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Plasma FSH, LH, estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) profiles and patterns of follicular growth and regression by ultrasonography were determined after E2 treatment (1 microg/kg) in anestrous ewes. Fifteen ewes were treated with one (group I, n=7) or two (group II, n=4) i.m. injections of E2 with a 24h interval, or two oil injections with a 24h interval (group C, n=4). Blood samples for E2, P4, FSH and LH determinations were collected daily 4 days before the initiation of the treatment (day 0), when bleeding increased to every 2h starting 2h before treatment until 56h after the first injection and from then on every 6h until day 8, and twice per day till the end of the experiment (day 9). During the experimental period (days -4 to 9), transrectal ultrasonic examinations were carried out daily using a 7.5 MHz linear array probe. Number and size of follicles > or =3mm in diameter were recorded. No estrous was detected before, during or after treatment. LH and FSH surges were observed 10-18h after the first E2 injection. The second E2 injection stimulated another release of LH but no surges. E2 inhibited FSH levels before the surge and the second E2 injection induced a longer inhibition. No ovulation was detected by ultrasonography during the experimental period and P4 levels remained low (<0.7 nmol/l) before, during and after the treatment in all ewes. There was an effect of E2 treatment on the diameter of the largest follicle, a decrease could be observed 3 days after the first injection in both ewes of groups I and II. The E2-treated groups had a higher frequency of ewes showing wave emergence on day 3 (day 1.5+/-1,2.4+/-0.4 and 2.5+/-0.5 for control, groups I and II). LH and FSH surges were observed after E2 treatment, but were not able to provoke ovulation neither luteinization. In contrast, the treatment was associated with the regression of the largest follicle and with emergence of a new follicular wave on day 3.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to determine the effects of hormonal treatments on ovarian follicular development and oocyte quality in anestrous ewes. Multiparous crossbred (RambouilletxTarghee) ewes were given melatonin implants (MEL) and/or controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices in conjunction with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) during anestrus (March-May). In Experiment 1, ewes (n=25) were assigned randomly to four groups (n=4-7/group) in a 2x2 factorial arrangement [+/-MEL and +/-CIDR], resulting in Control (no treatment), CIDR, MEL, and MEL/CIDR groups, respectively. Ewes received an implant containing 18 mg of melatonin (Melovine) on Day 42 and/or a CIDR from Days 7 to 2 (Day 0: oocyte collection). In Experiment 2, ewes (n=12) were assigned randomly to two groups (n=6/group; 1CIDR or 2CIDR) and received the same type of melatonin implant on Day 60. All ewes received a CIDR device from Days -22 to -17 and 2CIDR ewes received an additional CIDR device from Days -10 to -2. In both experiments, ewes were given FSH im twice daily (morning and evening) on Days -2 and -1 (Day -2: 5 units/injection; Day -1: 4 units/injection). On the morning of Day 0, ovaries were removed, follicles>or=1 mm were counted, and oocytes were collected. Thereafter oocytes were matured and fertilized in vitro. In Experiment 1, the number of visible follicles and the rates of oocyte recovery and in vitro maturation were similar (P>0.10) for Control, CIDR, MEL and MEL/CIDR (overall 29.7+/-2.9%, 89.9+/-7.1% and 95.0+/-2.0%, respectively). The rates of in vitro fertilization (IVF) were lower (P<0.01) for CIDR and MEL/CIDR than for Control and MEL groups (10.3% and 10.1% versus 20.0% and 18.5%, respectively). In Experiment 2, the number of visible follicles, and the rates of oocyte recovery and in vitro maturation were similar (P>0.10) for 1CIDR and 2CIDR groups (overall 27.3+/-3.2%, 92.1+/-2.7% and 90.2+/-1.9%, respectively). However, the rates of IVF were lower (P<0.01) for 2CIDR than 1CIDR group (30.2% versus 58.0%, respectively). In summary, when treatment with P4 commenced only 2 d before oocyte collection, rates of IVF were reduced in both experiments. Therefore, progestin treatment protocols used in ovine IVF programs should be carefully designed to minimize adverse effects on fertilization rates. In addition, melatonin treatment did not affect follicular development and oocyte quality for anestrous ewes.  相似文献   

