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Miracidia (and adults) of Schistosoma mansoni which had been subjected to particle bombardment with a plasmid DNA encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under control of the S. mansoni heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) promoter and termination elements were shown to express the reporter gene. Bombarded miracidia were able to penetrate and establish in Biomphalaria glabrata the intermediate host snail. Gold particles could be detected in the germ balls of parasites in paraffin-sections of snail tissue. The bombarded miracidia were able to develop normally and to transform into mother sporocysts. Reporter gene activity could be determined at 10 days post-infection by RT-PCR in snail tissues, but not by microscopy or Western blot which probably reflected sub-optimal expression levels of constructs. Our findings indicated that it is feasible to return transgenic miracidia to the life cycle, a crucial step for the establishment of a transgenesis system for schistosomes.  相似文献   

The binding of different lectins to the surface of mother and daughter sporocysts of Schistosoma mansoni (Trematoda) and to cells of its intermediate host Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda) was investigated. The test system consisted of several biotin-labeled lectins, an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex and 3,3'-diaminobenzidine. The fixatives used were Formalin, Bouin's and Zenker's solutions; unfixed material was also studied. Most lectins reacted equally with host tissue and parasite tissue. However, receptors for Ulex europaeus I (most probably fucose) were only demonstrated on daughter sporocysts. Thus, a method was found to specifically mark Schistosoma mansoni daughter sporocysts in the digestive gland tissue of its intermediate host. Mother sporocysts and surrounding host tissue differed in their distribution of galactosyl groups. Both lack fucose and N-acetyl-galactosamine. The differences in lectin binding of galactosyl determinants were also observed during the in vitro development of mother to daughter sporocysts.  相似文献   

Three closely related species of Echinostoma flukes each has a distinctive pattern of protection of Schistosoma mansoni in schistosome-resistant Biomphalaria glabrata host snails. Protection of developing S. mansoni by irradiated E. paraensei sporocysts in the schistosome-resistant snail host was strong; protection induced by irradiated E. lindoense and E. liei sporocysts was weak or not measurable. The capacity of irradiated E. paraensei sporocysts to interfere with the host's innate anti-schistosome response also differed between strains of B. glabrata. Protection of S. mansoni strain Lc-1 was greater in B. glabrata strain 10-R2 than it was in strain M-RLc snails. Irradiated E. paraensei sporocysts also induced a different response to the two schistosome strains in a single host strain. Irradiated E. paraensei sporocysts induced in B. glabrata 10-R2 snails a stronger protection of S. mansoni strain PR-1 than of strain Lc-1. Exposure of each snail to the irradiated E. paraensei miracidia usually protected the following challenge schistosome infection better when 30 rather than 10 irradiated echinostome miracidia were used.  相似文献   

1200 adult Biomphalaria glabrata were submitted during 6 weeks to anhydrobiosis condition. Some snails were healthy, some were previously infected 3 days or 12 days ago with 8 +/- 2 miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni, others were shedding cercariae. The snails were put on soil or buried into hermetically closed, or ventilated, plastic boxes. There was no survival of snails kept in sealed boxes, or among positive snails, but 44% of control healthy snails and 40.6% of infected (for 3 or 12 days) snails in ventilated boxes were living at the term of the desiccation stage. Survival was better for "on soil" snails than for "buried" snails, but no difference was shown between 3-days and 12-days infection. The surviving desiccated B. glabrata had a lesser death rate and a lesser cercarial production than infected snails kept in water. An inferior production of male cercariae comparatively to female and to "mixed" cercariae was demonstrated by statistical analysis of the cercarial sheddings. In all positive snails, periodic variations of cercarial production was shown, whatever the sex of those cercariae. In addition many pauses of the sheddings were established by the authors.  相似文献   

Humoral factors have been associated with resistance of Biomphalaria glabrata to infection by Schistosoma mansoni. The goal of this study was to determine which serum (cell-free hemolymph) proteins bind to the surface of S. mansoni sporocysts. For this, 125I-labeled serum from schistosome-resistant (10-R2) and -susceptible (M-line) B. glabrata was incubated with sporocysts, washed, and then subjected to SDS-PAGE and autoradiography. Other samples examined included radiolabeled 10-R2 and M-line serum, sporocysts incubated with unlabeled serum followed by incubation with radiolabeled serum, and radiolabeled sporocysts. Results indicated that many polypeptides in the serum from both strains of B. glabrata were radiolabeled. Dominating both profiles were bands in the 90-210-kDa range. However, some differences between the serum of the 2 snail strains were observed with M-line serum having several radiolabeled polypeptides in the 31-40- and 66-85-kDa range that were absent in serum from 10-R2 B. glabrata. When sporocysts were incubated with radiolabeled serum, 3 polypeptides (116, 180, 210 kDa) from both snail strains bound to the surface of the parasite. Further, a 55-kDa polypeptide bound to sporocysts incubated with 10-R2 serum but did not bind to those parasites incubated with M-line serum. Preincubation of sporocysts with unlabeled serum prior to incubation with radiolabeled serum significantly inhibited the uptake of radiolabeled proteins. This differential binding of serum polypeptides from different strains of B. glabrata may be important in determining resistance or susceptibility of the snail to larval schistosome infection.  相似文献   

