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The paternity of 202 of 220 offspring of rhesus monkeys housed in six separate half-acre field cages at the California Primate Research Center was determined by genetic marker techniques. Reproductive success of the adult males was statistically significantly correlated (r = 0.76, P <0.0005) with rank. Marked systematic changes in reproductive success were, however, observed for two adult males during the three years covered by this study. Based upon these results and those of another study, it is argued that changes in rank position typically follow, rather than precede, changes in reproductive success.  相似文献   

We studied the size and productivity of white stork (Ciconia ciconia) populations in eight study sites in Poland. The number of nesting pairs and the average number of chicks fledged per pair fluctuated over time, and the studied populations differed in the variance of both breeding success and number of breeding pairs. The variance of breeding success (both for the mean number of chicks and the proportion of successful nests) and the variance of the number of breeding pairs was not correlated with the extent of stable habitats (pastures, meadows, wetlands), other habitats (farmland), or with local population trends over time. We found a non-linear symmetrical relationship between annual mean reproductive success and its variance but only when considered as the proportion of successful nests (i.e., when individual nests are coded as a binary value: 0, no success; 1, success). No such relationship existed when success was expressed as the number of fledged chicks. Although a positive significant correlation occurred between fledgling numbers (discrete data) and the proportion of successful nests (binary data), we believe that the use of only binary data will be inadequate in more detailed analyses, such as population viability analysis.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that reproductive success is positively associated with an individual’s genetic quality. However, the association between physical attractiveness and reproductive success (i.e., number of offspring) in modern humans remains less clear. Here we examined associations between men’s reproductive success and physical attractiveness from retrospective data obtained from married, divorced, and single samples of Slovakian men. As predicted, facially more attractive and taller men were more likely to engage in marriage. In turn, married men had higher reproductive success than single men. Even when men’s marital status was considered, facially more attractive men had higher reproductive success than their less attractive counterparts. This supports the importance of physical attractiveness in sexual selection in modern humans.  相似文献   

Two recent studies have shown a relationship between male height and number of offspring in contemporary developed-world populations. One of them argues as a result that directional selection for male tallness is both positive and unconstrained. This paper uses data from a large and socially representative national cohort of men who were born in Britain in March 1958. Taller men were less likely to be childless than shorter ones. They did not have a greater mean number of children. If anything, the pattern was the reverse, since men from higher socioeconomic groups tended to be taller and also to have smaller families. However, clear evidence was found that men who were taller than average were more likely to find a long-term partner, and also more likely to have several different long-term partners. This confirms the finding that tall men are considered more attractive and suggests that, in a noncontracepting environment, they would have more children. There is also evidence of stabilizing selection, since extremely tall men had an excess of health problems and an increased likelihood of childlessness. The conclusion is that male tallness has been selected for in recent human evolution but has been constrained by developmental factors and stabilizing selection on the extremely tall. The National Child Development Study is carried out by the researchers of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, London. The data are housed at the Data Archive of the University of Essex, from where they were obtained under license for the present study. I am grateful to Paul Preece for his assistance with data processing, and to Benjamin Campbell and two anonymous referees for invaluable advice which has, I hope, improved the quality of this paper. Daniel Nettle is lecturer in biological psychology at the Open University. With a first degree in psychology and a Ph.D. in biological anthropology, his work has been concerned with the application of evolutionary models to such topics as language (e.g., Linguistic Diversity, Oxford University Press, 1999) and individual differences (Strong Imagination, Oxford University Press, 2001).  相似文献   

Single individuals typically have higher testosterone compared to those who are partnered, suggesting that individual differences in testosterone are associated with mating effort, or people's motivation to find a sexual partner. However, there is less consistent evidence for links between testosterone and sociosexuality, or people's orientation toward uncommitted sexual activity. Based on Penke and Asendorpf's (2008) conceptualization, we propose that a more nuanced measure of sociosexuality may reveal more robust associations with testosterone. In the current study, we assessed relations between three components of sociosexuality—desire, behavior, and attitudes—and endogenous testosterone levels in men and women. We found that partnered status was indeed associated with lower testosterone in both men and women, but only among those who reported more restricted sociosexuality. Partnered men who reported greater desire for uncommitted sexual activity had testosterone levels that were comparable to those of single men; partnered women who reported more frequent uncommitted sexual behavior had testosterone levels that were comparable to those of single women. These findings provide new evidence that people's orientations toward sexual relationships, in combination with their relationship status, are associated with individual differences in testosterone. The current results are also among the first to demonstrate sociosexuality-testosterone associations in both men and women, and they reveal that the nature of these associations varies by gender. Together, these findings highlight the utility of a multifaceted conceptualization of sociosexuality and the implications of this conceptualization for neuroendocrine processes.  相似文献   

