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Murine monoclonal antibodies have been produced against a 32 amino acid synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 173-204 on the alpha-subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica. All of the monoclonal antibodies were of the IgM subtype and most cross-reacted with the purified native receptor. None of the antibodies were effective in blocking alpha-bungarotoxin binding to the receptor nor, conversely, did alpha-bungarotoxin interfere with antibody binding. However, two monoclonal antibodies, previously shown to bind near the ligand binding site on the native receptor, did compete partially (50%) with the binding of one of the IgM monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

The receptor binding surface of human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH) is mimicked by synthetic peptides corresponding to the hFSH- chain amino acid sequences 33–53 [Santa-Coloma, T. A., Dattatreyamurty, D., and Reichert, L. E., Jr. (1990),Biochemistry 29, 1194–1200], 81–95 [Santa-Coloma, T. A., and Reichert, L. E., Jr. (1990),J. Biol. Chem. 265, 5037–5042], and the combined sequence (33–53)–(81–95) [Santa-Coloma, T. A., Crabb, J. W., and Reichert, L. E., Jr. (1991),Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 78, 197–204]. These peptides have been shown to inhibit binding of hFSH to its receptor. Circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were used to determine the structure of the first peptide in this series, the 21 amino acid peptide hFSH--(33–53), H2N-YTRDLVYKDPARPKIQKTCTF-COOH. Analysis of CD data indicated the presence of approximately equal amounts of antiparallel -pleated sheet, turns including a -turn, other structures, and a small amount ofa-helix. The major characteristics of the structure were found to be relatively stable at acidicpH and the predominant effect of increased solvent polarity was a small increase ina-helical content. One- and two-dimensional NMR techniques were used to obtain full proton and carbon signal assignments in aqueous solution atpH 3.1. Analysis of NMR results confirmed the presence of the structural features revealed by CD analysis and provided a detailed picture of the secondary structural elements and global folding pattern in hFSH--(33–53). These features included an antiparallel -sheet (residues 38–51 and 46–48), turns within residues 41–46, and 50–52 (a -turn) and a small N-terminal helical region comprised of amino acids 34–36. One of the turns is facilitated by prolines 42 and 45. Proline-45 was constrained to thetrans conformation, whereas proline-42 favored thetrans conformer (70%) over thecis (30%). Two resonances were observed for the single alanine residue (A-43) sequentially proximal to P-42, but the rest of the structure was minimally affected by the isomerization at proline-42. The major population of molecules, containingtrans-42 andtrans-45 prolines, presented 120 NOEs. Distance geometry calculations with 140 distance constraints and energy minimization refinements were used to derive a moderately well-defined model of the peptide's structure. The hFSH--(33–53) structure has a highly polar surface composed of six cationic amino acid (arginie-35, lysine-40, arginine-44, lysine-46, glutamine-48, and lysine-49) and two anionic residues (aspartate-36 and aspartic acid-41). A hydrophobic region in the structure is composed of residues in the antiparallel -sheet and -turn which fold to produce a distorted hairpin. The structure of this domain, together with the protruding and positively charged region in the vicinity of residues 42–45, may mimic the surface of hFSH that binds to the receptor.Abreviations used: hFSH, human follicle-stimulating hormone; PB, 25 mM Na2KPO4, 25 mM KH2PO4, and 5 mM Mg Cl2; CD, circular dichroism spectrapolarimetry; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry; COSY, homonuclear correlated spectroscopy; NOESY, 2D nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy; HOHAHA, homonuclear Hartman-Han coherence transfer; HMQCHY, reverse-detected heteronuclear multiple shift correlation, one bond; HMBC, reverse-detected heteronuclear multiple bond correlation; S/N, signal to noise ratio; TFE, trifluoroethanol.Dr. Santa-Coloma is on leave of absence from the National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET).  相似文献   

