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The energy transfer processes between Chls b and Chls a have been studied in the minor antenna complex CP29 by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Two samples were analyzed: the native CP29, purified from higher plants, and the recombinant one, reconstituted in vitro with the full pigment complement. The measurements indicate that the transfer kinetics in the two samples are virtually identical, confirming that the reconstituted CP29 has the same spectroscopic properties as the native one. In particular, three lifetimes (150 fs, 1.2 ps, and 5-6 ps) were identified for Chl b-652 nm to Chl a energy transfer and at least one for Chl b-640 nm (600-800 fs). Considering that the complexes bind two Chls b per polypeptide, the observation of more than two lifetimes for the Chl b to Chl a energy transfer, in both samples, clearly indicates the presence of the so-called mixed Chl binding sites--sites which are not selective for Chl a or Chl b, but can accommodate either species. The kinetic components and spectra are assigned to specific Chl binding sites in the complex, which provides further information on the structural organization.  相似文献   

Antenna complexes are key components of plant photosynthesis, the process that converts sunlight, CO2, and water into oxygen and sugars. We report the first (to our knowledge) femtosecond transient absorption study on the light-harvesting pigment-protein complexes CP26 (Lhcb5) and CP24 (Lhcb6) of Photosystem II. The complexes are excited at three different wavelengths in the chlorophyll (Chl) Qy region. Both complexes show a single subpicosecond Chl b to Chl a transfer process. In addition, a reduction in the population of the intermediate states (in the 660-670 nm range) as compared to light-harvesting complex II is correlated in CP26 to the absence of both Chls a604 and b605. However, Chl forms around 670 nm are still present in the Chl a Qy range, which undergoes relaxation with slow rates (10-15 ps). This reduction in intermediate-state amplitude CP24 shows a distinctive narrow band at 670 nm connected with Chls b and decaying to the low-energy Chl a states in 3-5 ps. This 670 nm band, which is fully populated in 0.6 ps together with the Chl a low-energy states, is proposed to originate from Chl 602 or 603. In this study, we monitored the energy flow within two minor complexes, and our results may help elucidate these structures in the future.  相似文献   

The energy transfer processes between carotenoids and Chls have been studied by femtosecond transient absorption in the CP29-WT complex, which contains only two carotenoids per polypeptide located in the L1 and L2 sites, and in the CP29-E166V mutant in which only the L1 site is occupied. The comparison of these two samples allowed us to discriminate between the energy transfer pathways from the two carotenoid binding sites and thus to obtain detailed information on the Chl organization in CP29 and to assign the acceptor chlorophylls. For both samples, the main transfer occurs from the S(2) state of the carotenoid. In the case of the L1 site the energy acceptor is the Chl a 680 nm (A2), whereas the Chl a 675 nm (A4-A5) and the Chl b 652 nm (B6) are the acceptors from the xanthophyll in the L2 site. These transfers occur with lifetimes of 80-130 fs. Two additional transfers are observed with 700-fs and 8- to 20-ps lifetimes. Both these transfers originate from the carotenoid S(1) states. The faster lifetime is due to energy transfer from a vibrationally unrelaxed S(1) state, whereas the 8- to 20-ps component is due to a transfer from the S(1,0) state of violaxanthin and/or neoxanthin located in site L2. A comparison between the carotenoid to Chl energy transfer pathways in CP29 and LHCII is presented and differences in the structural organization in the two complexes are discussed.  相似文献   

Electric field-induced absorption changes (electrochromism or Stark effect) of the light-harvesting PSII pigment-protein complexes LHCIIb, CP29, CP26 and CP24 were investigated. The results indicate the lack of strong intermolecular interactions in the chlorophyll a (Chl a) pools of all complexes. Characteristic features occur in the electronic spectrum of Chl b, which reflect the increased values of dipole moment and polarizability differences between the ground and excited states of interacting pigment systems. The strong Stark signal recorded for LHCIIb at 650-655 nm is much weaker in CP29, where it is replaced by a unique Stark band at 639 nm. Electrochromism of Chl b in CP26 and CP24 is significantly weaker but increased electrochromic parameters were also noticed for the Chl b transition at 650 nm. The spectra in the blue region are dominated by xanthophylls. The differences in Stark spectra of Chl b are linked to differences in pigment content and organization in individual complexes and point to the possibility of electron exchange interactions between energetically similar and closely spaced Chl b molecules.  相似文献   