The association between social rank, mating effort, and reproductive success of male Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) has been evaluated by longterm behavioral observations and subsequent paternity determination via oligonucleotide DNA fingerprinting in a large semifreeranging group. All offspring born between 1985 and 1988 that survived to at least 1 year of age (n=75) were available for paternity testing. The exclusion of all but one of the potential fathers from paternity was possible in 70 cases (93%). Mating activities were recorded using ad lib. and focal female sampling techniques. The analysis of male mating effort was restricted to the most likely days of conception. Male rank correlated significantly with male mating success in all four breeding seasons and with male reproductive success in three of the four seasons. Mating success and reproductive success also showed a significant correlation, with the exception of one breeding season, in which the proportion of males per fertilizable female was especially high. Poor mating success was almost always associated with poor reproductive success, while good mating success was less predictive for a male's actual reproductive success. This was apparently a consequence of sperm competition, resulting from the promiscuous mating system. Male mating success is not necessarily an unreliable indicator for reproductive success, provided that sufficient sample sizes are available and that conception periods can be determined. Sperm competition and other factors may weaken the association, however.  相似文献   

The association between reproductive success and income in economically developed societies remains a controversial and understudied topic. The commonly made statement that individuals with a higher income have fewer children defies evolutionary explanation. Here we present results from an analyses of the association between lifetime reproductive success (LRS) and income for modern Europeans from 13 countries. We examine the relationships among income, partner income, sex and LRS, and the role of childlessness in driving the relationships. For women, we find a negative association between LRS and income, while for men, we find a flat or slightly positive one. The sex difference in the association appears to be driven by income's sex-specific association with childlessness; men with a low income have a relatively high risk of childlessness, while women with a low income have a low risk of childlessness. Consequently, once childless people are excluded from the analysis, LRS is negatively associated with income for both sexes. We argue that the observed LRS–income associations may be an outcome of evolved behavioural predispositions operating in modern environments and conclude that, even though humans fail to maximise LRS at all income levels in modern settings, evolutionary theory can still help to explain sex differences in LRS.  相似文献   

The reproductive success (RS) of 32 males in a captive group of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) between 1978 and 1992 was determined using paternity exclusion analysis. Dominance rank of each male over age 4 was assessed at the end of each breeding season based on agonistic dyadic interactions. The dominance rank and RS of these males were strongly correlated whether or not subadult males were included. The high reproductive success of males that eventually reached alpha rank is primarily responsible for this outcome. These results support the theory that social dominance has evolved in genusMacaca by sexual selection but some changes in male dominance rank and RS during the 15-year period suggest that priority of access is not the sole focus for such selection.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanisms that allow some animals to sustain their productive effort in harsh environmental conditions, rabbit does from two selection lines (LP and V) were housed in normal (NC), nutritional (NF) or heat (HC) challenging environmental conditions from first to third partum. The LP line (n=85) was founded on reproductive longevity criteria by selecting does from commercial farms that had a minimum of 25 partum with more than 7.5 kits born alive per parity. Line V (n=79) was constituted from four specialised maternal lines into a composite synthetic line and then selected by litter size at weaning for 36 generations. Female rabbits in NC and NF environments were housed at normal room temperature (18°C to 24°C) and fed with control [11.6 MJ digestible energy (DE)/kg dry matter (DM)] or low-energy diets (9.1 MJ DE/kg DM). HC does were housed at high room temperatures (25°C to 35°C) and fed the control diet. Female rabbits in the HC and NF environments ingested 11.5% and 6% less DE than NC does, respectively (P<0.05). These differences between environments occurred in both lines, with the differences being higher for LP than for V does (+6%; P<0.05). Milk yield responses followed those of energy intake also being higher for LP does (+21.3 g/day; P<0.05). The environmental conditions did not affect the perirenal fat thickness (PFT), but a genotype by environment interaction was observed. In NC and HC, the PFT was higher for line V (+0.23 and +0.35 mm, respectively; P<0.05) than for LP does, but this was not the case at NF (−0.01 mm). Moreover, the PFT evolution was different between them. In the NC environment, LP does used the accreted PFT in late lactation (−0.29 mm), whereas V does did not (−0.08 mm). Conversely, in the HC environment, LP does showed a flat PFT evolution in late lactation, whereas V does accumulated PFT. In the NF environment, LP and V does had a similar PFT evolution. There was also a litter size reduction for V does of −2.59 kits total born in HC and −1.78 kits total born in NF environments, whereas this was not observed for LP does. The results for LP does indicate a direct use of DE ingested for reproduction with little PFT change, whereas V does actively use the PFT reserves for reproduction.  相似文献   

