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二种改进人工饲料对红脉穗螟生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在温度(29±1)℃和相对湿度75%±5%条件下,研究了2种改进人工饲料和天然饲料椰子幼果对红脉穗螟Tirathaba rufivena Walker生长发育、繁殖力和营养的影响。结果表明:与天然饲料相比,用改进人工饲料饲养的红脉穗螟幼虫生长发育速度、幼虫存活率、蛹重及产卵量均提高;幼虫相对生长率(RGR)、食物利用率(ECI)及食物转化率(ECD)均显著提高,而相对取食量(RCR)则显著降低。表明红脉穗螟幼虫对2种人工饲料有很好的适应性,可用于大量饲养。  相似文献   

豆野螟的生物学特性及其防治   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
豆野螟Maruea testulalisGeyer(1832)是我国豆类蔬菜,特别是长豇豆Vigna sesguipedalis的主要害虫。在杭州,一年发生七代,以预蛹越冬。以1—3代为害为主。一龄幼虫头宽0.197毫米,Dyar常数为1.653。随虫龄增加,取食场所从花器转向豆荚。产卵前期为3—4天,羽化后6—8天卵量最集中。幼虫、蛹发育历期与日平均温度间的对数回归方程为Y1=3.5825—1.7766x,Yp=3.8118-2.0800x。卵期2—4天。田间为害以6—8月为主;灯下威虫有7月和9—10月两个高峰。有分距姬蜂Cremastus sp.和稻苞虫寄蝇Pseudoperiehaeta insidiosa二种天敌。应用80%敌敌畏800倍等农药,在百花虫数达40头上下、二龄幼虫约占50%时,兼喷植株、落地花,能达到降低花、荚被害率,提高鲜荚产量、品质和降低成本的效果。  相似文献   

从豆野螟分布、发生为害及综合防治等几方面综述了该虫的研究进展.气候因子、豆类品种、栽培耕作制度及天敌是影响豆野螟发生的主要因素.在防治方面,主要是化学防治,生物防治开始受到重视.在综述基础上,探讨了豆野螟今后研究的内容和重点.  相似文献   

陈思亮 《昆虫知识》1992,29(2):118-119
<正> 红脉穗螟 Tirathaba rufivena Walker是槟榔、椰子、油棕的严重害虫,常年为害,防治难度较大。这三种重要经济作物因该虫的为害造成严重的经济损失。为了研究有效的防治方法,特别是进行新方法、新技术的筛选和应用,必须  相似文献   

豆野螟Maruca vitrata(Fabricius)是一种严重的泛热带豆类蔬菜害虫。本文研究了豆野螟延迟交尾和多次交尾对其生殖的影响。延迟交尾实验结果表明:豆野螟雌雄同时延迟交尾,雌雄虫的寿命、产卵量均表现为先上升后下降的趋势,但是对卵的孵化率没有显著影响;雌虫延迟交尾,随着延迟时间的增加,雌虫的寿命、产卵量、卵的孵化率表现为下降的趋势,而雄虫的寿命延迟交尾第3天达到最大值;雄虫延迟交尾,随着延迟交尾时间的增加,雌雄虫的寿命、产卵量均表现为先上升后下降的趋势,卵的孵化率随着延迟逐渐下降。多次交尾实验结果表明,随着雄虫交尾次数的增加,成功交尾率逐渐降低,用于交尾的时间延长,雌虫和相应雄虫的寿命逐渐缩短,雌虫的产卵量下降,但对卵的孵化率影响不大;豆野螟雌虫一生只交尾一次,未见到雌虫2次交尾。  相似文献   