Using an independent protocol, we have confirmed that sporocysts of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, synthesize antigens which stimulate rabbit antibody activity to epitopes on infermediate snail host hemocytes. This molecular mimicry may aid S. mansoni to escape the innate immune system of this host, Biomphalaria glabrata.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments have been carried out to determine the susceptibility of Gezira Biomphalaria pfeifferi snails to S. mansoni miracidia and the relationship between miracidia and daughter sporocyst production at the 10–17 day development stage. The relationship between snail numbers, miracidia numbers and water volume has also been studied. Two non susceptible snails, Bulinus truncatus and Cleopatra bulimoides, both of which occur naturally in Gezira canals, were tested to see if they act as decoys for S. mansoni miracidia.The results showed that the B. pfeifferi are 100% susceptible to S. mansoni invasion, at least to the daughter sporocyst development stage. The more miracidia that penetrated the more daughter sporocysts were produced, however individual variation and overlap were great. When one miracidium was released to find one snail it succeeded in low water volumes (5 m, 50 ml), but failed in 5 litres. When 100 miracidia were released mortality of snails was high suggesting superinfection particularly when only one or five snails were available. Among survivors daughter sporocyst counts were very high. Cleopatra and Bulinus snails do have a decoy effect when present in large numbers. In their presence the number of infected snails was marginally reduced and the number of daughter sporocysts greatly reduced. However, if superinfection is reduced by decoy effect, it is conceivable that Biomphalaria may be protected by decoy snails in circumstances where miracidia counts are high.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria glabrata and Schistosoma mansoni relationship was studied by light microscopy (LM) and freeze-fracture replica technique (FFR). We observed very thin cytoplasmic extensions of hemocytes in the LM, which then surround immobilize the miracidia. FFR images showed that the contact site between hemocytes cytoplasmic extensions and the external tegumentary coat involved only superficial layers of miracidia. Numerous vacuoles and filopodia were observed in the hemocyte cytoplasm, the latter binding with those from neighboring cells. In spite of the close interfilopodia contact, no cellular junctions were seen at these sites nor between filopodia-miracidia contact areas. The observed migration of hemocytes and their disposition in layers surrounding the miracidia in vitro correspond to previous studies.  相似文献   

Previous observations that in vitro adherence of Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic (Bge) cells to sporocyst larval stages of Schistosoma mansoni was strongly inhibited by fucoidan, a sulfated polymer of L-fucose, suggested a role for lectinlike Bge cell receptors in sporocyst binding interactions. In the present investigation, monoclonal antibodies with specificities to 3 major glycan determinants found on schistosomes, LacdiNAc, fucosylated LacdiNAc (LDNF), and the Lewis X antigen, were used in adhesion blocking studies to further analyze the molecular interactions at the host-parasite interface. Results showed that only the anti-LDNF antibody significantly reduced snail Bge cell adhesion to the surface of sporocysts, suggesting that fucosyl determinants may be important in larval-host cell interactions. Affinity chromatographic separation of fucosyl-reactive Bge cell proteins from fucoidan-bound Sepharose 4B revealed the presence of polypeptides ranging from 6 to 200 kDa after elution with fucoidan-containing buffer. Pre-elution of the Bge protein-bound affinity column with dextran (Dex) and dextran sulfate (DexS) before introduction of the fucoidan buffer served as controls for protein binding based on nonspecific sugar or negative charge interactions. A subset of polypeptides (approximately 35-150 kDa) released by fucoidan elution was identified as Bge surface membrane proteins, representing putative fucosyl-binding proteins. Far-western blot analysis also demonstrated binding reactivity between Bge cell and sporocyst tegumental proteins. The finding that several of these parasite-binding Bge cell proteins were also fucoidan-reactive suggests the possible involvement of these molecules in mediating cellular interactions with sporocyst tegumental carbohydrates. It is concluded that Bge cells have surface protein(s) that may be playing a role in facilitating host cell adhesion to the surface of schistosome primary sporocysts through larval fucosylated glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

