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Yu L  Tang H 《生理科学进展》2008,39(1):53-56
近几年的研究发现,在耳蜗基底膜的外毛细胞膜上有一种新奇的蛋白质:prestin(马达蛋白),它能感受细胞膜电位的变化,进而发生构象改变,引发外毛细胞的形状和表面积的改变.Prestin作为一种独特的马达蛋白,能驱动耳蜗外毛细胞的电能动性(electromotility),产生耳蜗的放大器作用,因而使哺乳动物的听觉具有高度的敏感性,广阔的听觉域,敏锐的频率选择性.这种蛋白质的缺失或基因的突变会导致听觉功能严重受损,对于prestin的深入细致的研究,也许可以使人们进一步认识和理解哺乳动物的听觉调谐机制,通过对这种蛋白质基因的表达的调控,是否能够防治一些与之相关的疾病?这或许将是今后听觉研究领域的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

In plants a group of proteins termed nonspecific lipid transfer proteins are found. These proteins bind and catalyze transfer of lipids in vitro, but their in vivo function is unknown. They have been suggested to be involved in different aspects of plant physiology and cell biology, including the formation of cutin and involvement in stress and pathogen responses, but there is yet no direct demonstration of an in vivo function. We have found and characterized a novel post-translational modification of the barley nonspecific lipid transfer protein, LTP1. The protein-modification bond is of a new type in which an aspartic acid in LTP1 is bound to the modification through what most likely is an ester bond. The chemical structure of the modification has been characterized by means of two-dimensional homo- and heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as well as mass spectrometry and is found to be lipid-like in nature. The modification does not resemble any standard lipid post-translational modification but is similar to a compound with known antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

Bier M 《Bio Systems》2008,93(1-2):23-28
When kinesin moves along microtubule, it can occasionally malfunction and make a backward step. Recent single molecule experiments on moving kinesin have revealed that the forward to backward step ratio depends exponentially on the load force. We introduce a model of a Brownian step that accounts for recorded data with great accuracy. We find that the forward to backward step ratio does not depend on any structural features of the kinesin. The stepping statistics appear fully determined by the 8 nanometer stepsize, the energy that drives the step, and k(B)T, which is the natural "quantum" of thermal energy. With this model we next analyze the energetics of the Brownian stepper. We derive force-velocity relations for the vicinity of the "static head" case, which is when the applied force is close to the stopping force. We also derive force-velocity relations for the close-to-equilibrium case, i.e. a small load and a small ATP-ADP chemical potential.  相似文献   

Summary Two brothers with a new type of hereditary sensory neuropathy are described. The main clinical feature is late onset sensory ataxia without ulcerating acropathy or other autonomic abnormality. The older patient also has oculomotor dysfunction and extensor plantar responses.  相似文献   

Kinesin-5 (also called Eg5 or kif11) is a homotetrameric motor protein that functions by modulating microtubule (MT)-MT interactions. In the case of mitosis, kinesin-5 slows the rate of separation of the half-spindles. In the case of the axon, kinesin-5 limits the frequency of transport of short MTs, and also limits the rate of axonal growth. Here we show that experimental inhibition of kinesin-5 in cultured migratory neurons results in a faster but more randomly moving neuron with a shorter leading process. As is the case with axons of stationary neurons, short MT transport frequency is notably enhanced in the leading process of the migratory neuron when kinesin-5 is inhibited. Conversely, overexpression of kinesin-5, both in culture and in developing cerebral cortex, causes migration to slow and even cease. Regions of anti-parallel MT organization behind the centrosome were shown to be especially rich in kinesin-5, implicating these regions as potential sites where kinesin-5 forces may be especially relevant. We posit that kinesin-5 acts as a "brake" on MT-MT interactions that modulates the advance of the entire MT apparatus. In so doing, kinesin-5 regulates the rate and directionality of neuronal migration and possibly the cessation of migration when the neuron reaches its destination.  相似文献   

