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The distribution of cell surface area projection (cell size) has been measured at birth and at initiation of DNA synthesis in steady-state populations of Allium cepa root meristems. The conditional probability, P(I/G1), that initiation occurs given that the event of being in G1 also occurs has been estimated from these data. P(I/G1) was found to increase when cells became larger. The distribution of G1 duration has been constructed from indicated cell size distributions. The absolute frequencies of G1 times showed a maximum in the zone of cells with short G1 periods; about 14% of cells appear to enter into S with G1 congruent to 1 h. These results suggest that the increase of P(I/G1) was due to cell enlargement and not to cell aging. By comparing the cell size distribution at initiation of S and at the end of this period, a drastic reduction of cell size variability during DNA replication was observed and both curves were seen as rather similar in shape although they obviously had different modal points. These observations support that there is a negative correlation between the initiation size and the duration of genome duplication, and that cells which initiate DNA synthesis with the same size have a similar replication time. From this hypothesis, a plot of S duration versus cell size at initiation of this period was constructed by comparing the distributions of cell size at start and end of replication; this plot was also consistent with the existence of a negative correlation between cell initiation size and S length.  相似文献   

How does a cell know if it's in G1 or G2 and should proceed to S phase or mitosis? This is a restatement of the question of how a cell ensures mitosis is dependent upon S phase, and S phase is dependent upon mitosis. Several gene products have been identified which play important roles in maintaining these interdependencies. Central to these controls are oscillations between different complexes of cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases.  相似文献   

We previously isolated an interfering transbody, 4MH2, which penetrated the cytosol of living cells and preferentially hydrolyzed the target Her2 (ErbB2) mRNA, resulting in Her2 gene silencing followed by apoptotic cell death in Her2-overexpressing breast cancer cells. Here, we report the apoptotic cell death mechanism mediated by 4MH2-induced Her2 gene silencing in Her2-overexpressing SK-BR-3 breast cancer cells, in comparison with a small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting Her2 mRNA (Her218-siRNA). 4MH2 induced G0/G1 cell cycle arrest to cause apoptotic cell death in SK-BR-3 cells by triggering specific signaling pathways associated with Her2 knockdown, including upregulation of G0/G1 cell cycle arrest-associated p21Cip1 and p27Kip1, downregulation of cyclin D1, inhibition of Akt phosphorylation, and downregulation of antiapoptotic Bcl-xL, which are comparable to those mediated by Her218-siRNA. Our results suggest that 4MH2-mediated Her2 gene silencing can trigger the downstream signaling pathways caused by Her2 downregulation, comparable to those mediated by the corresponding siRNA.  相似文献   

Although it is understood that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) promotes cellular proliferation, little is known about its role in endothelial cell cycle progression. To assess the regulatory role of endogenously produced H2O2 in cell cycle progression, we studied the cell cycle progression in mouse aortic endothelial cells (MAECs) obtained from mice overexpressing a human catalase transgene (hCatTg), which destroys H2O2. The hCatTg MAECs displayed a prolonged doubling time compared to wild-type controls (44.0  ±  4.7 h versus 28.6  ±  0.8 h, p < 0.05), consistent with a diminished growth rate and H2O2 release. Incubation with aminotriazole, a catalase inhibitor, prevented the observed diminished growth rate in hCatTg MAECs. Inhibition of catalase activity with aminotriazole abrogated catalase overexpression-induced antiproliferative action. Flow cytometry analysis indicated that the prolonged doubling time was principally due to an extended G0/G1 phase in hCatTg MAECs compared to the wild-type cells (25.0  ±  0.9 h versus 15.9  ±  1.4 h, p  <  0.05). The hCatTg MAECs also exhibited decreased activities of the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) complexes responsible for G0/G1- to S-phase transition in the cell cycle, including the cyclin D–Cdk4 and cyclin E–Cdk2 complexes. Moreover, the reduction in cyclin–Cdk activities in hCatTg MAECs was accompanied by increased protein levels of two Cdk inhibitors, p21 and p27, which inhibit the Cdk activity required for the G0/G1- to S-phase transition. Knockdown of p21 and/or p27 attenuated the antiproliferative effect of catalase overexpression in MAECs. These results, together with the fact that catalase is an H2O2 scavenger, suggest that endogenously produced H2O2 mediates MAEC proliferation by fostering the transition from G0/G1 to S phase.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of X-irradiation was determined with Chinese hamster ovary cells arrested in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle through 9 days incubation in serum-free medium. In comparison with exponential phase cultures, the arrested cells showed increased cytotoxicity and mutation induction over the dose range of 50–800 rad. Exponential cultures showed a linear mutant frequency-survival relationship while the arrested cells showed a biphasic linear relationship. A post irradiation holding period of 24 h does not result in any change in the mutant frequency. The increased sensitivity of the arrested cells to the mutagenic effects of X-rays appears to be a cell-cycle phase phenomenon. Upon readdition of serum, the arrested cells re-enter the cell cycle in a synchronous manner, reaching S phase at 10–12 h. Cells irradiated at 5 h after serum addition, i.e. in G1, show a similar does response for mutant frequency, while those irradiated at 10 h or later, i.e. in late G1, S or G2, show lower mutation induction. These observations are consistent with a chromosome interchange mechanism of mutation induction by X-rays, possibly through interactions between repairing regions of the DNA. Irradiation of cells in the G0/G1 phase allow more time for such interactions in the absence of semiconservative DNA replication.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases are the key regulators of cell-cycle transitions. In mammalian cells, Cdk2, Cdk4, Cdk6 and associated cyclins control the G1 to S phase transition. Because proper regulation of this transition is critical for an organism's survival, these protein kinases are exquisitely regulated at different mechanistic levels and in response to a large variety of intrinsic and extrinsic signals.  相似文献   

