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Transient transfection of intraerythrocytic Babesia bovis parasites has been previously reported. In this study, we describe the development and optimization of methods for transfection of purified B. bovis merozoites using either nucleofection (Amaxa) or conventional electroporation (Gene Pulser II, BioRad). Initially, the optimal buffer ("Plasmodium 88A6") and program (v-24) for nucleofection of free merozoites with a plasmid containing the luciferase gene as a reporter were determined. Using the same reporter plasmid, optimal voltage, capacitance and resistance for transfecting free merozoites by electroporation were defined to be 1.2 kV/25 microF/200 Omega. Using these optimal parameters, analysis of the time course of luciferase expression using either system to transfect free B. bovis merozoites showed high enzyme activity at 24h, with a rapid decline thereafter. Nucleofection was approximately five times more effective than electroporation when using a small quantity (2 microg) of DNA, while electroporation was twice as effective as nucleofection when a larger quantity of plasmid DNA (100 microg) was used. Parasite viability was significantly higher when using nucleofection when compared to electroporation regardless of the amount of DNA used. Comparison of luciferase expression after transfection of merozoites with circular, linearized, or double digested plasmid indicated that intact, circular plasmid was necessary for optimal luciferase expression. Overall, the results provide a basis for optimal transfection of purified B. bovis merozoites using either nucleofection or conventional electroporation. However, nucleofection is significantly more efficient when transfecting either circular or restriction digested DNA in the 2-10 microg range.  相似文献   

The capsid of the herpes simplex virus initially assembles as a procapsid that matures through a massive conformational change of its 182 MDa surface shell. This transition, which stabilizes the fragile procapsid, is facilitated by the viral protease that releases the interaction between the shell and the underlying scaffold; however, protease-deficient procapsids mature slowly in vitro. To study procapsid maturation as a time-resolved process, we monitored this reaction by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The resulting images were sorted into 17 distinct classes, and three-dimensional density maps were calculated for each. When arranged in a chronological series, these maps yielded molecular movies of procapsid maturation. A single major switching event takes place at stages 8-9, preceded by relatively subtle adjustments in the pattern of interactions and followed by similarly small 'aftershocks'. The primary mechanism underlying maturation is relative rotations of domains of VP5, the major capsid protein.  相似文献   

Babesia bovis merozoites, externalized by removal of infected erythrocytes from ordinary culture conditions, were completely separated from red blood cells and stroma by centrifugation in a Percoll gradient. A merozoite band formed at a point corresponding to about 1.087 g/ml specific density. Infected red blood cells were concentrated approximately fourfold to obtain greater than 49.0% parasitemia after centrifugation in Percoll. Most highly enriched fractions positioned between 1.121 and 1.123 g/ml specific density. Full parasite viability was retained.  相似文献   

Apicomplexa are a phylum of obligate intracellular parasites critically dependent on invasion of a host cell. An in vitro assay for erythrocyte invasion by Babesia bovis was established, employing free merozoites obtained after the application of high-voltage to the parasitised erythrocytes. The invasion proceeds efficiently in phosphate-buffered saline solution without the requirement for any serum or medium components. The kinetics of invasion can be measured over a time span of 5-60 min after which invasion is completed at an average efficiency of 41%. The fast kinetics and high efficiency exceed those of most previously established apicomplexan invasion assays. The manipulation of intracellular calcium concentration inhibits invasion. Preincubation of merozoites at 37 degrees C also reduces invasion, possibly by the premature secretion of protein. Proteins that are shed into the environment during invasion were directly detectable by protein staining after 2-D gel electrophoresis. The limitations posed by the immunological detection of proteins released during in vitro invasion by other apicomplexan parasites can, therefore, be avoided by this method. A unique feature of the assay is the reversible uncoupling of invasion and intracellular development, the latter taking place only under serum-rich medium conditions. In addition, host cell attachment is uncoupled from invasion by cytochalasin B.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Eukaryotic cell motility plays a key role during development, wound healing, and tumour invasion. Computer-assisted image analysis now makes it a realistic task to quantify individual cell motility of a large number of cells. However, the influence of culture conditions before and during measurements has not been investigated systematically. METHODS: We have evaluated intraassay and interassay variations in determinations of cellular speed of fibroblastoid L929 cells and investigated the effects of a series of physical and biological parameters on the motile behavior of this cell line. Cellular morphology and organization of filamentous actin were assessed by means of phase-contrast and confocal laser scanning microscopy and compared to the corresponding motility data. RESULTS: Cell dissociation procedure, seeding density, time of cultivation, and substrate concentration were shown to affect cellular speed significantly. pH and temperature of the medium most profoundly influenced cell motility and morphology. Thus, the mean cell speed was 40% lower at pH 7.25 than at pH 7.6; at 29 degrees C, it was approximately four times lower than at 39 degrees C. CONCLUSION: Of the parameters evaluated, cell motility was most strongly affected by changes in pH and temperature. In general, changes in cell speed were accompanied by alterations in cell morphology and organization of filamentous actin, although no consistent phenotypic characteristics could be demonstrated for cells exhibiting high cell speed.  相似文献   

