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Botto-Mahan  Carezza  Pohl  Nélida  Medel  Rodrigo 《Plant Ecology》2004,174(2):347-352
Most studies assessing the importance of developmental instability of floral characters for pollinator visits and plant fitness have focused on the fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of the corolla phenotype. The importance of stability process for nectar guide characters that signal floral reward has not been considered in the literature. In principle, flowers with symmetrical guides should be more successful at attracting pollinators, therefore increasing their reproductive success in comparison to asymmetrical flowers. In this paper we test this hypothesis in a population of 171 individuals of the Andean monkey flower, Mimulus luteus in northern Chile. This species shows a conspicuous red spot in the landing yellow petal, which permits assessment of the functional relationship between nectar guide FA and female fitness. Our results did not reveal a significant linear nor nonlinear relationship between nectar guide FA and fitness. This result was consistent after controlling the level of FA by guide and corolla size. Because the corolla of M. luteus did not show evidence of UV wavelength reflectance, our negative result could not be attributable to a confounding effect of UV guides. Even though we can not rule out that nectar guide FA correlates better with male than female fitness, the low fraction of the variance in female fitness accounted for nectar guide FA, suggests that other components of the floral phenotype as well as environmental factors may be more important to predict pollinator preference and reproductive success in this species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The optimum maternal investment per offspring is determined by the relationship between the investment per offspring and offspring fitness. In the European beewolf, Philanthus triangulum, a solitary mass-provisioning sphecid wasp, offspring size correlates with the amount of provisions. We investigated whether the reproductive success of adult males depends on body size in a way that would influence the allocation of parental investment. Since the mating success of P. triangulum males cannot be determined by observation in the field, we assessed the influence of male size on characteristics of their territories, territorial behaviour and life history traits. Territory size was weakly correlated with male size, but a measure of territory quality (number of female nests in the vicinity) was independent of male size. Neither the duration of ownership nor the intensity of scent marking was correlated with male size. Territory owners were slightly smaller than nonterritorial males. The absolute amount of fat was positively correlated with size but, owing to allometric relationships, the energetic equivalent of the fat store appeared to be independent of size. Life span was not significantly influenced by body size under four different conditions (with and without food in the laboratory, in an outdoor flight cage and in the field). We discuss the discrepancy between these results and other studies that have mostly reported advantages to large males. We suggest that in noncontact male-male interactions, as seen in the European beewolf, body size might not be the key determinant for success in contests. We conclude that there is no evidence for a strong size dependence of male reproductive success. Thus the reproductive success of male progeny probably does not depend on parental investment in a way that would influence the investment allocation of females. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Kinnison MT  Quinn TP  Unwin MJ 《Heredity》2011,106(3):448-459
Size at age and age at maturity are important life history traits, affecting individual fitness and population demography. In salmon and other organisms, size and growth rate are commonly considered cues for maturation and thus age at maturity may or may not evolve independently of these features. Recent concerns surrounding the potential phenotypic and demographic responses of populations facing anthropogenic disturbances, such as climate change and harvest, place a premium on understanding the evolutionary genetic basis for evolution in size at age and age at maturity. In this study, we present the findings from a set of common-garden rearing experiments that empirically assess the heritable basis of phenotypic divergence in size at age and age at maturity in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations introduced to New Zealand. We found consistent evidence of heritable differences among populations in both size at age and age at maturity, often corresponding to patterns observed in the wild. Populations diverged in size and growth profiles, even when accounting for eventual age at maturation. By contrast, most, but not all, cases of divergence in age at maturity were driven by the differences in size or growth rate rather than differences in the threshold relationship linking growth rate and probability of maturation. These findings help us understand how life histories may evolve through trait interactions in populations exposed to natural and anthropogenic disturbances, and how we might best detect such evolution.  相似文献   