The G1 arrest induced in NRK cells by picolinic acid could be prevented by addition of Fe3+, Zn2+ or Co2+ to the tissue culture media. Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Sr2+ or Ba2+ were ineffective. Complete and synchronous reversal of the G1 block, however, was achieved by Fe3+ at lower concentration from that of Zn2+. Co2+ reversed the block but cells divided asynchronously. Thymidine incorporation, mitotic index and relative DNA content per cell, verified that G1 arrested cells proceeded through the cell cycle after addition of Fe3+ or Zn2+. These observations afford a valuable model system for elucidating the biochemical events that occur between addition of a defined proliferative signal and stimulation of DNA synthesis in G1 arrested cells.  相似文献   

In the present work, cytokine-mediated induction of cell death was investigated by flow cytometry in cell cycle-synchronous human tumor cell populations gained by centrifugal elutriation or by cell cycle blockade with mimosine and aphidicolin. Attention was payed to the question of whether the effector phase of cell death takes place in the same phase of the cell cycle in which the death signal is received. Another point of interest was the question whether synchronization of cell populations with respect to the cell cycle leads to increased synchronicity of the death phase. The results demonstrate that supernatants from monocyte/tumor cell interaction cultures containing tumor necrosis factor-α, interferons, and interleukins-1 and -6 or appropriate combinations of pure cytokines cause cell cycle arrest predominantly in G1and to a lesser extent in G2. Cell death is initiated from both arrest points. Cytokine-treated G1cells do not enter S phase. They die within the same G1phase in which they receive the death signal. In contrast, a high proportion of cytokine-treated G2cells pass through mitosis and are arrested and die in the subsequent G1phase, whereas only a smaller proportion of cells are arrested and die in G2. The synchronicity of the death phase cannot be increased by the diverse methods of cell cycle synchronization applied. Interestingly, aurin-tricarboxylic acid, an agent known for inhibitory effects on nucleolytic activities and other protein/nucleic acid interactions, not only prevents cell death, but also cell cycle arrest.  相似文献   

Abstract. A population of line CHO Chinese hamster cells was synchronized by mitotic selection and allowed to enter early G1, after which the largest and smallest cells in the population were sorted, irradiated, and their viability determined. Despite sizeable differences in volume, metabolic capability and cell cycle progression rates, an equivalent level of survival was obtained for the two populations, indicating that the factors responsible for the volume, metabolic and progression heterogeneity do not contribute greatly to radiation sensitivity.  相似文献   

The physiological role of the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor expressed on glial cells remains unclear. We previously reported that 1321N1 human astrocytoma cells pretreated with dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP) became swollen in response to U46619, a TXA2 analogue. In the present study, we examined the detailed mechanisms of TXA2 receptor-mediated cell swelling in 1321N1 cells. The cell swelling caused by U46619 was suppressed by expression of p115-RGS, an inhibitory peptide of Gα12/13 pathway and C3 toxin, an inhibitory protein for RhoA. The swelling was also inhibited by treatment with Y27632, a Rho kinase inhibitor and 5-(ethyl-N-isopropyl)amiloride (EIPA), a Na+/H+-exchanger inhibitor. Furthermore, cell swelling was suppressed by the pretreatment with aquaporin inhibitors mercury chloride or phloretin in a concentration-dependent manner, suggesting that aquaporins are involved in U46619-induced 1321N1 cell swelling. In fact, U46619 caused [3H]H2O influx into the cells, which was inhibited by p115-RGS, C3 toxin, EIPA, mercury chloride and phloretin. This is the first report that the TXA2 receptor mediates water influx through aquaporins in astrocytoma cells via TXA2 receptor-mediated activation of Gα12/13, Rho A, Rho kinase and Na+/H+-exchanger.  相似文献   