中国豆野螟性信息素腺体组份的化学结构鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究中国豆野螟Marucavitrata(Fabricius)性信息素腺体成分。分析证实(反,反)-10,12-十六碳二烯醛(E,E-10,12-16∶ALD)是中国豆野螟性信息素腺体的主要组份;同时利用GC和GC-MS发现(反,反)-10,12-十六碳二烯醇(E,E-10,12-16∶OH)和反-10-十六碳单烯醛(E-10-16∶ALD)也是中国豆野螟性信息素腺体的组份;三者在腺体中分别以51∶4∶45的比例存在。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在了解桑螟Diaphania pyloalis幼虫不同饲养密度对其生长发育和繁殖的影响。【方法】本研究测定了室内同一条件下5个幼虫密度(130, 650, 1 300, 1 950和2 600头/m2)下桑螟生长发育和繁殖指标,包括发育历期、幼虫存活率、化蛹率、成虫羽化率、蛹重、产卵期、单雌产卵量等。【结果】幼虫密度对桑螟的生长发育和繁殖均产生不同程度影响,幼虫密度偏低或偏高都不利于桑螟生长发育和繁殖。其中以1 300和1 950头/m2 2种幼虫密度下的桑螟幼虫生长发育和成虫繁殖状态均最佳且两密度下各项指标无明显差异,1 300头/m2密度下,桑螟的幼虫历期、蛹历期和成虫历期分别为11.32, 6.33和5.31 d; 1 950头/m2密度下,桑螟的幼虫历期、蛹历期和成虫历期分别为11.50, 6.00和5.47 d。1 300头/m2幼虫密度下,桑螟化蛹率、成虫羽化率和幼虫存活率分别为86.67%, 100%和86.67%, 1 950头/m2<...  相似文献   

本文以绿豆粉、长豇豆粉、酵母粉、多维葡萄糖、琼脂、山梨酸和甲醛为原料配制了6种人工饲料饲养豇豆荚螟Maruca testulalis Geyer,以改进其人工饲料的饲养效果。结果表明:以绿豆粉和长豇豆粉为主要原料配制的配方5和配方6饲养效果较好。尤其是配方6,豇豆荚螟的幼虫存活率和历期、蛹重和化蛹率、成虫羽化率与天然饲料饲养的豇豆荚螟相比没有差异,表明该人工饲料可用于室内人工饲养豇豆荚螟。  相似文献   

人工饲料对龟纹瓢虫生长和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张丽莉  李恺  张天澍  王斌 《昆虫知识》2007,44(6):871-876
龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica(Thunberg)能捕食多种农业害虫,并且具有食量大、产卵多、适应性强、年发生代数多等特点,是我国农业生产中一种重要的捕食性天敌昆虫。对龟纹瓢虫人工饲料的研究则是实现其规模化饲养的关键。作者研究不同饲料对龟纹瓢虫生长和繁殖的影响,结果表明:添加橄榄油后幼虫发育历期明显增长,添加0.3%的橄榄油能显著提高幼虫的成活率;在成虫体重增长上,雌雄虫均表现为在刚羽化后几天内体重增长显著,随后增长变缓;并且添加蔗糖能显著提高雌虫的体重增长率而对雄虫作用不显著;对雌虫繁殖性能的研究发现,蚜虫喂养组有明显的持续时间较长的产卵高峰期,而人工饲料的产卵高峰期持续时间较短,并且出现时间较晚或分为2个高峰期;添加0.3%的橄榄油能显著缩短龟纹瓢虫的产卵前期,几乎达到蚜虫喂养组的水平;而添加蔗糖在一定程度也能缩短产卵前期,同时还能显著提高龟纹瓢虫的产卵量。  相似文献   

The legume pod-borer Maruca vitrata (Fabricius), [Lepidoptera: Pyralidae] is a major constraint restricting increased cowpea production in tropical Africa and Asia. Since lectins are known to have insecticidal properties against several pests, a survey was undertaken to screen for the effects of 25 lectins from 15 plant families on the development of Maruca pod borer (MPB) larvae. The list included 8 galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine-, 7 mannose-, 5 complex glycan-, 2 sialic acid- and 3, N-acetylglucosamine-specific lectins. Feeding bioassays using artificial diet were carried out at 2% (w/w) topical levels. Although a total of 16 lectins had detrimental effects pertaining either to larval survival, weight, feeding inhibition, pupation, adult emergence and/or fecundity, only the Listera ovata agglutinin (LOA) (Orchidaceae) and Galanthus nivalis (Amaryllidaceae) agglutinin were effective against MPB larvae for all six parameters examined. Larval mortality and feeding inhibition caused by the most active lectin (LOA) was above 60%.  相似文献   

