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Of the two known vasoactive intestinal peptide receptors (VPAC1R and VPAC2R), the VPAC2R is expressed in skeletal muscle. To evaluate the function of the VPAC2R in the physiological control of skeletal muscle mass, we utilized the VPAC1R selective agonist [K15,R16,L27]VIP(1-7) GRF(8-27)-NH2 and the VPAC2R selective agonist Ro-25-1553 to treat mice and rats undergoing either nerve damage-, corticosteroid-, or disuse-induced skeletal muscle atrophy. These analyses demonstrated that activation of VPAC2R, but not VPAC1R, reduced the loss of skeletal muscle mass and force during conditions of skeletal muscle atrophy resulting from corticosteroid administration, denervation, casting-induced disuse, increased skeletal muscle mass, and force of nonatrophying muscles. These studies indicate that VPAC2R agonists may have utility for the treatment of skeletal muscle-wasting diseases.  相似文献   

异常活化的小胶质细胞的特征与功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
神经系统的各种损伤均可以引起小胶质细胞的激活.小胶质细胞是神经系统中发挥免疫功能的细胞,与T淋巴细胞、B淋巴细胞、自然杀伤细胞,以及其他的循环系统来源的白细胞共同参与神经损伤后的免疫反应.一般情况下,激活的小胶质细胞可以中止或者降低受累组织或细胞的生化代谢紊乱.但是持续激活的小胶质细胞释放的大量炎性因子能够对正常组织造成损害,加重神经损伤.关于小胶质细胞激活的病理生理学研究在最近几年取得较大进展,本文将主要介绍小胶质细胞在病理情况下激活的过程、特征,以及激活后发挥的功能及其调节机制.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of vascular tone reduction on O2 consumption of the vascular wall, we determined the O2 consumption rates of arteriolar walls under normal conditions and during vasodilation induced by topical application of papaverine. A phosphorescence quenching technique was used to quantify intra- and perivascular PO2 in rat cremaster arterioles with different branching orders. Then, the measured radial PO2 gradients and a theoretical model were used to estimate the O2 consumption rates of the arteriolar walls. The vascular O2 consumption rates of functional arterioles were >100 times greater than those observed in in vitro experiments. The vascular O2 consumption rate was highest in first-order (1A) arterioles, which are located upstream, and sequentially decreased downstream in 2A and 3A arterioles under normal conditions. During papaverine-induced vasodilation, on the other hand, the O2 consumption rates of the vascular walls decreased to similar levels, suggesting that the high O2 consumption rates of 1A arterioles under normal conditions depend in part on the workload of the vascular smooth muscle. These results strongly support the hypothesis that arteriolar walls consume a significant amount of O2 compared with the surrounding tissue. Furthermore, the reduction of vascular tone of arteriolar walls may facilitate an efficient supply of O2 to the surrounding tissue.  相似文献   

Intracellular water of frog skeletal muscle fibers has been studied under various physiological conditions by use of the 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. 1H-NMR spectra of muscle fibers had single peaks derived from the intracellular water. The spectra changed in a characteristic fashion when the fiber axis was aligned at various angles relative to the magnetic field of the NMR magnet. Further, the relaxation rates of the 1H-NMR spectra changed depending on the water content of muscle fibers, and in association with contraction and rigor formation of muscle fibers. The obtained results indicate that the intracellular water of muscle fibers is structured and aligned along the myofilaments, and further that the state of the intracellular water changes with physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is a crucial process for the maintenance of normal tissue physiology and it is involved in tissue remodeling and regeneration. This process is essential for adipose tissue maintenance. The adipose tissue is composed by different cell types including stromal vascular cells as well as adipose stem cells (ASCs). In particular, ASCs are multipotent somatic stem cells that are able to differentiate and secrete several growth factors; they are recently emerging as a new cell reservoir for novel therapies and strategies in many diseases. Several studies suggest that ASCs have peculiar properties and participate in different disease-related processes such as angiogenesis. Furthermore, pathological expansion of adipose tissue brings to hypoxia, a major condition of unhealthy angiogenesis.Recent evidences have shown that microRNAs (miRNAs) play a crucial role also on ASCs as they take part in stemness maintenance, proliferation, and differentiation. It has been suggested that some miRNAs (MIR126, MIR31, MIR221 MIR222, MIR17-92 cluster, MIR30, MIR100 and MIR486) are directly involved in the angiogenic process by controlling multiple genes involved in this pathway. With the present review, we aim at providing an updated summary of the importance of adipose tissue under physiological and pathological conditions and of its relationship with neovascularization process. In particular, we report an overview of the most important miRNAs involved in angiogenesis focusing on ASCs. Hopefully the data presented will bring benefit in developing new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