Stepwise two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) spectra of the photosynthetic antenna complexes PCP, CP47, CP29, and light-harvesting complex II (LHC II) were measured. TPEF emitted from higher excited states of chlorophyll (Chl) a and b was elicited via consecutive absorption of two photons in the Chl a/b Qy range induced by tunable 100-fs laser pulses. Global analyses of the TPEF line shapes with a model function for monomeric Chl a in a proteinaceous environment allow distinction between contributions from monomeric Chls a and b, strongly excitonically coupled Chls a, and Chl a/b heterodimers/-oligomers. The analyses indicate that the longest wavelength-absorbing Chl species in the Qy region of LHC II is a Chl a homodimer with additional contributions from adjacent Chl b. Likewise, in CP47 a spectral form at approximately 680 nm (that is, however, not the red-most species) is also due to strongly coupled Chls a. In contrast to LHC II, the red-most Chl subband of CP29 is due to a monomeric Chl a. The two Chls b in CP29 exhibit marked differences: a Chl b absorbing at approximately 650 nm is not excitonically coupled to other Chls. Based on this finding, the refractive index of its microenvironment can be determined to be 1.48. The second Chl b in CP29 (absorbing at approximately 640 nm) is strongly coupled to Chl a. Implications of the findings with respect to excitation energy transfer pathways and rates are discussed. Moreover, the results will be related to most recent structural analyses.  相似文献   

EET in reconstituted Lhca4, a peripheral light-harvesting complex from Photosystem I of Arabidopsis thaliana, containing 10 chlorophylls and 2 carotenoids, was studied at room temperature by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Two spectral forms of Lut were observed in the sites L1 and L2, characterized by significantly different interactions with nearby chlorophyll a molecules. A favorable interpretation of these differences is that the efficiency of EET to Chls is about two times lower from the "blue" Lut in the site L1 than from the "red" Lut in the site L2 due to fast IC in the former case. A major part of the energy absorbed by the "red" Lut, approximately 60%-70%, is transferred to Chls on a sub-100-fs timescale from the state S(2) but, in addition, minor EET from the hot S(1) state within 400-500 fs is also observed. EET from the S(1) state to chlorophylls occurs also within 2-3 ps and is ascribed to Vio and/or "blue" Lut. EET from Chl b to Chl a is biphasic and characterized by time constants of approximately 300 fs and 3.0 ps. These rates are ascribed to EET from Chl b spectral forms absorbing at approximately 644 nm and approximately 650 nm, respectively. About 25% of the excited Chls a decays very fast-within approximately 15 ps. This decay is proposed to be related to the presence of the interacting Chls A5 and B5 located next to the carotenoid in the site L2 and may imply some photoprotective role for Lhca4 in the photosystem I super-complex.  相似文献   

In this article we report the characterization of the energy transfer process in the reconstituted isoforms of the plant light-harvesting complex II. Homotrimers of recombinant Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 and monomers of Lhcb3 were compared to native trimeric complexes. We used low-intensity femtosecond transient absorption (TA) and time-resolved fluorescence measurements at 77 K and at room temperature, respectively, to excite the complexes selectively in the chlorophyll b absorption band at 650 nm with 80 fs pulses and on the high-energy side of the chlorophyll a absorption band at 662 nm with 180 fs pulses. The subsequent kinetics was probed at 30–35 different wavelengths in the region from 635 to 700 nm. The rate constants for energy transfer were very similar, indicating that structurally the three isoforms are highly homologous and that probably none of them play a more significant role in light-harvesting and energy transfer. No signature has been found in the transient absorption measurements at 77 K for Lhcb3 which might suggest that this protein acts as a relative energy sink of the excitations in heterotrimers of Lhcb1/Lhcb2/Lhcb3. Minor differences in the amplitudes of some of the rate constants and in the absorption and fluorescence properties of some pigments were observed, which are ascribed to slight variations in the environment surrounding some of the chromophores depending on the isoform. The decay of the fluorescence was also similar for the three isoforms and multi-exponential, characterized by two major components in the ns regime and a minor one in the ps regime. In agreement with previous transient absorption measurements on native LHC II complexes, Chl b → Chl a energy transfer exhibited very fast channels but at the same time a slow component (ps). The Chls absorbing at around 660 nm exhibited both fast energy transfer which we ascribe to transfer from ‘red’ Chl b towards ‘red’ Chl a and slow transfer from ‘blue’ Chl a towards ‘red’ Chl a. The results are discussed in the context of the new available atomic models for LHC II.  相似文献   