In strains of the snail Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda) that are resistant to the parasite Schistosoma mansoni (Trematoda), hemocytes in the hemolymph are responsible for elimination of S. mansoni sporocysts. The defensive role of reactive nitrogen species was investigated in in vitro interactions between hemocytes derived from the resistant 13-16-R1 strain of B. glabrata and the parasite. The nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME) and the nitric oxide (NO) scavenger 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide reduced cell-mediated killing of S. mansoni sporocysts. To determine if peroxynitrite (ONOO-) is involved in killing, assays were run in the presence of the ONOO- scavengers uric acid and deferoxamine. These did not influence the rate of parasite killing, indicating that NO is directly responsible for mediating cytotoxicity, but ONOO- is not. The combination of the NOS inhibitor L-NAME and catalase, an enzyme that detoxifies hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), reduced average sporocyst mortality to a greater extent than L-NAME alone. Killing of the sporocysts was, however, not totally inhibited. It is suggested that NO and H2O2 are both involved in hemocyte-mediated toxicity of 13-16-R1 B. glabrata against S. mansoni sporocysts.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni modulation of phagocytosis in Biomphalaria glabrata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both short-term (3 hr) exposure of Biomphalaria glabrata snails (M-line and 13-16-R1) to Schistosoma mansoni (PR1) miracidia and in vitro incubation of parasite sporocysts with host hemolymph components altered host phagocytic ability. Hemocytes obtained from susceptible (M-line) snails that had been exposed to parasite miracidia for 3 hr showed reduced levels of phagocytosis of yeast cells in vitro compared to hemocytes from unexposed individuals. Incubation of whole hemolymph with sporocysts in vitro also reduced yeast phagocytosis in this susceptible strain. In contrast, resistant (13-16-R1) hemocytes showed increased levels of yeast phagocytosis after in vitro incubation with the parasite, and the opsonic properties of 13-16-R1 plasma were greater after exposure of snails to miracidia. These strain-specific effects of S. mansoni on host hemocyte phagocytosis and plasma opsonization were seen only when both plasma and hemocytes were present at the time of exposure to the parasite.  相似文献   

Sturrock R. F. and Upatham E. S. 1973. An investigation of the interactions of some factors influencing the infectivity of Schistosoma mansoni miracidia to Biomphalaria glabrata. International Journal for Parasitology3: 35–41. A 33 replicated factorial experiment showed that there were significant first-order interactions between the effects of turbidity, salinity and pH on the infectivity of Schistosoma mansoni miracidia to Biomphalaria glabrata. The main factor effects resembled those obtained when the factors were studied individually. There was a negative regression of infection rate on the logarithm of the level of both turbidity and salinity, and a curvilinear regression on pH, with a peak between 7 and 8. However, as the main factors only accounted for little over half of the observed variance, the interactions are extremely important and greatly reduce the chance of a miracidium infecting a snail. These findings are relevant to natural transmission sites in endemic areas and also suggest that quite minor variations in other factors may enhance the adverse effect of increased salinity on transmission in estuaries, and thus minimize the importance of such areas in the epidemiology of the parasite.  相似文献   

The fate of Schistosoma mansoni (Trematoda) sporocysts in its molluscan host Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda) is determined by circulating phagocytes (hemocytes). When the parasite invades a resistant snail, it is attacked and destroyed by hemocytes, whereas in a susceptible host it remains unaffected. We used 3 inbred strains of B. glabrata: 13-16-R1 and 10-R2, which are resistant to the PR-1 strain of S. mansoni, and M-line Oregon (MO), which is susceptible to PR-1. In an in vitro killing assay using plasma-free hemocytes from these strains, the rate of parasite killing corresponded closely to the rate by which S. mansoni sporocysts are killed in vivo. Hemocytes from resistant snails killed more than 80% of S. mansoni sporocysts within 48 hr, whereas sporocyst mortality in the presence of hemocytes from susceptible snails was <10%. Using this in vitro assay, we assessed the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by resistant hemocytes, during killing of S. mansoni sporocysts. Inhibition of NADPH oxidase significantly reduced sporocyst killing by 13-16-R1 hemocytes, indicating that ROS play an important role in normal killing. Reduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by including catalase in the killing assay increased parasite viability. Reduction of superoxide (O2-), however, by addition of superoxide dismutase or scavenging of hydroxyl radicals (*OH) and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) by addition of hypotaurine did not alter the rate of sporocyst killing by resistant hemocytes. We conclude that H2O2 is the ROS mainly responsible for killing.  相似文献   