Women have been suggested to trade growth in height for reproduction, as an earlier age at menarche and first birth seem to be related to shorter adult stature. Although women likely accrue fitness benefits by maturing and starting reproduction at young age, short adult stature may be selected against by natural and sexual selection later in their life. We studied how age at menarche and first reproduction affected adult height and whether adult height in turn was related to lifetime reproductive success in Finnish women born 1946–1958. Our results show that a delay of 1 year in age at menarche and first reproduction was related to a 0.43- and 0.20-cm increase in adult height, respectively. The sex of the first-born offspring was not related to adult height. Moreover, women gained fitness benefits by starting reproduction early but not by growing tall. These findings among Finnish women are thus compatible with tradeoffs between reproduction and growth, by showing a compromised adult height at the cost of early age at menarche and first birth. However, in these women, natural selection favored those women who traded their stature for young motherhood.  相似文献   

Gestation length, neonatal and maternal body weight, and neonatal and adult brain weight data were collected for New World monkeys in an attempt to establish typical patterns of perinatal life history. This study attempts to illuminate the most accurate values from the available data, which suggest that gestation length and prenatal growth rate are broadly conserved in relation to maternal size in New World monkeys. Exceptions to the patterns evident in the data point to derivations in life history strategies. In particular, this study suggests that the extended gestation length of callitrichines is a function of minimum viable neonate size and not exclusively energy minimization associated with simultaneous lactation. Cebus is shown to undergo more postnatal brain growth relative to other New World monkeys, but not as much as previously believed. Alouatta is shown to be relatively small brained at birth as well as in adulthood. Saimiri is shown to present the most unusual package of perinatal life history traits, in which precocial neonates are gestated for a relatively long time and at a slightly faster growth rate than is typical for New World monkeys. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the life histories of wild mammals is of crucial importance in the field of conservation management. The endangered status of many species calls for faster data collection that can be used in risk assessment and, ultimately, for designing conservation policies. This study is pioneering the potential of bone histology to provide data on life history traits crucial for conservation biology in long-lived mammals. Long bone cross-sections show pronounced annual cycles of growth arrest allowing application of skeletochronology (counts of lines of arrested growth ‘LAGs’). Consequently, the number of LAGs within the primary fast-growing bone tissue up to the outer cortical slow-growing bone tissue corresponds to the age at first reproduction; whereas the age at death can be estimated by the total number of rest lines throughout the whole of bone cross-section. Furthermore, the diameters of successive growth rings as well as the osteocyte lacuna density may shed light on growth rates. We use the endangered desert dwelling antelope Addax nasomaculatus as a case study. By analyzing different ontogenetic stages in five Addax individuals (three captive and two wild specimens) from a museum collection, we show that bone histology may be a reliable tool for determining certain key life history traits. In our sample, the wild Addax female attained reproductive maturity at three years, whereas the male specimens, both the captive and the wild ones, reached maturity at four years. This is congruent with data from other large antelopes with male-biased size dimorphism, but differs slightly from data on sexual maturity previously published for wild Addax. Moreover, quantification of osteocyte lacunae in both adult males provides a higher cell density in the captive one than in the wild one suggesting the strong effect of constant resources supply in individuals from zoos on growth rates. While age at first reproduction and longevity are essentials parameters to carry out demographic models, growth rates may allow evaluation of the health status of wild populations. This approach may provide useful data on life history traits when applied to bones collected in the wild.  相似文献   

We present a new methodology to estimate rates of energy acquisition, maintenance, reproductive investment and the onset of maturation (four-trait estimation) by fitting an energy allocation model to individual growth trajectories. The accuracy and precision of the method is evaluated on simulated growth trajectories. In the deterministic case, all life history parameters are well estimated with negligible bias over realistic parameter ranges. Adding environmental variability reduces precision, causes the maintenance and reproductive investment to be confounded with a negative error correlation, and tends, if strong, to result in an underestimation of the energy acquisition and maintenance and an overestimation of the age and size at the onset of maturation. Assuming a priori incorrect allometric scaling exponents also leads to a general but fairly predictable bias. To avoid confounding in applications we propose to assume a constant maintenance (three-trait estimation), which can be obtained by fitting reproductive investment simultaneously to size at age on population data. The results become qualitatively more robust but the improvement of the estimate of the onset of maturation is not significant. When applied to growth curves back-calculated from otoliths of female North Sea plaice Pleuronectes platessa , the four-trait and three-trait estimation produced estimates for the onset of maturation very similar to those obtained by direct observation. The correlations between life-history traits match expectations. We discuss the potential of the methodology in studies of the ecology and evolution of life history parameters in wild populations.  相似文献   