Cell migration is a dynamic process, which is important for embryonic development, tissue repair, immune system function, and tumor invasion (1, 2). During directional migration, cells move rapidly in response to an extracellular chemotactic signal, or in response to intrinsic cues (3) provided by the basic motility machinery. Random migration occurs when a cell possesses low intrinsic directionality, allowing the cells to explore their local environment. Cell migration is a complex process, in the initial response cell undergoes polarization and extends protrusions in the direction of migration (2). Traditional methods to measure migration such as the Boyden chamber migration assay is an easy method to measure chemotaxis in vitro, which allows measuring migration as an end point result. However, this approach neither allows measurement of individual migration parameters, nor does it allow to visualization of morphological changes that cell undergoes during migration. Here, we present a method that allows us to monitor migrating cells in real time using video - time lapse microscopy. Since cell migration and invasion are hallmarks of cancer, this method will be applicable in studying cancer cell migration and invasion in vitro. Random migration of platelets has been considered as one of the parameters of platelet function (4), hence this method could also be helpful in studying platelet functions. This assay has the advantage of being rapid, reliable, reproducible, and does not require optimization of cell numbers. In order to maintain physiologically suitable conditions for cells, the microscope is equipped with CO(2) supply and temperature thermostat. Cell movement is monitored by taking pictures using a camera fitted to the microscope at regular intervals. Cell migration can be calculated by measuring average speed and average displacement, which is calculated by Slidebook software.  相似文献   

Babesia bovis-specific T cell lines were established from cattle infected with either tick-derived or cultured parasites by stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with a crude parasite membrane fraction. Induction and enrichment of CD4+ T cells occurred over time. All cell lines responded vigorously and in a dose-dependent, MHC-restricted manner to intact merozoites, and to soluble and membrane fractions derived from merozoites by homogenization and high-speed centrifugation. Solubilization of the membrane fraction with nondenaturing zwitterionic or nonionic detergents yielded antigenic extracts which also stimulated the T cells. However, a differential response was observed, in that cell lines from one animal proliferated vigorously to the detergent extracts of the membrane fraction, whereas cell lines from a second animal proliferated only weakly to these extracts. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed common protein bands of 90 and 22 kDa in the various immunogenic fractions. Cell lines from the animal infected with cultured parasites also responded to parasite culture supernatant "exoantigens" and to the related parasite, Babesia bigemina. We conclude that antigens present in merozoite membranes and soluble parasite extracts preferentially stimulate CD4+ T cells from cattle immune to Babesia bovis. The differential pattern of response of T cell lines from different cattle suggests that more than one protein or epitope is immunodominant for T cells.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix in tissues such as bone, tendon and cornea contains ordered, parallel arrays of collagen type I fibrils. Cells embedded in these matrices frequently co-align with the collagen fibrils, suggesting that ordered fibrils provide structural or signalling cues for cell polarization. To study mechanisms of matrix-induced cell alignment, we used nanoscopically defined two-dimensional matrices assembled of highly aligned collagen type I fibrils. On these matrices, different cell lines expressing integrin alpha(2)beta(1) polarized strongly in the fibril direction. In contrast, alpha(2)beta(1)-deficient cells adhered but polarized less well, suggesting a role of integrin alpha(2)beta(1) in the alignment process. Time-lapse atomic force microscopy (AFM) demonstrated that during alignment cells deform the matrix by reorienting individual collagen fibrils. Cells deformed the collagen matrix asymmetrically, revealing an anisotropy in matrix rigidity. When matrix rigidity was rendered uniform by chemical cross-linking or when the matrix was formed from collagen fibrils of reduced tensile strength, cell polarization was prevented. This suggested that both the high tensile strength and pliability of collagen fibrils contribute to the anisotropic rigidity of the matrix, leading to directional cellular traction and cell polarization. During alignment, cellular protrusions contacted the collagen matrix from below and above. This complex entanglement of cellular protrusions and collagen fibrils may further promote cell alignment by maximizing cellular traction.  相似文献   