In areas endemic for schistosomiasis, the population dynamics of the snail intermediate hosts have a direct effect on parasite transmission. The present study focused on the potential for neonatal Biomphalaria glabrata snails to become infected with Schistosoma mansoni and to produce cercariae under various conditions. It was found that snails as small as 0.74 mm in shell diameter could survive miracidial penetration and could release cercariae when as small as 1.6 mm in diameter. Cercariae produced by small snails were equally infectious for mice when compared with those shed by larger snails. Likewise, histological examination of neonatally exposed snails revealed normally developing parasites at all stages of infection. It was found that in 2 snail populations expressing either high or low susceptibility to the parasite, peak susceptibility occurred at 25 days of age in both groups. Daily cercarial production for neonatally exposed snails was initially low but increased dramatically as the snails grew, eventually reaching values as high as 2,100 cercariae/snail/day. A moderate to high percentage of snails infected as neonates was eventually capable of simultaneously producing both eggs and cercariae. These studies emphasize the potential importance of neonatal and preadult snails in helping to maintain foci of S. mansoni infection in endemic areas.  相似文献   

Lectin-carbohydrate binding may be involved in the recognition of Schistosoma mansoni sporocysts by haemocytes of Biomphalaria; therefore, we tested if this interaction is associated with snail resistance against Schistosoma infection. In vitro data showed that most of the S. mansoni sporocysts cultured with haemocytes from Biomphalaria glabrata BH, a highly susceptible snail strain, had a low number of cells that adhered to their tegument and a low mortality rate. Moreover, the addition of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) did not alter this pattern of adherence and mortality. Using haemocytes and haemolymph of Biomphalaria tenagophila Cabo Frio, we observed a high percentage of sporocysts with adherent cells, but complete encapsulation was not detected. Low concentrations of GlcNAc increased haemocyte binding to the sporocysts and mortality, which returned to basal levels with high concentrations of the carbohydrate. In contrast, haemocytes plus haemolymph from B. tenagophila Taim encapsulated cellular adhesion index of level 3 and destroyed over 30% of the S. mansoni sporocysts in culture. Interestingly, the addition of GlcNAc, but not mannose, to the culture medium resulted in the significant inhibition of cellular adhesion to the parasite tegument and the reduction of parasite mortality, suggesting that GlcNAc carbohydrate moieties are important to the recognition of S. mansoni by B. tenagophila Taim.  相似文献   

Suspensions of miracidia and cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni were subjected to repeated freeze-thaw cycles and then injected into resistant Salvador strain Biomphalaria glabrata snails. A pronounced increase in the number of mitotic figures, relative to uninjected, sham-injected, or diluent (water)-injected controls, was observed in the amebocyte-producing organ (APO) at 3 days postinjection (PI). After centrifugation of miracidia freeze-thaw extract (FTE), the resulting supernatant (FTS) and pellet possessed equal stimulatory activity that was approximately half that seen with FTE. Ultracentrifugation of miracidia FTS resulted in a supernatant that retained full activity, indicating a soluble molecule. Heat treatment of miracidia FTE reduced but did not eliminate activity, suggesting a nonprotein active component. Concentration or dilution of FTS by a factor of 10 gave a nonlinear dose-response relationship. Susceptible NIH albino snails injected with miracidia FTE had increased mitotic activity in the APO, which was much less than that seen in Salvador snails, whereas injection of miracidia FTE into Helisoma duryi had no discernable effect. Measurement of mitotic activity as a function of time PI showed no increase in numbers of mitotic figures in the APO at 18 hr but a large increase at 24 hr PI. Mitotic activity returned to preinjection levels by 96 hr PI, although a subsequent increase occurred at 120 hr PI.  相似文献   

This paper discusses observations on the emergence of Schistosoma mansoni from the snail Biomphalaria glabrata exposed to manganese sulfate. Such treatment, when snails were exposed to a short pulse of light, terminated cercarial emergence. However, with 6 hr of light, a relatively large number of cercariae emerged, indicating that a long photoperiod can override manganese inhibition. Manganese also inhibited emergence of cercariae from the sporocyst and retarded maturation of developing cercariae. Coincidental observations indicated that manganese exerts a prolonged anesthetic and relaxing action on the snail.  相似文献   

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