The heptadecapeptide nociceptin, also known as orphanin FQ, is the endogenous agonist of the opioid receptor-like 1 (ORL1) G protein-coupled receptor. An affinity labeling approach has been implemented to probe the interactions of the neuropeptide with the receptor using the photolabile nociceptin derivative, [p-benzoyl-l-Phe(10),Tyr(14)]nociceptin ([Bpa(10),Tyr(14)]noc). In recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the human ORL1 receptor, [Bpa(10),Tyr(14)]noc binds the receptor with high affinity (K(i) approximately 0.7 nm) and is as potent as nociceptin in the inhibition of forskolin-induced cAMP synthesis (EC(50) approximately 0.5 nm). UV irradiation at 365 nm of the complex formed by the ORL1 receptor and radioiodinated [Bpa(10),Tyr(14)]noc results in the irreversible labeling of a glycoprotein of approximately 65 kDa, determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Complete digestion of the partially purified 65-kDa complex with kallikrein generates a single labeled fragment (approximately 6.5 kDa) that is readily cleaved by endoproteinase Glu-C to yield a labeled fragment of approximately 3.2 kDa. Kallikrein treatment of the photoaffinity cross-linked Glu(295) --> Asp mutant receptor also yields a single labeled fragment of approximately 6.5 kDa but is resistant to further cleavage by endoproteinase Glu-C. Based upon the expected proteolytic fingerprint of the labeled receptor, the photoreactive region can be identified as ORL1-(296-302; residues Thr-Ala-Val-Ala-Ile-Leu-Arg) spanning the C terminus of extracellular loop 3 and the N terminus of transmembrane helix VII. Molecular modeling of the ORL1 receptor complex with [Bpa(10)]noc suggests that reaction of the Bpa carbonyl group may occur with the side chain of Ile(300) within the experimentally identified photoreactive region.  相似文献   

H L Wu  C Albrightson  P Nambi 《Peptides》1999,20(6):675-678
RACK (receptor for activated C-kinase) is a protein that binds and translocates protein kinase C (PKC) to the appropriate cellular organelles. The binding of RACK has been mapped to C2 region of PKC. A number of peptides from the C2 region of PKCbeta have been shown to inhibit the translocation and activation of PKCbeta. This investigation was undertaken to study the role of PKCbeta in rat mesangial cell proliferation mediated by a number of mitogens. Exposure of rat mesangial cells to thrombin, endothelin, epidermal growth factor, and phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate resulted in increased [3H]thymidine incorporation. Pretreatment of mesangial cells with Ro 32-0432 (selective PKC inhibitor) inhibited the proliferation mediated by all the above mitogens, suggesting that these mitogens mediated proliferation through PKC. Experiments were performed to further evaluate the involvement of PKCbeta in this process by using the peptide derived from the C-2 region of PKCbeta as a tool. The data suggest that although the peptide (P) alone had no effect on basal- or mitogen-mediated proliferation, the peptide in the presence of a carrier peptide (PC) inhibited proliferation mediated by endothelin. In the same experiment, proliferation mediated by epidermal growth factor, thrombin and phorbol dibutyrate was unaffected, suggesting that in rat mesangial cells, endothelin mediated proliferation through the activation of PKCbeta.  相似文献   

We have studied the biochemical features, the conformational preferences in solution, and the DNA binding properties of human p8 (hp8), a nucleoprotein whose expression is affected during acute pancreatitis. Biochemical studies show that hp8 has properties of the high mobility group proteins, HMG-I/Y. Structural studies have been carried out by using circular dichroism (near- and far-ultraviolet), Fourier transform infrared, and NMR spectroscopies. All the biophysical probes indicate that hp8 is monomeric (up to 1 mm concentration) and partially unfolded in solution. The protein seems to bind DNA weakly, as shown by electrophoretic gel shift studies. On the other hand, hp8 is a substrate for protein kinase A (PKA). The phosphorylated hp8 (PKAhp8) has a higher content of secondary structure than the nonphosphorylated protein, as concluded by Fourier transform infrared studies. PKAhp8 binds DNA strongly, as shown by the changes in circular dichroism spectra, and gel shift analysis. Thus, although there is not a high sequence homology with HMG-I/Y proteins, hp8 can be considered as a HMG-I/Y-like protein.  相似文献   

The interaction of microtubule-associated proteins MAP-1 and MAP-2 with different peptides containing sequences covering the C-terminal region of beta-tubulin isoforms has been analyzed. Our results indicate that MAP-1 and MAP-2 bind to a common sequence within the variable C-terminal region of the different beta-tubulin isoforms, while MAP-2 also interacts with the subdomain beta (422-434) of the constant region, in agreement with previous results (Maccioni, R.B., Rivas, C., & Vera, J.C. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 1957-1963). The productive interaction of MAP-2 with the latter domain appears to be involved in the assembly of microtubules.  相似文献   

