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鸟类的资源分配和生活史策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PatMONAGHAN 《动物学报》2004,50(6):942-947
本文综述了对资源分配理论的研究。使用了对小黑背鸥和红嘴山鸦的研究 ,表明卵产生中的资源分配和相关的生活史策略对个体发育和长期适合度有多方面的影响 ,对于种群存活有重要意义  相似文献   

There is little extant empirical literature examining the associations between life history strategies and symptoms of psychopathology. The current study (N = 138) investigated the associations between life history strategies, symptoms of psychopathology, aggression, incidence of self-harm behaviour, and attachment (perceived parental support) in sample drawn from the general population and community mental health service providers. The results from the study indicate those with a faster life strategy report greater levels of aggression and symptoms of psychopathology. Further, perceptions of poorer parental support were associated with a faster life history strategy. Implications for life history theory, conceptualising psychopathology, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

M. Gebhardt  G. Ribi 《Oecologia》1987,74(2):209-214
Summary We compared two populations of Viviparus ater from Lake Zürich and Lake Maggiore with respect to the reproductive investment of individual females throughout their lives. Based on field observations of the bumber and size of offspring and from measurements of the differences between growth rings on the shells we constructed a probabilistic model for the life history of the females. A simulation showed that the overall productivity of females was higher in Lake Zürich than in Lake Maggiore. The higher productivity of females in Lake Zürich was due to faster growth before maturity and higher fecundity after maturity. The reproductive effort, as measured by the percentage of assimulated energy used for reproduction, remained constant throughout the life of the females in Lake Zürich, whereas it declined with age in Lake Maggiore. We interpret this as the outcome of a reproductive strategy that avoids risks due to reckless reproduction, rather than as two different strategies which have been selected in response to different habitat types.  相似文献   

Surviving inhospitable periods or seasons may greatly affect fitness. Evidence of this exists in the prevalence of dormant stages in the life cycles of most insects. Here I focused on butterflies with distinct seasonal morphological types (not a genetic polymorphism) in which one morphological type, or form, delays reproduction until favorable conditions return, while the other form develops in an environment that favors direct reproduction. For two butterflies, Anaea aidea and A. andria, I tested the hypothesis that the development of each seasonal form involves a differential allocation of resources to survival at eclosion. I assayed differences in adult longevity among summer and winter forms in either a warm, active environment or a cool, calm environment. Winter form adults lived 40 times longer than summer form but only in calm, cool conditions. The magnitude of this difference provided compelling evidence that the winter form body plan and metabolic strategy (i.e. resource conservatism) favor long term survival. This research suggests that winter form adults maintain lowered metabolic rate, a common feature of diapause, to conserve resources and delay senescence while overwintering.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that people calibrate their reproductive strategies to local levels of environmental harshness and unpredictability. While previous research has established the importance of early life cues in the development of life history strategy, the degree to which life history strategy exhibits plasticity later in life is unclear. Using longitudinal data (total N = 479) from four archival studies and a recently validated psychological measure of life history strategy, we examined mean-level trends in life history strategy at the level of psychological phenotype between the ages of 7 and 60 and found that life history strategy slowed down linearly as a function of age. Highlighting the importance of sexual selection in shaping life history strategy, we also found that men had a faster life history strategy than women at all ages and that the magnitude of this difference was constant across the lifespan. Our findings suggest that life history strategy development continues even in older adulthood. We discuss the possibility that this occurs in response to the accumulation of biological and social (e.g. offspring, relationships) capital and information about local risks and incentives.  相似文献   