Superovulatory response to conventional treatment with eCG (1200 IU) and progestagen sponges (MAP, n = 9; FGA, n = 9; or controls without sponge, n = 6) was studied in Corriedale anestrous ewes. The follicular population just before the administration of eCG and the total ovarian response (large anovulatory follicles plus normal CL and prematurely regressing CL) to treatment were determined after laparotomy. Pretreatment with progestagen did not modify the number or class of follicles greater than 1 mm observed on the ovarian surface at the time of eCG administration (19 +/- 2.2 follicles vs 19 +/- 2.9 follicles, for pooled progestagen-treated groups and control groups, respectively; mean +/- SEM) but significantly decreased the number of large anovulatory follicles (4.7 +/- 1.0 vs 10.2 +/- 2.6; P < or = 0.01) observed following treatment. Progestagen-treated animals were classified according to the presence (n = 13) or absence (n = 5) of a large follicle (LF: > or = 4 mm diameter) on the ovarian surface at the time of eCG treatment; a qualitatively better superovulatory response was observed in ewes without large follicle (large anovulatory follicles: 1.6 +/- 0.7 vs 5.8 +/- 1.3, P < or = 0.05; normal CL: 7.0 +/- 1.4 vs 3.8 +/- 1.0, P < or = 0.1; normal CL/total ovarian response: 78.7 +/- 10.1 % vs 34.9 +/- 8.2 %, P < or = 0.01; for ewes without LF and ewes with 1 to 2 LF respectively). No differences were observed in the individual ovulatory response when comparing ovaries ipsilateral or contralateral to LF in a same animal, indicating that the effect of LF on the superovulatory response would be fundamentally systemic. This work shows that, similar to what occurs in cows, the presence of a large follicle at the time of gonadotropin administration decreases the superovulatory response in anestrous ewes.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses were tested: (1) a dominant follicle causes regression of its subordinate follicles, and (2) a dominant follicle during its growing phase suppresses the emergence of the next wave. Cyclic heifers were randomly assigned to one of four groups (6 heifers/group): cauterization of the dominant follicle of Wave 1 or sham surgery (control) on Day 3 or Day 5 (day of ovulation = Day 0). Ultrasonic monitoring of individually identified follicles was done once daily throughout the interovulatory interval. The onset of regression (decreasing diameter) of the largest subordinate follicle of Wave 1 was delayed (P less than 0.01) by cauterization of the dominant follicle of Wave 1 on Day 3 compared to controls (mean onset of regression, Days 10.8 +/- 2.1 vs 4.3 +/- 0.4). Cauterization of the dominant follicle of Wave 1 on Days 3 or 5 caused early emergence (P less than 0.01) of Wave 2 when compared to controls (Day-3 groups: Days 5.5 +/- 0.4 vs 9.6 +/- 0.7; Day-5 groups: Days 7.0 +/- 0.3 vs 9.1 +/- 0.4). The results supported the two hypotheses. In addition, cauterization of the dominant follicle of Wave 1 on Days 3 or 5 increased the incidence of 3-wave interovulatory intervals.  相似文献   

Ovarian follicular dynamics in the llama   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian follicular dynamics were determined in adult llamas by ultrasonography and palpation per rectum and hormone analysis (estradiol-17 beta and estrogen conjugates) of plasma and urine. The relationship of gonadotropin secretion to follicular development was determined by the analysis of plasma FSH and LH concentrations. Progesterone analysis of plasma was used to verify or deny the presence of CL. Final follicular development (from 3 mm) averaged 4.8 days, while the duration of the mature follicle (8-12 mm) averaged 5.0 days; regression of the follicle occurred over about 4 days. The development of a subsequent dominant follicle usually began within 2-3 days after onset of regression of the dominant follicle. While several follicles were present at the time of the demise of the dominant follicle, only one follicle continued to develop. The interval between ovarian follicle