Latitudinal variation in avian life history strategies is well documented. Clutch size and nest success tend to increase with latitude, whereas longevity and developmental periods have been argued to decrease with latitude. However, these patterns are largely based on interspecific comparisons of species breeding at tropical and temperate latitudes. We compared the life history of Yellow Warblers Setophaga petechia breeding in arctic habitat at the northern extent of their range, in Inuvik, NWT (68°N), Canada, with those breeding in temperate habitat in Revelstoke, BC (50°N), and use data from 21 populations spanning 0–68°N to evaluate latitudinal trends in life history traits from tropical to arctic habitats. Females breeding in Inuvik laid first clutches that were slightly (although not significantly) larger and had higher nest success, which resulted in higher annual productivity compared with their low- latitude counterparts. Apparent adult survival rates were only marginally lower in Inuvik than in Revelstoke, whereas incubation and nestling periods in the arctic were similar to our temperate site. When comparing life history traits across the Yellow Warbler breeding range, we observed increases in clutch sizes and nest success with increasing latitude that appeared to be associated with declines in adult survival, though this relationship was weakened by the addition of our arctic site. We detected more moderate declines in incubation and nestling periods with increasing latitude. As we observed latitudinal variation in some life history traits, but not a consistent transition of traits associated with a shift from a slow to fast life history from tropical to arctic latitudes, our study suggests that the expectation for a general shift in life history traits may be over-simplified.  相似文献   

Seasonal environmental heterogeneity is cyclic, persistent and geographically widespread. In species that reproduce multiple times annually, environmental changes across seasonal time may create different selection regimes that may shape the population ecology and life history adaptation in these species. Here, we investigate how two closely related species of Drosophila in a temperate orchard respond to environmental changes across seasonal time. Natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans were sampled at four timepoints from June through November to assess seasonal change in fundamental aspects of population dynamics as well as life history traits. D. melanogaster exhibit pronounced change across seasonal time: early in the season, the population is inferred to be uniformly young and potentially represents the early generation following overwintering survivorship. D. melanogaster isofemale lines derived from the early population and reared in a common garden are characterized by high tolerance to a variety of stressors as well as a fast rate of development in the laboratory environment that declines across seasonal time. In contrast, wild D. simulans populations were inferred to be consistently heterogeneous in age distribution across seasonal collections; only starvation tolerance changed predictably over seasonal time in a parallel manner as in D. melanogaster. These results suggest fundamental differences in population and evolutionary dynamics between these two taxa associated with seasonal heterogeneity in environmental parameters and associated selection pressures.  相似文献   

Sexual differences in life history traits, such as size dimorphism, presumably arise via sexual selection and are most readily observed in adults. For complex life-cycle parasites, however, sexual selection may also have consequences for larval traits, e.g., growth in intermediate hosts. Two acanthocephalan species (Acanthocephalus lucii and Echinorhynchus borealis) were studied to determine, whether larval life histories differ between males and females. The size of female A. lucii cystacanths had a much stronger relationship with intermediate host size than males, suggesting females invest more in growth and are consequently more limited by resources. No relationship between host size and cystacanth size was observed for E. borealis. For both species, female cystacanths survived longer in a culture medium composed entirely of salts, which could suggest that females have greater energy reserves than males. A comparative analysis across acanthocephalan species indicated that sexual size dimorphism at the adult stage correlates with cystacanth dimorphism. However, the relationship was not isometric; cystacanths do not reach the same level of sexual dimorphism as adults, possibly due to resource constraints. Our results suggest that larval life histories diverge between males and females in some acanthocephalans, and this is seemingly a consequence of sexual selection acting on adults.  相似文献   

