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The activity of RU38486 has been studied in Burkitt's lymphoma cells which are Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) positive. The early antigens (EA) of the virus are induced by dexamethasone (DXM) in Daudi but not in Raji cells, whereas a growth factor (transforming growth factor-beta, TGF-beta) induces the EA in both cell lines. RU38486 blocks the EA induction obtained by DXM or by TGF-beta in either cell line. In order to understand the interaction of RU38486, we considered its binding to specific receptors. We first investigated the binding of the antagonist in whole cells at 22 degrees C. A number of specific binding sites higher for RU38486 than for DXM was found, suggesting that RU38486 may bind to the glucocorticoid receptor and also to other cellular structures which we called the antiglucocorticoid binding sites ("AGBS"). To support this hypothesis, competition experiments have been conducted between RU38486 and other steroid hormones (progesterone and testosterone) since it is known that RU38486 is also able to interact with their cognate receptors. Binding studies of RU38486 in vitro at 4 degrees C in the presence of cytosolic extracts from Daudi and Raji cells led to conclusions similar to those drawn from the whole cell experiments: more complexes were formed with RU38486 than with DXM. Finally, the steroid-receptor complexes were incubated with DNA-cellulose. Since the binding measured for RU38486 was higher than for DXM, we suspect that sites different from the classical glucocorticoid receptor sites are also able to interact with DNA. The blockage exerted by RU38486 on the EA induced by glucocorticoids or by non-steroidal molecules and the lack of responsiveness to glucocorticoids in Raji cells are discussed in the light of the present findings.  相似文献   

Toll like receptors (TLRs) are an important component of the immune response. They are link between innate and adaptative response. Lymphocytes B express most of the toll-like receptors and they may respond to a broad spectrum of PAMP. Lymphocytes B are one of the major lymphocyte populations in secondary lymphoid tissues, where they represent up to 50% of cells population. These cells are an important element of the defense, largely by using the mechanisms associated with innate response. On the other hand, lymphocytes B are the site of EBV latency, so Burkitt lymphoma cells can may be a convenient model to study the mechanisms associated with EBV infection. The aim of study was to determine the expression of TLRs at the m-RNA level of in Burkitt lymphoma cells treated with ligands for selected TLRs. P3HR, Raji and Namalwa cells were stimulated with Pam3 (10 microg/ml), PolyI:C (25 microg/ml), LPS (10 microg/ml) and measles virus (MeV, moi 0.02). Unstimulated cells and cells treated with PMA (0.5 microg/ml) served as negative and positive controls. After incubation, from stimulated and unstimulated cells mRNA was extracted, RT-PCR reaction was performed and electrophoretic separation was made. The intensity (INT) of bands were determined using the tools for quantitative analysis. In order to analyze the expression of TLR genes, INT values for TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4 in tested cell lines are expressed as %, assuming an average level of GAPDH expression as 100%. The 25% of INT for negative control was accepted as a change in expression level. It was found that the expression of Toll-like receptors in Burkitt lymphoma cells is diverse both in terms of cell type and the type of stimulation.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid purification method for DNA topoisomerase I from Raji cells, a human Burkitt lymphoma cell line, using ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by chromatography on a Mono S column (FPLC, Pharmacia). By this method, the enzyme could be purified to near homogeneity within one day. Electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel revealed that the final preparation is mainly composed of a 100-kDa protein. The major enzyme activity sedimented through a glycerol density gradient at 5.7S, accompanied with a minor peak at 8.7S. The former may correspond to the monomer of the 100-kDa polypeptide, and the latter, to its dimeric form. The gel filtration study of the crude extract revealed an active molecular species of 200 kDa, in addition to 100 kDa, and lower molecular weight forms. These results suggest that DNA topoisomerase I is largely in monomeric form, but also has a minor population of the dimeric form.  相似文献   

The very low expression of insulin receptors in the Burkitt lymphoma cell Raji was increased 2-fold, 6-fold and 10-fold after 1, 2 and 3 days, respectively, by incubation with the differentiation inducer sodium butyrate. Insulin receptor number was increased without a change in receptor affinity, in association with an increase in the receptor alpha and beta subunits detected after cell-surface labelling and immunoprecipitation. Expression of cell-surface class I and II human leukocyte antigens, the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and the CD38 leukocyte antigen was also increased, consistent with B cell differentiation. Butyrate effects were not unspecific, as the binding of tumour necrosis factor and growth hormone and the expression of the B cell markers CD20, B5 and CD21 was not increased. The low expression of insulin receptors on Raji cells is therefore a reflection of the less differentiated state of these cells compared to lymphoblastoid cells.  相似文献   