The energy transfer kinetics from carotenoids to chlorophylls and among chlorophylls has been measured by femtosecond transient absorption kinetics in a monomeric unit of the major light-harvesting complex (LHCII) from higher plants. The samples were reconstituted complexes with different carotenoid contents. The kinetics was measured both in the carotenoid absorption region and in the chlorophyll Q(y) region using two different excitation wavelengths suitable for selective excitation of the carotenoids. Analysis of the data shows that the overwhelming part of the energy transfer from the carotenoids occurs directly from the initially excited S(2) state of the carotenoids. Only a small part (<20%) may possibly take an S(1) pathway. All the S(2) energy transfer from carotenoids to chlorophylls occurs with time constants <100 fs. We have been able to differentiate among the three carotenoids, two luteins and neoxanthin, which have transfer times of approximately 50 and 75 fs for the two luteins, and approximately 90 fs for neoxanthin. About 50% of the energy absorbed by carotenoids is initially transferred directly to chlorophyll b (Chl b), while the rest is transferred to Chl a. Neoxanthin almost exclusively transfers to Chl b. Due to various complex effects discussed in the paper, such as a specific coupling of Chl b and Chl a excited states, the percentage of direct Chl b transfer thus is somewhat lower than estimated by us previously for LHCII from Arabidopsis thaliana. (Connelly, J. P., M. G. Müller, R. Bassi, R. Croce, and A. R. Holzwarth. 1997. Biochemistry. 36:281). We can distinguish three different Chls b receiving energy directly from carotenoids. We propose as a new mechanism that the carotenoid-to-Chl b transfer occurs to a large part via the B(x) state of Chl b and to the Q(x) state, while the transfer to Chl a occurs only via the Q(x) state. We find no compelling evidence in favor of a substantial S(1) transfer path of the carotenoids, although some transfer via the S(1) state of neoxanthin can not be entirely excluded. The S(1) lifetimes of the two luteins were determined to be 15 ps and 3.9 ps. A detailed quantitative analysis and kinetic model of the processes described here will be presented in a separate paper.  相似文献   

Plant photosynthesis relies on the capacity of chlorophylls and carotenoids to absorb light. One of the roles of carotenoids is to harvest green-blue light and transfer the excitation energy to the chlorophylls. The corresponding dynamics were investigated here for the first time, to our knowledge, in the CP26 and CP24 minor antenna complexes. The results for the two complexes differ substantially. In CP26 fast transfer (80 fs) occurs from the carotenoid S2 state to chlorophylls a absorbing at 675 and 678 nm, whereas transfer from the hot S1 state to the lowest energy chlorophylls is observed in <1 ps. In CP24, energy transfer from the S2 state leads in 80 fs to the population of chlorophylls b and high-energy chlorophylls a absorbing at 670 nm, whereas the low-energy chlorophylls a are populated only in several picoseconds. The results suggest that CP26 has a structural and functional organization similar to that of LHCII, whereas CP24 differs substantially from the other Lhc complexes, especially regarding the lutein L1 binding domain. No energy transfer from the carotenoid S1 state to chlorophylls was observed in either complex, suggesting that this state is energetically below the chlorophyll Qy state and therefore may play a role in the quenching of chlorophyll excitations.  相似文献   