Earlier work of several laboratories established that the yields of radiation-induced ring and dicentric chromosomes are greater when human peripheral blood lymphocytes are irradiated in GH1 some hours after phytohemagglutinin stimulation than if they are irradiated in G0 before stimulation. Post-treatment of lymphocytes irradiated in G0 with the DNA polymerase inhibitor aphidicolin, which is effective against both pol α and pol δ, produces a similar increase in ring and dicentric yield. We found that aphidicolin post-treatment was much less effective in increasing ring and dicentric yield increases in cells irradiated in G1 four to five hours after stimulation. Because we had earlier found specific inhibitors of DNA pol α ineffective in producing increased yields in either G0 or G1 lymphocytes, we conclude that much of the G0 to G1 increase in yields is mediated by pol δ.  相似文献   

Abstract. The retinoblastoma gene product (pRB) is a nuclear phosphoprotein with growth-suppressing effects. During early G, phase, pRB is underphosphorylated and bound in the nucleus. The association between the duration of the cell cycle/G, phase and the fraction of cells in GI with bound pRB was studied in the human pre-B cell line Reh. The cell-cycle duration was varied by growing cells at different concentrations (25, 10,2,0.5 and 0%) of fetal calf serum (FCS); pRB binding was studied by flow cytometry. The culture doubling time increased from 21 h in 25% FCS to 54 h in 0.5% FCS. Cell death occurred in the absence of FCS, and the culture doubling time therefore could not be defined. The fraction of cells in G, did not change significantly with decreasing FCS concentration (0.47 in 25% FCS, 0.52 in 0% FCS). In contrast, the fraction of G, cells with bound pRB increased from 0.12 in 25% FCS to 0.65 in 0% FCS. Continuous labelling with bromodeoxyuridine demonstrated that the growth fraction was close to unity at all FCS concentrations down to 0.5%, hence, the duration of the cell cycle was equal to the culture doubling time under these conditions. The duration of early G, phase (where pRB is underphosphorylated and bound) increased 10-fold, while the duration of late G, phase increased twofold, for Reh cells grown in 0.5% FCS compared with cells grown in 25% FCS. The increase in the duration of late G1, and the increased S and G,+M phase transit times, indicate that other factors, in addition to pRB kinase activity, regulate the duration of G, and the cell cycle of serum-deprived Reh cells.  相似文献   

Individual phospholipids were assayed in exponentially growing and G1-arrested temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was observed that cdc28 cells which are known to arrest at ‘start’ when shifted to their non-permissive temperature, resulted in a 40% decrease in phosphatidylinositol (PI) level while the phosphatidylserine (PS) content was doubled in these cells. The reduced level of PI was restored in cdc4 and cdc7 mutants which are known to arrest past the ‘start’. The increase in PS level in cdc8 mutant which was probably to compensate the intrinsic charging of membrane environment, was also reduced in cdc4 and cdc7 mutants. Our results demonstrate that PI may play a role in yeast cell division and growth that the abnormalities of cdc28 could also be related to PI decrease.  相似文献   

A perchloric acid soluble protein from the sedimented chromatin of blended Chinese hamster ovary (line CHO) cells has been isolated by guanidine hydrochloride gradient chromatography on Bio·Rex-70® ion exchange resin. The amino acid composition of the protein (designated as CHO HMG-E/G) is similar to that of mouse HMG-E, but it differs from that of bovine HMG-14 and HMG-17 or any possible mixture of the two. CHO HMG-E/G incorporates [32P]phosphate like HMG-14 and HMG-17 class proteins from other species, but all resolvable molecular species incorporate phosphate, and the more highly-phosphorylated band migrates faster, rather than slower, than the other in acid-urea gel systems. Incorporation of [3H]lysine into HMG-E/G following release from isoleucine deprivation G1 block indicates that the protein is extensively synthesized during both the G1 and S phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

