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Blood parasites of breeding American kestrels, Falco sparverius (40 males and 27 females), were investigated to determine their connections to male showiness, mating success and host fitness. The only haematozoan found in the blood films was Haemoproteus tinnunculi (overall prevalence of 74% for females and 53% for males). In adult (+ 1-year-old) males, the subterminal tail band (character apparently used in female mate choice) was wider in infected males than in non-infected males. This was consistent with the Hamilton—Zuk hypothesis of parasite-mediated sexual selection. Our results also suggest that reproductive effort may increase susceptibility to parasitism. In yearling males, the proportion of individuals infected with H. tinnunuli was higher among those tending a large than a small brood at the time of fledging. Hunting effort (proportion of time spent in flight-hunting and wind-hovering) was also higher for males tending large broods than for those tending small broods, and it was higher for yearling than adult males on a given brood size. Reproductive effort may result in greater exposure and/or decreased ability to control chronic latent infections. Parasitic infections, in turn, may have detrimental effects on host fitness.  相似文献   

Genetic information is used extensively to reconstruct the evolutionary and demographic history of organisms. Recently, it has been suggested that genetic information from some parasites can complement genetic data from their hosts. This approach relies upon the hypothesis that such parasites share a common history with their host. In some cases, parasites provide an additional source of information because parasite data can better reconstruct the common history. Here, we discuss which parasite traits are important in determining their usefulness for analysing host history. The key is the matching of the traits of the parasite (e.g. effective population size, generation time, mutation rate and level of host specificity) with the timescales (phylogenetic, phylogeographic and demographic) that are relevant to the issues of concern in host history.  相似文献   

The maintenance of sexual reproduction in the face of its supposed costs is a major paradox in evolutionary biology. The Red Queen hypothesis, which states that sex is an adaptation to fast-evolving parasites, is currently one of the most recognized explanations for the ubiquity of sex and predicts that asexual lineages should suffer from a higher parasite load if they coexist with closely related sexuals. We tested this prediction using four populations of the sexual fish species Poecilia latipinna and its asexual relative Poecilia formosa. Contrary to expectation, no differences in parasite load could be detected between the two species.  相似文献   


Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L., Vitaceae) belongs to the genus Vitis, and is characterized as a vine due to the presence of tendrils, which are located opposite to leaves. Tendrils are thigmo-responsive organs, able to carry out delicate mechanosensory responses upon touch and related stimuli. These organs are an adaptation of the plant to climb with the help of support to higher places and finally remain at a position with favorable light quality. In previous studies on Bryonia dioica (Cucurbitaceae), phytohormones of the jasmonate class were identified as the endogenous hormone signals to initiate coiling of the tendrils. Strikingly, this is still the only example for jasmonate-induced tendril coiling. In grapevine, three compounds (12-oxo-phytodienoic acid, jasmonic acid (JA), and JA isoleucine conjugate) of the jasmonate class were found at higher concentrations in non-coiled tendrils when compared with coiled ones. Upon treatment with phytohormones, we could confirm the activity of jasmonates on tendril coiling in grapevine. However, not jasmonates but a non-proteinogenic amino acid, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), was detected to accumulate in grapevine tendrils at significantly higher levels than in all other tissues, independent of their coiling status. For GABA we detected a significant, transient positive effect on tendril coiling. Use of a GABA synthesis blocker, 3-mercaptopropionic acid, caused reduced GABA- but not JA-induced coiling scores. No additive effect of JA plus GABA was detectable on the tendrils’ coiling score. Thus, for grapevine, our data demonstrate a strong activity of jasmonates in tendril coiling induction even without mechanical stimuli and, furthermore, the data also suggest that GABA can independently promote tendril coiling.




Abnormal postprandial elevation of plasma glucose and lipids plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetes and strongly predicts cardiovascular mortality. In patients suffering from type 2 diabetes (T2D) postprandial state is associated with oxidative stress, cardiovascular risk and, probably, with impairment of both secretion and the effect of gastrointestinal peptides. Evaluating postprandial changes of gastrointestinal hormones together with changes in oxidative stress markers may help to understand the mechanisms behind the postprandial state in diabetes as well as suggest new preventive and therapeutical strategies.


A standard meal test has been used for monitoring the postprandial concentrations of gastrointestinal hormones and oxidative stress markers in patients with T2D (n = 50) compared to healthy controls (n = 50). Blood samples were drawn 0, 30, 60, 120 and 180 minutes after the standard meal.


Both basal and postprandial plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin proved to be significantly higher in patients with T2D, whereas plasma concentrations of ghrelin showed significantly lower values during the whole meal test. In comparison with healthy controls, both basal and postprandial concentrations of almost all other gastrointestinal hormones and lipoperoxidation were significantly increased while ascorbic acid, reduced glutathione and superoxide dismutase activity were decreased in patients with T2D. A positive relationship was found between changes in GIP and those of glucose and immunoreactive insulin in diabetic patients (p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively) and between changes in PYY and those of glucose (p<0.01). There was a positive correlation between changes in GIP and PYY and changes in ascorbic acid in patients with T2D (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively).


