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Summary The seventh cranial nerve in Rana pipiens is a slender nerve with limited peripheral distribution. We investigated the afferent and efferent components of this nerve by labeling its major branch, the hyomandibular, with horseradish peroxidase. The efferent portion of the seventh nerve originates from a small cell group in the upper medulla which contains two subdivisions. Afferent fibers carried in nerve VII travel in the solitary tract and the dorsolateral funiculus. The solitary component consists of a small number of ascending fibers that reach the level of the trigeminal nucleus and a large descending component that terminates slightly caudal to the obex in the commissural nuclei of the solitary complex. Afferent fibers also descend in the dorsolateral funiculus; many of these fibers cross dorsal to the central canal in the lower medulla. Most of the fibers in the dorsolateral funiculus terminate in the ipsilateral and contralateral dorsal horns and in nuclei of the dorsal column. A few ipsilateral fibers reach lower thoracic levels of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

The afferent and efferent components of the facial nerve were traced within the brain stem of Rana catesbeiana, using three different neuroanatomical techniques. Primary afferent fibers could be traced to the spinal tract of trigeminal nerve and to fasciculus solitarius as far caudally as the first or second spinal segment, using silver degeneration methods. Cobalt filling of of the entire nerve showed the same distribution of afferent fibers, as well as the filling of the cells within the mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal, indicating the origin of a proprioceptive component of the facial nerve. Cobalt iontophoresis and horseradish perioxidase experiments showed that the motor nucleus of the facial nerve was located just ventral to the fourth ventricle, and caudal to the motor nucleus of trigeminal. The distribution of afferent fibers to fasciculus solitarius and the spinal tract of trigeminal is similar in some respects to the distribution of afferent fibers from the trigeminal and vagal nerves in the bullfrog. The afferent fibers from the three cranial nerves are found as far caudally in the brain stem as the second spinal segment.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study aimed to quantify the extent to which age was associated with joint position sense (JPS) of the asymptomatic shoulder as measured by joint position reproduction (JPR) tasks and assess the reproducibility of these tasks.Methods120 Asymptomatic participants aged 18–70 years each performed 10 JPR-tasks. Both contralateral and ipsilateral JPR-tasks were evaluated on accuracy of JPR under active- and passive conditions at two levels within the shoulder forward flexion trajectory. Each task was performed three times. In a subgroup of 40 participants, the reproducibility of JPR-tasks was assessed one week after initial measurement. Reproducibility of JPR-tasks was evaluated by both reliability (intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC’s)) and agreement (standard error of measurement (SEM)) measures.ResultsAge was not associated with increased JPR-errors for any of the contralateral or ipsilateral JPR-tasks. ICC’s ranged between 0.63 and 0.80 for contralateral JPR-tasks, and from 0.32 to 0.48 for ipsilateral tasks, except for one ipsilateral task where the reliability was similar to contralateral tasks (0.79). The SEM was comparable and small for all JPR-tasks, ranging between 1.1 and 2.1.ConclusionNo age-related decline in JPS of the asymptomatic shoulder was found, and good agreement between test and re-test measurements for all JPR-tasks as indicated by the small SEM.  相似文献   

IntroductionCervical extensor muscle (CEM) fatigue causes decrements in upper limb proprioceptive accuracy during constrained single-joint tasks. This study used a novel humeral rotation joint position sense (JPS) measurement device to compare JPS accuracy in participants who received acute CEM fatigue vs. non-fatigued controls.MethodsParticipants had vision occluded and were passively guided into postures of internal humeral rotation from a baseline posture before and after a CEM fatigue or control protocol. Mixed model repeated measures ANOVAs were used to verify fatigue and compared absolute, constant, and variable JPS error between groups.ResultsCEM fatigue was verified via pre-post reduction in CEM strength, and myoelectric indicators of fatigue. However, between-group comparisons of absolute, constant, and variable JPS error were not statistically significant, despite having large effect sizes.DiscussionContrary to prevailing literature, unconstrained humeral rotation JPS did not appear to be affected by CEM fatigue in this study. However, between-group differences in JPS error were dwarfed by inter-trial variability, which likely arose due to the unconstrained nature of this task, conflating chances for a Type II error. Future research should perform a kinematic analysis of task constraints to highlight potential compensatory mechanisms obscuring significant findings in this otherwise robust effect.  相似文献   

