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The ecophysiology of early angiosperms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Angiosperms first appeared during the Early Cretaceous, and within 30 million years they reigned over many floras worldwide. Associated with this rise to prominence, angiosperms produced a spectrum of reproductive and vegetative innovations, which produced a cascade of ecological consequences that altered the ecology and biogeochemistry of the planet. The pace, pattern and phylogenetic systematics of the Cretaceous angiosperm diversification are broadly sketched out. However, the ecophysiology and environmental interactions that energized the early angiosperm radiation remain unresolved. This constrains our ability to diagnose the selective pressures and habitat contexts responsible for the evolution of fundamental angiosperm features, such as flowers, rapid growth, xylem vessels and net-veined leaves, which in association with environmental opportunities, drove waves of phylogenetic and ecological diversification. Here, we consider our current understanding of early angiosperm ecophysiology. We focus on comparative patterns of ecophysiological evolution, emphasizing carbon- and water-use traits, by merging recent molecular phylogenetic studies with physiological studies focused on extant basal angiosperms. In doing so, we discuss how early angiosperms established a roothold in pre-existing Mesozoic plant communities, and how these events canalized subsequent bursts of angiosperm diversification during the Aptian-Albian.  相似文献   

The flowering plants--angiosperms--appeared during the Early Cretaceous period and within 10-30 Myr dominated the species composition of many floras worldwide. Emerging insights into the phylogenetics of development and discoveries of early angiosperm fossils are shedding increased light on the patterns and processes of early angiosperm evolution. However, we also need to integrate ecology, in particular how early angiosperms established a roothold in pre-existing Mesozoic plant communities. These events were critical in guiding subsequent waves of angiosperm diversification during the Aptian-Albian. Previous pictures of the early flowering plant ecology have been diverse, ranging from large tropical rainforest trees, weedy drought-adapted and colonizing shrubs, disturbance- and sun-loving rhizomatous herbs, and, more recently, aquatic herbs; however, none of these images were tethered to a robust hypothesis of angiosperm phylogeny. Here, we synthesize our current understanding of early angiosperm ecology, focusing on patterns of functional ecology, by merging recent molecular phylogenetic studies and functional studies on extant 'basal angiosperms' with the picture of early angiosperm evolution drawn by the fossil record.  相似文献   

土壤中多环芳烃污染对植物生理生态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类广泛存在于天然环境中的持久性有机污染物,对土壤的污染尤为突出,给生态环境、植物和人类健康造成严重的潜在威胁.当前,修复受PAHs污染的土壤是国际土壤和环境领域研究的热点,而植物修复是最具潜力的环境修复技术之一.本文对近年来土壤PAHs及其与其他污染物复合胁迫对植物生长及其形态结构、光合作用和抗氧化系统等影响研究的最新进展进行综述,并对今后的重要领域和研究热点进行了展望.  相似文献   

Nitrogenous inorganic compounds impact plants as nutrients, signals and toxins. We are dissecting a regulatory network that controls nitrate assimilation at the level of nitrate reductase (NR) activity. The identification of protein kinase cascades, protein phosphatases and 14-3-3 proteins as regulators of NR are giving clues about how plants sense their nutrient availability, and use the information to signal changes in their metabolism and developmental strategies to cope with supplies. We hope that understanding these controls might lead to the design of transgenic plants with deregulated signalling networks, which would make them more efficient in using nitrogen fertilizers, and improving quality and yield of crops. There are circumstantial indications that gaseous anthropogenic nitrogenous emissions might also have complex regulatory influences on plant growth and development.  相似文献   

About one in every hundred species of flowering plant is parasitic and obtain some or all of their carbon, nutrients and water from the sap of their hosts. They possess unique morphological and metabolic adaptations but are more than just botanical curiosities.  相似文献   

In the second half of the nineteenth century, pioneering discoveries of rich assemblages of fossil plants from the Cretaceous resulted in considerable interest in the first appearance of angiosperms in the geological record. Darwin''s famous comment, which labelled the ‘rapid development’ of angiosperms an ‘abominable mystery’, dates from this time. Darwin and his contemporaries were puzzled by the relatively late, seemingly sudden and geographically widespread appearance of modern-looking angiosperms in Late Cretaceous floras. Today, the early diversification of angiosperms seems much less ‘rapid’. Angiosperms were clearly present in the Early Cretaceous, 20–30 Myr before they attained the level of ecological dominance reflected in some mid-Cretaceous floras, and angiosperm leaves and pollen show a distinct pattern of steadily increasing diversity and complexity through this interval. Early angiosperm fossil flowers show a similar orderly diversification and also provide detailed insights into the changing reproductive biology and phylogenetic diversity of angiosperms from the Early Cretaceous. In addition, newly discovered fossil flowers indicate considerable, previously unrecognized, cryptic diversity among the earliest angiosperms known from the fossil record. Lineages that today have an herbaceous or shrubby habit were well represented. Monocotyledons, which have previously been difficult to recognize among assemblages of early fossil angiosperms, were also diverse and prominent in many Early Cretaceous ecosystems.  相似文献   