In the genus Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae), interspecific hybridization is a rare phenomenon. However, recent evidence suggests a certain degree of introgression between the cactophilic siblings Drosophila buzzatii Patterson & Wheeler and Drosophila koepferae Fontdevila & Wasserman. In this article, we analyzed larval viability and developmental time of hybrids between males of D. buzzatii and females of D. koepferae, raised in media prepared with fermenting tissues of natural host plants that these species utilize in nature as breeding sites. In all cases, developmental time and larval viability in hybrids was not significantly different from parental lines and, depending on the cross, hybrids developed faster than both parental species or than the slowest species. When data of wing length were included in a discriminant function analysis, we observed that both species can be clearly differentiated, while hybrids fell in two categories, one intermediate between parental species and the other consisting of extreme phenotypes. Thus, our results point out that hybrid fitness, as measured by developmental time and viability, is not lower than in the parental species.  相似文献   

We examined the short-term effects of genetic architecture on the response to correlational selection in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii. Previously, a positive phenotypic and genetic correlation between development time and propensity to diapause had been identified. Correlational selection consisted of all four combinations of (1) fast and slow development time and (2) propensity to diapause and not diapause, 3 replicates per selection regime, for 1 to 3 generations. Response to selection in the direction of the correlation was rapid and generally consistent with the direction of selection while response orthogonal to the correlation was inconsistent and frequently in a direction opposite to the direction of selection. We conclude that genetic architecture can have a significant, and quite asymmetrical and non-directional, effect on the response to correlational selection.  相似文献   

Why some organisms become invasive when introduced into novel regions while others fail to even establish is a fundamental question in ecology. Barriers to success are expected to filter species at each stage along the invasion pathway. No study to date, however, has investigated how species traits associate with success from introduction to spread at a large spatial scale in any group. Using the largest data set of mammalian introductions at the global scale and recently developed phylogenetic comparative methods, we show that human‐mediated introductions considerably bias which species have the opportunity to become invasive, as highly productive mammals with longer reproductive lifespans are far more likely to be introduced. Subsequently, greater reproductive output and higher introduction effort are associated with success at both the establishment and spread stages. High productivity thus supports population growth and invasion success, with barriers at each invasion stage filtering species with progressively greater fecundity.  相似文献   

Replicated lines of Drosophila melanogaster were allowed to evolve in population cage culture at 16.5° C or 25° C for five years. Their larval and pupal development times, larval growth rates, larval critical weights for pupariation and pre-adult survival rates were then measured at both temperatures. Pre-adult survival showed evidence of adaptation of the lines to their thermal selection regimes, with each set of lines showing superior survival when tested at the temperature at which they had been evolving. Pupal periods were similar for all lines when growing at 16.5° C but, at 25° C, the low temperature lines had the longer pupal periods. Irrespective of experimental temperature, low temperature lines grew faster and had shorter larval development periods than the high temperature lines. Larval critical weights for pupariation were higher in the low temperature lines at the low experimental temperature, and higher in the high temperature lines at the higher experimental temperature. The correlations between these traits induced by thermal evolution were in general different from or opposite to the genetic correlations found within a single temperature.  相似文献   

Dicyphus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae) is an omnivorous predator used to control pests of greenhouse vegetables. Plant preferences and life history traits were studied using nine plant species: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (Solanaceae), Capsicum annuum L. (Solanaceae), Verbascum thapsus L. (Scrophulariaceae), Nepeta cataria L. (Lamiaceae), Stachys albotomentosa (Lamiaceae), Nicotiana tabacum L. (Solanaceae), Vicia sativa L. (Fabaceae), Zea mays L. (Gramineae), and Chrysanthemum coronarium L. (Asteraceae). Plants were selected from among potential target crops, natural hosts, plants used for mass rearing, and plants on which D. hesperus has not been reported. Plant preference was measured by multi‐choice host plant selection and oviposition assays. Development and reproduction were measured on each of the plant species on both a plant diet alone and on a plant diet supplemented with Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs. Dicyphus hesperus females and nymphs expressed a preference for some plants over others. Plant preference ranged from low preference plants, such as Z. mays, V. sativa, C. coronarium, and C. annuum, to high preference plants such as V. thapsus, N. tabacum, and S. albotomentosa. When E. kuehniella eggs were supplied, there were few differences in the development time and fecundity of D. hesperus among plants, with the exception of corn and broad bean, where fecundity was lower. On a plant diet alone, nymphs were able to complete their development on V. thapsus, C. annuum, and N. cataria. However, mortality and development time were much lower on V. thapsus than on C. annuum and N. cataria. On most of the plant species D. hesperus did not lay any eggs when fed on a plant diet alone. On V. thapsus, females laid a few eggs and lived longer than when fed on prey. Dicyphus hesperus females tended to prefer host plants on which nymph survival without prey was greatest.  相似文献   

