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Despite the collection and availability of abundant tomato genome sequences, PCR-based markers adapted to large scale analysis have not been developed in tomato species. Therefore, using public genome sequence data in tomato, we developed three types of DNA markers: expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (TES markers), genome-derived SSR markers (TGS markers) and EST-derived intronic polymorphism markers (TEI markers). A total of 2,047 TES, 3,510 TGS and 674 TEI markers were established and used in the polymorphic analysis of a cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) ‘LA925’ and its wild relative Solanum pennellii ‘LA716’, parents of the Tomato-EXPEN 2000 mapping population. The polymorphic ratios between parents revealed by the TES, TGS and TEI markers were 37.3, 22.6 and 80.0%, respectively. Those showing polymorphisms were used to genotype the Tomato-EXPEN 2000 mapping population, and a high-density genetic linkage map composed of 1,433 new and 683 existing marker loci was constructed on 12 chromosomes, covering 1,503.1 cM. In the present map, 48% of the mapped TGS loci were located within heterochromatic regions, while 18 and 21% of TES and TEI loci, respectively, were located in heterochromatin. The large number of SSR and SNP markers developed in this study provide easily handling genomic tools for molecular breeding in tomato. Information on the DNA markers developed in this study is available at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/tomato/.  相似文献   

The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse), is an important vector of a number of arboviruses, and populations exhibit extreme variation in adaptive traits such as egg diapause, cold hardiness, and autogeny (ability to mature a batch of eggs without blood feeding). The genetic basis of some of these traits has been established, but lack of a high-resolution linkage map has prevented in-depth genetic analyses of the genes underlying these complex traits. We report here on the breeding of 4 F(1) intercross mapping families and the use of these to locate 35 cDNA markers to the A. albopictus linkage map. The present study increases the number of markers on the A. albopictus cDNA linkage map from 38 to 73 and the density of markers from 1 marker/5.7 cM to 1 marker/2.9 cM and adds 9, 16, and 10 markers to the 3 linkage groups, respectively. The overall lengths of the 3 linkage groups are 64.5, 76.5, and 71.6 cM, respectively, for a combined length of 212.6 cM. Despite conservation in the order of most genes among the 4 families and a previous mapping family, we found substantial heterogeneity in the amount of recombination among markers. This was most marked in linkage group I, which varied between 16.7 and 69.3 cM. A map integrating the results from these 4 families with an earlier cDNA linkage map is presented.  相似文献   

Summary New linkage data are presented for the situation of five previously unlocated isozymic loci of the tomato and closely related species with homosequential chromosomes.Prx-1 lies on chromosome 1, where it is also linked withSkdh-1; Aps-2 is linked withGot-4 on chromosome 8;Tpi-2 has been allocated to chromosome 4; and a linkage has been detected betweenPgi-1 andEst-4, whose respective chromosome has not yet been determined. These and previously published data have been summarized in the form of an isozyme linkage map. Twenty-two loci have thus been mapped on nine of the twelve tomato chromosomes. We discuss some new applications of mapped isozymic genes. In certain types of segregations, isozymic genes are far more efficient than morphological markers in providing linkage information. They greatly expedite the cytogenetic investigation of species hybrids and can be utilized to facilitate backcross transfers of genes from wild to cultivated taxa.  相似文献   

A molecular map of pepper (Capsicum sp.) totalling 720 cM has been constructed in an interspecific F2 cross with restriction fragment length polymorphisms and isozymes. Nineteen linkage groups were formed from 192 molecular markers. Twenty-six markers showed no linkage to any others. Twenty-eight markers showed significant deviation from expected Mendelian ratios and clustered in the genome. Two quantitative trait loci controlling the number of flowers per node were mapped to linkage group 10. The order of markers in at least 228 cM (31.7%) of the pepper genome is conserved with respect to the tomato genome, with a minimum of 15 chromosome breakage events postulated to have occurred since their divergence from a common ancestor. Comparisons of meiotic recombination in 14 conserved intervals indicates that tomato has a higher rate of recombination than does pepper in the crosses studied. Evidence suggests that centric fusions and resulting chromosome breakage events are mechanisms for genome evolution in the Solanaceae.  相似文献   