Agarose gel electrophoresis was used to identify metabolic enzymes in Babesia bovis and B. bigemina. Glutamate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose phosphate isomerase, and hexokinase were identified in B. bovis- and B. bigemina-infected erythrocytes and B. bovis merozoite preparations. A specific electrophoretic mobility was observed for each enzyme. Malate dehydrogenase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and adenylate kinase were only detected in normal erythrocyte preparations. Inter-species, but not intra-species, variation was noted when comparing electrophoretograms of both species. Kinin-activating activity was not detected in B. bovis-infected erythrocyte or merozoite preparations at pH 4.2 or 7.6.  相似文献   

Gliding motility of algae in unaffected by cytochalasin B   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of the antibiotic cytochalasin B on gliding motility of Oscillatoria and Navicula was studied using time lapse microcinematography. Contrary to its effects on many other non-muscle motile systems, cytochalasin B did not significantly inhibit motility.  相似文献   

The effect of the antibiotic cytochalasin B on gliding motility of Oscillatoria and Navicula was studied using time lapse microcinematography. Contrary to its effects on many other non-muscle motile systems, cytochalasin B did not significantly inhibit motility.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Agarose gel electrophoresis was used to identify metabolic enzymes in Babesia bovis and B. bigemina. Glutamate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose phosphate isomerase, and hexokinase were identified in B. bovis- and B. bigemina-infected erythrocytes and B. bovis merozoite preparations. A specific electrophoretic mobility was observed for each enzyme. Malate dehydrogenase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and adenylate kinase were only detected in normal erythrocyte preparations. Inter-species, but not intra-species, variation was noted when comparing electrophoretograms of both species. Kinin-activating activity was not detected in B. bovis-infected erythrocyte or merozoite preparations at pH 4.2 or 7.6.  相似文献   

The gliding movements of freshly isolated Mycoplasma pulmonis cells were observed and measured. The motile cells had a characteristic appearance, an average speed of 0.4 to 0.7 micron/s, and a maximum speed of 1 micron/s.  相似文献   

The tick borne Babesia parasites remain an important limitation for development of cattle industries worldwide. A stable transfection of Babesia bovis will be useful for functional analysis of the recently sequenced B. bovis genome and to design improved methods to control Babesia infections. In this study, we describe a novel system for nucleofection of B. bovis infected erythrocytes and we optimize methods to introduce plasmids encoding the luciferase reporter gene into Babesia infected erythrocytes or free merozoites using either a BioRad GenePulser II electroporation system or nucleofection technology (Amaxa) A comparative study among four different transfection methods: transfection of infected erythrocytes and purified merozoites with 2 or 100 microg of plasmid, using electroporation (BioRad GenePulser II) or nucleofection (Amaxa) indicates that electroporation of infected erythrocytes with 100 microg of plasmid or nucleofection with 2 microg of plasmid are the most efficient ways to transfect B. bovis parasites. The data also indicate that nucleofection is more efficient than electroporation for transfecting small quantities of plasmids (2 microg range), whereas the inverse is true for transfection of larger quantities (100 microg range). This information will facilitate further development of efficient stable transfection systems.  相似文献   