A region near the C-terminus of human acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is weakly homologous with the N-terminus of the Alzheimer's disease amyloid-beta peptide. We report that a 14-amino acid synthetic polypeptide whose sequence corresponds to residues 586-599 of the human synaptic or T form of AChE assembles into amyloid fibrils under physiological conditions. The fibrils have all the classical characteristics of amyloid: they have a diameter of 6-7 nm and bind both Congo red and thioflavin-T. Furthermore, the kinetics of assembly indicate that fibril formation proceeds via a two-step nucleation-dependent polymerization pathway, and a transition in the peptide conformation from random coil to beta-sheet is observed during fibril formation using far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy. We also show that the peptide in aggregated fibrillar form has a toxic effect upon PC-12 cells in vitro. AChE normally resides mainly on cholinergic neuronal membranes, but is abnormally localized to senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Recently, an in vitro interaction between AChE and A beta, the principal constituent of the amyloid fibrils in senile plaques, has been documented. The presence of a fibrillogenic region within AChE may be relevant to the interaction of AChE with amyloid fibrils formed by Abeta.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that amino acid substitutions outside a protein antigenic site have no effect on the reactivity of a protein variant with antibodies, especially monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Substitutions that exert an effect on the reactivity of a protein variant with mAbs are frequently considered to be within the antigenic site of the mAb. To test this assumption, two mAbs [IgGl(k) and IgG2a (k)] were prepared by immunization with a synthetic peptide corresponding to region 63–78 of the chain of human hemoglobin (Hb). The peptide was used as an immunogen in its free form (i.e., without conjugation to a carrier), so that the results will not be made ambiguous by peptide modification nor by an immune response to sites spanning peptide and protein carrier. In addition to their reaction with human Hb, the mAbs were also studied with four primate Hbs which had no substitutions within region 63–78 and only a limited number of substitutions which occurred outside of, and at considerable distances in three-dimensional (3D) structure from, this region. Inhibition studies revealed substantial differences in the binding affinities of some of the primate Hbs, relative to human Hb. Some of the substitutions caused major decreases in binding, although they were at considerable distances in the 3D structure from the indicated site residues. It is concluded that substitutions in a protein, even when distant from an antigenic site, can exert major influences on the protein's reactivity with anti-site mAbs.  相似文献   

A novel peptide with multiple phosphorylation sites, which we designated as multide, was developed to detect a wide variety of protein kinases in crude cell extracts. Multide, KKRKSSLRRWSPLTPRQMSFDC, has been designed to contain consensus sequences for various Ser/Thr protein kinases including cAMP-dependent protein kinase, protein kinase C, MAP kinases, and Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases in a single peptide. In-gel protein kinase assay using multide was found to be very useful for analyzing the activities of protein kinases that are altered in response to various extracellular stimuli. The substrate specificities of the protein kinases thus detected were further determined by using five multide analogs with different phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

A Maly  V Krchnák 《FEBS letters》1986,205(1):104-108
A synthetic nonadecapeptide (IL 19) derived from a sequence of v-myb was covalently bound to haemocyanin and used for immunization. Anti-IL 19 serum immunoprecipitated a 75 kDa protein in the lysate of metabolically labelled chicken and murine thymus cells. Presaturation of the serum with IL 19 abolished this immunoprecipitation, thus indicating that the product of c-myb in both chicken and murine thymuses is the 75 kDa protein (p75c-myb). Anti IL 19 serum also precipitated p48v-myb in the lysate of nonproducer myeloblasts.  相似文献   

