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The clinical features of the autosomal recessive disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) include a progressive cerebellar ataxia, hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation, and an increased susceptibility to malignancies. Epidemiological studies have suggested that AT heterozygotes may also be at increased risk for malignancy, possibly as a consequence of radiation exposure. A gene mutated in AT patients (ATM) has recently been isolated, making mutation screening in both patients and the general population possible. Because of the relatively large size of the ATM gene, the design of screening programs will depend on the types and distribution of mutations in the general population. In this report, we describe 30 mutations identified in a panel of unrelated AT patients and controls. Twenty-five of the 30 were distinct, and most patients were compound heterozygotes. The most frequently detected mutation was found in three different families and had previously been reported in five others. This corresponds to a frequency of 8% of all reported ATM mutations. Twenty-two of the alterations observed would be predicted to lead to protein truncation at sites scattered throughout the molecule. Two fibroblast cell lines, which displayed normal responses to ionizing radiation, also proved to be heterozygous for truncation mutations of ATM. These observations suggest that the carrier frequency of ATM mutations may be sufficiently high to make population screening practical. However, such screening may need to be done prospectively, that is, by searching for new mutations rather than by screening for just those already identified in AT families.  相似文献   

A method has been previously proposed for estimating risk-adjusted incidence rates (RAIRs) from cancer data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program. Unlike conventionally reported SEER-based cancer incidence rates in the United States, but similar to the approach taken by the International Association of Cancer Registries and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the method uses only the first primary cancer of the given site. In addition, it also adjusts for population-based cancer prevalence in order to obtain a better population-based measure of cancer risk. For most cancers multiple cancer primaries are rare and the prevalence of the disease is low. However, female breast cancer has a comparatively high risk of subsequent breast cancers and is the most prevalent cancer in women. Hence, in white women RAIRs are 3.0% lower in ages 30-39, 4.2% lower in ages 40-49, 4.0% lower in ages 50-59, 4.1% lower in ages 60-69, 3.8% lower in ages 70-79, and 4.3% lower in ages 80 years and older compared with conventional rates. Corresponding lower percentages for black women are 3.9%, 6.9%, 5.1%, 7.8%, 6.0%, and 2.2%, respectively. Age-group specific trends in breast cancer incidence rates differed between RAIRs and conventional incidence rates, increasingly so with older age. The number of cancer cases in the United States is estimated from conventional incidence rates and population estimates. In 2007, the estimated number of malignant breast cancer cases was 181,665 for white women and 20,203 for black women. The estimated number of breast cancer cases decreased by 4.8% for whites and 6.5% for blacks when based on RAIRs. RAIRs are a better measure of breast cancer risk and trends in RAIRs are better for monitoring the effect of risk factors.  相似文献   

AIM: The primary aim of this study was to determine the incidence of Campylobacter spp. on turkey, presented for processing at participating production plants located in the midwest region of the United States. METHODS AND RESULTS: The two participating plants were visited on a monthly basis for a period of 1 year. Sampling of carcasses was carried out using a surface swab technique. Swabs were obtained from carcasses at two points on the production line - prechill and postchill. In addition, samples of chill water were also obtained for examination. Isolation and detection of Campylobacter was carried out using enrichment in Preston broth with recovery of the organism on blood free Campylobacter selective agar (CCDA). Isolates recovered were screened and identified using the API Campy identification system. The study found that 34.9% of all samples tested were positive for Campylobacter spp. The overall, contamination rates observed for both plants were relatively similar (39.2% for plant A and 30.6% for plant B). Differences were observed in the incidence of Campylobacter spp. on prechill vs postchill carcasses (i.e. 40.8% prechill vs 37.6% postchill for plant A and 41.8% prechill vs 19.8% postchill for plant B). Campylobacter species most often isolated included Camp. jejuni and Camp. coli. Other species recovered were Camp. fetus fetus, Camp. upsaliensis and Camp. lari. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of Campylobacter spp. on processed poultry was relatively common. Factors such as the processing plant examined, season and the farms presenting birds for processing influenced the incidence of the pathogen. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Differences were observed in the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. isolated from the two plants examined. The study suggests a seasonal prevalence of Campylobacter in the cooler months with processing conditions also influencing the overall occurrence of the organism. The incidence, isolation and detection of Campylobacter spp. from processed poultry are discussed.  相似文献   



The estimated number of new HIV infections in the United States reflects the leading edge of the epidemic. Previously, CDC estimated HIV incidence in the United States in 2006 as 56,300 (95% CI: 48,200–64,500). We updated the 2006 estimate and calculated incidence for 2007–2009 using improved methodology.