R.D. Bremel  A. Weber 《BBA》1975,376(2):366-374
At a free Mg2+ concentration of 1.0 mM, myosin binds one Ca2+ per molecule when the Ca2+ concentration is 20 μM, a value in the concentration range expected during contraction of skeletal muscle. Mg2+ alters Ca2+ binding in a complex manner, not by simple competition. In the range from 20 to 100 μM Mg2+ it produces positive cooperativity between the high-affinity Ca2+ binding sites, in addition to shifting binding to higher Ca2+ concentrations. High-affinity Ca2+ binding is not significantly affected by the addition of ATP, increase in ionic strength to 0.1 and changes in temperature. Ca2+ binding did not increase actin-activated ATPase activity in the absence of regulatory proteins, but rather inhibited it.  相似文献   

Ryanodine receptor (RyR) channels from mammalian cardiac and amphibian skeletal muscle were incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. Unitary Ca2+ currents in the SR lumen-to-cytosol direction were recorded at 0 mV in the presence of caffeine (to minimize gating fluctuations). Currents measured with 20 mM lumenal Ca2+ as exclusive charge carrier were 4.00 and 4.07 pA, respectively, and not significantly different. Currents recorded at 1-30 mM lumenal Ca2+ concentrations were attenuated by physiological [K+] (150 mM) and [Mg2+] (1 mM), in the same proportion (approximately 55%) in mammalian and amphibian channels. Two amplitudes, differing by approximately 35%, were found in amphibian channel studies, probably corresponding to alpha and beta RyR isoforms. In physiological [Mg2+], [K+], and lumenal [Ca2+] (1 mM), the Ca2+ current was just less than 0.5 pA. Comparison of this value with the Ca2+ flux underlying Ca2+ sparks suggests that sparks in mammalian cardiac and amphibian skeletal muscles are generated by opening of multiple RyR channels. Further, symmetric high concentrations of Mg2+ substantially reduced the current carried by 10 mM Ca2+ (approximately 40% at 10 mM Mg2+), suggesting that high Mg2+ may make sparks smaller by both inhibiting RyR gating and reducing unitary current.  相似文献   

Shiva S  Darley-Usmar VM 《IUBMB life》2003,55(10-11):585-590
Prominent among the mechanisms of interaction of nitric oxide (NO) with intracellular targets are the reactions with heme proteins. For example, the mechanism through which NO induces synthesis of the second messenger cyclic GMP involves the binding of NO to the heme in soluble guanylate cyclase. It has only recently been appreciated that NO binding to the binuclear oxygen binding site in cytochrome c oxidase may also serve as a signal transduction pathway. We postulate that NO is uniquely positioned to control mitochondrial respiration and in doing so regulates oxygen gradients within the cell. In this short overview the mechanisms of NO-dependent regulation of mitochondrial function will be discussed in the context of some of the biological and physiological consequences.  相似文献   

Calpains are Ca(2+)-dependent cysteine proteases known to be important for the regulation of cell functions and which aberrant activation causes cell death in a number of degenerative disorders. To provide a tool for monitoring the status of calpain activity in vivo under physiological and pathological conditions, we created a mouse model that expresses ubiquitously a fluorescent reporter consisting of eCFP and eYFP separated by a linker cleavable by the ubiquitous calpains. We named this mouse CAFI for calpain activity monitored by FRET imaging. Our validation studies demonstrated that the level of calpain activity correlates with a decrease in FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) between the two fluorescent proteins. Using this model, we observed a small level of activity after denervation and fasting, a high level of activity during muscle regeneration and ischemia, and local activity in damaged myofibers after exercise. Finally, we crossed the CAFI mouse with the alpha-sarcoglycan-deficient model, demonstrating an increase of calpain activity at the steady state. Altogether, our results present evidence that CAFI mice could be a valuable tool in which to follow calpain activity at physiological levels and in disease states.  相似文献   