A new taste-modifying protein named curculin was extracted with 0.5 M NaCl from the fruits of Curculigo latifolia and purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, CM-Sepharose ion-exchange chromatography, and gel filtration. Purified curculin thus obtained gave a single band having a Mr of 12,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of 8 M urea. The molecular weight determined by low-angle laser light scattering was 27,800. These results suggest that native curculin is a dimer of a 12,000-Da polypeptide. The complete amino acid sequence of curculin was determined by automatic Edman degradation. Curculin consists of 114 residues. Curculin itself elicits a sweet taste. After curculin, water elicits a sweet taste, and sour substances induce a stronger sense of sweetness. No protein with both sweet-tasting and taste-modifying activities has ever been found. There are five sets of tripeptides common to miraculin (a taste-modifying protein), six sets of tripeptides common to thaumatin (a sweet protein), and two sets of tripeptides common to monellin (a sweet protein). Anti-miraculin serum was not immunologically reactive with curculin. The mechanism of the taste-modifying action of curculin is discussed.  相似文献   

Running hamster OYC (RHO) is a mutant spontaneously arisen in a closed colony of Armenian Hamsters and has a characteristic of speedy, rotative running behavior. There are several reports which describe such mutants as abnormal walking behavior in rodents due to ataxia or balance deficits. In this report, we describe results of several motor and balance tests in order to clarify whether or not RHO mutants have such disorders. RHO mutants showed no sign of either motor or auditory deficits, and scarcely had balance deficits tested. The animals only had slight head tilting at the starting of running. These results suggest that RHO is a really new type of mutant which has not previously been reported.  相似文献   

Sakacin G is a 37-amino-acid-residue-long class IIa bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus sake 2512, which is encoded by the duplicated structural genes skgA1 and skgA2. Sakacin G appears to be unique and seems to be an intermediate between pediocin-like bacteriocins, according to its double-disulfide bridges required for antimicrobial activity, and mesentericin-like bacteriocins in terms of sequence homologies, inhibition spectrum, and specific activity.  相似文献   

A large fraction of the translationally repressed non-globin messenger RNA in duck erythroblasts is present in non-polyribosomal free mRNP structures which sediment in the 30-40-S range ('35 S'). In 0.5 M KCl, they form core complexes which show a pronounced peak at about 32 S containing mRNA and a discrete spherical RNP particle with a diameter of about 12 nm and the typical morphology of a prosome [H.-P. Schmid et al. (1984) EMBO J. 3, 29-34]. Buoyant density measurements and chromatography on oligo(dT)-cellulose indicate that this particle is bound to mRNA; it can be released from the mRNA by treatment of the free mRNP fraction with SDS. This prosome-like particle inhibits the translation of mRNA in vitro. It is composed primarily of multimers of a single 21-kDa protein and at least one species of RNA of about 80-100 nucleotides. It is resistant to dissociation by 2 M CS2SO4 and 1% SDS; the 21-kDa protein is not attacked by proteinase K unless the particle is extracted with phenol prior to treatment with the protease. The small RNA moiety of the particle hybridizes to the poly(A)-rich mRNA derived from the free mRNPs, as well as to polyribosomal mRNA. These data indicate that prosomes may serve to regulate mRNA translation; they show furthermore that prosome-like particles (about 600 kDa mass) may be built of up to 25 molecules of a single specific protein, rather than of the entire set of about 20 prosomal proteins previously identified.  相似文献   

Screening of transfer DNA (tDNA) tagged lines of Arabidopsis thaliana for mutants defective in systemic acquired resistance led to the characterization of dir1-1 (defective in induced resistance [systemic acquired resistance, SAR]) mutant. It has been suggested that the protein encoded by the dir1 gene, i.e., DIR1, is involved in the long distance signaling associated with SAR. DIR1 displays the cysteine signature of lipid transfer proteins, suggesting that the systemic signal could be lipid molecules. However, previous studies have shown that this signature is not sufficient to define a lipid transfer protein, i.e., a protein capable of binding lipids. In this context, the lipid binding properties and the structure of a DIR1-lipid complex were both determined by fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. DIR1 is able to bind with high affinity two monoacylated phospholipids (dissociation constant in the nanomolar range), mainly lysophosphatidyl cholines, side-by-side in a large internal tunnel. Although DIR1 shares some structural and lipid binding properties with plant LTP2, it displays some specific features that define DIR1 as a new type of plant lipid transfer protein. The signaling function associated with DIR1 may be related to a specific lipid transport that needs to be characterized and to an additional mechanism of recognition by a putative receptor, as the structure displays on the surface the characteristic PxxP structural motif reminiscent of SH3 domain signaling pathways.  相似文献   