Computerized video time-lapse (CVTL) microscopy of X-irradiated cultures of cells of the murine lymphoma cell lines ST4 and L5178Y-S and the human lymphoid cell line MOLT-4 demonstrated that these cells exhibit a wide disparity in the timing of induction and execution of radiation-induced cell death that included rapid-interphase apoptosis, delayed apoptosis, and postmitotic apoptosis. ST4 cells that received 2.5 or 4 Gy of X radiation underwent rapid-interphase apoptosis within 2 h. Apoptosis commenced with a 10-20-min burst of membrane blebbing followed by swelling for 2-4 h and cell collapse. No apoptotic bodies were formed. After a dose of 1 Gy, approximately 90% of ST4 cells died by rapid-interphase apoptosis, while the remainder completed several rounds of cell division prior to cell death. Postmitotic death of ST4 cells occurred with the same morphological sequence of events as during rapid-interphase apoptosis induced by doses of 1-4 Gy. In contrast, L5178Y-S and MOLT-4 cells that received 4 Gy underwent apoptosis more slowly, with a complex series of events occurring over 30-60 h. Only 3% of L5178Y-S cells and 24% of MOLT-4 cells underwent apoptosis without attempting cell division. The cells became abnormally large during a long G(2)-phase delay, and then most of the cells (76-97%) attempted to divide for the first or second time at approximately 18-30 h postirradiation. However, either mitosis failed or division was aberrant; i.e., the large cells divided into three or four fragments which eventually fused together. This process was followed by several rounds of complex and unpredictable membrane blebbing, gross distortions of shape, fragmentation-refusion events, and formation of apoptotic bodies, after which the cells collapsed at 36-60 h postirradiation.  相似文献   

Monitoring biomolecular interactions by time-lapse atomic force microscopy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The atomic force microscope (AFM) is a unique imaging tool that enables the tracking of single macromolecule events in response to physiological effectors and pharmacological stimuli. Direct correlation can therefore be made between structural and functional states of individual biomolecules in an aqueous environment. This review explores how time-lapse AFM has been used to learn more about normal and disease-associated biological processes. Three specific examples have been chosen to illustrate the capabilities of this technique. In the cell, actin polymerizes into filaments, depolymerizes, and undergoes interactions with numerous effector molecules (i.e., severing, capping, depolymerizing, bundling, and cross-linking proteins) in response to many different stimuli. Such events are critical for the function and maintenance of the molecular machinery of muscle contraction and the dynamic organization of the cytoskeleton. One goal is to use time-lapse AFM to examine and manipulate some of these events in vitro, in order to learn more about how these processes occur in the cell. Aberrant protein polymerization into amyloid fibrils occurs in a multitude of diseases, including Alzheimer's and type 2 diabetes. Local amyloid deposits may cause organ dysfunction and cell death; hence, it is of interest to learn how to interfere with fibril formation. One application of time-lapse AFM in this area has been the direct visualization of amyloid fibril growth in vitro. This experimental approach holds promise for the future testing of potential therapeutic drugs, for example, by directly visualizing at which level of fibril assembly (i.e., nucleation, elongation, branching, or lateral association of protofibrils) a given active compound will interfere. Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large supramolecular assemblies embedded in the nuclear envelope. Transport of ions, small molecules, proteins, RNAs, and RNP particles in and out of the nucleus occurs via NPCs. Time-lapse AFM has been used to structurally visualize the response of individual NPC particles to various chemical and physical effectors known to interfere with nucleocytoplasmic transport. Taken together, such time-lapse AFM studies could provide novel insights into the molecular mechanisms of fundamental biological processes under both normal and pathological conditions at the single molecule level.  相似文献   

In the standard polarizing microscope, birefringent material appears bright only if its optic axis is oblique to the axes of the polarizer and analyzer filters; consequently, an object may be visualized as several disconnected bright regions. This confusing appearance is avoided if the crossed plane polarizers of the conventional microscope are replaced by circular polarizers of opposite handedness. All orientations of the optic axis in the focal plane then become equivalent; objects generally appear uniformly bright. Ordinary microscopes are easily modified to use this technic with readily available components.  相似文献   

Stereomicroscopic observations using oblique illuminations revealed the presence of two types of movement trails by Xylella fastidiosa strains (A- and G-genotypes) isolated from almond-leaf scorch samples on the surface of PW and PD3 culture media. The A-genotype strains showed curved motility trails, and the G-genotype strains showed straight motility trails. Haloes were found around some G-genotype colonies due to the excretion of unknown factors and (or) compounds, which might be related to bacterial surface motility.  相似文献   

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