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Advances in optical microscopy techniques and single-molecule detection have paved the way to exploring new approaches for investigating membrane dynamics and organization, thereby revealing details on the processing of signals, complex association/dissociation, chemical reactions and transport at and around the membrane. These events rely on a tight regulation of lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions in space and time. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) provides exquisite sensitivity in measuring local concentrations, association/dissociation constants, chemical rate constants and, in general, in probing the chemical environment of the species of interest and its interactions with potential partners. Here, we review some applications of FCS to lipid and protein organization in biomimetic membranes with lateral heterogeneities, which share some physico-chemical properties with cellular rafts. What we learn from investigations of lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions in simple model membranes can be regarded as an essential basic lecture for studies in more complex cellular membranes.  相似文献   

Measurements of contact-dependent fluorescence quenching and of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) within bilayers provide information concerning the spatial relationships between molecules on distance scales of a few nm or up a few tens of nm, respectively, and are therefore well suited to detect the presence and composition of membrane microdomains. As described in this review, techniques based on fluorescence quenching and FRET have been used to demonstrate the formation of nanoscale liquid-ordered domains in cholesterol-containing model membranes under physiological conditions, and to investigate the structural features of lipids and proteins that influence their partitioning between liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered domains. FRET-based methods have also been used to test for the presence of ‘raft’ microdomains in the plasma membranes of mammalian cells. We discuss the sometimes divergent findings of these studies, possible modifications to the ‘raft hypothesis’ suggested by studies using FRET and other techniques, and the further potential of FRET-based methods to test and to refine current models of the nature and organization of membrane microdomains.  相似文献   

Lipids and proteins in the plasma membrane are laterally heterogeneous and formalised as lipid rafts featuring unique biophysical properties. However, the self‐assembly mechanism of lipid raft cannot be revealed even its physical properties and components were determined in specific physiological processes. In this study, two‐photon generalised polarisation imaging and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy were used to study the fusion of lipid rafts through the membrane phase and the lateral diffusion of lipids in living breast cancer cells. A self‐assembly model of lipid rafts associated with lipid diffusion and membrane phase was proposed to demonstrate the lipid sorting ability of lipid rafts in the plasma membrane. The results showed that the increased proportion of slow subdiffusion of GM1‐binding cholera toxin B‐subunit (CT‐B) was accompanied with an increased liquid‐ordered domain during the β‐estradiol‐induced fusion of lipid rafts. And slow subdiffusion of CT‐B was vanished with the depletion of lipid rafts. Whereas the dialkylindocarbocyanine (DiIC18) diffusion was not specifically regulated by lipid rafts. This study will open up a new insight for uncovering the self‐assembly of lipid rafts in specific pathophysiological processes.  相似文献   

荧光相关光谱(fluorescence correlation spectroscopy,FCS)是一种通过监测荧光涨落从而获得单分子水平的分子扩散行为信息的技术。FCS高灵敏度的优点使得它已发展成为一种可以在活体外与活体内检测分子浓度、扩散系数、结合和解离常数等参数的有力工具。荧光互相关光谱(fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy,FCCS)是FCS技术的进一步发展,其大大扩展了FCS技术的应用范围。本文介绍了FCS及其衍生技术的原理及其在生物化学领域的应用。  相似文献   

荧光相关谱测量技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荧光相关谱(fluorescence correlation spectroscopy,FCS)是对处于热平衡态条件下的荧光分子发出的荧光强度涨落进行时间相关处理的一种单分子检测方法,能够直接测量分子在溶液里的扩散系数和浓度.影响FCS测量扩散系数准确性的因素有分子量子效率,测量时间,样本折射率和温度偏差等.用FCS分别测量溶有荧光染料罗丹明6G(rhodamine 6G,Rh.6G)和青色素Cy5甘油水溶液的粘滞系数,实验结果表明:荧光分子的量子效率是影响测量准确性的重要因素,要求其每秒发射的光子数目(photon counts per second,cps)至少达到1 000(photons/s).  相似文献   