The afferent and efferent connections of the Corpus geniculatum laterale, pars ventralis (Cglv) of the albino rat were investigated lightmicroscopically by using either silver degeneration methods and the HRP-method as well. In contrast to the dorsal Cgl the results show remarkably different afferent connections in the ventral Cgl. The afferent fibres originate from the following areas: a) Retina: the terminal degeneration area of optic fibres includes the lateral part of the Cglv only. b) Regio praetectalis: degenerating fibres from these region can also be observed in the medial part of the Cglv. c) Colliculus superior: degenerating fibres terminate mainly in the lateral part of the Cglv. In the superior colliculus these fibres originate particularly from the cells of lamina III. d) Visual cortex: neurons of layer V of area 17 project mainly to the lateral half of the Cglv. There was no evidence for a projecting of the parastriate cortex (area 18 a) to the Cglv. The efferent fibres reach the following target areas: a) Nucleus lateralis posterior, Regio praetectalis and Colliculus superior. Evidence for a projection to the dorsal Cgl requires further investigation. b) Zona incerta, Formatio reticularis mesencephali and Nucleus medialis et lateralis pontis. Neurons in the medial half ot eh Cglv project to the pons region. c) Crossing the Commissura posterior and the Commissura suprachiasmatica, efferent fibres reach the contralateral Cglv, the Regio praetectalis and the Colliculus superior. The results obtained from the rat are compared with findings from other mammalian species. The functional importance of the Cglv in the visual processes is discussed taking into consideration the specific connections.  相似文献   

Increasing efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity (ERSNA) increases afferent renal nerve activity (ARNA), which decreases ERSNA to prevent sodium retention. High-sodium diet enhances ARNA, suggesting an important role for ARNA in suppressing ERSNA during excess sodium intake. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is elevated in afferent renal denervated by dorsal rhizotomy (DRX) rats fed high-sodium diet. We examined whether the increased MAP in DRX is due to impaired arterial baroreflex function. In DRX and sham DRX rats fed high-sodium diet, arterial baroreflex function was determined in conscious rats by intravenous nitroprusside and phenylephrine or calculation of transfer function gain from arterial pressure to ERSNA (spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity). Increasing MAP did not suppress ERSNA to the same extent in DRX as in sham DRX, -60 +/- 4 vs. -77 +/- 6%. Maximum gain, -4.22 +/- 0.45 vs. -6.04 +/- 0.90% DeltaERSNA/mmHg, and the maximum value of instantaneous gain, -4.19 +/- 0.45 vs. -6.04 +/- 0.81% DeltaERSNA/mmHg, were less in DRX than in sham DRX. Likewise, transfer function gain was lower in DRX than in sham DRX, 3.9 +/- 0.2 vs. 6.1 +/- 0.5 NU/mmHg. Air jet stress produced greater increases in ERSNA in DRX than in sham DRX, 35,000 +/- 4,900 vs. 20,900 +/- 3,410%.s (area under the curve). Likewise, the ERSNA responses to thermal cutaneous stimulation were greater in DRX than in sham DRX. These studies suggest impaired arterial baroreflex suppression of ERSNA in DRX fed high-sodium diet. There were no differences in arterial baroreflex function in DRX and sham DRX fed normal-sodium diet. Impaired arterial baroreflex function contributes to increased ERSNA, which would eventually lead to sodium retention and increased MAP in DRX rats fed high-sodium diet.  相似文献   

The previous autoradiographic study of the efferent connections of the arca postrema have been completed by using horseradish peroxidase (H.R.P.) as a marking agent. These two labelling techniques have made it possible to determine two categories of structures connected with A.P.: those with afferent connections (Nucleus ambiguus), or efferent connections (mesencephalic nucleus of V, Locus coeruleus, griseum centrale and inferior and superior colliculi) and those having both types of connections (Nucleus tractus solitarii (N.F.S.), Dorsal vagal nucleus, nucleus intercalatus, hypoglossal nucleus). The afferent and efferent pathways of the A.P. identified with H.R.P. coincide with the catecholaminergic pathways demonstrated in the rat by Lindvall and Bj?rklund (1974).  相似文献   

