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A new approach toward understanding marine ecosystems has emerged through the integration of ecological physiology and macroecology. This multidisciplinary approach, titled here marine macrophysiology, facilitates unique insight into the foundation of macro-scale ecological patterns, such as biogeographic distributions, via examination of functional attributes of marine organisms across large spatial scales. For example, these broad-scale physiological inquiries confer the ability to directly assess the abundant-center hypothesis (aka Brown's principle) which proposes that species have decreased performance toward their range edges. By extension, the marine macrophysiological perspective also stands to clarify our understanding of more complex macro-scale phenomena such as biological invasions, the design of marine protected areas, and species' responses to global climate change. In this article, we review recent marine macrophysiology research and offer insights into future directions for this emerging field.  相似文献   

Protein/ligand interactions involved in mediating adhesion between microorganisms and biological surfaces have been well-characterized in some cases (e.g. pathogen/host interactions). The strategies microorganisms employ for attachment to inert surfaces have not been so clearly elucidated. An experimental approach is presented which addresses the issues from the point of view of molecular interactions occurring at the interface.  相似文献   

Competition of marine psychrophilic bacteria at low temperatures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The occurrence of obligately and facultatively psychrophilic bacteria in the marine environment suggests that environmental conditions exist which can favour each of these groups in competitive processes. Differences were found in the way in which temperature affected the growth rates of obligate and facultative psychrophiles. Maximum specific growth rates of a number of obligately and facultatively psychrophilic bacteria were determined in batch culture and competition experiments were carried out in a chemostat at growth-limiting substrate concentrations. From the results the relation between the specific growth rate and the concentration of the growth-limiting substrate for both types of organisms at different temperatures was deduced. Both at low and high substrate concentrations obligate psychrophiles grew faster than facultative psychrophiles at the lower temperature extreme (? 4 C). These results suggest that obligately psychrophilic chemoorganotrophs are responsible for mineralization processes in cold natural environments such as ocean waters and the arctic and antarctic regions. In these environments they can successfully compete with facultative psychrophiles because they can grow faster.  相似文献   

ER quality control: towards an understanding at the molecular level.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The process of 'quality control' in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) involves a variety of mechanisms that collectively ensure that only correctly folded, assembled and modified proteins are transported along the secretory pathway. In contrast, non-native proteins are retained and eventually targeted for degradation. Recent work provides the first structural insights into the process of glycoprotein folding in the ER involving the lectin chaperones calnexin and calreticulin. Underlying principles governing the choice of chaperone system engaged by different proteins have also been discovered.  相似文献   

Gene expression regulation is crucial for organism survival. Each step has to be regulated, from the gene to the protein. mRNA can be stored in the cell without any direct translation. This process is used by the cell to control protein synthesis rapidly at the right place, at the right time. Protein synthesis costs a lot of energy for the cell, so that a precise control of this process is required. Translation initiation represents an important step to regulate gene expression. Many factors that can bind mRNA and recruit different partners are involved in the inhibition or stimulation of protein synthesis. Oceans contain an important diversity of organisms that are used as important models to analyse gene expression at the translational level. These are useful to study translational control in different physiological processes for instance cell cycle (meiosis during meiotic maturation of starfish oocytes, mitosis following fertilization of sea urchin eggs) or to understand nervous system mechanisms (aplysia). All these studies will help finding novel actors involved in translational control and will thus be useful to discover new targets for therapeutic treatments against human diseases.  相似文献   

Washed cells of Vibrio parahaemolyticus declined in numbers when incubated in phosphate-buffered saline for 6 h at different temperatures. Addition of chitin flakes to phosphate-buffered saline not only helped the organism to survive, but also resulted in an increase in cell numbers, particularly at 10 degrees C. The effect of chitin could not be simulated by N-acetylglucosamine, yeast extract, starch, or casein.  相似文献   