waves averaged 11.1 days. Dominant follicle activity alternated between ovaries in 81% of the cycles. The occurrence of dominant follicles was evenly distributed between ovaries. While plasma estradiol and estrogen conjugate concentrations were positively associated (p less than 0.05) with follicular activity, urinary estrogen conjugate concentrations best reflected ovarian follicular dynamics (p less than 0.001). Daily FSH concentrations in plasma were not correlated with follicular activity. LH concentrations in plasma were low in all animals throughout the study, indicating estrogen from developing ovarian follicles does not induce the release of LH. Progesterone values were low during the study, indicating that the llama does not spontaneously ovulate, at least under the conditions of this study. In summary, llamas have overlapping ovarian follicle waves that occur at about 11-day intervals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if pulsatile LH secretion was needed for ovarian follicular wave emergence and growth in the anestrous ewe. In Experiment 1, ewes were either large or small (10 × 0.47 or 5 × 0.47 cm, respectively; n = 5/group) sc implants releasing estradiol-17 beta for 10 d (Day 0 = day of implant insertion), to suppress pulsed LH secretion, but not FSH secretion. Five sham-operated control ewes received no implants. In Experiment 2, 12 ewes received large estradiol-releasing implants for 12 d (Day 0 = day of implant insertion); six were given GnRH (200 ng IV) every 4 h for the last 6 d that the implants were in place (to reinitiate pulsed LH secretion) whereas six Control ewes were given saline. Ovarian ultrasonography and blood sampling were done daily; blood samples were also taken every 12 min for 6 h on Days 5 and 9, and on Days 6 and 12 of the treatment period in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Treatment with estradiol blocked pulsatile LH secretion (P < 0.001). In Experiment 1, implant treatment halted follicular wave emergence between Days 2 and 10. In Experiment 2, follicular waves were suppressed during treatment with estradiol, but resumed following GnRH treatment. In both experiments, the range of peaks in serum FSH concentrations that preceded and triggered follicular wave emergence was almost the same as control ewes and those given estradiol implants alone or with GnRH; mean concentrations did not differ (P < 0.05). We concluded that some level of pulsatile LH secretion was required for the emergence of follicular waves that were triggered by peaks in serum FSH concentrations in the anestrous ewe.  相似文献   

Anestrous ewes respond to the introduction of rams with either an ovulation within 2-3 days that may be followed by luteal phases of normal or short length, with delayed ovulations (5-6 days later), or with the luteinization of follicles. The aim of this work was to study the relationship between the growth status of the largest follicle present when rams are introduced and the type of ovarian response in non-treated ewes and in ewes treated with estradiol-17beta before ram introduction. Thirteen anestrous Corriedale ewes were divided into 2 groups: E2 (n = 7) and C (n = 6). The E2 ewes received a single dose of 50 microg estradiol-17beta 5 days before the introduction of the rams to synchronize the onset of their follicle waves, while C ewes remained untreated. When the rams were introduced, all E2 ewes had the largest follicle in a growing stage in contrast with the C ewes (3 out of 6; P < 0.05). Five C and 4 E2 ewes ovulated after the introduction of the rams (Day 3.4 +/- 0.4 for C vs. 4.8 +/- 0.3 for E2 ewes, respectively, P < 0.05). Only one ewe from each group developed a normal luteal phase: 4 C and 3 E2 ewes had short luteal phases. One C ewe and 2 E2 ewes had short luteal phases originating from follicles that did not ovulate. After the first luteal phase, all ewes returned to anesirus without a second ovulation or luteal phase. The remaining E2 ewe did not ovulate or show any changes in progesterone serum concentrations. We conclude that the growth status of the largest follicle alone does not determine the ovarian responding pattern of anestrous ewes to the ram effect.  相似文献   