Surface topology, e.g. of cells growing on a substrate, is determined with nanometer precision by Variable-Angle Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (VA-TIRFM). Cells are cultivated on transparent slides and incubated with a fluorescent marker homogeneously distributed in their plasma membrane. Illumination occurs by a parallel laser beam under variable angles of total internal reflection (TIR) with different penetration depths of the evanescent electromagnetic field. Recording of fluorescence images upon irradiation at about 10 different angles permits to calculate cell-substrate distances with a precision of a few nanometers. Differences of adhesion between various cell lines, e.g. cancer cells and less malignant cells, are thus determined. In addition, possible changes of cell adhesion upon chemical or photodynamic treatment can be examined. In comparison with other methods of super-resolution microscopy light exposure is kept very small, and no damage of living cells is expected to occur.  相似文献   

Although methods for light microscopy of chromatin are well established, there are no quantitative data for nucleosome concentrations in vivo. To establish such a method we used a HeLa clone expressing the core histone H2B fused to the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (H2B-EYFP). Quantitative gel electrophoresis and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) of isolated oligonucleosomes show that 5% of the total H2Bs carry the fluorescent tag and an increased nucleosome repeat length of 204 bp for the fluorescent cells. In vivo, the mobility and distribution of H2B-EYFP were studied with a combination of FCS and confocal imaging. With FCS, concentration and brightness of nascent molecules were measured in the cytoplasm, while in the nucleoplasm a background of mobile fluorescent histones was determined by continuous photobleaching. Combining these results allows converting confocal fluorescence images of nuclei into calibrated nucleosome density maps. Absolute nucleosome concentrations in interphase amount up to 250 microM locally, with mean values of 140(+/-28)microM, suggesting that a condensation-controlled regulation of site accessibility takes place at length scales well below 200 nm.  相似文献   

We have studied caspase-3 activation by combined DNA damage induction and EGFR kinase inhibition in order to identify potential EGFR-mediated survival signals conferring resistance to apoptosis in human colorectal tumor cells. The onset of apoptosis was microscopically imaged with a newly developed caspase-3 substrate sensor based on EGFP and tHcred1, enabling us to monitor caspase-3 activation in cells by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy or fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Both optical approaches provide parameters quantitatively reporting the ratio between cleaved and uncleaved sensor, thereby facilitating the comparison of caspase-3 activation between different cells. Using these methods, we show that EGFR kinase inhibitors sensitize colorectal SW-480 tumor cells for 5-fluorouracil-induced apoptosis, indicating that EGFR-mediated survival signaling contributes to apoptosis resistance via its intrinsic kinase activity.  相似文献   