Summary We characterized a synthetic peptide based on the glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-binding site of the serine proteinase inhibitor (serpin) heparin cofactor II (HCII): HCII165–195, K165DFVNASSKYEITTIHNLFRKLTHRLFRRNF195. HCII165–195 negated acceleration of the HCII/thrombin inhibition reaction (IC50 for the peptide shown in parentheses) by heparin (250 nM) and dermatan sulfate (500 nM). Circular dichroism spectra of HCII165–195 showed that GAGs increase the -helical content of the peptide (percentage -helix of the peptide/GAG complex given in parentheses): no GAG (7%) < low-molecular-weight heparin (32%) < heparin (42%) < dermatan sulfate (55%). A molecular model of HCII predicts that this region is 48% -helix. Our results suggest: (i) HCII165–195 binds to GAGs; (ii) an -helical conformation is preferable in the presence of GAGs; and (iii) GAGs may help stabilize a specific protein conformation in the HCII GAG-binding site, important for serpin function.  相似文献   

The synthetic peptide AKRRRLSSLRASTSKSESSQK (S6-21) which corresponds to the carboxyl-terminal 21 amino acids of human ribosomal protein S6 was synthesized and tested as a substrate for S6/H4 kinase purified from human placenta. The specific activity of the enzyme with the synthetic peptide and 40 S ribosomes was 45 and 23 nmol/min/mg, respectively. The S6/H4 kinase activity with S6-21 was greater than the enzyme activity with any other substrate tested, including histones, protamine, and casein and several other synthetic peptides. The phosphorylation of the peptide was not inhibited by inhibitors of several other proteins kinases. S6/H4 kinase catalyzed the phosphorylation of three major sites in the synthetic peptide and the 40 S ribosomes. A fourth site in S6-21 was phosphorylated more slowly. The principal phosphorylation sites were serines in the acidic carboxyl-terminal domain of the peptide. A serine (Ser-7 or -8) in the amino-terminal domain was phosphorylated at approximately 25% the rate of the carboxyl-terminal domain serines. The data suggest that multiple S6 kinases may be required to phosphorylate S6 at all five sites which are modified in vivo.  相似文献   

An inhibitory dodecameric peptide was designed which tentatively mimics the inhibitory site of cystatin C-like structures. Succinylated and mansylated derivatives were also synthesised and assayed for their inhibiting properties towards papain and rat cathepsins B, H and L. All peptides preferentially inhibit cathepsin L and papain as their naturally occurring inhibitor model. A significant increase in inhibition was obtained after mansylation of the crude peptide with Ki values in the micromolar or 0.1 micromolar range. The use and interest of such peptide inhibitors are discussed.  相似文献   

Static and time-resolved fluorescence of tryptophan and ortho-aminobenzoic acid was used to investigate the interaction of the synthetic antimicrobial peptide L1A (IDGLKAIWKKVADLLKNT-NH2) with POPC and POPC:POPG. N-acetylated (Ac-L1A) and N-terminus covalently bonded ortho-aminobenzoic acid (Abz-L1A-W8V) were also used. Static fluorescence and quenching by acrylamide showed that the peptides adsorption to the lipid bilayers was accompanied by spectral blue shift and by a decrease in fluorescence quenching, indicating that the peptides moved to a less polar environment probably buried in the lipidic phase of the vesicles. These results also suggest that the loss of the N-terminus charge allowed deeper fluorophore insertion in the bilayer. Despite the local character of spectroscopic information, conclusions can be drawn about the peptides as a whole. The dynamic behaviors of the peptides are such that the mean intensity lifetimes, the long correlation time and the residual anisotropy at long times increased when the peptides adsorb in lipid vesicles, being larger in anionic vesicles. From the steady-state increase in fluorescence intensity and anisotropy, we observed that the partition coefficient of peptides L1A and its Abz analog in both types of vesicles are higher than the acetylated analog; moreover, the affinity to the anionic vesicle is higher than to the zwitterionic.  相似文献   

We have deployed the alpha-helical hairpin peptide (alpha-helix/turn/alpha-helix) and used it as a model system to explore how glycosylation and phosphorylation might affect the conformational properties of the peptide. The native conformations of the modified peptides in buffer solution have been compared with that of the wild-type peptide by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to probe the effects of an O-linked beta-GlcNAc and a phosphate group on the overall folding stability of the peptide. Finally, the rate of fibrillogenesis was used to infer the effects of these chemical modifications on the alpha-to-beta transition as well as the rate of nucleation of amyloidogenesis.  相似文献   