Closely related cellulolytic protozoa reside in the hindguts of extant woodroaches (Cryptocercidae) and termites (Isoptera). The evolutionary origin of these symbiotic relationships in the two lineages is uncertain. Transfer of protozoa between ancestors of modern Cryptocercus and termites remains a valid alternative theory to the established hypothesis of symbiont inheritance from a common ancestor. Nalepa's (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 246, 185 (1991] concerns regarding the protozoan transfer hypothesis focus on the biology of modern species, and neglect to consider the evolutionary framework of an ancestral dynamic postulated to occur among Palaeozoic insects. Legitimacy of the symbiont transfer theory removes the constraint of interpreting presence of cellulolytic protozoa as a synapomorphy between Cryptocercidae and Isoptera, with potential impact on objective resolution of dictyopteran phylogeny.  相似文献   

Trunk woods of Early Carboniferous Protopitys buchiana show the earliest example of tylose formation and the first record for a progymnosperm. Protopitys tyloses are more densely located in inner trunk woods and near growth layer boundaries. We suggest, therefore, that an altered physiological state of living ray cells, during dormancy and/or following water stress, was necessary to make the woods vulnerable to tylose formation. Coupled with the distribution and proximity of abundant wood ray parenchyma to large xylem conducting cells, the positions of conduits filled with tyloses can be interpreted as ecophysiological responses of the plant to changes in local environment. In addition, some xylem conducting cells might have functioned as vessels. Fungal hyphae are present in some tracheary cells and in some areas with tyloses, but there is no evidence for wood trauma; we conclude, therefore, that these particular cases of tyloses are probably not induced by wound trauma. Protopitys buchiana wood thus shows structure/function similarities to modern woods with vessels, such as those of dicot angiosperms. This implies that ancient and modern plant ecophysiological responses correlate well with the physical parameters of their cellular construction.  相似文献   

We present a numerical cladistic (parsimony) analysis of seed plants plus progymnosperms, using characters from all parts of the plant body, outgroup comparison, and a method of character coding that avoids biases for or against alternative morphological theories. The robustness of the results was tested by construction of alternative trees and analysis of subsets of the data. These experiments show that although some clades are strongly supported, they can often be related to each other in very different but nearly equally parsimonious ways, apparently because of extensive homoplasy. Our results support Rothwell’s idea that coniferopsids are derived fromCallistophyton- like platyspermic seed ferns with saccate pollen, but the hypothesis that they evolved fromArchaeopteris- like progymnosperms and the seed arose twice is nearly as parsimonious. Meyen’s division of seed plants into radiospermic and primarily and secondarily platyspermic lines is highly unparsimonious, but his suggestion that ginkgos are related to peltasperms deserves attention. Angiosperms belong among the platyspermic groups, as the sister group of Bennettitales,Pentoxylon, and Gnetales, and this “anthophyte” clade is best related toCaytonia and glossopterids, although relationships with other combinations of Mesozoic seed fern taxa are nearly as parsimonious. These results imply that the angiosperm carpel can be interpreted as a modified pinnate sporophyll bearing anatropous cupules (=bitegmic ovules), while gnetalian strobili are best interpreted as aggregations of highly reduced bennettitalian flowers, as anticipated by Arber and Parkin and Crane. Our most parsimonious trees imply that the angiosperm line (though not necessarily all its modern features) extended back to the Triassic, but a later derivation of angiosperms from some species ofCaytonia or Bennettitales, which would be nearly as parsimonious, should also be considered. These results raise the possibility that many features considered key adaptations in the origin and rise of angiosperms (insectpollinated flowers, rapid reproduction, drought tolerance) were actually inherited from their gymnospermous precursors. The explosive diversification of angiosperms may instead have been a consequence of carpel closure, resulting in increased speciation rates due to potential for stigmatic isolating mechanisms and/or new means of dispersal. DNA sequencing of extant plants and better information on anatomy, chemistry, sporophyll morphology, and embryology of Bennettitales and Caytoniales and the morphological diversity of Mesozoic anthophytes could provide critical tests of relationships.  相似文献   