In order to study the coordinate accumulation of chlorophyll (Chl) and apoproteins of Chl-protein complexes (CPs) during chloroplast development, we examined changes in the accumulation of the apoproteins in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves when the rate of Chl synthesis was altered by feeding 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a precursor of Chl biosynthesis. Pretreatment with ALA increased the accumulation of Chl a and Chl b 1.5- and 2.3-fold, respectively, after 12 cycles of intermittent light (2 min light followed by 28 min darkness). Apoproteins of the light-harvesting Chl a/b-protein complex of photosystem II (LHCII) were increased 2.4-fold with ALA treatment. However, apoproteins of the P700-Chl a-protein complex (CP1) and the 43-kDa apoprotein of a Chl a-protein complex of photosystem II (CPa) were not increased by ALA application. With respect to CPs themselves, LHCII was increased when Chl synthesis was raised by ALA feeding, whereas CP1 exhibited no remarkable increase. These results indicate that LHCII serves a role in maintaining the stoichiometry of Chl to apoproteins by acting as a temporary pool for Chl molecules.Abbreviations ALA 5-aminolevulinic acid - Chl chlorophyll - CP chlorophyll-protein complex - CPa chlorophyll a-protein complex of PSII - CP1 P700-chlorophyll a-protein complex - LDS lithium dodecyl sulfate - LHCII light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein complex of PSII This work was supported by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (04304004) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Photosystems (PS) I and II activities depend on their light-harvesting capacity and trapping efficiency, which vary in different environmental conditions. For optimal functioning, these activities need to be balanced. This is achieved by redistribution of excitation energy between the two photosystems via the association and disassociation of light-harvesting complexes (LHC) II, in a process known as state transitions. Here we study the effect of LHCII binding to PSI on its absorption properties and trapping efficiency by comparing time-resolved fluorescence kinetics of PSI-LHCI and PSI-LHCI-LHCII complexes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. PSI-LHCI-LHCII of C. reinhardtii is the largest PSI supercomplex isolated so far and contains seven Lhcbs, in addition to the PSI core and the nine Lhcas that compose PSI-LHCI, together binding ∼320 chlorophylls. The average decay time for PSI-LHCI-LHCII is ∼65 ps upon 400 nm excitation (15 ps slower than PSI-LHCI) and ∼78 ps upon 475 nm excitation (27 ps slower). The transfer of excitation energy from LHCII to PSI-LHCI occurs in ∼60 ps. This relatively slow transfer, as compared with that from LHCI to the PSI core, suggests loose connectivity between LHCII and PSI-LHCI. Despite the relatively slow transfer, the overall decay time of PSI-LHCI-LHCII remains fast enough to assure a 96% trapping efficiency, which is only 1.4% lower than that of PSI-LHCI, concomitant with an increase of the absorption cross section of 47%. This indicates that, at variance with PSII, the design of PSI allows for a large increase of its light-harvesting capacities.  相似文献   

Excitation energy transfer and trapping processes in an iron stress-induced supercomplex of photosystem I from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 were studied by time-resolved absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy on femtosecond and picosecond time scales. The data provide evidence that the energy transfer dynamics of the CP43'-PSI supercomplex are consistent with energy transfer processes that occur in the Chl a network of the PSI trimer antenna. The most significant absorbance changes in the CP43'-PSI supercomplex are observed within the first several picoseconds after the excitation into the spectral region of CP43' absorption (665 nm). The difference time-resolved spectra (DeltaDeltaA) resulting from subtraction of the PSI trimer kinetic data from the CP43'-PSI supercomplex data indicate three energy transfer processes with time constants of 0.2, 1.7, and 10 ps. The 0.2 ps kinetic phase is tentatively interpreted as arising from energy transfer processes originating within or between the CP43' complexes. The 1.7 ps phase is interpreted as possibly arising from energy transfer from the CP43' ring to the PSI trimer via closely located clusters of Chl a in CP43' and the PSI core, while the slower 10 ps process might reflect the overall excitation transfer from the CP43' ring to the PSI trimer. These three fast kinetic phases are followed by a 40 ps overall excitation decay in the supercomplex, in contrast to a 25 ps overall decay observed in the trimer complex without CP43'. Excitation of Chl a in both the CP43'-PSI antenna supercomplex and the PSI trimer completely decays within 100 ps, resulting in the formation of P700(+). The data indicate that there is a rapid and efficient energy transfer between the outer antenna ring and the PSI reaction center complex.  相似文献   

Electric field-induced absorption changes (electrochromism or Stark effect) of the light-harvesting PSII pigment-protein complexes LHCIIb, CP29, CP26 and CP24 were investigated. The results indicate the lack of strong intermolecular interactions in the chlorophyll a (Chl a) pools of all complexes. Characteristic features occur in the electronic spectrum of Chl b, which reflect the increased values of dipole moment and polarizability differences between the ground and excited states of interacting pigment systems. The strong Stark signal recorded for LHCIIb at 650-655 nm is much weaker in CP29, where it is replaced by a unique Stark band at 639 nm. Electrochromism of Chl b in CP26 and CP24 is significantly weaker but increased electrochromic parameters were also noticed for the Chl b transition at 650 nm. The spectra in the blue region are dominated by xanthophylls. The differences in Stark spectra of Chl b are linked to differences in pigment content and organization in individual complexes and point to the possibility of electron exchange interactions between energetically similar and closely spaced Chl b molecules.  相似文献   