A new type of non heme iron protein called desulforedoxin has been isolated from the sulfate reducing bacterium, Desulfovibrio gigas. The complete amino acid sequence has been established. The 36 amino acid residues of the sequence are aligned with the aid of peptides obtained by cyanogen bromide cleavage and by hydrolysis with a peptidase isolated from Staphylococcus aureus. Desulforedoxin has been described as a non heme iron protein of molecular weight 7,600 with 2 iron atoms linked to eight cysteine residues. In fact, sequence elucidation shows that it consists of a dimer of a peptide containing 36 aminoacids. We do not know whether if each monomer contains 1 iron atom linked to 4 cysteine residues or whether the two iron cross link the two monomers. Additional studies on the elucidation of the structure of this new cluster are presently under study.  相似文献   

Tomkiewicz D  Nouwen N  Driessen AJ 《FEBS letters》2007,581(15):2820-2828
Protein translocation across the cellular membranes is an ubiquitous and crucial activity of cells. This process is mediated by translocases that consist of a protein conducting channel and an associated motor protein. Motor proteins interact with protein substrates and utilize the free energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis for protein unfolding, translocation and unbinding. Since motor proteins are found either at the cis- or trans-side of the membrane, different mechanisms for translocation have been proposed. In the Power stroke model, cis-acting motors are thought to push, while trans-motors pull on the substrate protein during translocation. In the Brownian ratchet model, translocation occurs by diffusion of the unfolded polypeptide through the translocation pore while directionality is achieved by trapping and refolding. Recent insights in the structure and function of the molecular motors suggest that different mechanisms can be employed simultaneously.  相似文献   

Yun M  Bronner CE  Park CG  Cha SS  Park HW  Endow SA 《The EMBO journal》2003,22(20):5382-5389
Molecular motors undergo conformational changes to produce force and move along cytoskeletal filaments. Structural changes have been detected in kinesin motors; however, further changes are expected because previous crystal structures are in the same or closely related conformations. We report here a 2.5 A crystal structure of the minus-end kinesin, Ncd, with the coiled-coil stalk/neck and one head rotated by approximately 75 degrees relative to the other head. The two heads are asymmetrically positioned with respect to the stalk and show asymmetry of nucleotide state: one head is fully occupied, but the other is unstably bound to ADP. Unlike previous structures, our new atomic model can be fit into cryoelectron microscopy density maps of the motor attached to microtubules, where it appears to resemble a one-head-bound motor with the stalk rotated towards the minus end. Interactions between neck and motor core residues, observed in the head that moves with the stalk, are disrupted in the other head, permitting rotation of the stalk/neck. The rotation could represent a force-producing stroke that directs the motor to the minus end.  相似文献   

We report here the first inhibitor-bound structure of a mitotic motor protein. The 1.9 A resolution structure of the motor domain of KSP, bound with the small molecule monastrol and Mg2+ x ADP, reveals that monastrol confers inhibition by "induced-fitting" onto the protein some 12 A away from the catalytic center of the enzyme, resulting in the creation of a previously non-existing binding pocket. The structure provides new insights into the biochemical and mechanical mechanisms of the mitotic motor domain. Inhibition of KSP provides a novel mechanism to arrest mitotic spindle formation, a target of several approved and investigative anti-cancer agents. The structural information gleaned from this novel pocket offers a new angle for the design of anti-mitotic agents.  相似文献   

SoxAX cytochromes are essential for the function of the only confirmed pathway for bacterial thiosulfate oxidation, the so-called "Sox pathway," in which they catalyze the initial formation of a S-S bond between thiosulfate and the SoxYZ carrier protein. Our work using the Starkeya novella diheme SoxAX protein reveals for the first time that in addition to two active site heme groups, SoxAX contains a mononuclear Cu(II) center with a distorted tetragonal geometry and three to four nitrogen ligands, one of which is a histidine. The Cu(II) center enhanced SoxAX activity in a newly developed, glutathione-based assay system that mimics the natural reaction of SoxAX with SoxYZ. EPR spectroscopy confirmed that the SoxAX Cu(II) center is reduced by glutathione. At pH 7 a K(m) (app) of 0.19+/-0.028 mm and a k(cat) (app) of 5.7+/-0.25s(-1) were determined for glutathione. We propose that SoxAX cytochromes are a new type of heme-copper proteins, with SoxAX-mediated S-S bond formation involving both the copper and heme centers.  相似文献   

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