The well described trend of population ageing results in a dramatic increase in the number of elderly, reporting symptoms of depression, the most common mood disorder today. Various intrinsic and extrinsic factors are discussed to be responsible for this increase of mood disorders. In the present study the association patterns between mild geriatric depression and the individual reproductive history are analyzed. 264 subjects, 167 females and 97 males, ageing between 60 and 95 years (mean 72.3, SD 8.1 yrs) were enrolled in the present study. The prevalence of depression was tested by mean of the geriatric depression scale (GDS), additionally reproductive history was documented. It turned out, that with increasing number of offspring the depression score decreased. Childless women exhibited the highest prevalence of mild depression and the highest mean depression score. These association patterns between reproductive history and depressive disorders during old age were discussed by means of Darwinian psychiatry. A low number of offspring or childlessness and a lack of social networks for support are new in the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens. Mild geriatric depression may be interpreted as a result of a mismatch or dysregulation because the recent social environment of elderly is completely different from that in which Homo sapiens evolved. The occurrence of geriatric depression may be an adaptation to this new situation.  相似文献   

The life‐history trade‐off between self‐maintenance and reproduction posits that investment in one function decreases investment in the other. Manipulating the costs and benefits of functions involved in a trade‐off may alter this interaction. Here we ask whether investment in self‐maintenance during a stress response alters territorial behavior in wild Dark‐eyed Juncos and whether rural and urban birds, which are known to differ in the magnitude of the stress response (greater in rural), also differ in the degree to which stress reduces territorial behavior. In rural and urban habitats, we measured territorial behavior using song playback, followed by either an acute stressor (capture and collection of a blood sample) or a nonstressful control situation. The following day, we again measured territorial behavior, predicting greater reduction in territorial behavior in individuals exposed to the stressor but a lesser reduction in territorial behavior in the urban as compared to the rural environment. We further assessed individual and population differences in response to stressors by measuring flight initiation distance, breath rate, and corticosterone levels in the blood. The rural population had a higher physiological and behavioral stress response than the urban population, and acute capture stress had a lasting (24 h) negative effect on territorial behavior, but only in the rural habitat. However, individual‐level differences in measures of the stress response did not explain variation in the impact of stress on territorial behavior. Our findings show that stressors can have a negative effect on territorial behavior, but that this effect may differ between populations that vary in their stress ecology.  相似文献   

Conditions experienced during early development affect human health and survival in adulthood, but whether such effects have consequences for fitness is not known. One surrogate for early conditions is month of birth, which is known to influence health and survival in many human populations. We show that in nineteenth century Canada, month of birth predicted a woman's fitness measured by the number of grandchildren produced, with the genetic contribution to the following generations by women born in different months differing by over seven grandchildren. This difference was mainly caused by differences in the reproductive rates of both mothers and their offspring, rather than differences in their survival. Women born in the best months of the year had longer reproductive lifespans, larger numbers of live births and raised more offspring to adulthood than those who were born in the worst months. Furthermore, the offspring of those women born in the best months also had greater reproductive rates, suggesting that month of birth also influenced a mother's ability to invest in her offspring. Our results suggest that early conditions may have important consequences for human lifetime reproductive performance within and between generations, and that timing of birth had large effects on fitness in this rural community.  相似文献   

In non-territorial species, individuals can move freely and should be distributed in an ideal free manner between habitats and areas with respect to resources that influence lifetime reproductive success (LRS). Consequently, no relationship between diet quality and LRS should be expected. However, there have been no attempts to test this prediction. The present paper investigates the relationship between forage habitat use and LRS in red deer (Cervus elaphus) hinds within three neighbouring areas on the Isle of Rum which differed in their amounts of high-quality-forage habitat. Within areas, hinds move widely and have access to the same resources. We found no correlation between LRS of individual hinds and their use of high-quality-forage habitat (i.e. short Agrostis/Festuca grassland). Our analysis suggests that high hind densities on short Agrostis/Festuca grassland offset any advantages of increased access to preferred forage. These results support the hypothesis that red deer hinds are distributed in an ideal free manner with respect to the use of high-quality-forage habitat. However, hinds rarely leave areas where they are born, and the analysis suggests that constraints in changing areas hindered an ideal free distribution on a larger spatial scale. Consequently, mean LRS was not the same within the three investigated areas: one area, with a low amount of short Agrostis/Festuca grassland and a low hind density, contributed more male offspring (and more total offspring) per hind to the population than the other two areas. Received: 11 September 1998 / Accepted: 15 March 1999  相似文献   

In Western societies, height is positively correlated with reproductive success (RS) for men but negatively correlated with RS for women. These relationships have been attributed to sexual selection: women prefer tall men, and men prefer short women. It is this success in the marriage market which leads to higher RS for tall men and short women. We have already shown that the relationship between height and RS for women is quite different in a non-Western context. In a subsistence farming community in rural Gambia, height is positively correlated with reproductive success for women, largely owing to the higher survival of the children of tall women. Here, the relationship between height and reproductive success is analyzed for men in the same community. For these Gambian men, there is no significant relationship between height and the number of children they produce, although tall men do contract more marriages than shorter men. We conclude that environmental context needs to be taken into account when analyzing human reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of a sample of wealthy Americans exceeds that of the general U.S. population. These Americans have more children than do their age-matched counterparts, and the survivorship of these children is very high. These wealthy Americans appear equally likely to have sons as to have daughters.  相似文献   

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