Recently it was demonstrated that PO activity is switched by calcium within the typical range of apoplastic free calcium concentrations (Plieth and Vollbehr, Plant Signal Behav 2012;7: 650–660). The heat stability of POs is also dependent on calcium. Here, a scenario is put forward which assigns calcium a switch-off function under heat: Peroxidases are switched off by heat stress-triggered apoplastic calcium depletion. It is assumed that this initiates apoplastic accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and eventually triggers a self-amplifying cascade of cellular events involving plasma membrane ion transport. Calcium depletion-initiated ROS accumulation (CaDIRA) may also trigger signal percolation and the formation of systemic responses to many different stress factors in plants. This hypothesis can explain some as yet unexplained observations.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is put forward that events of the early embryonic development can be interpreted on the basis of a radial distribution of cytoplasmic components, i.e. of a 'cleavage field', progressively established during the growth of the oocyte. The orientations of the cleavage spindles and the corresponding furrows' positions are assumed to be correlated to the field's temporal evolution which, in turn, is determined by flows of cytoplasmic components originated by the changes in the membrane shape. From this viewpoint, a simple explanation of egg regulation is proposed, and the particular case of the sea urchin embryo is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We tested the Plant Vigor Hypothesis by determining the distribution of galls formed on leaves of witch hazel, Hamamelis virginiana , by the aphid Hormaphis hamamelidis , and by determining various factors that affect the fecundity of the gall-forming fundatrices. We also studied the role of the fundatrix in host plant manipulation. While the mean number of galls per leaf was low, galls had an aggregated distribution among leaves. Among trees, the average number of galls per leaf was not related to the mean leaf size, contrary to the preference prediction of the Plant Vigor Hypothesis. While fundatrices preferred the distal leaves of buds, which grew more than the proximal leaves, being on distal leaves conferred no increase in fecundity for fundatrices, contrary to predictions of the Plant Vigor Hypothesis. Gall size was the factor that explained the largest proportion of variation in fundatrix fecundity; fundatrix size explained somewhat less of the variation. Also, gall position on the leaf, number of aphid galls on the leaf, and on which leaf of the bud the gall was located all played small, statistically significant roles in explaining fundatrix fecundity, but their effects were variable between experiments. Removal of fundatrices shortly after galls had enclosed them limited the growth of galls, indicating the role of the fundatrices in gall growth. We compare and contrast this system versus other gall-forming insects, as well as discuss the adaptive significance of the aphid manipulation of the host plant. Much of the data contradict predictions of the Plant Vigor Hypothesis, and we discuss how gall size, as a measure of plant growth caused by insect manipulation, explains the observed patterns.  相似文献   

邓斌  曾德慧 《生态学杂志》2006,25(4):449-455
碳-养分平衡假说(carbon-nutrient balance hypothesis,CNBH)认为,植物组织中次生代谢物浓度受环境碳-资源有效性控制;植物体内次生代谢物按照化学计量的要求进行分配;资源分配给防卫物的必要条件是资源供应量满足植物生长需求后仍过剩。CNBH自提出以来,其适用范围不断受到限制,解释与预测研究结果的能力逐渐显现不足。期间,对CNBH进行过优化和修改,设置了多种限制条件,以期能使CNBH得到补救,继续成为指导植物-草食动物间相互作用和植物体内资源分配的相关理论。然而,随着研究的逐渐深入,CNBH被证实缺乏逻辑性和内在一致性;CNBH不能满足假说本身的发展要求,缺乏明确可行的量化指标体系,也没有明确地标识出理论预测范围与可测试范围之间的界限。研究表明,CNBH的基本假设本身是错误的;随着人们对植物-草食动物间相互作用的认知能力加强,更深刻地认识到资源在植物体内的分配模式,意识到CNBH假说的严重缺陷。在现有的植物防卫理论中,生长-分化平衡假说(growth-differentiation balance hypothesis)较为成熟,不但具有CNBH的优点,而且更具有植物生理学和进化...  相似文献   