Galectin-9 in physiological and pathological conditions   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We first cloned galectin-9 (Gal-9)/ecalectin as a T cell-derived eosinophil chemoattractant. Gal-9 plays a role in not only accumulation but also activation of eosinophils in experimental allergic models and human allergic patients, because Gal-9 induces eosinophil chemoattraction in vitro and in vivo and activates eosinophils in many aspects. Gal-9 requires divalent galactoside-binding activity but not the linker peptide of Gal-9 to exhibit its biological functions, and an unidentified matrix metalloproteinase is involved in the release of Gal-9. Our recent studies also showed that Gal-9 has other functions, such as cell differentiation, aggregation, adhesion, and death. Now, we and other groups are on the way of investigating the regulation and function of Gal-9 in a variety of physiological and pathological conditions. In this article, we will show the possible role of Gal-9 in physiological and pathological conditions by using our recent findings.  相似文献   

Chronic diseases pose a severe burden to modern National Health Systems. Individuals nowadays have a far more extended lifespan than in the past, but healthy living was only scantily extended. As much as longer life is desirable, it is saddened by chronic diseases and organ malfunctions. One contributor to these problems was recognized to be represented by microparticles (MPs). Our purpose is to better understand MPs, to contrast their ominous threat and possible clinical importance. For this intent we correlated MPs with thrombotic pathologies, hemophilia, malaria, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, endothelial dysfunctions, pulmonary hypertension, ischemic stroke, pre-eclampsia, rheumatologic diseases-rheumatoid arthritis, polymyositis-dermatomyositis, angiogenesis and tumor progression-cancer; we listed the possibilities of using them to improve transfusion methods, as a marker for acute allograft rejection, in stem cell transplantation, as neuronal biomarkers, to understand gender-specific susceptibility for diseases and to improve vaccination methods and we presented some methods for the detection of MPs.  相似文献   

We first cloned galectin-9 (Gal-9)/ecalectin as a T cell-derived eosinophil chemoattractant. Gal-9 plays a role in not only accumulation but also activation of eosinophils in experimental allergic models and human allergic patients, because Gal-9 induces eosinophil chemoattraction in vitro and in vivo and activates eosinophils in many aspects. Gal-9 requires divalent galactoside-binding activity but not the linker peptide of Gal-9 to exhibit its biological functions, and an unidentified matrix metalloproteinase is involved in the release of Gal-9. Our recent studies also showed that Gal-9 has other functions, such as cell differentiation, aggregation, adhesion, and death. Now, we and other groups are on the way of investigating the regulation and function of Gal-9 in a variety of physiological and pathological conditions. In this article, we will show the possible role of Gal-9 in physiological and pathological conditions by using our recent findings. Published in 2004.  相似文献   

Activation of the purinergic P2X7 receptor leads to the rapid opening of an integral ion channel that is permeable to small cations. This is followed by a gradual increase in permeability to fluorescent dyes by integrating the actions of the pannexin-1 channel. Here, we show that during the prolonged agonist application a rapid current that peaked within 200 ms was accompanied with a slower current that required tens of seconds to reach its peak. The secondary rise in current was observed under different ionic conditions and temporally coincided with the development of conductivity to larger organic cations. The biphasic response was also observed in cells with blocked pannexin channels and in cells not expressing these channels endogenously. The biphasic current was preserved in N-terminal T15A, T15S, and T15V mutants that have low or no permeability to organic cations, reflecting enhanced permeability to inorganic cations. In contrast, the T15E, T15K, and T15W mutants, and the Δ18 mutant with deleted P2X7 receptor–specific 18–amino acid C-terminal segment, were instantaneously permeable to organic cations and generated high amplitude monophasic currents. These results indicate that the P2X7 receptor channel dilates under physiological ion conditions, leading to generation of biphasic current, and that this process is controlled by residues near the intracellular side of the channel pore.  相似文献   