Apart from a positive relationship of postprandial changes in GIP and PYY with changes in ascorbic acid, there was no direct link observed between gastrointestinal hormones and oxidative stress markers in diabetic patients.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01572402  相似文献   

Immunological memory responses to intracellular protozoa and extracellular helminths govern host resistance and susceptibility to reinfection. Humans and livestock living in parasitic disease endemic regions face continuous exposure from a very early age that often leads to asymptomatic chronic infection over their entire lifespan. Fundamental immunological studies suggest that the generation of T-cell memory is driven by tightly coordinated innate and adaptive cellular immune responses rapidly triggered following initial host infection. A key distinguishing feature of immune memory maintenance between the majority of parasitic diseases and most bacterial or viral diseases is long-term antigen persistence. Consequently, functional parasite immune memory is in a continuous, dynamic flux between activation and deactivation producing functional parasite killing or functional memory cell death. In this sense, T-cell immune memory can be regarded as "memory illusion." Furthermore, due to the finite capacity of memory lymphocytes to proliferate, continuous parasite antigen stimulation may exceed a threshold level at some point in the chronically infected host. This may result in suboptimal effector immune memory leading to host susceptibility to reinfection, or immune dysregulation yielding disease reactivation or immune pathology. The goal of this review is to highlight, through numerous examples, what is currently known about T-cell immune memory to parasites and to provide compelling hypotheses on the survival and maintenance of parasite "memory illusion." These novel concepts are discussed in the context of rationale parasite vaccine design strategies.  相似文献   

Neuronal Death: Is There a Role for Astrocytes?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Astrocytes are ubiquitous in the brain and have multiple functions. It is becoming increasingly clear that they play an important role in monitoring the neuromicroenvironment in CNS and in information processing or signaling in the nervous system in normal conditions and respond to CNS injuries in a gradual and varied way. It is still debated whether such reactions are beneficial or detrimental. It was believed that reactive astrogliosis observed in most neurological disorders may regulate the removal of toxic compounds produced by damaged neurons and support neuronal growth by releasing trophic factors. However it was also suggested that astrocytes contribute to a decline of neurologic function, for example by accumulation and release of excitotoxic aminoacids after ischemia and oxidative stress, formation of epileptogenic scars in response to CNS injury and metabolism of protoxins to potent toxins. In a number of metabolic diseases astrocytes, not neurons, may be the primary target. The astrocyte's role in normal and pathological conditions will be discussed in the light of recent information about their metabolism, receptor distribution and release.  相似文献   

The manner in which multifunctional steroid hormones realize their separate biological functions in mammal organisms is considered. This study is carried out on the basis of a systematic set of progesterone analogues, which we developed and described in part I of the review. This set has for the first time enabled the use of compounds of this type for studying the pathways and realization mechanisms of separate biological functions of steroid hormones. The interaction of pregna-D′-pentaranes with the classical progesterone receptor, their independent influence on the myometrium and ovogenesis, and some nonclassical effects are described. A scheme of realization is suggested for the biological functions already known, newly discovered, and presumed by us that, during pregnancy, are fulfilled in mammal organisms by progesterone and its nearest metabolite, dihydroprogesterone.__________Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005, pp. 227–238.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Kamernitzky, Levina.The Cycle of Works of the Authors Described in the Review Has Won the Shemyakin Prize in 2004For part I, see [1].  相似文献   

Recent syntheses on the evolutionary causes of dispersal have focused on dispersal as a direct adaptation, but many traits that influence dispersal have other functions, raising the question: when is dispersal ‘for’ dispersal? We review and critically evaluate the ecological causes of selection on traits that give rise to dispersal in marine and terrestrial organisms. In the sea, passive dispersal is relatively easy and specific morphological, behavioural, and physiological adaptations for dispersal are rare. Instead, there may often be selection to limit dispersal. On land, dispersal is relatively difficult without specific adaptations, which are relatively common. Although selection for dispersal is expected in both systems and traits leading to dispersal are often linked to fitness, systems may differ in the extent to which dispersal in nature arises from direct selection for dispersal or as a by‐product of selection on traits with other functions. Our analysis highlights incompleteness of theories that assume a simple and direct relationship between dispersal and fitness, not just insofar as they ignore a vast array of taxa in the marine realm, but also because they may be missing critically important effects of traits influencing dispersal in all realms.  相似文献   

Mammals and birds are endotherms and respond to cold exposure by the means of regulatory thermogenesis, either shivering or non-shivering. In this latter case, waste of cell energy as heat can be achieved by uncoupling of mitochondrial respiration. Uncoupling proteins, which belong to the mitochondrial carrier family, are able to transport protons and thus may assume a thermogenic function. The mammalian UCP1 physiological function is now well understood and gives to the brown adipose tissue the capacity for heat generation. But is it really the case for its more recently discovered isoforms UCP2 and UCP3? Additionally, whereas more and more evidence suggests that non-shivering also exists in birds, is the avian UCP also involved in response to cold exposure? In this review, we consider the latest advances in the field of UCP biology and present putative functions for UCP1 homologues.  相似文献   

Host-specific parasites of humans are used to track ancient migrations. Based on archaeoparasitology, it is clear that humans entered the New World at least twice in ancient times. The archaeoparasitology of some intestinal parasites in the New World points to migration routes other than the Bering Land Bridge. Helminths have been found in mummies and coprolites in North and South America. Hookworms (Necator and Ancylostoma), whipworms (Trichuris trichiura) and other helminths require specific conditions for life-cycle completion. They could not survive in the cold climate of the northern region of the Americas. Therefore, humans would have lost some intestinal parasites while crossing Beringia. Evidence is provided here from published data of pre-Columbian sites for the peopling of the Americas through trans-oceanic or costal migrations.  相似文献   

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