The effects of chilling in the light (4 days at 5°C and 100-200 micromoles of photons per square meter per second) on the distribution of chlorophyll (Chl) protein complexes between appressed and nonappressed thylakoid regions of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) chloroplasts were studied and compared with the changes occurring during in vitro heat treatment (5 minutes at 40°C) of isolated thylakoids. Both treatments induced an increase (18 and 65%, respectively) in the relative amount of the antenna Chl a protein complexes (CP47 + CP43) of photosystem II (PSII) in stroma lamellae vesicles. Freeze-fracture replicas of light-chilled material revealed an increase in the particle density on the exoplasmic fracture face of unstacked membrane regions. These two treatments differed markedly, however, in respect to comigration of the light-harvesting Chl a/b protein complex (LHCII) of PSII. The LHCII/PSII ratio in stroma lamellae vesicles remained fairly constant during chilling in the light, whereas it dropped during the heat treatment. Moreover, it was a minor light-harvesting Chl a/b protein complex of PSII, CP29, that increased most in stroma lamellae vesicles during light-chilling. Changes in the organization of LHCII during chilling were suggested by a shift to particles of smaller sizes on the protoplasmic fracture face of stacked membrane regions and a decrease in the amount of trans3-hexadecenoic acid in the phosphatidyldiacylglycerol fraction.  相似文献   

CP29 (the lhcb4 gene product), a minor photosystem II antenna complex, binds six chlorophyll (Chl) a, two Chl b, and two to three xanthophyll molecules. The Chl a/b Q(y) absorption band substructure of CP29 (purified from spinach) was investigated by nonlinear polarization spectroscopy in the frequency domain (NLPF) at room temperature. A set of NLPF spectra was obtained at 11 probe wavelengths. Seven probe wavelengths were located in the Q(y) spectral region (between 630 and 690 nm) and four in the Soret band (between 450 and 485 nm). Evaluation of the experimental data within the framework of global analysis leads to the following conclusions: (i) The dominant Chl a absorption (with a maximum at 674 nm) splits into (at least) three subbands (centered at 660, 670, and 681.5 nm). (ii) In the Chl b region two subbands can be identified with maxima located at 640 and 646 nm. (iii) The lowest energy Q(y) transition (peaking at 681.5 nm) is assigned to a Chl a which only weakly interacts with other Chl aor b molecules by incoherent F?rster-type excitation energy transfer. (iv) Pronounced excitonic interaction exists between certain Chl a and Chl b molecules, which most likely form a Chl a/b heterodimer. The subbands centered at 640 and 670 nm constitute a strongly coupled Chl a/b pair. The findings of the study indicate that the currently favored view of spectral heterogeneity in CP29 being due essentially to pigment-protein interactions has to be revised.  相似文献   

The electric-field induced absorption changes (Stark effect) of reconstituted light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) in different oligomerisation states-monomers and trimers-with different xanthophyll content have been probed at 77 K. The Stark spectra of the reconstituted control samples, containing the xanthophylls lutein and neoxanthin, are very similar to previously reported spectra of native LHCII. Reconstituted LHCII, containing lutein but no neoxanthin, shows a similar electrooptical response in the Chl a region, but the Stark signal of Chl b around 650 nm amounts to at most approximately 25% of that of the control samples. We conclude that neoxanthin strongly modifies the electronic states of the nearby Chl b molecules causing a large electrooptical response at 650 nm stemming from one or more Chls b in the control samples. Ambiguities about the assignment of several bands in the Soret region [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1605 (2003) 83] are resolved and the striking difference in electric field response between the two lutein molecules is confirmed. The Stark effect in the carotenoid spectral region in both control and neoxanthin-deficient samples is almost identical, showing that the neoxanthin Stark signal is small and much less intense than the lutein Stark signal.  相似文献   