张勇  王开运  原晓玲  庞云红  马惠 《昆虫知识》2006,43(4):545-548,519
报道饲养烟青虫HelicoverpaassultaGue澖ee的一种人工饲料,比较了烟青虫取食该饲料和天然饲料的主要生物学指标,测定了6龄幼虫对2种食料的转化和利用率。该人工饲料的主要成分是麦胚、黄豆粉、酵母粉和烟叶粉,天然饲料为烟草叶片。结果表明:取食人工饲料的烟青虫幼虫生长发育快,化的蛹较大,成虫寿命长,产卵量大,所产卵孵化率高;取食人工饲料的烟青虫与取食烟草蒴果的相比,前者相对取食量和近似消化率较高,相对生长率无显著性差异。说明烟青虫对该人工饲料有较好的适应性,可以作为繁殖烟青虫的实用饲料。  相似文献   

南方小花蝽液体人工饲料的饲养效果评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张士昶  周兴苗  潘悦  雷朝亮 《昆虫学报》2008,51(9):997-1001
为评价一种液体人工饲料的饲养效果,以棉蚜饲养南方小花蝽作对照,用液体人工饲料连续两代饲养南方小花蝽若虫和成虫,对南方小花蝽各生长阶段的生长和发育指标进行调查。结果显示:用人工饲料饲养的南方小花蝽若虫历期(22~23天)与对照组(21天)之间不存在显著差异,说明液体人工饲料可以很好的满足南方小花蝽若虫生长的营养要求。然而,用棉蚜饲养的对照组南方小花蝽成虫获得率可达到63%,而人工饲料组连续两代的成虫获得率分别仅为45% 和43%。取食人工饲料的南方小花蝽成虫,在产卵前期、产卵量及寿命方面与对照组都没有显著差异,仅在产卵期方面有着显著差异,人工饲料组小花蝽的产卵期为13~16天,而对照组小花蝽的产卵期可达20天,说明液体人工饲料也可以很好的满足南方小花蝽成虫生殖发育的营养要求。  相似文献   

Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a major pest of maize and sorghum in many countries of tropical Africa. Hitherto, research on this important pest has been hampered by the occurrence of a six-month long diapause in the last larval stage and the lack of an artificial diet for rearing the insect in the laboratory. Incorporating 4 to 8-week-old sorghum powder in a nutritionally adequate diet and rearing larvae individually in vials at ambient laboratory conditions (25–30°C, 50–80% r.h., and L12: D12) have made it possible to rear 15 successive non-diapausing generations ofB. fusca capable of producing between 35 to 40 healthy pupae/litre of diet and upto 70% pupation without loss of vigour or reproductive capacity. Five to six generations were completed per year and the overall mean developmental period (egg-egg) was 68 days (egg 6, larval 45, pre-pupal 1, pupal 14 and pre-oviposition 2 days). Larval period lasted 70 days in the first generation compared to 32.3 days in the fifteenth generation. Average fecundity increased from 158.0 to 394.6 eggs per female with a concomitant increase of egg hatch from 44.8 to 79.6% in the first and fifteenth generation, respectively.  相似文献   

In many herbivorous insects, the attraction to suitable host plants is in part mediated by similar olfactory cues from different host plants. This study investigated the electrophysiological and behavioral responses of female Maruca vitrata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) to floral volatiles from two host plants, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers and Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet (both Fabaceae). Qualitative and quantitative differences were found between the odor profiles of two host plants by gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). Nine electroantennography‐active compounds were detected in the headspace collections of the two host plants by means of coupled GC‐electroantennographic detection. In a wind tunnel, female behaviors (upwind flight and source approach) were not affected by stimuli or their interaction with host plants, but the behaviors were influenced by host plants. A mixture of the nine bioactive compounds, including limonene, 1,3‐diethylbenzene, benzaldehyde, acetophenone, 4‐ethylbenzaldehyde, 1‐(4‐ethylphenyl)‐ethanone, 2‐methyl‐3‐phenylpropanal, 1H‐indol‐4‐ol, and 1,1′‐(1,4‐phenylene)bis‐ethanone mimicking L. purpureus (in a ratio of 0.4:9.7:2.4:5.7:78.1:4.8:100:0.6:30.3) attracted significantly more females approaching the sources compared with the mixture of compounds mimicking V. unguiculata (in a ratio of 0.3:1.4:1.6:3.7:50.8:3.2:100:4.2:16.7). Further bioassays revealed that a subtractive 4‐component blend [limonene, 1,3‐diethylbenzene, 4‐ethylbenzaldehyde, and 1‐(4‐ethylphenyl)‐ethanone in a ratio of 0.4:9.7:78.1:4.8] was essential for maximal attraction. Our study suggested that female M. vitrata might use similar odors from V. unguiculata and L. purpureus to locate suitable hosts and that an artificial lure, containing the major floral volatiles released by the two host plants, might be useful in exploring efficiency monitoring and/or control strategies of this moth in the field.  相似文献   