白桦RAPD遗传连锁图谱的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以80个来自欧洲白桦(Betula pendula Roth)×中国白桦(Betula platyphylla Suk)的F1个体为作图群体。利用2个亲本和10个F1个体对1,200个10 bp的随机寡核苷酸引物进行筛选, 确定了208个多态性引物。利用RAPD标记, 按照拟测交的作图策略, 分别构建了欧洲白桦和中国白桦的分子标记连锁图谱。对2个亲本和80个F1代作图群体进行随机扩增, 共获得了364个多态性位点。χ2检验结果表明有307个位点符合1∶1分离的拟测交分离, 26个位点符合3∶1分离, 31个位点属偏分离位点。拟测交位点中有145个位点来自欧洲白桦, 有162个位点来自中国白桦。利用2点连锁分析, 欧洲白桦中的145个连锁标记构成了14个不同的连锁群(4个以上标记), 6个三连体和6个连锁对, 37个为非连锁位点, 连锁标记覆盖的总图距为955.6 cM (centimorgan), 平均图距14.9 cM。而来自中国白桦的162个标记构成了15个连锁群(4个以上标记), 4个三连体和6个连锁对, 21个为非连锁位点, 连锁标记覆盖的总图距为1,545.8 cM (centimorgan), 平均图距15.2 cM。该图谱的建立为进一步将两个图谱整合为一个高密度图谱及重要基因的定位奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A dominant allele at the Mi locus on chromosome 6 of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) confers resistance to three species of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne). The resistance, which is associated with a localized necrotic response, was originally introduced into tomato from the wild species Lycopersicon peruvianum. As a step towards the molecular cloning of Mi, we have identified closely linked DNA markers from both cDNA and genomic DNA libraries as restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). DNA from tomato populations segregating for nematode resistance was analyzed to generate a high-resolution genetic map of this region. Additional information on gene order was obtained by comparing the size of the introgressed L. peruvianum chromosomal segment within a collection of nematode-resistant tomato lines. Among the four cDNA markers that are tightly linked to Mi, three are dominant, i.e. L. peruvianum-specific. One cDNA marker corresponds to a gene family comprising 20-30 members, one of which is diagnostic for all nematode-resistant genotypes tested. The presence of non-homologous sequences around the Mi gene may contribute to the suppression of recombination in this region of the genome in crosses heterozygous for Mi. The potential of 'walking' from closely linked markers to Mi is discussed.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus was constructed on the basis of the segregation of 219 RAPD markers, 28 RFLP markers and the A and B mating-type loci among 40 random basidiospore progeny from a single cross between a wild-type homokaryon, KF(3)#2, and an AmutBmut strain, #326. Thirteen linkage groups covering a total of 1346cM were identified and correlated to the 13 chromosomes of this fungus by hybridization of RFLP and RAPD marker probes to CHEF blots. These probes also revealed chromosome length polymorphisms (CLP), which could be associated with haplotype plots of the progeny. The average kb/cM ratio in this cross was approximately 27.9kb/cM. The AmutBmut strain undergoes sexual development without mating, because of mutations in both A and B mating-type loci, and has been used to identify mutations affecting developmental processes such as dikaryosis, fruit body morphogenesis, and meiosis. The markers in the map, especially the RAPD ones, would facilitate mapping of genes responsible for such mutations induced in the AmutBmut strain.  相似文献   

We constructed a genetic map on Brassica nigra based on a segregating population of 83 F2 individuals. Three different types of molecular markers were used to build the map including isozymes, restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP), and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). The final map contained 124 markers distributed in 11 linkage groups. The map covered a total distance of 677 cM with the markers distributed within a mean distance of 5.5cM. Of the sequences found in the B. nigra map, 40% were duplicated and organized into three different types of arrangements. They were either scattered throughout the genome, organized in tandem, or organized in blocks of duplicated loci conserved in more than 1 linkage group.  相似文献   

