete comprehensive environmental assessments (EAs) with limited field surveys. A better understanding of regional spatio-temporal patterns in population dynamics should enhance site-level decision-making. In this study, the variability of seasonal data across the Credit River Watershed, southern Ontario, is assessed for a hierarchy of conservation measures including species richness, and two conservation wildlife response guilds based on primary habitat and area sensitivity. Bird populations were monitored at 24 forest monitoring plots across the watershed by the authors twice a season from 2003 to 2010 following the protocol of Environment Canada's Forest Bird Monitoring Program. The monitoring plots are located within four land management zones identified as 1) urban, 2) transitional, 3) escarpment and 4) rural. Data from the monitoring program are used to compare species richness among plots across the watershed and among land management zones. In addition, the variability of records from each plot over the 8 year period was determined by means of the Coefficient of Variation (CV) statistic. The mean variability of these records at each site within each land management zone was determined in order to assess whether the temporal variability of bird records might affect the integrity of short term assessments. Finally, a one-way ANOVA was applied to learn whether the result of short-term assessments may be further compounded by differences in the response of selected bird guilds to landscape heterogeneity. The results show that there is a significant difference in mean richness of forest birds among the four management zones. The ANOVAs indicate that significant difference is due to the temporal variability of a) breeding forest interior birds rather than edge birds or generalist species and b) breeding area sensitive species rather than area non-sensitive species. Recommendations are made that environmental assessments targeting forest interior bird populations need to plan sampling strategies that recognize this variability, especially for sites within the transitional and urban zones. Planning in the transition or urbanizing landscape should incorporate landscape ecology principles to sustain current levels of richness in forest species.  相似文献   

Ong Jin-Eong 《Hydrobiologia》1995,295(1-3):343-351
Despite the recent better understanding and awareness of the role of mangroves, these coastal forest communities continue to be destroyed or degraded (or euphemistically reclaimed) at an alarming rate. The figure of 1% per year given by Ong (1982) for Malaysia can be taken as a conservative estimate of destruction of mangroves in the Asia-Pacific region. Whilst the Japanese-based mangrove wood-chips industry continues in its destructive path through the larger mangrove ecosystems of the region, the focus of mangrove destruction has shifted to the conversion of mangrove areas into aquaculture ponds and the consequences of the unprecedented massive addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by post industrial man.Mangroves are non-homogeneous; characterised by distinct vegetative zones that occupy the interface between land and sea and dynamically interacting with the atmosphere above as well as with the influences of the adjacent land and sea. The conservation of mangroves should thus include not only the various vegetation and tidal inundation zones but also the adjacent marine and terrestrial areas (including the water catchment area).On the current concern with global climate change, it is pointed out that relative sea level change is very much site dependent. For effective planning and management, it is vital to know if a particular site is stable, rising or sinking so efforts should be directed to find suitable methods for determining this. However, should rapid relative sea level rise take place, there is very little likelihood of saving mangroves whose landward margins have been developed by man, a fact to bear in mind when selecting sites for conservation. The Matang mangroves of Malaysia is rare case of successful sustainable management of a tropical rain forest. Although the tools of management are available they are not widely applied. We particularly urge the Japanese mangrove wood-chips industry to look to long term sustainable use rather than short term gains. A suggestion is made to appeal to the new Government of Japan to take the lead in environmental friendliness especially to the rain forests of the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

The habitat function of mangroves for terrestrial and marine fauna: A review   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
Mangroves are defined by the presence of trees that mainly occur in the intertidal zone, between land and sea, in the (sub) tropics. The intertidal zone is characterised by highly variable environmental factors, such as temperature, sedimentation and tidal currents. The aerial roots of mangroves partly stabilise this environment and provide a substratum on which many species of plants and animals live. Above the water, the mangrove trees and canopy provide important habitat for a wide range of species. These include birds, insects, mammals and reptiles. Below the water, the mangrove roots are overgrown by epibionts such as tunicates, sponges, algae, and bivalves. The soft substratum in the mangroves forms habitat for various infaunal and epifaunal species, while the space between roots provides shelter and food for motile fauna such as prawns, crabs and fishes. Mangrove litter is transformed into detritus, which partly supports the mangrove food web. Plankton, epiphytic algae and microphytobenthos also form an important basis for the mangrove food web. Due to the high abundance of food and shelter, and low predation pressure, mangroves form an ideal habitat for a variety of animal species, during part or all of their life cycles. As such, mangroves may function as nursery habitats for (commercially important) crab, prawn and fish species, and support offshore fish populations and fisheries. Evidence for linkages between mangroves and offshore habitats by animal migrations is still scarce, but highly needed for management and conservation purposes. Here, we firstly reviewed the habitat function of mangroves by common taxa of terrestrial and marine animals. Secondly, we reviewed the literature with regard to the degree of interlinkage between mangroves and adjacent habitats, a research area which has received increasing attention in the last decade. Finally, we reviewed current insights into the degree to which mangrove litter fuels the mangrove food web, since this has been the subject of long-standing debate.  相似文献   

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