UVB irradiation of the shaved dorsal skin of mice can cause both local and systemic suppression of contact hypersensitivity responses; the former demonstrated by administration of the sensitizing Ag/hapten to the irradiated site and the latter by its administration at least 72 h later to distal unirradiated sites. The immunological basis of systemic immunomodulation is not clear. When haptens (trinitrochlorobenzene, FITC) were administered to the shaved ventral skin 4 days after irradiation (8 kJ/m(2)) to the shaved dorsum of BALB/c mice, CD11c(+)/FITC(+) cells in the skin-draining lymph nodes from control and irradiated mice produced on a per cell basis similar levels of IL-12 and PGE(2) were phenotypically mature and efficient at presenting FITC to lymphocytes from FITC-sensitized mice. Ag presentation by FACS-sorted CD11c(+) lymph node cells isolated 4 days after UVB irradiation was as efficient as were cells from unirradiated mice at presentation in vitro of an OVA peptide (OVA(323-339)) to CD4(+) cells from OVA-TCR-transgenic DO11.10 mice. Further, IFN-gamma levels were increased in the cultures containing CD11c(+) cells from UVB-irradiated mice, suggesting that inflammation may precede downstream immunosuppression. These results suggest that the primary cause of reduced contact hypersensitivity responses in mice in which UV irradiation and the sensitizing Ag are applied to different sites several days apart must originate from cells other than CD11c(+) APCs that directly or by production of soluble mediators (IL-12, PGE(2)) affect cellular responses in the nodes of UVB-irradiated mice.  相似文献   

Comparative studies investigating relationships between plant traits and species rarity and commonness were surveyed to establish whether global patterns have emerged that would be of practical use in management strategies aimed at the long‐term conservation of species. Across 54 studies, 94 traits have been examined in relation to abundance, distribution and threatened status at local, regional and geographical spatial scales. Most traits (63) have yet to be the focus of more than one study. Half of the studies involved less than 10 species, and one‐quarter did not replicate rare–common contrasts. Although these features of the literature make it difficult to demonstrate robust generalizations regarding trait relationships with species rarity, some important findings surfaced in relation to traits that have been examined in two or more studies. Species with narrow geographical distributions were found to produce significantly fewer seeds (per unit measurement) than common species (in four of six studies), but did not differ with respect to breeding system (five of five studies). The majority of traits (including seed size, competitive ability, growth form and dispersal mode) were related to rarity in different ways from one study to the next. The highly context‐dependent nature of most trait relationships with rarity implies that application of knowledge concerning rare–common differences and similarities to management plans will vary substantially for different vegetation types and on different continents. A comparative analysis of distribution patterns in relation to several life‐history and ecological traits among 700 Australian eucalypt species was then performed. A significantly dispro­portionate number of tall species and species with long flowering durations had wide geographical ranges. Trait relationships with distribution were explored further through the development of a methodology incorporating multiple spatial scales. Eight theoretical categories were described illustrating variation in distribution patterns (and hence rarity and commonness) across small, intermediate and large spatial scales, based on the spatial structure of species occurrence across the Australian landscape. Each eucalypt species was placed into a category, and trait variation was explored across all species in relation to distribution patterns across multiple spatial scales. This approach yielded important information about trait relationships with distribution among the eucalypts, linking the spatial structure of points‐of‐occurrence with patterns of rarity and commonness. With the pressing need to protect increasing numbers of threatened species and slow rates of extinction, the development and refinement of a broadly usable methodology for rarity studies that encompasses multiple spatial scales, which can be used for any geographical location, will be useful in both conservation and management.  相似文献   

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