We investigated the effects of 1.8?MHz Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)-modulated microwave (MW) radiation on apoptotic level and cell viability of Burkitt’s lymphoma (Raji) cells with or without Gemcitabine, which exhibits cell phase specificity, primarily killing cells undergoing DNA synthesis (S-phase). Raji cells were exposed to 1.8?GHz GSM-modulated MW radiation at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 0.350?W/kg in a CO2 incubator. The duration of the exposure was 24?h. The amount of apoptotic cells was analyzed using Annexin V-FITC and propidium iodide (PI) staining with flow cytometer. The apoptotic activity of MW exposed Raji cells was increased significantly. In addition, cell viability of exposed samples was significantly decreased. Combined exposure of MW and Gemcitabine increased the amount of apoptotic cells than MW radiation alone. Moreover, viability of MW?+?Gemcitabine exposed cells was lower than that of cells exposed only to MW. These results demonstrated that MW radiation exposure and Gemcitabine treatment have a synergistic effect on apoptotic activity of Raji cells.  相似文献   

Raji and Daudi cells were opsonized with C3b, iC3b, and C3d fragments by using purified complement components. The sensitivity of C3-opsonized cells to lysis mediated by low density blood lymphocytes was studied. Raji and Daudi cells carrying C3b or C3d fragments were lysed with similar efficiencies as the nonopsonized cells. The presence of iC3b on the target surface imposed elevated NK sensitivity. The iC3b-mediated enhancement of NK lysis was inhibited when iC3b fragments or rabbit anti-human C3 antibodies were included into the lytic assays. These results indicate that the iC3b fragments fixed on the targets bind to the CR3 on the lymphocytes. Results obtained in immobilized conjugate-lytic assays showed that iC3b-opsonized targets interact more readily with the lymphocytes. This was reflected by the elevated proportion of lymphocytes that were bound to the iC3b-carrying targets. The proportions of conjugates in which target damage occurred were similar with the control and with the iC3b-carrying cells. It seems therefore that opsonization of targets with iC3b leads to recruitment of effector lymphocytes due to contact with their CR3. However, once the effector-target contact is established, the triggering of lytic function does not seem to be influenced by the iC3b/CR3 bridge.  相似文献   

Raji-HN2 is a B cell lymphoma (Burkitt lymphoma) line that was made resistant to nitrogen mustard. The drug-resistant phenotype was accompanied by changes in gene expression. The expression of four unrelated genes was examined by Northern blot analysis. Raji-HN2 cells were found to contain about twice the number of actin mRNA found in Raji cells. Both cell lines were found to contain equivalent amounts of beta 2-microglobulin, c-myc oncogene, and immunoglobulin C mu mRNAs. The C mu mRNA was, however, larger in size in Raji-HN2 cells. Alterations in actin and C mu mRNAs in Raji-HN2 cells were not due to gene amplification or rearrangement because Southern blot analysis revealed no changes in the genomic organization of these genes. The increased actin mRNA content was correlated with an increased actin content of Raji-HN2 cells. The F-actin (stained with 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazolylphallacidin) content of single cells was quantitated in a meridian interactive laser cytometer. Raji-HN2 cells contained about twice the amount of F-actin present in the parental Raji cells. Similar results were obtained when large populations, 10(6) cells each, were examined in a flow cytometer.  相似文献   

A substrate adherent, fibroblast-like cell line (Raji-A) has been isolated from a suspension culture of an established Burkitt lymphoma cell line (Raji). Except for the altered morphology associated with substrate attachment, Raji-A is identical to Raji with respect to karyotype, isozyme composition, susceptibility to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and inducibility of latent EBV. In order to facilitate fusion experiments with Raji-A, drug resistant variants were induced by treating cells with ethylmethane sulfonate followed by selection in growth medium which contains 8-azaguanine. Three clones (AGRO, AGR3 and AGR6) were found to be resistant to 50 μg/ml of 8-azaguanine. They had only 10–15% as much hypoxanthineguanine phosphoribosyltransferase activity as wild type cells and a low plating efficiency of 1–3 × 10−6 in the selective medium, HAT. Potential uses of these variants for studying EBV-lymphoblastoid cell interactions as well as human genetics by cell hybridization are discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports some findings on the effects of centrifugation on the viability of mammalian cells. The authors used Burkitt lymphoma cells cultivated in a synthetic medium containing 10% fetal calf serum for all experiments. Batch centrifugations were conducted in a RC2-B centrifuge (Ivan Sorvall, Incorporated, Norwalk, Connecticut USA) operated at 0 and 25°C. During centrifugation we exposed the cells to gravitational fields ranging from 24,800 to 42.200g. The results showed that at, 0°C and 25,800 or 42,000g no loss in cell viability occurred for up to 90 min exposures in the centrifugal field. However, at 25°C and for gravitational fields of 24,800 and 42,000g, there were appreciable losses in cell viability. Continuous centrifugation studies in the Sharples supercentrifuge (Division of Penn Salt Corporation, Warminister, Pennsylvania USA) were also conducted with bowl speeds up to 28,000 rpm (19,000g) and flow rates ranging from 1.4 to 20 1, hr. Slight, losses in cell viability were noted and postulated as caused by the shear stresses encountered by the cells. Some pumping studies using the lymphoma cells substantiate this conclusion.  相似文献   