Metformin (dimethylbiguanide) belongs to guanidinium-derivative and is widely used for treatment of diabetic disorders in clinic. Metformin lowers blood glucose in diabetic animals through increase of glucose uptake into skeletal muscle. Recent evidence indicates that activation of imidazoline I2B receptor (I2BR) by guanidinium-derivatives also increased glucose uptake; however, the effect of metformin on I2BR is still unknown. The blood glucose levels were determined by a glucose kit. The ability of glucose uptake into isolated skeletal muscle or cultured C2C12 cells was determined using 2-[14C]-deoxyglucose as tracer. The expressions of 5' AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT-4) were identified by Western blotting analysis. The metformin-induced blood glucose-lowering action was dose-dependently blocked by BU224, a specific I2R antagonist, in Wistar rats. Also, similar reversion by BU224 was observed in isolated skeletal muscle regarding the metformin-induced glucose uptake. Moreover, AMPK phosphorylation by metformin was concentration-dependently reduced by BU224 in isolated skeletal muscle. In addition, signals for metformin increased glucose uptake were identified via I2R/PI3K/PKC/AMPK dependent pathway in C2C12 cells. Thus, we suggest that metformin can activate I2BR to increase glucose uptake and I2BR will be a new target for diabetic therapy.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》1997,91(3-5):123-126
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causes a prolonged life-quality reduction of patients and high costs for health services. The aim of this study was to explore the possible involvement of peptidergic capsaicin-sensitive afferent nerves (CSN) in the pathogenesis of IBD. For the defunctionalization of colonic CSN, the lower part of the colon (1–4 cm from the anus) was exposed through a midline laparotomy and small pieces of gelfoam moistened with a solution of capsaicin (1%, 100 μL) was applied onto the serosal surface for 30 min in male Wistar rats. Colonic vascular permeability was assessed by measuring the extravasation of [125I] human serum albumin (2 μCi/kg, iv, 2 h prior to killing). Two months after capsaicin treatment a significant increase in albumin extravasation was found in the lower (P < 0.005), but not in the upper (5–8 cm from the anus) part of the colon as compared to the sham-operated control. Intrarectal (8 cm from anus) administration of trinitrobenzene-sulphonic acid (TNBS; 30 mg/rat) induced similar plasma leakage in the lower and upper colon of control (CSN-intact) rats (P < 0.001) 1 week later. TNBS + ethanol (50%) produced further extravasation throughout the colon (P < 0.001) of CSN-intact animals. In the lower colon of capsaicin-pretreated rats TNBS-alone provoked an increase in plasma extravasation (P < 0.001) similar to that caused by TNBS + ethanol in CSN-intact rats. In the upper colon there was no difference in the effect of TNBS-alone on plasma leakage between control (CSN-intact) and CSN-depleted rats. The results suggest that capsaicin-sensitive nerves may play a significant protective/anti-inflammatory role in the colon under normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

LIM domain-containing proteins mediate protein–protein interactions and play regulatory roles in various physiopathological processes. The mRNA of Crip2, a LIM-only gene, has been detected abundantly in developing and adult hearts but its cell-type specific expression profile has not been well characterized. In this study, we showed that Crip2 is highly expressed in the myocardium, moderately expressed in the endocardium and absent from the epicardium of the developing mouse heart. Interestingly, Crip2 expression is present in the endocardial cells that line both endocardial cushions, whereas it is markedly reduced in the cushion mesenchymes during valve leaflet formation. In the developing vascular system, Crip2 is detected in the endothelial cells of both blood and lymphatic vessels. Consistent with the expression pattern observed in embryos, Crip2 is also highly expressed in the myocardium, endocardium and coronary vascular endothelial cells of the adult heart. In the cardiomyocytes, Crip2 is colocalized with cardiac troponin T in the thin-filaments of sarcomeres. Nonetheless, experimental studies revealed that the expression level of Crip2 is not altered in the isoproterenol (ISO) induced hypertrophic heart. Moreover, Crip2 is detected in endothelial cells of the neovasculature during wound healing and tumor growth. The persistence of Crip2 expression in cardiovascular tissues implies that Crip2 might exert an important impact on the cardiovascular development, maintenance and homeostasis.  相似文献   

Alterations in the phospholipid levels of three gastrocnemii (G. externus, G. medius and G. internus) of chick have been studied during 56 days postembryonic growth of the three muscles. The effects of denervation and work-overload stress on their phospholipid content during the same period have been discussed in the light of denervation-induced membrane breakdown and exercise-induced fibre hypertrophy.  相似文献   

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