We estimated incidence using incidence surveillance data from 16 states and 2 cities and a modification of our previously described stratified extrapolation method based on a sample survey approach with multiple imputation, stratification, and extrapolation to account for missing data and heterogeneity of HIV testing behavior among population groups.

Principal Findings

Estimated HIV incidence among persons aged 13 years and older was 48,600 (95% CI: 42,400–54,700) in 2006, 56,000 (95% CI: 49,100–62,900) in 2007, 47,800 (95% CI: 41,800–53,800) in 2008 and 48,100 (95% CI: 42,200–54,000) in 2009. From 2006 to 2009 incidence did not change significantly overall or among specific race/ethnicity or risk groups. However, there was a 21% (95% CI:1.9%–39.8%; p = 0.017) increase in incidence for people aged 13–29 years, driven by a 34% (95% CI: 8.4%–60.4%) increase in young men who have sex with men (MSM). There was a 48% increase among young black/African American MSM (12.3%–83.0%; p<0.001). Among people aged 13–29, only MSM experienced significant increases in incidence, and among 13–29 year-old MSM, incidence increased significantly among young, black/African American MSM. In 2009, MSM accounted for 61% of new infections, heterosexual contact 27%, injection drug use (IDU) 9%, and MSM/IDU 3%.


Overall, HIV incidence in the United States was relatively stable 2006–2009; however, among young MSM, particularly black/African American MSM, incidence increased. HIV continues to be a major public health burden, disproportionately affecting several populations in the United States, especially MSM and racial and ethnic minorities. Expanded, improved, and targeted prevention is necessary to reduce HIV incidence.  相似文献   

BackgroundWe investigated the spatial patterns of multiple myeloma (MM) incidence in the United States (US) between 2013 and 2017 to improve understanding of potential environmental risk factors for MM.MethodsWe analyzed the average county-level age-adjusted incidence rates (“ASR”) of MM between 2013 and 2017 in 50 states and the District of Columbia using the U.S. Cancer Statistics Public Use Databases. We firstly divided the ASR into quintiles and described spatial patterns using a choropleth map. To identify global and local clusters of the ASR, we performed the Spatial Autocorrelation (Global Moran’s I) analysis and the Anselin’s Local Indicator of Spatial Autocorrelation (LISA) analysis. We compared the means of selected demographic and socioeconomic factors between the clusters and counties of the whole US using Welch one-sided t-test.ResultsWe identified distinct spatial dichotomy of the ASR across counties. High ASR were observed in counties in the Southeast of the US as well as the Capital District (metropolitan areas surrounding Albany) and New York City in the state of New York, while low ASR were observed in counties in the Southwest and West of the US. The ASR showed a significant positive spatial autocorrelation. We identified two major high-high local clusters of the ASR in Georgia and Southern Carolina and five major low-low local clusters of the ASR in Alabama, Arizona, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oregon, and Tennessee. The racial population distribution may partly explain the spatial distribution of MM incidence in the US.ConclusionFindings from this study showed distinct spatial distribution of MM in the US and two high-high and five low-low local clusters. The non-random distribution of MM suggests that environmental exposures in certain regions may be important for the risk of MM.  相似文献   