Segregation data were obtained for 1260 potato linkage group I-specific AFLP loci from a heterozygous diploid potato population. Analytical tools that identified potential typing errors and/or inconsistencies in the data and that assembled cosegregating markers into bins were applied. Bins contain multiple-marker data sets with an identical segregation pattern, which is defined as the bin signature. The bin signatures were used to construct a skeleton bin map that was based solely on observed recombination events. Markers that did not match any of the bin signatures exactly (and that were excluded from the calculation of the skeleton bin map) were placed on the map by maximum likelihood. The resulting maternal and paternal maps consisted of 95 and 101 bins, respectively. Markers derived from EcoRI/MseI, PstI/MseI, and SacI/MseI primer combinations showed different genetic distributions. Approximately three-fourths of the markers placed into a bin were considered to fit well on the basis of an estimated residual "error rate" of 0-3%. However, twice as many PstI-based markers fit badly, suggesting that parental PstI-site methylation patterns had changed in the population. Recombination frequencies were highly variable across the map. Inert, presumably centromeric, regions caused extensive marker clustering while recombination hotspots (or regions identical by descent) resulted in empty bins, despite the level of marker saturation.  相似文献   

L P Zhang  A Khan  D Ni?o-Liu  M R Foolad 《Génome》2002,45(1):133-146
A molecular linkage map of tomato was constructed based on a BC1 population (N = 145) of a cross between Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. line NC84173 (maternal and recurrent parent) and Lycopersicon hirsutum Humb. and Bonpl. accession PI126445. NC84173 is an advanced breeding line that is resistant to several tomato diseases, not including early blight (EB) and late blight (LB). PI126445 is a self-incompatible accession that is resistant to many tomato diseases, including EB and LB. The map included 142 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers and 29 resistance gene analogs (RGAs). RGA loci were identified by PCR amplification of genomic DNA from the BC1 population, using ten pairs of degenerate oligonucleotide primers designed based on conserved leucine-rich repeat (LRR), nucleotide binding site (NBS), and serine (threonine) protein kinase (PtoKin) domains of known resistance genes (R genes). The PCR-amplified DNAs were separated by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), which allowed separation of heterogeneous products and identification and mapping of individual RGA loci. The map spanned 1469 cM of the 12 tomato chromosomes with an average marker distance of 8.6 cM. The RGA loci were mapped to 9 of the 12 tomato chromosomes. Locations of some RGAs coincided with locations of several known tomato R genes or quantitative resistance loci (QRLs), including Cf-1, Cf-4, Cf-9, Cf-ECP2, rx-1, and Cm1.1 (chromosome 1); Tm-1 (chromosome 2); Asc (chrromosme 3); Pto, Fen, and Prf (chromosome 5); 01-1, Mi, Ty-1, Cm6.1, Cf-2, CF-5, Bw-5, and Bw-1 (chromosome 6); I-1, 1-3, and Ph-1 (chromosome 7); Tm-2a and Fr1 (chromosome 9); and Lv (chromosome 12). These co-localizations indicate that the RGA loci were either linked to or part of the known R genes. Furthermore, similar to that for many R gene families, several RGA loci were found in clusters, suggesting their potential evolutionary relationship with R genes. Comparisons of the present map with other molecular linkage maps of tomato, including the high density L. esculentum x Lycopersicon pennellii map, indicated that the lengths of the maps and linear order of RFLP markers were in good agreement, though certain chromosomal regions were less consistent than others in terms of the frequency of recombination. The present map provides a basis for identification and mapping of genes and QTLs for disease resistance and other desirable traits in PI126445 and other L. hirsutum accessions, and will be useful for marker-assisted selection and map-based gene cloning in tomato.  相似文献   

We have developed a linkage map for the silkworm Bombyx mori based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between strains p50T and C108T initially found on regions corresponding to the end sequences of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones. Using 190 segregants from a backcross of a p50T female x an F1 (p50T x C108T) male, we analyzed segregation patterns of 534 SNPs between p50T and C108T, detected among 3840 PCR amplicons, each associated with a p50T BAC end sequence. This enabled us to construct a linkage map composed of 534 SNP markers spanning 1305 cM in total length distributed over the expected 28 linkage groups. Of the 534 BACs whose ends harbored the SNPs used to construct the linkage map, 89 were associated with 107 different ESTs. Since each of the SNP markers is directly linked to a specific genomic BAC clone and to whole-genome sequence data, and some of them are also linked to EST data, the SNP linkage map will be a powerful tool for investigating silkworm genome properties, mutation mapping, and map-based cloning of genes of industrial and agricultural interest.  相似文献   