Synopsis The life history characteristics of tule perch were compared within and among populations in three drainages with substantially different environmental conditions. Within populations there were, in general, substantial increases in brood size, size of young, brood weight, and gonadal-somatic index (GSI) with age and with size of female. In at least one population there was a trade-off between the number and size of young produced. However, in a lake where individual growth was very slow, brood weight, GSI, and other life history characters showed decreasing trends with age. Among populations in isolated drainages, female length at first reproduction and longevity varied directly and mean brood size varied inversely with environmental predictability. Morphological and geological evidence and some comparative litter characteristics suggest that life history differences among populations in isolated drainages are in part genetic.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the association between early life conditions and reproductive and sexuality-related life history outcomes among men, we conducted a meta-analysis that compiled the results of 198 articles. A total of 331 effect sizes drawn from 573 samples were included. The meta-analysis revealed that low family socioeconomic status was associated with early sexual debut (r = 0.07), early first birth (r = 0.14), and early marriage (r = 0.03). There was no significant association between family socioeconomic status and pubertal timing or number of sexual partners. Parental absence was associated with early sexual debut (r = ? 0.12), greater number of sexual partners (r = ? 0.19), early first birth (r = ? 0.14), and early marriage (r = ? 0.13). There was no significant association between parental absence and pubertal timing. Small body size before puberty was associated with delayed pubertal timing (r = ? 0.10). There was no significant association between adult body size and number of offspring, and between body size at birth and pubertal timing. Small adult body size, greater number of siblings, and older parents were associated with non-heterosexual orientation (rs = 0.12, 0.03, and 0.03 respectively). Factors such as sampling procedure, data collection method, and age cut-off used to measure family structure change influenced the association between some predictors (e.g., family socioeconomic status) and outcomes (e.g., first birth). The findings are discussed in relation to the utility of life history theory for understanding human male reproductive and sexuality-related outcomes.  相似文献   

R. S. Wotton 《Hydrobiologia》1982,96(3):243-251
The life histories of Simulium noelleri Fried. and S. truncatum Ldstr. were studied at a lake-outlet site in Finland. A detailed study was made of the second summer generation of both species and this consisted of a single, synchronized cohort in S. noelleri, and overlapped cohorts in S. truncatum. Larvae of the two species also show differences in their habitat preference: those of S. noelleri predominate on the sluice which marks the beginning of the river, and S. truncatum larvae just downstream from the sluice. In winter, the latter site was dominated by immature individuals of two other species, S. erythrocephalum de Geer and S. equinum L., and these were found downstream from the two ‘lake-outlet’ species during the summer. Adult females of S. noelleri are able to mature a first batch of eggs without taking a blood meal but those of S. truncatum need to feed on blood before eggs can be fully developed. The consequences of these different reproductive strategies on the ecology of individuals of the two species is discussed.  相似文献   

The essence of the contradiction between traditional ecological complexity-stability hypothesis and recent theoretical results is clarified. The distinction between resilience and resistance is stressed. The possibilities of field verification of May's model are discussed. No satisfactory method for estimation of connectance and mean interaction strength in plant communities has been found. Relation between these parameters and stability in real communities remains an open question. The relation between connectance and stability (resilience) in purely competitive model communities is more complicated than May's rule predicts. The certain value of connectance having been achieved, stability increases with increasing connectance. We assessed the positive relation between species diversity and resistance, and negative relation between species diversity and resilience in plant communities during old-field succession in xeric habitat. But there is no causal relationship between species diversity and both kinds of stability. Resistance and resilience of the plant communities studied were determined primarily by life history strategies of constituent species. The results are interpreted in terms of Grimes' life history strategies and imply the validity of Gleasonian, population-centered explanation of community phenomena.The nomenclature of plants follows F. Ehrendorfer, 1973, Liste der Gefässpflanzen Mitteleuropas, 2. Aufl. G. Fischer, Stuttgart.Acknowledgements. We thank Pavel Kindlmann for helpful discussion. We are also grateful to reviewers for suggesting ways to improve this paper.  相似文献   

Plant populations may have evolved different demographic strategies to cope with temporal environmental variation. According to the demographic buffering hypothesis, vital rates that are most critical to population persistence are buffered against environmental variation and vary little over time, whereas the demographic lability hypothesis suggests that populations may track and benefit from environmental variation. While the hypotheses of demographic strategies have been widely tested in plant and animal species, they have not been explicitly examined for invasive plants, or in relation to different modelling methods (deterministic vs. stochastic). Here, we tested the demographic buffering and lability hypotheses for 23 populations of eight invasive plant species in relation to life form (woody vs. herbaceous species) and population growth rate using deterministic and stochastic modelling methods, and absolute and relative scales. We found that conclusions of demographic strategies depended on scale, with an absolute scale resulting in stronger negative correlations between the variability and importance of vital rates (i.e., buffering) than a relative scale. Conclusions of demographic strategies were also affected by life form that interacted with method. The populations of woody invaders exhibited buffering regardless of the method used, while for the populations of herbaceous species, deterministic calculations suggested buffering and stochastic calculations suggested lability. Overall, our findings emphasise the role of life form and methodological issues that need to be considered when exploring demographic strategies in fluctuating environments.  相似文献   