Biomarkers are essential part of daily medical practice. Currently, biomarkers are being used both for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. There are many approaches e.g. ELISA by which biomarker levels are detected from patient samples. However, all these approaches are laborious, time consuming and expensive. There is therefore a general need for exploring new technique which can overcome these drawbacks. Here, we present a preliminary study for detection of serum biomarkers by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) based diagnostic technique. FCS is a technique basically used for spatial and temporal analysis of molecular interactions of extremely low-concentration biomolecules in solution. FCS is able to measure diffusion time of the fluorescent molecules passing through the open detection volume and it can also measure the average number of fluorescent molecules passing through the detection volume. Because diffusion speed is correlated with shape and molecular mass of the fluorescent molecule, this property makes it possible to study the complex formation between a small fluorescently labelled and a large unlabelled molecule. In this preliminary study, we utilize this FCS property for detection of serum biomarker. Further studies on various pathological serum samples are warranted to explore further aspects of this technique.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) mechanism is an active signal, which monitors the interaction between chromosome kinetochores and spindle microtubules to prevent anaphase onset until the chromosomes are properly connected. Cells use this mechanism to prevent aneuploidy or genomic instability, and hence cancers and other human diseases like birth defects and Alzheimer's. A number of the SAC components such as Mad1, Mad2, Bub1, BubR1, Bub3, Mps1, Zw10, Rod and Aurora B kinase have been identified and they are all kinetochore dynamic proteins. Evidence suggests that the kinetochore is where the SAC signal is initiated. The SAC prime regulatory target is Cdc20. Cdc20 is one of the essential APC/C (Anaphase Promoting Complex or Cyclosome) activators and is also a kinetochore dynamic protein. When activated, the SAC inhibits the activity of the APC/C to prevent the destruction of two key substrates, cyclin B and securin, thereby preventing the metaphase to anaphase transition. Exactly how the SAC signal is initiated and assembled on the kinetochores and relayed onto the APC/C to inhibit its function still remains elusive. Drosophila is an extremely tractable experimental system; a much simpler and better-understood organism compared to the human but one that shares fundamental processes in common. It is, perhaps, one of the best organisms to use for bio-imaging studies in living cells, especially for visualization of the mitotic events in space and time, as the early embryo goes through 13 rapid nuclear division cycles synchronously (8-10 minutes for each cycle at 25 °C) and gradually organizes the nuclei in a single monolayer just underneath the cortex. Here, I present a bio-imaging method using transgenic Drosophila expressing GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) or its variant-targeted proteins of interest and a Leica TCS SP2 confocal laser scanning microscope system to study the SAC function in flies, by showing images of GFP fusion proteins of some of the SAC components, Cdc20 and Mad2, as the example.  相似文献   

Linear DNAs of any sequence can be packaged into empty viral procapsids by the phage T4 terminase with high efficiency in vitro. Packaging substrates of 5 kbp and 50 kbp, terminated by energy transfer dye pairs, were constructed from plasmid and λ phage DNAs. Nuclease and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) assays showed that ∼ 20% of the substrate DNA was packaged and that the DNA dye ends of the packaged DNA were protected from nuclease digestion. Upon packaging, both 5-kbp and  50-kbp DNAs produced comparable fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between Cy5 and Cy5.5 double-dye terminated DNAs. Single-molecule FRET (sm-FRET) and photobleaching analysis shows that FRET is intramolecular rather than intermolecular upon packaging of most procapsids and demonstrates that single-molecule detection allows mechanistic analysis of packaging in vitro. FRET-FCS and sm-FRET measurements are comparable and show that both the 5-kbp and the  50-kbp packaged DNA ends are held within 8-9 nm of each other, within the dimensions of the long axis of the procapsid portal. The calculated distribution of FRET distances is relatively narrow for both FRET-FCS and sm-FRET, suggesting that the two packaged DNA ends are held at the same fixed distance relative to each other in most capsids. Because one DNA end is known to be positioned for ejection through the portal, it can be inferred that both DNAs ends are held in proximity to the portal entrance and ejection channel. The analysis suggests that a DNA loop, rather than a DNA end, is translocated by the packaging motor to fill the procapsid.  相似文献   

Abstract Cationic potential-sensitive dyes have previously been used to selectively stain mitochondria in living animal cells (Johnson, Walsh & Chen, 1980; Johnson et al., 1981). The present work demonstrates that the cyanine dye 3,3′-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DiOC6(3)) can also be used as a mitochondrial stain in living plant cells. The stained mitochondria were easily visualized by fluorescence microscopy. The accumulation of DiOC6(3) in mitochondria seemed to be potential-dependent since it was prevented by protonophores, valinomycin and inhibitors of electron transport. It was often observed that DiOC6(3) also stained the nuclear membrane of some cells. This fluorescence, limited to the perinuclear region, was possibly due to a potential across one or both nuclear membranes, although it was not completely dissipated by any of the ionophores or inhibitors tested. Our observations demonstrate the usefulness of using DiOC6(3) for studying relative membrane potentials of plant mitochondria and, perhaps, other organelles and membrane systems in living plant cells.  相似文献   