Construction of the first mitotic linkage map of the asexual fungus Fusarium oxysporum, based on a population of 32 parasexual fusion products, is reported. Molecular markers were developed using a modified AFLP technique which combines a Foxy-specific primer with standard adapter primers. The retroposon Foxy is abundantly present and highly variable in location in F. oxysporum isolates: 43% of the Foxy-AFLP markers tested appeared to be polymorphic between the strains Fol004 and Fol029. Of the 102 Foxy markers obtained, 83 segregated in a 1:1 ratio. The remaining fragments showed a skewed segregation pattern in which the Fol004 derived Foxy fragments were overrepresented. Foxy markers were observed to be clustered, suggesting that active Foxy elements may not transpose very far from their initial insertion sites, or that hotspots for insertion may exist. Linkage analysis revealed 23 linkage groups. Physical linkage between segregating markers predicted to be 20 cM apart was confirmed, indicating that the mitotic linkage map is reliable.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) was constructed using segregation data from a three-generation outbred pedigree consisting of four grandparents, two parents, and 95 F2 progeny. The map was based predominantly on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci detected by cDNA probes. Sixty-five cDNA and three genomic DNA probes revealed 90 RFLP loci. Six polymorphic isozyme loci were also scored. One-fourth (24%) of the cDNA probes detected more than 1 segregating locus, an indication that multigene families are common in pines. As many as six alleles were observed at a single segregating locus among grandparents and it was not unusual for the progeny to segregate for three or four alleles per locus. Multipoint linkage analysis placed 73 RFLP and 2 isozyme loci into 20 linkage groups; the remaining 17 RFLP and 4 isozyme loci were unlinked. The mapped RFLP probes provide a new set of codominant markers for genetic analyses in loblolly pine.  相似文献   

Summary The number of loci corresponding to each of 34 unique, random cDNA clones has been determined for the diploid plant species Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) (2n=24). Fifty-three percent of the clones are homologous to loci represented only once in the tomato chromosomes. Thirty-two percent of the clones correspond to two genetically independent loci. The remaining clones belong to gene families represented by 3–5 loci. To determine the number of gene copies per locus, reconstruction experiments were performed on six of the single locus clones. The majority of these loci were estimated to contain only 1 or 2 copies of the gene. These results support the concept that the majority of structural genes in this diploid plant species are arranged in single loci and present in low copy number. Multigene families, such as those for the small subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, chlorophyll a/b binding polypeptide and actin are exceptions to this rule.  相似文献   

The isozyme pattern of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in tomato consists of two Cu,Zn isozymes located, respectively, in the chloroplast and in the cytosol, as well as additional isozymes of the Mn or Fe SOD type. We have shown that SOD-1 is the chloroplastic Cu,Zn SOD and is related to cDNA clone T10. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed with two cDNA clones representing tomato Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutases. T10, coding for the chloroplast isozyme, was thus mapped to chromosome 11, between marker TG46 and TG108, while clone P31, coding for the cytosolic Cu,Zn SOD isozyme, was mapped to chromosome 1 between TG24 and TG81. SOD is associated with the response of plants to various environmental stresses; the mapping information presented here would permit the demonstration of this association by genetic analysis.  相似文献   

The first genetic map for Hevea spp. (2n=36) is presented here. It is based on a F1 progeny of 106 individuals allowing the construction of a female, a male, and a synthetic map according to the pseudo-testcross strategy. Progeny were derived from an interspecific cross between PB260, a H. brasiliensis cultivated clone, and RO38, a H. brasiliensis×H. benthamiana interspecific hybrid clone. The disomic inheritance observed for all the codominant markers scattered on the 2n=36 chromosomes revealed that Hevea behaves as diploids. Homologous linkage groups between the two parental maps were merged using bridge loci. A total of 717 loci constituted the synthetic map, including 301 RFLPs, 388 AFLPs, 18 microsatellites, and 10 isozymes. The markers were assembled into 18 linkage groups, thus reflecting the basic chromosome number, and covered a total distance of 2144 cM. Nine markers were found to be unlinked. Segregation distortion was rare (1.4%). Average marker density was 1 per 3 cM. Comparison of the distance between loci in the parental maps revealed significantly less meiotic recombination in the interspecific hybrid male parent than in the female parent. Hevea origin and genome organisation are discussed. Received: 2 February 1999 / Accepted: 11 March 1999  相似文献   