Reproductive modes in marine invertebrates can be generally grouped into two types: those brooding larvae and those broadcast-spawning gametes into the water. We asked if these different life-history strategies differ based on how contribution to fitness is partitioned between growth, stasis, and reproduction. To investigate this question, we used published demographic data on ten diverse species of marine bivalves. We parameterized simple matrix-population models and calculated the sums of elasticities to growth, stasis, and reproduction parameters and plotted the results on triangular axes. We also assessed whether contribution patterns were correlated with reproductive mode and tropical, temperate, or polar environments. We found that some of the broadcast spawners fell in the region of the plot with high elasticities for stasis and that some of the brooders fell in the region of the plot with higher growth and reproduction elasticities than stasis ones. However, instead of a sharp dichotomy, we found a continuum in contributions of stasis parameters with long-lived brooders and short-lived broadcast spawners in the same region of the plot. There was no clear pattern of reproductive mode associated with any particular environment, but we think these preliminary results are intriguing and that further work on comparative demography of marine invertebrates is warranted. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Abstract. Persistence by longevity has been rarely considered as an alternative to regeneration by seeding for plants showing multiple demographic strategies. We propose a conceptual model of multiple demographic strategies for long‐lived plants in stable habitats, shifting from regeneration by seeding to persistence by longevity and/or vegetative reproduction, along gradients of abiotic stress or interspecific competition. Regeneration by seeding would be promoted under low abiotic stress or under low competition, whereas persistence by longevity and/or vegetative reproduction would predominate at high levels of abiotic stress or competition. We test this model with two threatened species of the Mediterranean region, the shrub Juniperus communis, a widely distributed species which maintains relict populations in the Mediterranean mountains thanks to great adult longevity and Pinguicula vallisneriifolia, a palaeo‐endemic herb relying on a perennial habit and vegetative reproduction under drought imposed stress or high competition at late successional phases. As a main consequence, multiple demographic strategies enhance a plant's ability to exploit environmental heterogeneity at different spatial (patches, localities, regions within the species’ distribution area) and temporal (individual life span, glacial‐interglacial cycles) scales. The potential of multiple demographic dynamics based on persistence and regeneration must be considered as a major ecological trait determining the long‐term viability of peripheral populations of relict species as well as the inertia against extinction of many threatened endemisms, thereby contributing to the maintenance of the high plant diversity characterizing the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Synopsis Female Gambusia affinis were collected from low salinity/near-neutral pH and tidal freshwater/low pH localities to document life history variation between these two habitats. Mosquito fish were 2.7 times more abundant in low salinity/near-neutral pH (2.37 ± 0.72 ppt; pH = 5.73 ± 0.11) than in tidal freshwater/low pH (0.27 ± 0.19 ppt; pH = 4.46 ± 0.18) habitats in Old Fort Bayou, a black-water tidal river of the Biloxi Bay estuary, Mississippi. Fish were common in both areas from June 1985 through February 1986. There were no significant differences between habitats in the length-weight relationships during the reproductive season with the exception of February. However, there were significant differences in life histories, although the areas were only 4 km apart. Ovarian recrudescence was observed in fish from both areas in February, but ovaries of low salinity fish were more developed than ovaries of freshwater fish. All fish from both areas had regressed ovaries by late September. The monthly slopes of the brood size vs. standard length regressions were significantly different between areas throughout the reproductive season with the exception of June. Although freshwater fish produced heavier tail-free embryos, fish from low salinity had significantly higher GSI values and brood size throughout the reproductive season. These observations suggest that Gambusia affonis may have a greater reproductive effort in low salinity/near-neutral pH environments than in freshwater/low pH habitats.  相似文献   

In an ancestral world without modern contraception, how did women regulate their fertility? We argue that fertility may be regulated by context-dependent changes in sexual motivation that are specific to the high-fertility phase of the menstrual cycle. Accordingly, we predicted that ovulatory changes in sexual motivation would vary as a function of women's life history strategies, operationalized in terms of exposure to adverse childhood environments (high unpredictability, low SES, and low father quality). We tested this prediction in a sample of 1004 naturally cycling, pair-bonded women recruited using Amazon Mechanical Turk. Data show that women from adverse childhood backgrounds experienced higher in-pair sexual motivation and engaged in more in-pair sexual behavior at high fertility, compared to women from childhood backgrounds with low adversity. Women from low-adversity childhood backgrounds were more likely to exhibit ovulatory decreases in sexual motivation at early stages in their relationships. We found little evidence, however, that childhood environments interact with conception risk to predict women's extra-pair motivation and behavior. Results offer evidence that women may possess evolved psychological and behavioral mechanisms for regulating the timing of reproduction.  相似文献   