通过神经生物素在视神经上的逆行性传输对淡水蜗牛(Planorbarius corneus)视网膜及中央神经节的输入、输出神经元进行标记。由于没有发现突触联系,所以至少一部分光感受细胞的轴突可被视为直接参与形成视神经。这些神经元的轴突进入大脑神经节形成密集的细传入神经纤维束-视神经堆。传出神经元则存在于除颊部以外的所有神经节。一些上行轴突在大脑神经节处分叉,通过脑-脑联合,到达对侧眼并在眼杯处形成分枝。部分传出神经元的轴突也投射于不同的外周神经,如:n.n.intestinalis,pallialis dexter,pallialis sinister internus et externus。五羟色胺能纤维和FMRF-酰胺能纤维均存在于视神经上,且这些纤维隶属于只投射在同侧眼的中央神经元。它们形成了位于眼杯处的丰富曲张结构及视网膜核心层,并且可能有助于调节视网膜对光的敏感性。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine (1) if joint position sense (JPS) in subjects with shoulder stiffness (SS) differs from that in controls; (2) if, when JPS is reduced in SS, it is related to scapular muscular activities in the mid/end ranges of motion; and (3) if a person’s function is associated with his or her level of JPS. Eighteen subjects with unilateral SS and 18 controls were included. Each subject performed abduction by self-selecting an end/mid range position. The electromagnetic motion-capturing system collected kinematic data while surface electromyography collected muscle activities (upper trapezius, lower trapezius, and serratus anterior muscles). Subjects were asked to move the upper limb to the target position (end/mid range) accurately without visual guidance. Reduced JPS was observed in subjects with SS (2.7 degrees in mid range, p < 0.05). The JPS was enhanced by an increased scapula muscular activation level in the end range of motion (R = ?0.61 for SS and ?0.41 for controls) and by coordination among muscles’ activation in the mid-range of motion (R = ?0.87 for SS and R = ?0.53 for controls). Impaired JPS was also related to self-reported functional status (R = ?0.56) in subjects with SS. Shoulder JPS in subjects with chronic SS is impaired in comparison with controls. In the mid-range motion, the coordination of scapula muscular activation is related to shoulder JPS. Impaired JPS is also function-related in subjects with SS. These findings suggest that the coordination among scapula muscles’ activation were important to consider in the rehabilitation of patients with chronic SS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lymph nodes (LNs) are important sites of connection between the sampled peripheral tissues, the many cells of the immune system, and the blood. The organization of the interface between the afferent and efferent lymphatic vasculature and LN parenchyma is incompletely understood, and obtaining a better understanding of these tissue microenvironments will contribute to an improved understanding of overall lymphatic function. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used histologic approaches to define the distributions of cells expressing lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) markers in LNs from healthy, simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infected, or Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected cynomolgus macaques. Cells at the afferent and efferent interfaces of LNs from all animals showed differential expression of LEC markers, with podoplanin, Prox-1, and VEGFR3 expressed in both microenvironments, but with LYVE-1 expressed only at the efferent interface. The chemokine CCL20 was uniquely expressed at the afferent interface by cells co-expressing podoplanin, and this expression was increased during SIV or M. tuberculosis infection. In contrast, only a small proportion of cells expressing the CCR7 ligand CCL21 co-expressed podoplanin. Treatment of model LECs with the TLR3 ligand poly(I:C) or gamma-irradiated M. tuberculosis increased production of CCL20 without altering CCL21 or LEC marker expression. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a comprehensive mapping of the organization of the lymphatic endothelial network entering and exiting LNs in health and in chronic infectious diseases in a nonhuman primate model. The differences we have defined between the afferent and efferent interfaces of LNs could inform the future design of vaccines and immunotherapies.  相似文献   