Closely linked restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) are potentially useful as diagnostic markers of genetic defects, and, in principle, RFLPs can be employed to construct a complete linkage map of the human genome. On the X chromosome, linkage studies are particularly rewarding because in man more than 120 X-linked genes are known. Thus, it is probable that each X-specific RFLP will be of use as a genetic marker of one or several X-linked disorders. To facilitate the search for closely linked RFLPs, we have regionally assigned 16 cloned DNA sequences to various portions of the human X chromosome, employing a large panel of somatic cell hybrids. These probes have been used to correlate genetic and physical distances on Xp, and it can be extrapolated from these data that the number and distribution of available Xq sequences will also suffice to span the long arm of the X chromosome.  相似文献   

A linkage map was constructed for the sawfly, Athalia rosae (Hymenoptera), based on the segregation of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and a visible mutation, yellow fat body (yfb). Forty haploid male progeny (20 yfb and 20+) from a single diploid female parent (yfb/+) were examined. Sixty-one of the 180 arbitrary primers tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) produced one or more RAPD bands. A total of 79 RAPD markers were detected. Of these, seven showed significant deviation from the expected 1:1 ratio, and were therefore excluded from further analysis. The remaining 72 RAPD markers and the marker mutation, yfb, were subjected to linkage analysis. Sixty RAPD markers and the yfb marker were organized into 16 linkage groups, spanning a distance of 517.2 cM. Twelve RAPD markers showed no linkage relationship to any group. Thirteen gel-purified RAPD bands were cloned and sequenced to generate the sequence-tagged sites (STSs). A single locus was represented by two markers, with one of them having a short internal deletion.  相似文献   

Various genetic and cytogenetic techniques were applied to an analysis of the linkage map of chromosome 4-a chromosome that is considered to be representative of the tomato complement. Loci have been approximated by standard F2 linkage tests for 18 genes, including six on the short arm and 12 on the long arm, covering a map distance of 132 units (c.m.). The loci of four key markers were approximated on pachytene chromosomes by a study of radiation-induced deficiencies:clau near the end of the short arm,ful near the euchromatic-heterochromatic boundary of the short arm,ra near the same region on the long arm, ande in the middle of the long arm. Normal transmission for a presumedra deficiency suggests that this gene lies in the heterochromatin of 4L. According to tertiary trisomic segregation,w-4, known by linkage test to be proximal tora, resides on 4L, therefore probably also in the heterochromatic region. The centromere is consequently delimited to a region of 4 c.m. betweenful andw-4. The resultant maps reveal a very much lower crossover rate within heterochromatin—estimated at 0.8 c.m./μ—than for euchromatin—estimated at 4.8 c.m./μ for the short arm and 5.7 for the long arm. Also apparent is a strong tendency of the genes to concentrate toward the centromere of the genetic map and in the proximal sections of the euchromatin of the cytological map. Studies were made of the genetic transmission of various small deficiencies on chromosome 4 as well as a newly discovered deficiency fornv on chromosome 9, supporting the following conclusions. Regardless of their size, deficiendies of euchromatin are not transmitted. Deficiencies of heterochromatin are transmitted to a varying extent depending on their size. A presumed deficiency forra that is too small to be detected cytologically was transmitted without adverse effect on gametes. Somewhat larger deficiencies may be transmitted at reduced rates by female gametes and the largest at extremely low rates, even on the female side.  相似文献   

Clustering has been reported for conifer genetic maps based on hypomethylated or low-copy molecular markers, resulting in uneven marker distribution. To test this, a framework genetic map was constructed from three types of microsatellites: low-copy, undermethylated, and genomic. These Pinus taeda L. microsatellites were mapped using a three-generation pedigree with 118 progeny. The microsatellites were highly informative; of the 32 markers in intercross configuration, 29 were segregating for three or four alleles in the progeny. The sex-averaged map placed 51 of the 95 markers in 15 linkage groups at LOD > 4.0. No clustering or uneven distribution across the genome was observed. The three types of P. taeda microsatellites were randomly dispersed within each linkage group. The 51 microsatellites covered a map distance of 795 cM, an average distance of 21.8 cM between markers, roughly half of the estimated total map length. The minimum and maximum distances between any two bins was 4.4 and 45.3 cM, respectively. These microsatellites provided anchor points for framework mapping for polymorphism in P. taeda and other closely related hard pines.  相似文献   

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