The Friend murine erythroleukemia cell system and the Daudi Burkitt's lymphoma cell system were used to study the effect of growth-inhibitory concentrations of interferon on membrane functions. Experiments with Friend-cell clones sensitive and resistant to interferon indicated that a number of changes in membrane transport occur rapidly after the addition of interferon to sensitive cells. While no change was observed in the activity of the (Na+/K+) ATPase in Friend cells sensitive or resistant to interferon, a piretanide-inhibitable Na+,K+, 2Cl- co-transport system was specifically inhibited after interferon treatment of sensitive cells. In contrast, treatment of Daudi cells with purified molecularly cloned or standard preparations of human leukocyte interferon gave rise to no early changes in the transport of amino acids, 32Pi, sugars, or 86Rb+. The major change observed in Daudi cells was a marked reduction in the uptake and incorporation of thymidine, which begins to decrease after 8-10 h of exposure to interferon.  相似文献   

The Daudi cell line, established from a Burkitt lymphoma, has recently been found to be HLA- andΒ 2-microglobulin-negative, although it expresses B lymphocyte alloantigens. This report is concerned with the reexpression of HLA-A10, B38, and B17 on the Daudi cell, after cell fusion with another human cell line (Raji) or with mouse fibroblasts. In the latter fusion, the same HLA specificities are re-expressed, but not humanΒ 2-microglobulin while mouseΒ 2-microglobulin andH-2 could be detected. No such reexpression was observed when Daudi was fused with the F9 mouse teratocarcinoma, which lacks mouseΒ 2-m andH-2. No HLA activity (alloantigenic and xenogenic activity) was detected in the membrane or cytoplasm of Daudi, using salt extraction and sonication. Therefore we postulate thatΒ 2-microglobulin could be necessary for the expression and possible synthesis of the HLA antigen.  相似文献   

Interferon (IFN)-inducible "effector" proteins mediate the biological activities of the IFNs. Therefore, the identification of the functional role(s) of IFN inducible proteins in IFN action is important to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which IFNs inhibit cell growth. One family (the "200-family") of IFN-inducible proteins includes structurally related murine (p202a, p202b, p203, p204 and D3) and human (MNDA, IFI-16 and AIM2) proteins. However, their role in IFN action remains to be established. Here we report that IFN-alpha treatment of Daudi Burkitt's lymphoma cells resulted in differential induction of MNDA, IFI 16, and a p202-related protein (p202RP). Interestingly, IFN induction of p202RP preceded the induction of MNDA and IFI 16 proteins and the growth inhibition by IFN. Additionally, the induction of these proteins by IFN was accompanied by: (i) a transient increase in p21(WAF1/CIP1) levels; (ii) an increase in the functional form of pRb and p130; (iii) an inhibition of the sequence-specific DNA binding activity of E2F complexes; and (iv) a marked decrease in c-Myc levels. Our observations reported herein provide support to the hypothesis that IFN-inducible p202RP and MNDA proteins from the 200-family contribute to the growth inhibitory activities of the IFNs.  相似文献   

Translational efficiency of cMyc mRNA in Burkitt lymphoma cells.   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The translational efficiency of cMyc mRNAs was assessed in a variety of cell lines: HeLa cells and Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphocytes, both of which contain only the germ line cMyc allele; Daudi, a Burkitt cell line containing a translocated cMyc gene with no apparent alteration; and P3HR-1, a Burkitt line in which the 5' end of the translocated cMyc gene has been altered by the chromosomal translocation. Translational efficiency was inferred by measuring the number of ribosomes associated with the cMyc mRNA, using a procedure by which individual polysomal fractions were analyzed by blot hybridization. Since polysome size is a function of the length of the translated sequence as well as the rate of initiation of protein synthesis, we also determined the number of ribosomes associated with a control mRNA (alpha tubulin) which codes for a protein of similar size to cMyc. We found that the cMyc mRNA was associated with a number of ribosomes comparable to that associated with alpha tubulin mRNA in all the cell lines tested.  相似文献   

A functional relationship between the apoptotic endonuclease DNAS1L3 and the chemotherapeutic drug VP-16 was established. The lymphoma cell line, Daudi, exhibited a significant resistance to VP-16 treatment in comparison to the lymphoma/leukemia cell line, U-937. While U-937 cells degraded their DNA into internucleosomal fragments, Daudi cells failed to undergo such fragmentation in response to the drug. Activation of both caspase-3 and DNA fragmentation factor was not sufficient to trigger internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in Daudi cells. No correlation was found between expression levels of topoisomerase-II, Pgp, Bcl-2, Bax, or Bad and decreased sensitivity of Daudi cells to VP-16. Daudi cells failed to express DNAS1L3 and ectopic expression of this protein significantly sensitized the cells to VP-16. An enhancement of caspase-3 activity and collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential underlie DNAS1L3-mediated sensitization of Daudi cells to VP-16, which may be a direct result of DNAS1L3-mediated increase in PARP-1-activating DNA breaks after VP-16 treatment. Our results suggest that DNAS1L3 plays an active role in lymphoma cell sensitization to VP-16 and that its deficiency may constitute a novel mechanism of drug resistance in these cells.  相似文献   

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