The following aspects of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-follicular relationships were studied in heifers: (1) the role of the decline in circulating levels of FSH in selection of a dominant follicle of a follicular wave; (2) the relationship of an FSH nadir (low levels between surges) to the absence of development of new follicles of a detectable diameter during the interim between the emergence of successive waves. A recombinant DNA-derived bovine FSH was used. Administration of bovine follicle-stimulating hormone (bFSH) for two days before the time of selection of the dominant follicle of the first post-ovulatory follicular wave delayed the time of divergence of the follicles into dominant and subordinates (first significant divergence: bFSH treatment before selection, Day 4.0; bFSH treatment after selection, Day 2.5; controls, Day 2.5: ovulation, Day 0). Significantly greater growth of the first and second largest subordinates occurred in the pre-selection group. A superovulatory dose of bFSH for 4 days with PGF2-induction of luteolysis resulted in multiple ovulations when begun on Day 1 (before the expected time of follicle divergence; mean 2.8 ovulations per heifer) than when begun on Day 5 (after divergence; mean 1.0 ovulation per heifer). Administration of bFSH during the expected time (Days 5 and 6) of an FSH nadir did not alter the day of detectable emergence of the next follicular wave. Results supported the following hypotheses: (1) a decline in the wave-stimulating FSH surge is an integral component of the selection mechanism that results in the divergence into dominant and subordinate follicles; (2) the nadir between FSH surges does not account directly for the absence of the development of new follicles between the emergence of waves.  相似文献   

Ovarian follicular dynamics in heifers during early pregnancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Daily ultrasonic monitoring of individual follicles was used to compare follicular wave characteristics of nonbred (n = 6) and pregnant heifers (n = 6). The dominant follicle of the first wave (Wave 1) did not differ significantly between reproductive statuses for any endpoint. The dominant follicle of Wave 2 was the ovulatory follicle in all nonbred heifers. The maximum diameter of the dominant follicle of Wave 2 was greater (p less than 0.05) for the nonbred heifers (14.8 mm) than for the pregnant heifers (13.0 mm). The dominant follicle of Wave 3 was detected later (p less than 0.003; Day 19.7 vs. Day 17.3) and reached a greater diameter (p less than 0.05; 16.6 mm vs. 12.0 mm) in the nonbred than in the pregnant heifers. On the mean day of onset of luteolysis (Day 15.2) in the nonbred heifers, the dominant follicle was similar in diameter for the two groups. Within a few days, the follicle began to regress in the pregnant heifers but maintained or increased in diameter in the nonbred heifers so that a greater maximum diameter was attained. During Days 0 70 of pregnancy, the interval from emergence of a wave to the emergence of the next wave was constant (not significantly different; mean intervals, 8.5 9.8 days). The mean maximum diameter attained by the dominant follicles differed significantly among the first 6 follicular waves; diameter was greatest for Wave 1 (15.7 mm), smallest for Waves 2 (13.1 mm) and 3 (12.6 mm), and intermediate for Waves 4 (14.0 mm), 5 (13.7 mm), and 6 (14.5 mm).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To investigate the factors contributing to the different ovulation rates observed in two strains of sheep (Booroola 5.2, Merino 1.2), in-vivo monitoring of follicular kinetics followed by histological examination of both ovaries was performed during the late luteal and follicular phases. Ewes of both strains were either ovariectomized at Day 13, or had the 3 largest follicles of each ovary ink-labelled at Day 13 and were ovariectomized at Day 15, or had the 3 largest follicles of each ovary ink-labelled at Days 13 and 15 and were ovariectomized 16 h after the beginning of oestrus (N = 6 per time per strain). In another experiment, the age effects on the follicular populations of these two strains were also studied. There were 2-4 times more primordial follicles and 1.5-2 times more preantral follicles in the ovaries of Booroola than in control Merino ewes, although