Vavilin D  Xu H  Lin S  Vermaas W 《Biochemistry》2003,42(6):1731-1746
Using a Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 mutant strain that lacks photosystem (PS) I and that synthesizes chlorophyll (Chl) b, a pigment that is not naturally present in the wild-type cyanobacterium, the functional consequences of incorporation of this pigment into the PS II core complex were investigated. Despite substitution of up to 75% of the Chl a in the PS II core complex by Chl b, the modified PS II centers remained essentially functional and were able to oxidize water and reduce Q(A), even upon selective excitation of Chl b at 460 nm. Time-resolved fluorescence decay measurements upon Chl excitation showed a significant reduction in the amplitude of the 60-70 ps component of fluorescence decay in open Chl b-containing PS II centers. This may indicate slower energy transfer from the PS II core antenna to the reaction center pigments or slower energy trapping. Chl b and pheophytin b were present in isolated PS II reaction centers. Pheophytin b can be reversibly photoreduced, as evidenced from the absorption bleaching at approximately 440 and 650 nm upon illumination in the presence of dithionite. Upon excitation at 685 nm, transient absorption measurements using PS II particles showed some bleaching at 650 nm together with a major decrease in absorption around 678 nm. The 650 nm bleaching that developed within approximately 10 ps after the flash and then remained virtually unchanged for up to 1 ns was attributed to formation of reduced pheophytin b and oxidized Chl b in some PS II reaction centers. Chl b-containing PS II had a lower rate of charge recombination of Q(A)(-) with the donor side and a significantly decreased yield of delayed luminescence in the presence of DCMU. Taken together, the data suggest that Chl b and pheophytin b participate in electron-transfer reactions in PS II reaction centers of Chl b-containing mutant of Synechocystis without significant impairment of PS II function.  相似文献   

Croce R  Canino G  Ros F  Bassi R 《Biochemistry》2002,41(23):7334-7343
The chlorophyll a/b-xanthophyll-protein CP26 complex belongs to the Lhc protein family. It binds nine chlorophylls and two xanthophylls per 26.6 kDa polypeptide. Determination of the characteristics of each binding site is needed for the understanding of functional organization of individual proteins belonging to the photosystem II supramolecular complex. The biochemical and spectroscopic features of native CP26 are presented here together with identification of pigment binding and energy transitions in different sites. The analysis has been performed via a new approach using recombinant CP26 complexes in which the chromophore content has been experimentally modified. Data were interpreted on the basis of homology with CP29 and LHCII complexes, for which detailed knowledge is available from mutation analysis. We propose that one additional Chl b is present in CP26 as compared to CP29 and that it is located in site B2. We also found that in CP26 three chlorophyll binding sites are selective for Chl a, one of them being essential for the folding of the pigment-protein complex. Two xanthophyll binding sites were identified, one of which (L1) is essential for protein folding and specifically binds lutein. The second site (L2) has lower selectivity and can bind any of the xanthophyll species present in thylakoids.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-proteins of the photosystem II antenna system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The chlorophyll-protein complexes of purified maize photosystem II membranes were separated by a new mild gel electrophoresis system under conditions which maintained all of the major chlorophyll a/b-protein complex (LHCII) in the oligomeric form. This enabled the resolution of three chlorophyll a/b-proteins in the 26-31-kDa region which are normally obscured by monomeric LHCII. All chlorophyll a/b-proteins had unique polypeptide compositions and characteristic spectral properties. One of them (CP26) has not previously been described, and another (CP24) appeared to be identical to the connecting antenna of photosystem I (LHCI-680). Both CP24 and CP29 from maize had at least one epitope in common with the light-harvesting antennae of photosystem I, as shown by cross-reactivity with a monoclonal antibody raised against LHCI from barley thylakoids. A complex designated Chla.P2, which was capable of electron transport from diphenylcarbazide to 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, was isolated by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. It lacked CP43, which therefore can be excluded as an essential component of the photosystem II reaction center core. Fractionation of octyl glucoside-solubilized photosystem II membranes in the presence and absence of Mg2+ enabled the isolation of the Chla . P2 complex and revealed the existence of a light-harvesting complex consisting of CP29, CP26, and CP24. This complex and the major light-harvesting system (LHCII) are postulated to transfer excitation energy independently to the photosystem II reaction center via CP43.  相似文献   

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