Andreu JM  Barasoain I 《Biochemistry》2001,40(40):11975-11984
The ubiquitous Taxol binding site of microtubules also binds newly discovered ligands. We have designed a homogeneous assay for the high throughput detection of Taxol biomimetics, based on the displacement of 7-O-[N-(2,7-difluoro-4'-fluoresceincarbonyl)-L-alanyl]Taxol from its binding site in diluted solutions of preserved microtubules. The state of this reference ligand is measured by fluorescence anisotropy in a microplate reader, with varying concentrations of nonfluorescent competitors. The binding equilibrium constant of Taxol has a value K(b) = 3.7 x 10(7) M(-1). We have found that baccatin III, an analogue of Taxol without the C-13 side chain, binds with K(b) = 1.5 x 10(5) M(-1), whereas the side chain methyl ester is inactive. This was unexpected from the structure-activity relationship of taxoids but compatible with models of Taxol docked at the microtubule site. Baccatin III binding has been confirmed by displacement of [(3)H]Taxol and by direct HPLC measurements of its cosedimentation with microtubules, among other methods. Consequently, baccatin III induces microtubule bundles and multipolar spindles in PtK2 and U937 cells, and mitotic arrest and apoptotic death of the U937 cells, at concentrations 200-500-fold larger than Taxol. The simplest analysis of these results strongly suggests that the interaction of the C-2 C-4 substituted taxane ring system with the microtubule binding site provides most (ca. 75%) of the free energy change of Taxol binding and is sufficient to activate microtubule stabilization and transmit the antitumor effects of Taxol, whereas the C-13 side chain provides a weak specific anchor.  相似文献   

Formyl peptide receptor (FPR) is a chemoattractant G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) involved in the innate immune response against bacteria. Receptor activation is terminated by receptor phosphorylation of two serine- and threonine-rich regions located in the distal half of the cytoplasmic tail. In this study we show that introduction of an amino acid with a bulky side chain (leucine or glutamine) adjacent to a single leucine, L320, in the membrane-proximal half of the cytoplasmic tail, significantly enhanced receptor phosphorylation, beta-arrestin1/2 translocation, and receptor endocytosis, without affecting G(i)-mediated ERK1/2 activation and release of intracellular calcium. In addition, the point mutations resulted in diminished susceptibility to trypsin, suggesting a conformation different from that of wild type FPR. Alignment of the FPR sequence with the rhodopsin sequence showed that L320 resides immediately C-terminal of an amphipathic region that in rhodopsin forms helix 8. Deletion of seven amino acids (Delta309-315) from the predicted helix 8 of FPR (G307-S319) caused reduced cell signaling as well as defects in receptor phosphorylation, beta-arrestin1/2 translocation and endocytosis. Thus, the amino acid content in the N-terminal half of the cytoplasmic tail influences the structure and desensitization of FPR.  相似文献   

J A Barden  B E Kemp 《Biochemistry》1987,26(5):1471-1478
The amino acid residues 114-118 in actin were found to be implicated strongly in the binding of nucleotide, and as would be expected for such an important binding site, they are located in a completely conserved region of the actin sequence. A 19-residue peptide with the actin sequence 106-124 was synthesized in order to span the putative triphosphate binding site. Proton NMR spectra of the actin peptide 114-118 in the presence and absence of ATP indicated that Arg-116 and Lys-118 are particularly involved in binding ATP. A strong binding of ATP to the peptide 106-124 also was measured. Tripolyphosphate bound to the peptide 106-124 somewhat more weakly than ATP. Binding involved residues 115-118 and 121-124, indicating the presence of a reverse turn between these segments. Proton resonances were assigned by using two-dimensional double quantum correlated spectroscopy, one-dimensional spin decoupling techniques, one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement difference spectroscopy, and pH titration. The alpha CH resonances of Ala-3 and Asn-6 are markedly shifted downfield with respect to values in small unstructured peptides due to their close proximity to the side chains of Pro-4 and Pro-7, respectively. Several other resonances display chemical shifts which are indicative of a structured environment. Assignment of the amide proton resonances in H2O and measurements of the coupling constant 3JHNCH and the chemical shifts of the amide protons reveal that much of the synthetic peptide, particularly the backbone, exhibits a highly structured environment and represents a good model for the triphosphate binding site in actin.  相似文献   

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