the number of antral follicles was the same. The percentage of normal follicles in this population was higher in Merino than Booroola ovaries. In Booroola ewes, there was no correlation between the number of antral follicles per ovary and the ovulation rate at the previous cycle (r = 0.22). This suggests that follicle numbers do not play a key role in the high ovulation rate of the Booroola strain. The number of follicles initiating growth from the primordial pool, the number of growing follicles disappearing at the preantral stage, the pattern of antrum development, granulosa cell multiplication and appearance of atresia differed between strains. The reasons for the high ovulation rate of the Booroola strain became clear when preovulatory enlargement was followed by ink labelling. An extended period of time during which recruitment of ovulatory follicles takes place, together with a low incidence of selection and the ability of the follicles to wait for ovulation are the features involved in this high ovulation rate.  相似文献   

Ewes are commonly superovulated with a single dose of eCG or multiple doses of pFSH. It would be convenient and less expensive to use a single dose of FSH, but results of various trials have been controversial. We wished to investigate ovarian dynamics using ultrasonography after superovulation with a single dose of pFSH and hMG as compared with a single dose of eCG. Estrus was synchronized during the breeding season with fluorogestone acetate-containing intravaginal sponges in adult German Merino ewes (n = 38). They were superovulated with single doses of pFSH (17 mg; n = 10), hMG (600 IU FSH and 600 IU LH; n = 9) or eCG (1250 IU; n = 10) given at the time of sponge removal, or pFSH (17 mg; n = 9) given 36h before sponge removal. Follicular and luteal development were observed by ultrasonic scanning every 8 h from the gonadotrophin injection until the end of estrus, and then once daily until Day 6 after estrus. Jugular venous blood was collected starting immediately before and 1 h after superovulation treatment, then twice daily until the end of estrus and once daily for the following 7 days. Concentrations of estradiol-17beta (E2) and progesterone (P4) were measured in plasma. Differences in the follicular dynamics of the 4 superovulation groups were obvious. The functional duration of the pFSH action was estimated to last approximately 48 h, whereas eCG and hMG were active for up to 72 h. The diameter of the ovulatory follicles proved to be smaller than it was described for unstimulated ewes. Single applications of pFSH or hMG can induce a superovulatory response, although the post-estrus progesterone profile revealed a high premature luteal regression rate in the different superovulation groups. Premature corpus luteum regression could not be seen by ultrasonography at this early stage of the luteal phase, indicating that the technique may fail to detect these corpora lutea in an embryo transfer program. However, ultrasonography represents a suitable method to observe follicular dynamics following different superovulation regimens in sheep.  相似文献   

In the ewe, ovarian follicular waves emerge every 4 to 5 days and are preceded by a peak in FSH secretion. It is unclear whether large antral follicle(s) in a wave suppress the growth of other smaller follicles during the inter-wave interval, as is seen in cattle. In this study, anestrous (n = 6; experiment 1) and cyclic (n = 5; experiment 2) Western white face ewes were given ovine FSH (oFSH) (0.5 microg/kg; two s.c. injections, 8 h apart) during the growth phase (based on ultrasonography) of a follicular wave (wave 1). Control ewes (n = 5 and 6, respectively) received vehicle. In oFSH-treated ewes, serum FSH concentrations reached a peak (P < 0.05) by 12 h after oFSH treatment, and this induced FSH peak did not differ (P > 0.05) from the endogenous FSH peaks. In all ewes, emergence of follicular waves 1 and 2 was seen (P > 0.05). However, in oFSH-treated ewes, an additional follicular wave emerged approximately 0.5 days after treatment: during the interwave interval of waves 1 and 2 without delaying the emergence of wave 2. The growth characteristics and serum estradiol concentrations did not differ (P > 0.05) between oFSH-induced waves and waves induced by endogenous FSH peaks. We concluded that, unlike in cattle, the largest follicle of a wave in sheep has limited direct effect on the growth of other follicles induced by exogenous oFSH. In addition, the largest follicle of a wave may possibly not influence the rhythmicity of follicular wave emergence, as it does in cattle.  相似文献   