We recently established that asparanin A, a steroidal saponin extracted from Asparagus officinalis L., is an active cytotoxic component. The molecular mechanisms by which asparanin A exerts its cytotoxic activity are currently unknown. In this study, we show that asparanin A induces G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells. Following treatment of HepG2 cells with asparanin A, cell cycle-related proteins such as cyclin A, Cdk1 and Cdk4 were down-regulated, while p21WAF1/Cip1 and p-Cdk1 (Thr14/Tyr15) were up-regulated. Additionally, we observed poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage and activation of caspase-3, caspase-8 and caspase-9. The expression ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 was increased in the treated cells, where Bax was also up-regulated. We also found that the expression of p53, a modulator of p21WAF1/Cip1 and Bax, was not affected in asparanin A-treated cells. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that asparanin A induces cell cycle arrest and triggers apoptosis via a p53-independent manner in HepG2 cells. These data indicate that asparanin A shows promise as a preventive and/or therapeutic agent against human hepatoma.  相似文献   

We express the viewpoint that control over cell growth in higher eukaryotes is achieved predominantly by regular transition of cells from proliferation to rest and vice versa as a result of coordinated interrelationship between intracellular growth inhibitors and extracellular growth factors. The resting state is considered as a special physiological state of a cell where the prereplicative reactions necessary for the onset of DNA synthesis are inhibited. Cells pass into a resting state at each successive cell cycle, with regard to the next cycle, once the threshold level of growth inhibitors has been attained. Cellular rest may thus initiate and proceed in parallel with conventional periods of the cell cycle but in a hidden way. Its termination strictly depends on the appropriate concentration of extracellular growth factors. In the absence of growth factors cells, after completing mitosis, pass into an overt state of rest metabolically different from any period of the cell cycle including G1.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1994,340(3):159-162
The effects of nitric oxide produced by macrophage-like cells (Mml) on the cell cycle were investigated. Mml cells lost proliferative activity in the presence of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and a subpopulation accumulated in the G2+ M phase. This level increased in proportion to the incubation time. The DNA content of the cells was slightly lower than that of Mml cells treated with vinbrastine or demecolcine, drugs which block the cell cycle in the M phase. The peak of the early G2+M phase was reduced by treatment with NG-mono-methyl- -arginine. However, after treatment with exogenous nitric oxide or sodium nitroprusside, the G0/G1 phase increased, but the early-G2+M and the S phase decreased. The flow cytometry pattern in IL-6-treated Mml was the same as that of cytochalasin B-treated Mml. These data suggest that endogenous nitric oxide affects the microfilament system of IL-6-treated Mml cells and blocks the cell cycle in the early G2+M phase.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) were X-irradiated in G1 and G2 stages of the cell cycle and subsequently Neurospora endonuclease (NE) (E.C.3.1.4), an enzyme which is specific in cleaving single-stranded DNA, was introduced into the cells, after making the cells permeable by treatment with inactivated Sendai virus. With this treatment all classes of X-ray-induced chromatid aberrations increased in G2 cells, whereas in G1 cells an increase in cromosome type of aberrations was found, associated with a profound induction of chromatid type of aberrations as well. Duration of the availability of single-strand gaps for the action of NE has been studied in G2 cells following X-irradiation and the influence of different parts of the G2 stage on the type and frequencies of chromatid aberrations was discerned. While the increase in chromosome type of aberrations by NE in X-irradiated G1 cells has been interpreted as due to the conversion of DNA single-strand breaks or gaps to double-strand breaks by NE, the induction of chromatid aberrations in G1 has been assumed to be due to conversion of some of the damaged bases strand breaks by NE. Biochemical evidence is presented for the conversion by NE of DNA single-strand breaks induced by X-rays into double-strand breaks using neutral sucrose gradient centrifugation.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rap1 affects cell adhesion and cell motility in numerous developmental contexts. Loss of Rap1 in the Drosophila wing epithelium disrupts adherens junction localization, causing mutant cells to disperse, and dramatically alters epithelial cell shape. While the adhesive consequences of Rap1 inactivation have been well described in this system, the effects on cell signaling, cell fate specification, and tissue differentiation are not known. Here we demonstrate that Egfr-dependent cell types are lost from Rap1 mutant tissue as an indirect consequence of DE-cadherin mislocalization. Cells lacking Rap1 in the developing wing and eye are capable of responding to an Egfr signal, indicating that Rap1 is not required for Egfr/Ras/MAPK signal transduction. Instead, Rap1 regulates adhesive contacts necessary for maintenance of Egfr signaling between cells, and differentiation of wing veins and photoreceptors. Rap1 is also necessary for planar cell polarity in these tissues. Wing hair alignment and ommatidial rotation, functional readouts of planar cell polarity in the wing and eye respectively, are both affected in Rap1 mutant tissue. Finally, we show that Rap1 acts through the effector Canoe to regulate these developmental processes.  相似文献   

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