The fate of Streptococcus parauberis in seawater and sediment microcosms at different temperatures (6 and 22 degrees C) was investigated by comparing the survival dynamics of 2 strains of this bacterial species, isolated respectively from diseased turbot and cattle. The turbot and the bovine isolate showed similar survival kinetics, remaining culturable for approximately 1 mo in water and 6 mo in sediment. A slight influence of temperature on the stability of the cells was observed, in that the number of culturable cells was about 1 log10 unit higher at 6 than at 22 degrees C. During the starvation period, the metabolic activity of the cells, after suffering a strong reduction during the first 12 d, stabilized at levels ranging from 20 to 40% of the initial values. However, in all the microcosms, the acridine orange (AO) and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenilindole (DAPI) counts remained at about 10(5) cells ml(-1) throughout the experimental period, even when cells became undetectable by standard plate count methods. The addition of fresh medium to microcosms containing nonculturable cells induced the return to culturability of S. parauberis strains. On the basis of these results, it seems that S. parauberis has the ability to enter into a viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state. Dormant cells of the turbot isolate maintained their infectivity and pathogenic potential for fish.  相似文献   

Natural populations of marine phytoplankton obtained from a large outdoor pond were grown on waste water-sea water mixtures in laboratory continuous cultures in the temperature range 5–33 °C. Virtually all of the influent inorganic nitrogen (14.0 mg l?1) was assimilated at every temperature tested. There was, however, a distinct change in dominant species with temperature: below 19.8 °C Phaeodactylum tricornutum was dominant, at 27 °C Nilzschia sp. was the main species, and as the temperature increased above 27 °C a blue-green alga, Oscillatoria sp., became increasingly dominant. There is some indication that the excellent growth of P. tricornutum below 10 °C was related to a dramatic increase in the nutrient content per cell as the temperature decreased. Thus at low temperatures reduced division rates are compensated for by increased nutrient uptake rates. It follows that there is a transfer of phytoplankton protein from numerous small cells at intermediate temperatures to large cells that are reduced in numbers at lower temperatures but which represent the same total organic matter. The effect of this phenomenon on annual food chain efficiencies in both controlled and natural marine ecosystems is unknown.  相似文献   

Since human caliciviruses are responsible for viral gastroenteritis transmitted by contaminated foods and the viruses barely propagate in cell culture, feline caliciviruses were employed as a model for the measurement of their stability in marine water. Survival of four strains of feline calicivirus in marine water was measured when the seed viruses were diluted 1/10 with marine water and maintained at 4 degrees C, 10 degrees C, and 20 degrees C respectively. Among the virus strains studied, a considerable amount of infective viruses remained at 10 degrees C or lower temperature conditions even for a period of 30 days.  相似文献   

Distributions of stable isotopes have been used to infer an organism's trophic niche width, the 'isotopic niche', and examine resource partitioning. Spatial variation in the isotopic composition of prey may however confound the interpretation of isotopic signatures especially when foragers exploit resources across numerous locations. In this study the isotopic compositions from marine assemblages are modelled to determine the role of variation in the signature of prey items and the effect of dietary breadth and foraging strategies on predator signatures. Outputs from the models reveal that isotopic niche widths can be greater for populations of dietary specialists rather than for generalists, which contravenes what is generally accepted in the literature. When a range of different mixing models are applied to determine if the conversion from δ to p-space can be used to improve model accuracy, predator signature variation is increased rather than model precision. Furthermore the mixing models applied failed to correctly identify dietary specialists and/or to accurately estimate diet contributions that may identify resource partitioning. The results presented illustrate the need to collect sufficiently large sample sizes, in excess of what is collected under most current studies, across the complete distribution of a species and its prey, before attempts to use stable isotopes to make inferences about niche width can be made.  相似文献   