Daily transrectal ultrasonography of ovaries was done in seven Finn ewes during three 17-day periods from May to July. Blood samples were collected each day for estimation of the serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), oestradiol and progesterone concentrations, and also every 15 min for 6 h, halfway through each period of ultrasonographic examination, to determine the patterns of gonadotropic hormone secretion. Four ewes ceased cycling from March to mid-April (ewes entering anoestrus early) and three in May (ewes entering anoestrus late). In all ewes cyclicity resumed during the period from mid-August to mid-September. The growth of ovarian antral follicles to periovulatory sizes of >/=5 mm in diameter was seen at all stages of anoestrus. An average of four waves of follicular development (follicles growing from 3 to >/=5 mm in diameter before regression) with a periodicity of 4 days were recorded during each of the three scanning periods. There was a close temporal relationship between days of follicular wave emergence and peaks of successive FSH fluctuations. Ewes entering anoestrus late exceeded ewes that became anoestrus early in numbers of large (>/=5 mm in diameter) ovarian antral follicles and maximum follicle diameter. Peak concentrations of transient FSH increases were higher (P<0.05) in ewes entering anoestrus late than in ewes entering anoestrus early. The secretion of luteinising hormone, (LH; mean and basal level, and LH pulse frequency, but not amplitude) was lowest during the month of June in all ewes. Oestradiol production was markedly suppressed throughout anoestrus. Peaks of progesterone secretion appeared to occur at regular intervals and were associated with the end of the growth phase of the largest follicles of sequential waves. In conclusion, the growth of ovarian follicles to ostensibly ovulatory diameters is maintained throughout anoestrus in Finn ewes and periodic emergence of follicular waves is correlated with an endogenous rhythm of FSH secretion. The present study also provides evidence for the inverse relationship between the time of the onset of seasonal anoestrus and the number and size of antral follicles developing throughout anoestrus in Finn ewes, and indicates that differences exist in both the secretion of and ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropic hormones among early and late anoestrous ewes.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the role of the dominant follicle (DF) of the first wave in regulating follicular and ovulatory responses and embryonic yield to a superovulation regime with FSH-P. Twenty normally cycling Holstein-Freisian heifers (n = 20) were synchronized with GnRH and pgf(2alpha) and randomly assigned to a control or a treated group (n = 10 each). Treated heifers had the first wave dominant follicle removed via transvaginal, ultrasound-guided aspiration on Day 6 after a synchronized estrus. All heifers received a total of 32 mg FSH-P given in decreasing doses at 12 h intervals from Day 8 to Day 11 plus two injections of pgf(2alpha) (35 mg and 20 mg, respectively) on Day 10. Heifers were inseminated at 6 h and 16 h after onset of estrus. Follicular dynamics were examined daily by transrectal ultrasonography from Day 4 to estrus, once following ovulation, and at the time of embryo collection on Day 7. Blood samples were collected daily during the superovulatory treatment and at embryo collection. Follicles were classified as: small, /= 10 mm. Aspiration of the dominant follicle was associated with an immediate decrease in large follicles, and a linear rate increase in small follicles from Day 4 to Day 8 just prior to the FSH-P injections, (treatment > control: +0.33 vs. -0.22, number of small follicles per day; P < 0.10). During FSH-P injections, the increase in number of medium follicles was greater (P < 0.01) for treatment on Day 9-11 (treatment > control: Day 9, 3.2 > 