洪水条件下湿地植物的生存策略   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
洪水是自然界存在的一种普遍现象。湿地植物由于所处生境的特殊性,会经常受到周期性或永久性的洪水胁迫。在长期的适应进化过程中,湿地植物形成了一些特殊的生存策略,以适应水文条件的大幅度变化。主要的生存策略如下:1)生活史方面,植物可通过改变生长时间、繁殖方式、种子特征等避免洪水的直接伤害或利用洪水的流动起到传播扩散的作用;2)形态学特征方面,植物可通过调整根系形态、分布等将根系生长到氧气相对充足的土壤表层或形成不定根增强根系通气功能;3)解剖学方面,植物可通过改善组织孔隙度形成通气组织等改善空气传导到根系的"气体通道";4)生理生化方面,植物可通过增加碳水化合物含量以延长生存时间,释放出一些生长激素(乙烯等)以调节植物缺氧条件下的生理活动或形态、解剖方面的变化。在今后的研究中,不定根的形成机理、乙烯在通气组织形成中的作用及其过程、放射氧损失(ROL)的形成机理及其释放速率的调控等一些机理性的工作还需进一步加强。  相似文献   

Across five studies using samples from both Japan and United States (N = 2345), we take a multi-method approach to test the prediction from life history theory that a slow, compared to fast, life history strategy promotes investment in cooperative relationships. Studies 1 and 2 examined how different measures as proxies for life history strategy (i.e., Mini-K and High-K Strategy Scale) relate to cooperation in various economic games. Studies 3 to 5 measured early childhood environments (i.e., childhood harshness and unpredictability), manipulated resource scarcity using previously validated methods, and then measured cooperation. Across our studies, we also examined four hypothesized psychological mechanisms that could explain the relation between life history strategy and cooperation: temporal discounting, concern for reputation, social value orientation, and trust in others. Overall, we found no support for the hypothesis that life history strategy predicts cooperation or that early childhood environments interact with current resource scarcity to predict cooperation. Thus, our initial findings imply that life history theory may not account for individual variation in cooperation with unknown others.  相似文献   

The selective pressures involved in the evolution of semelparity and its associated life-history traits are largely unknown. We used species-level analyses, independent contrasts, and reconstruction of ancestral states to study the evolution of body length, fecundity, egg weight, gonadosomatic index, and parity (semelparity vs. degree of iteroparity) in females of 12 species of salmonid fishes. According to both species-level analysis and independent contrasts analysis, body length was positively correlated with fecundity, egg weight, and gonadosomatic index, and semelparous species exhibited a significantly steeper slope for the regression of egg weight on body length than did iteroparous species. Percent repeat breeding (degree of iteroparity) was negatively correlated with gonadosomatic index using independent contrasts analysis. Semelparous species had significantly larger eggs by species-level analysis, and the egg weight contrast for the branch on which semelparity was inferred to have originated was significantly larger than the other egg weight contrasts, corresponding to a remarkable increase in egg weight. Reconstruction of ancestral states showed that egg weight and body length apparently increased with the origin of semelparity, but fecundity and gonadosomatic index remained more or less constant or decreased. Thus, the strong evolutionary linkages between body size, fecundity, and gonadosomatic index were broken during the transition from iteroparity to semelparity. These findings suggest that long-distance migrations, which increase adult mortality between breeding episodes, may have been necessary for the origin of semelparity in Pacific salmon, but that increased egg weight, leading to increased juvenile survivorship, was crucial in driving the transition. Our analyses support the life-history hypotheses that a lower degree of repeat breeding is linked to higher reproductive investment per breeding episode, and that semelparity evolves under a combination of relatively high juvenile survivorship and relatively low adult survivorship.  相似文献   

E. Holm 《Oecologia》1988,75(1):141-145
Summary Four basic environmental restraints on life are deduced from the requirements of life's inherent order laws. Possible life strategies to contend with these restraints are listed. The various combinations of the restraints are subsequently investigated, and appropriate combinations of life strategies are fitted. This model is finally tested against insect case histories in various environments, and is demonstrated to explain some combinations of characteristics of insects in ecosystems not covered by the r-K or r-K-A continua. The role of heterochrony in achieving appropriate life strategies is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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