1. The hypothesis, suggested by previous studies, that host plant contact reduces the cold tolerance of anholocyclic aphids was tested under laboratory conditions. Adult and first-instar Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) were exposed to temperatures of 0, –5 and –10 °C on intact plants, excised leaves and in the absence of contact with plant material.
2. Median lethal time (LT50) values at all three temperatures indicate that aphids exposed in association with plant material survive longer than aphids that have no contact with their host plant. The difference in survival was most pronounced at –10 °C. Therefore, the above hypothesis is rejected for aphids on cereals because host plant contact apparently enhances cold tolerance.
3. Exposure on excised leaves also enhanced aphid survival at low temperature but was less effective than the intact plant. This suggests that plant quality as well as the presence or absence of plants is important in the cold tolerance of aphids on cereals.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Methods are described for the sensitive determination of pristane and similar hydrocarbons in individual planktonic organisms and for the isolation of pristane from copepod oil.2. Pristane (2, 6, 10, 14-tetramethylpentadecane) occurs in unusually high concentrations (1–3% of the body lipid) inCalanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, andC. hyperboreus, and at lower concentrations in a wide range of planktonic animals from the Gulf of Maine and continental slope waters.3. A predator,Paraeuchaeta norvegica, contains pristane at an intermediate level between that ofCalanus and the other herbivores, probably as a result of feeding onCalanus.4. On the basis of relative abundance and structural similarity, phytol is suggested as the precursor of pristane in herbivorous zooplankton.5. Pristane content is unaltered or increased during the metabolism of the major deposit lipids ofCalanus hyperboreus during starvation in the laboratory or in nature. Because of its low density, pristane may contribute to the bouyancy ofCalanus, especially when the other lipids are metabolized.6. Pristane may prove useful as a biochemical integrator for the total assimilation of phytoplankton byCalanus.7. Some planktonic organisms may be characterized by the presence of specific compounds, e. g. pristane inCalanus and several unknown compounds inRhincalanus.8. Specific products of organisms of limited geographical occurence may prove useful as biochemical tags of water masses.
Pristan in der marinen Umwelt
Kurzfassung Pristan (2, 6, 10, 14-Tetramethylpentadecan) kommt in niedriger Konzentration in manchen planktonischen Tieren des Golfs von Maine, USA, und der Gewässer des kontinentalen Schelfes vor. Dieser Kohlenwasserstoff leitet sich vermutlich vom Phytol in der Nahrung der planktonischen Herbivoren ab. Seine Konzentration ist ungewöhnlich hoch inCalanus finmarchius, C. glacialis undC. hyperboreus, wo er möglicherweise als auftriebsregulierende Substanz in Hungerzeiten wichtig ist. Arten, wieParaeuchaeta norvegica, welcheCalanus verzehren, stellen sekundäre Pristanquellen innerhalb der marinen Nahrungskette dar. Die proCalanus-Individuum angetroffene Pristanmenge könnte als Indikator für die gesamte Nahrungsassimilation dienen. Pristan und andere artspezifische Stoffe können in das die Individuen umgebende Wasser gelangen und dann als biochemische Markierungs-Substanzen dienen.

Contribution No. 1438 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  相似文献   

EGF-ERBB signalling: towards the systems level   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Signalling through the ERBB/HER receptors is intricately involved in human cancer and already serves as a target for several cancer drugs. Because of its inherent complexity, it is useful to envision ERBB signalling as a bow-tie-configured, evolvable network, which shares modularity, redundancy and control circuits with robust biological and engineered systems. Because network fragility is an inevitable trade-off of robustness, systems-level understanding is expected to generate therapeutic opportunities to intercept aberrant network activation.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, the antifouling (AF) properties of various kinds of hydrogels against sessile marine organisms (algae, sea squirts, barnacles) were tested in a long-term experiment. The results demonstrate that most hydrogels can endure at least 2 months in the marine environment. In particular, mechanically tough PAMPS/PAAm DN and PVA gels exhibited AF activity against marine sessile organisms, especially barnacles, for as long as 330 days. The AF ability of hydrogels toward barnacles is explained in terms of an ‘easy-release’ mechanism in which the high water content and the elastic modulus of the gel are two important parameters.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify and measure changes in thermoregulatory responses, both behavioral and physiological, that may occur when squirrel monkeys are exposed to 2450-MHz continuous wave microwaves 40 hr/week for 15 weeks. Power densities of 1 or 5 mW/cm2 (specific absorption rate = 0.16 W/kg per mW/cm2) were presented at controlled environmental temperatures of 25, 30, or 35 degrees C. Standardized tests, conducted periodically, before, during, and after treatment, assessed changes in thermoregulatory responses. Dependent variables that were measured included body mass, certain blood properties, metabolic heat production, sweating, skin temperatures, deep body temperature, and behavioral responses by which the monkeys selected a preferred environmental temperature. Results showed no reliable alteration of metabolic rate, internal body temperature, blood indices, or thermoregulatory behavior by microwave exposure, although the ambient temperature prevailing during chronic exposure could exert an effect. An increase in sweating rate occurred in the 35 degrees C environment, but sweating was not reliably enhanced by microwave exposure. Skin temperature, reflecting vasomotor state, was reliably influenced by both ambient temperature and microwaves. The most robust consequence of microwave exposure was a reduction in body mass, which appeared to be a function of microwave power density.  相似文献   

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