1.8; Day 10, 9.2 > 4.7; Day 11, 13.1 > 8.3; +/- 0.56). Number of large follicles was greater in treatment at Day 11 (5.12 > 1.4 +/-0.21; P < 0.01). Mean number of induced ovulatory follicles (difference between number of follicles at estrus and Day 2 after estrus) was greater in treatment (13.4 > 6.3 +/- 1.82; P < 0.01). Plasma estradiol at Day 11 during FSH-P treatment was greater in treatment (32.5 > 15.8 +/- 2.6; P < 0.01). Plasma progesterone at embryo flushing (Day 7 after ovulation) was greater in treatment (7.4 > 4.9; P < 0.02); technical difficulties at embryo recovery reduced sensitivity of embryonic measurements. No changes in the distribution of unfertilized oocytes and embryo developmental stages were detected between control and treatment groups. Presence of dominant follicle of the first wave inhibited intraovarian follicular responses to exogenous FSH.  相似文献   

Administration of estradiol benzoate (EB) induces atresia of the dominant follicle (DF) in the ovaries of cattle within 36 h but emergence of a new wave of follicular development is delayed by 3-5 days. The present study investigated the role of EB in determining timing of emergence of a new follicular wave after removing the influence of the DF. At 6.4+/-0.2 days after ovulation in Angus and Angus/Simmental cattle (n=26), aged 4.9+/-0.6 years and weighing 634+/-20 kg, all ovarian follicles > or =5mm in diameter were aspirated with a 17-gauge needle using an ultrasound-guided transvaginal approach (Day 0 or Hour 0) and animals immediately received 0 (0EB), 1 (1EB), 2 (2EB) or 4 (4EB) mg EB i.m./500 kg body weight (n=6 or 7 per treatment). Ovarian structures were monitored by ultrasonography on a daily basis until emergence of a new wave of follicular development. Concentrations of estradiol (E2) were different among all treatments between Hours 24 and 72, increasing (P<0.01) with greater doses of EB administered. Hour of peak follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) was 29.3+/-4.0, 53.3+/-4.5, 81.1+/-15.5, and 91.4+/-8.2 for the 0EB, 1EB, 2EB, and 4EB treatments, respectively, and emergence of a new wave of follicular development occurred on Days 1.5+/-0.2, 3.3+/-0.3, 4.0+/-0.6 and 4.4+/-0.4, respectively. Timing of peak FSH and emergence of a new wave of follicular development was earliest (P<0.05) in the 0EB treatment, similar (P>0.1) among the 1EB and 2EB treatments, and most delayed (P<0.05) in the 4EB treatment when compared to the 0EB or 1EB treatments. The overall mean interval from peak FSH to emergence of a new wave of follicular development was 15.7+/-3.3 h and was not affected by treatment. Concentrations of E2 at 24 h before new emergence were not different among EB-treated animals (20.2+/-5.5 pg/ml), but lower (P<0.01) in the 0EB treatment (1.6+/-0.2 pg/ml). In a dose-dependent manner, EB delayed the pre-emergence surge in FSH that stimulates new follicular development after the DF has ceased to be functional. The importance of using an 'optimal' dose of EB in hormonal regimens using this agent to strategically regulate follicular development is emphasized by the outcomes of this study.  相似文献   

The induction of estrus in 17 previously cycling nulliparous ewes, 9 to 10 months of age, was attempted with Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) pessaries during the early anestrous period (March-April). Ewes were verified to be anestrous by the lack of estrous behavior in the presence of a vasectomized ram and by a radioimmunoassay for serum progesterone in two samples taken 7 days apart showing less than 1 ng/ml serum progesterone. Superovulation was attempted with injections of either FSH or FSH + LH. MAP vaginal pessaries remained in place for a period of 12 days and FSH was administered to all ewes (IM) at 12 hr intervals over a 3 day period; 5 mg was injected twice on day 11 after pessary insertion, followed by 4 and 3 mg injections twice daily on each succeeding day, for a total of 24 mg per ewe. Nine ewes were given 25 mg LH (IV) within 8 hrs after the onset of behavioral estrus in addition to FSH. Ewes were hand-mated to several rams at 12 hr intervals throughout the estrus period. Ovulation and fertilization rates were recorded for each ewe following midline laparotomy and embryo collection. All ewes