Afferent and efferent connections of the transplant, implanted in the previously damaged sensorimotor area of the mature rat cerebral cortex have been studied by means of axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. For 5 months after transplantation neural axons of the transplant are capable to reach the caudo-putamen and thalamic structures, while connections with the spinal cord are absent. The afferent connections of the transplant are minimal and belong only to the neighbouring areas of the cortex and the caudo-putamen of the recipient brain. Presence of efferent projections to the striate and thalamic structures demonstrates specificity of the projections formed; this can be a morphological base for restoration of the functions lost after the damage of the sensorimotor area of the cortex in mature animals.  相似文献   


Purpose: Limited data in current literature can be found on the relation between the two commonly-used active proprioception assessment methods –active joint position reproduction (JPR) and active movement extent discrimination assessment (AMEDA). The current study compared the two active methods, JPR and AMEDA, to investigate their interrelationship over two studies that differed in task difficulty, using active ankle inversion movements made in weight-bearing to maximise ecological validity.

Methods: 50 participants volunteered in this research, 20 of whom on a harder protocol and the other 30 on an easier protocol, were tested by both methods, JPR and AMEDA. Proprioceptive acuity was represented by absolute error (AE) and variable error (VE) for JPR and by AE and the area under the curve (AUC) for AMEDA.

Results: Proprioceptive acuity scores are found to be significantly correlated within test methods but not between methods for either hard or easy tasks, where JPR AE and VE scores were not correlated with either AMEDA AE or AUC. Further, proprioceptive acuity scores were significantly higher on the easy task when tested with the AMEDA method, but not with JPR method.

Conclusion: Scores obtained from the two active movement proprioception tests, movement extent discrimination and joint position reproduction, were not significantly correlated. Taken together with previous findings, these results show that for proprioception, scores from the three classical psychophysical methods for measuring sensitivity (adjustment, limits and constant stimuli) are not correlated with each other. This suggests that each proprioception measurement system assesses a different aspect of proprioception.  相似文献   

The medial preoptic nucleus of the Japanese quail is a testosterone-sensitive structure that is involved in the control of male copulatory behavior. The full understanding of the role played by this nucleus in the control of reproduction requires the identification of its afferent and efferent connections. In order to identify neural circuits involved in the control of the medial preoptic nucleus, we used the lipophilic fluorescent tracer DiI implanted in aldheyde-fixed tissue. Different strategies of brain dissection and different implantation sites were used to establish and confirm afferent and efferent connections of the nucleus. Anterograde projections reached the tuberal hypothalamus, the area ventralis of Tsai, and the substantia grisea centralis. Dense networks of fluorescent fibers were also seen in several hypothalamic nuclei, such as the anterior medialis hypothalami, the paraventricularis magnocellularis, and the ventromedialis hypothalami. A major projection in the dorsal direction was also observed from the medial preoptic nucleus toward the nucleus septalis lateralis and medialis. Afferents to the nucleus were seen from all these regions. Implantation of DiI into the substantia grisea centralis also revealed massive bidirectional connections with a large number of more caudal mesencephalic and pontine structures. The substantia grisea centralis therefore appears to be an important center connecting anterior levels of the brain to brain-stem nuclei that may be involved in the control of male copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

Purpose: The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of laterality discrimination training on neck joint position sense and cervical range of motion (ROM) in patients with chronic non-specific neck pain (NSCNP).

Materials and methods: Forty-eight patients with NSCNP were randomly assigned to the neck group (NG) that observed neck images or the foot group (FG) that observed foot images. Response time, response accuracy, cervical ROM, and joint position error (JPE) were the main variables. The secondary outcome measures included psychosocial variables.

Results: Differences between groups in the cervical ROM for flexion (p?=?.043) were obtained, being NG group the one which obtained greater values. NG showed an improvement in right rotation (p?=?.018) and a decrease in flexion was found in the FG (p?=?.039). In JPE, differences between groups were obtained in the left rotation (p?=?.021) and significant changes were found in the NG for flexion, extension, and left rotation movements (p?<?.05). Moderate associations were found between left and right accuracy regarding to post-intervention flexion and right rotation (r?=?0.46, r?=?0.41; p?<?.05) in NG.

Conclusion: Improvements in cervical range of motion and joint position sense are obtained after the performance of the laterality discrimination task of images of the neck but not the feet. Visualization of images of the painful region presents moderate correlations with the accuracy and response time in the movements of flexion and right rotation.  相似文献   

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