东亚小花蝽人工饲料微胶囊剂型的研制及饲养效果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭晓玲  王甦  李修炼  张帆 《昆虫学报》2010,53(8):891-900
通过正交试验对东亚小花蝽Orius sauteri人工饲料微胶囊进行了配方优化研究, 明确了海藻酸钠及壳聚糖的填充比例和芯壁比例在微胶囊产率、包埋率和含水率等方面的影响。各配方因素对产率的影响程度依次为: 芯壁比 > 海藻酸钠填充比 > 壳聚糖填充比; 而各因素对包埋率的影响程度依次为: 壳聚糖填充比 > 海藻酸钠填充比 > 芯壁比; 含水率受海藻酸钠填充比影响最大, 而后依次为壳聚糖填充比和芯壁比; 在海藻酸钠填充比为2.0%、壳聚糖填充比为0.6%及芯壁比为1∶3时, 所得人工饲料微胶囊感官评定得分最高。以包埋率作为基准考量下, 取最佳配比为海藻酸钠填充比为1.0%, 壳聚糖填充比为0.8%, 芯壁比为1∶1的配方, 制作人工饲料微胶囊饲喂东亚小花蝽, 与取食朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus组为对照, 进行了饲喂效果试验。结果表明: 与对照组相比, 取食人工饲料微胶囊后, 东亚小花蝽1、 2龄若虫发育历期显著延长, 雌成虫寿命显著缩短; 羽化率和产卵前期差异不显著, 但产卵期、产卵量和卵孵化率显著降低。此外, 取食人工饲料微胶囊的东亚小花蝽成虫呼吸墒显著低于对照, 运动速率则显著高于对照。  相似文献   

Growth, survival, fecundity, and nutrition of Tirathaba rufivena (Walker) fed on two artificial and one natural diet were studied at 29±1°C and 75±5% relative humidity. Larvae reared on the two artificial diets showed faster growth and development, higher pupal survival and weight, and higher adult fecundity than those reared on a natural diet of young coconuts, Cocos nucifera L. The relative growth rate, efficiency of ingested food conversion, and efficiency of digested food conversion in larvae fed on artificial diets were significantly higher than those of larvae fed on young coconuts. The relative consumption rate of larvae fed on artificial diets was significantly lower than that of larvae fed on young coconuts. T. rufivena showed no significant degradation in ability to propagate after being reared on the artificial diet for five successive generations. These results indicated that two artificial diets are suitable for mass rearing of T. rufivena.  相似文献   

The Life cycle of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in in vitro conditions. Development of stem borer undergoes following stages like egg, larvae, pupa and moth. The egg incubation period ranged from 3 to 6 days, larval stage was observed in five instars. The mean value of I, II, III, IV and V instars showed 3.8 ± 0.16, 5.2 ± 0.02, 6.1 ± 0.06, 7.35 ± 1.5, and 10.12 ± 0.29 days, respectively and complete larvae period ranged from 42 to 49 days. Pupae stage was observed in 8–9 days. The pre-mating and mating period was found at 9.10 ± 1.20 and 5.14 ± 1.08 h while egg laying period in 4.1 ± 1.32 days respectively. Fecundity rate of stem borer is from 262 to 657 eggs. The life span of adult male (3-7) and female (3-8) days was observed with a mean of 6.30 ± 0.85 and 5.10 ± 0.69 days respectively. Life cycle of stem borer gets completed in 47 to 51 days. Development of quality insects in required quantities at different developmental stages and their timely supply plays an inevitable role particularly for insect-breeding resistant programs. Hence to meet these challenges we had tried to standardize an artificial diet with cost effective to rear Chilo partellus under in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

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