were in estrus between 36 and 48 hrs after removal of the MAP pessaries. In ewes injected with FSH only, 8 of 8 ovulated with a mean ovulation rate of 6.0 +/- 4.4 and a fertilization rate of 70%. Nine of 9 ewes receiving both FSH + LH ovulated with a mean ovulation rate of 13.9 +/- 13.1 and a fertilization rate of 72%. Statistical analysis by Students t-test resulted in differences in number of ova recovered (P<.05) between FSH only and FSH + LH treated ewes and a trend towards increased ovulation rate in FSH + LH treated ewes. These results show that early seasonally anestrous ewes can be successfully induced and synchronized for estrus with MAP pessaries and the number of ova recovered is increased with the inclusion of LH in the superovulation regime.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty ewes were assigned to sixteen groups in a 2 × 2 × 4 factoral design and were treated during the anestrous season. The main effects were progesterone pretreatment (non-implanted and implanted for 14 days), PMS pretreatment (no pretreatment and pretreatment with 500 IU at the time of progesterone implant removal) and treatments (none, GnRH in saline, GnRH in gelatin capsules and HCG). GnRH in saline (250 μg) and HCG (500 IU) were administered intramuscularly and GnRH in gelatin capsules (250 μg) was administered subcutaneously 24 hours after the time of progesterone implant removal.Ewes were classified into one of four progesterone response categories: cyclic, transient, prolonged and no response. An injection of GnRH in saline induced a prolonged progesterone response in only one ewe (13%) which was similar to the response in the untreated ewes (0%). More ewes administered GnRH in gelatin capsules (56%) and more ewes administered HCG (89%) had a prolonged progesterone response than GnRH (in saline) treated or untreated ewes. A higher percentage of ewes that were pretreated with PMS and treated with GnRH in saline (78%) had a prolonged progesterone response than ewes treated with either PMS (22%) alone or with GnRH (in saline; 13%) alone.  相似文献   

The objective was to examine the influence of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) on the maintenance and ovulation of the proestrus dominant follicle (DF) in cattle. This was investigated by subjecting a proestrus DF, maintained by a single norgestomet (N) implant, to bovine follicular fluid (BFF) injections during N treatment and immediately after its removal. Earlier, we demonstrated that with an insertion of a single N implant the proestrus DF could be maintained for 9 days without affecting its ovulatory capacity. Eighteen cycling Holstein heifers were treated with a N implant at proestrus. The day of implant insertion was designated day 1 of the implant period and the implant was retained for 9 days. Heifers (n = 6 per group) were randomly allocated to receive saline for 4 days from day 5 to day 8 of the implant period and for 4 days from the day of implant removal to day 3 after removal (CONTROL) or BFF from day 5 to day 8 of implant period (BFF-DURING) or BFF from the day of implant removal to day 3 after implant removal (BFF-AFTER). Injections (10 ml) were given i.v. twice daily and the ovaries monitored by ultrasonography daily, throughout and after the implant period. All CONTROL heifers maintained the DF during treatment and ovulated following implant withdrawal. In all BFF-DURING heifers, the BFF injections caused regression of the DF and its disappearance. In three of the BFF-AFTER heifers, BFF injections caused regression of the DF. In the remaining three BFF-AFTER heifers, the DF ovulated. Mean plasma FSH concentrations did not differ (P > 0.05) between the CONTROL and BFF-DURING heifers. However, the mean plasma FSH concentrations were lower in BFF-AFTER heifers compared with CONTROLS (P < 0.05). Mean plasma LH concentrations did not differ among treatment groups (P > 0.05). In summary, BFF treatment caused atresia of the proestrus DF when maintained by N and this was not associated with suppression of circulating FSH. Administration of BFF after implant removal resulted in an equal chance of ovulation or regression of DF. Regression was associated with suppression of FSH and LH.  相似文献   

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