ATM: the product of the gene mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is the product of the gene mutated in the human genetic disorder ataxia-telangeictasia (A-T). It is a 370 kDa protein that is a member of the phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinases superfamily. A-T cells and those derived from Atm-/- mice are characterized by hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation and defective cell cycle checkpoints. Defects are observed at all cell cycle checkpoints in A-T cells post-irradiation including the G1/S interface where ATM plays an important role in the activation of the tumour suppressor gene product p53. Activation leads to the induction of p21/WAF1, inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase activity, failure to phosphorylate key substrates such as the retinoblastoma protein and consequently G1 arrest. ATM also plays an important role in the regulation and surveillance of meiotic progression. Absence of ATM gives rise to a spectrum of defects including immunodeficiency, neurodegeneration, radiosensitivity and cancer predisposition. It is clear that a better definition of the role of ATM in DNA damage recognition, cell cycle control and cell signalling may assist in the treatment of the progressive neurodegeneration in this syndrome.  相似文献   

West Nile virus, which was recently introduced to North America, is a mosquito-borne pathogen that infects a wide range of vertebrate hosts, including humans. Several species of birds appear to be the primary reservoir hosts, whereas other bird species, as well as other vertebrate species, can be infected but are less competent reservoirs. One hypothesis regarding the transmission dynamics of West Nile virus suggests that high bird diversity reduces West Nile virus transmission because mosquito blood-meals are distributed across a wide range of bird species, many of which have low reservoir competence. One mechanism by which this hypothesis can operate is that high-diversity bird communities might have lower community-competence, defined as the sum of the product of each species’ abundance and its reservoir competence index value. Additional hypotheses posit that West Nile virus transmission will be reduced when either: (1) abundance of mosquito vectors is low; or (2) human population density is low. We assessed these hypotheses at two spatial scales: a regional scale near Saint Louis, MO, and a national scale (continental USA). We found that prevalence of West Nile virus infection in mosquito vectors and in humans increased with decreasing bird diversity and with increasing reservoir competence of the bird community. Our results suggest that conservation of avian diversity might help ameliorate the current West Nile virus epidemic in the USA  相似文献   

Putila JJ  Guo NL 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25886


Although strong exposure to arsenic has been shown to be carcinogenic, its contribution to lung cancer incidence in the United States is not well characterized. We sought to determine if the low-level exposures to arsenic seen in the U.S. are associated with lung cancer incidence after controlling for possible confounders, and to assess the interaction with smoking behavior.


Measurements of arsenic stream sediment and soil concentration obtained from the USGS National Geochemical Survey were combined, respectively, with 2008 BRFSS estimates on smoking prevalence and 2000 U.S. Census county level income to determine the effects of these factors on lung cancer incidence, as estimated from respective state-wide cancer registries and the SEER database. Poisson regression was used to determine the association between each variable and age-adjusted county-level lung cancer incidence. ANOVA was used to assess interaction effects between covariates.

Principal Findings

Sediment levels of arsenic were significantly associated with an increase in incident cases of lung cancer (P<0.0001). These effects persisted after controlling for smoking and income (P<0.0001). Across the U.S., exposure to arsenic may contribute to up to 5,297 lung cancer cases per year. There was also a significant interaction between arsenic exposure levels and smoking prevalence (P<0.05).


Arsenic was significantly associated with lung cancer incidence rates in the U.S. after controlling for smoking and income, indicating that low-level exposure to arsenic is responsible for excess cancer cases in many parts of the U.S. Elevated county smoking prevalence strengthened the association between arsenic exposure and lung cancer incidence rate, an effect previously unseen on a population level.  相似文献   

There is increasing national recognition that while our nation''s health care system is the most expensive in the world, the health care status of Americans overall ranks poorly compared with other Western, industrialized nations. In the United States we tend to look at minority-majority variations of health status, as well as the variations of many other indicators by race or ethnicity, because race and ethnicity are particularly important components of our society. In general, health status indicators of minority Americans are worse than those of whites. In some locales, death rates of minority Americans are comparable to those of Third World nations. At the same time, minority Americans make up a rapidly increasing proportion of the nation''s population and work force. Our baseline national data on some minority groups, however, currently are inadequate to detect shifts in health status. Finally, the rapidly expanding problem of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome among some minority populations provides both an imperative and an opportunity to learn how model prevention programs should be designed and executed.  相似文献   

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