In the present study we have applied a novel form of Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (LG-TIRFM) in combination with fluorescently labeled cholera toxin to the study of lipid rafts dynamics in living cells. We demonstrate the usefulness of such approach by showing the dynamic formation/disaggregation of islands of cholera toxin on the surface of cells. Using multicolor LG-TIRFM with co-localization studies we show for the first time that two receptors previously identified as constituents of lipid rafts are found on different and independent “raft domains” on the cell plasma membrane. Furthermore, LG-TIRFM studies revealed limited association and dissociation of both domains overtime on different areas of the plasma membrane. The implications of different “raft domains” on cell physiology are discussed.  相似文献   

Metacyclic trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi express a developmentally regulated 82 kDa surface glycoprotein (gp82) that has been implicated in the mammalian cell invasion. When the non-infective epimastigote stage of the parasite was transfected with a vector containing the gp82 gene, an 82 kDa surface glycoprotein, which was indistinguishable from the metacyclic stage protein, was expressed. In contrast, when the same gene was expressed in transfected mammalian cells, although a large amount of protein was produced, it was not imported into the endoplasmic reticulum and glycosylated. This blockage in targeting and processing could be partially compensated for by the addition of a virus haemagglutinin signal peptide to the amino terminus of gp82. Thus, the requirements for membrane protein processing are distinct in mammals and T. cruzi, and an intrinsic feature of the gp82 prevents subsequent sorting to the mammalian cell surface. These results could be useful in the development of new DNA vaccines against T. cruzi employing parasite genes encoding immunodominant surface glycoproteins.  相似文献   

 应用付立叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)测定胆石中胆红素钙的含量,使用KBr压片法,吸收度是由积分法表示。胆红素钙在1622.3cm~(-1),1253.1cm~(-1)等处有特征吸收峰,在FT-IR减谱分析的基础上,选定1253.1cm~(-1)为定量吸收峰,它符合Beer-Lambert’s定律(r=0.998)而且共存物干扰小。标准工作曲线是使用胆红素为标准。胆石样品中胆红素钙含量用此法测定,其结果与化学法结果相似。应用FT-IR对混合物定量分析简单、迅速、准确。  相似文献   

以陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)品种TM-1开花后9d、21d、27d三个不同发育时期的棉花纤维为材料,利用mRNA荧光差异显示 (FDD) 技术,筛选到109个差异显示的cDNA片段。在此基础上,结合两轮反Northern杂交筛选和Northern杂交分析,获得了多个仅在棉花纤维细胞中特异表达或在纤维中优先表达基因的cDNA片段,序列测定和数据库搜索分析表明,这些cDNA片段中的多数还未有报道。本工作为克隆上述基因的全长cDNA,并进一步研究它们在棉纤维发育中的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A cytotoxic protein, isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PACT), was tested on red blood cells of rats and on black lipid membranes for changes of membrane permeability. In rat erythrocytes PACT induces lysis indicative of the formation of a leak permeable to monovalent ions. The dose response curve for the PACT-induced hemolysis demonstrates that the rate of lysis as well as the fraction of lytic cells increases with increasing toxin concentration. Furthermore, the leak pathway discriminates hydrophilic non-electrolytes according to their molecular weight. The findings indicate formation by PACT of a pore with an apparent radius of about 1.2 nm. In pure lipid membranes PACT forms hydrophilic pathways with moderate selectivity for small cations over small anions. The presence of cholesterol is a prerequisite for the occurrence of these PACT-induced permeability changes.  相似文献   

The effects of pH value and presence of serum in an incubation medium on photosensitizer drug cellular uptake in MCF7 cancer cells have been investigated. The results showed that the presence of serum in an incubation medium reduced the drug cellular uptake at all pH values. It has been found that decreasing on pH values of the incubation medium increased the cellular uptake of the drug, demonstrating selective uptake of the sensitizer. The HepG2 liver cancer cells exhibited more drug cellular uptake than CCD-18CO normal colon cells, which assessed the selectivity uptake of photosensitizer on cancerous cells. The concentration of photosensitizer measured in 106 cells showed a good correlation to the incubation time. Fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy been have used to examine the cells.  相似文献   

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