Eudicot flowering plants comprise roughly 70% of land plant species diversity today, but their early evolution is not well understood. Fossil evidence has been largely restricted to their distinctive tricolpate pollen grains and this has limited our understanding of the ecological strategies that characterized their primary radiation. I describe megafossils of an Early Cretaceous eudicot from the Potomac Group in Maryland and Virginia, USA that are complete enough to allow reconstruction of important life-history traits. I draw on quantitative and qualitative analysis of functional traits, phylogenetic analysis and sedimentological evidence to reconstruct the biology of this extinct species. These plants were small and locally rare but widespread, fast-growing herbs. They had complex leaves and they were colonizers of bright, wet, disturbance-prone habitats. Other early eudicot megafossils appear to be herbaceous rather than woody, suggesting that this habit was characteristic of their primary radiation. A mostly herbaceous initial diversification of eudicots could simultaneously explain the heretofore sparse megafossil record as well as their rapid diversification during the Early Cretaceous because the angiosperm capacity for fast reproduction and fast evolution is best expressed in herbs.  相似文献   

To test the Plant Vigor Hypothesis, we determined female oviposition preference of Phyllocolpa leavitii (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) for shoot lengths on 20 clones of Salix discolor (Salicaceae) and examined larval performance by determining larval survival based on clone, shoot length, and leaf length for each Phyllocolpa gall observed. Sawfly galls were found on significantly longer shoots compared to shoots without galls, and shoots with 2, 3, 4, and 5 galls were successively longer than shoots with fewer galls. Furthermore, a much higher proportion of longer shoots had galls that did shorter shoots. These data demonstrate strong sawfly oviposition preference for long shoots. However, when shoot length was adjusted for numbers of available leaves per shoot, the number of galls per available leaf showed a weaker, but still positive relationship with shoot size. Using a logistic regression on survival of Phyllocolpa larvae, we detected highly significant effects of clone, shoot length, leaf length, and the square of leaf length on survival. Additionally, much higher sawfly survival on the long shoots of one clone caused a significant clone by shoot-length interaction. Survival was positively correlated with shoot length, indicating directional selection favoring oviposition on longer shoots; still, shoot length explained only 11.8% of the variation in survival. The directional component of selection favored oviposition on smaller leaves as survival was inversely related to leaf length; however, disruptive selection for leaf length oviposition preference was also detected, with survival of Phyllocolpa galls lowest on intermediate leaf lengths. This study provided evidence supporting the preference prediction of the Plant Vigor Hypothesis. However, much of the data contradicted the performance prediction of the Plant Vigor Hypothesis, with only a modest amount of evidence supporting the performance prediction.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence from several animal groups suggests sex chromosomes disproportionately contribute to reproductive isolation. This effect may be enhanced when sex chromosomes are associated with turnover of sex determination systems resulting from structural rearrangements to the chromosomes. We investigated these predictions in the dioecious plant Rumex hastatulus, which is composed of populations of two different sex chromosome cytotypes caused by an X-autosome fusion. Using population genomic analyses, we investigated the demographic history of R. hastatulus and explored the contributions of ancestral and neo-sex chromosomes to population genetic divergence. Our study revealed that the cytotypes represent genetically divergent populations with evidence for historical but not contemporary gene flow between them. In agreement with classical predictions, we found that the ancestral X chromosome was disproportionately divergent compared with the rest of the genome. Excess differentiation was also observed on the Y chromosome, even when we used measures of differentiation that control for differences in effective population size. Our estimates of the timing of the origin of neo-sex chromosomes in R. hastatulus are coincident with cessation of gene flow, suggesting that the chromosomal fusion event that gave rise to the origin of the XYY cytotype may have also contributed to reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Many key aspects of early angiosperms are poorly known, including their ecophysiology and associated habitats. Evidence for fast-growing, weedy angiosperms comes from the Early Cretaceous Potomac Group, where angiosperm fossils, some of them putative herbs, are found in riparian depositional settings. However, inferences of growth rate from sedimentology and growth habit are somewhat indirect; also, the geographic extent of a weedy habit in early angiosperms is poorly constrained. Using a power law between petiole width and leaf mass, we estimated the leaf mass per area (LMA) of species from three Albian (110-105 Ma) fossil floras from North America (Winthrop Formation, Patapsco Formation of the Potomac Group, and the Aspen Shale). All LMAs for angiosperm species are low (<125 g/m(2); mean = 76 g/m(2)) but are high for gymnosperm species (>240 g/m(2); mean = 291 g/m(2)). On the basis of extant relationships between LMA and other leaf economic traits such as photosynthetic rate and leaf lifespan, we conclude that these Early Cretaceous landscapes were populated with weedy angiosperms with short-lived leaves (<12 mo). The unrivalled capacity for fast growth observed today in many angiosperms was in place by no later than the Albian and likely played an important role in their subsequent ecological success.  相似文献   

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