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Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV-W) and Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) are responsible for severe losses in cucurbits and tomato production in south Florida and other regions in the USA. Traditional chemicals are not effective to control these viruses. Using plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) may present an alternative to control these viruses. Results from this study demonstrated that applying mixtures of PGPR strains is more efficient to control PRSV-W and TCSV compared to individual PGPR strain only. The application method significantly affected the efficiency of PGPR to control PRSV-W and TCSV. The highest reduction in disease severity of both PRSV-W and TCSV occurred in case of soil drenching with PGPR, followed by root dipping and seed coating treatments. Application of PGPR mixtures of (IN937a & SE34) or (IN937a &, SE34 & T4) were the most efficient methods to control these viral diseases.  相似文献   

【目的】明确云南省番木瓜环斑病毒(Papaya ringspot virus,PRSV)发生情况,并对其进行遗传多样性分析。【方法】利用RT-PCR技术,于2011-2012年对采自云南省昆明市、楚雄州、保山市、德宏州、西双版纳州、临沧市、玉溪市、红河州、文山州等地的24个番木瓜、南瓜和罗汉果疑似病样进行扩增、测序,对样品中获得的940 bp PRSV部分cp基因及3′端非编码区的序列应用分子生物学软件MEGA 5进行系统发育分析。【结果】从17个样品中检测到了PRSV,检出率为70.8%,表明该病毒在云南的发生较为普遍。云南PRSV不同分离物间的核苷酸序列变异较大,与其他已报道的PRSV分离物之间的基因组3′端核苷酸序列一致性为81.7%-100%。基于PRSV的CP部分氨基酸序列及基因组3′端核苷酸的系统进化分析结果表明,来自亚洲、北美洲、南美洲和大洋洲的PRSV分离物可以分为2个组,其中第Ⅰ组均为来自中国的分离物,包括了大部分的PRSV云南分离物,第Ⅰ组内分离物间的差异较第Ⅱ组大;第Ⅱ组的分离物来源较为复杂,亚洲、北美洲、南美洲和大洋洲均有分布。基于PRSV CP部分氨基酸序列构建的系统进化树中,各分离物之间没有明显的地理和寄主相关性,而基于PRSV基因组3′端核苷酸序列构建的系统进化树中,除中国大陆分离物和印度分离物外,其他地区的PRSV在进化上与其地理来源有明显的相关性。【结论】PRSV在云南的昆明市、楚雄州、保山市、德宏州、西双版纳州、临沧市、玉溪市、红河州和文山州等地都有不同程度发生,且为害寄主植物涉及番木瓜、南瓜及罗汉果,PRSV侵染罗汉果为云南首次发现。云南PRSV分离物的分子变异很大,但是关于PRSV的分子变异是否与其地理分布及症状表现有关,以及P型和W型的分子区分特征还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Papaya ringspot virus-W (PRSV-W) and Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) are common viruses infecting vegetables in south Florida. Application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has emerged as a potential alternative of chemical pesticides to control these viruses. But, it is not sufficient to completely replace chemical control. This study aimed to investigate the synergistic effect of chitosan and PGPR to control PRSV-W and TCSV. The efficiency of PGPR to suppress PRSV-W and TCSV was significantly improved when they were accompanied with chitosan treatment. The highest reduction in disease severity of both PRSV-W and TCSV was achieved when chitosan treatment was accompanied with mixture of two PGPR (IN937a + SE34) or three PGPR strains (IN937a + SE34 + SE56). The results of this study proved that implementation of chitosan and PGPR could significantly restrict losses due to PRSV-W and TCSV in squash and tomato, in Florida and the United States.  相似文献   

The commercially valuable transgenic papaya lines carrying the coat protein (CP) gene of Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) and conferring virus resistance have been developed in Hawaii and Taiwan in the past decade. Prompt and sensitive protocols for transgene-specific and event-specific detections are essential for traceability of these lines to fulfill regulatory requirement in EU and some Asian countries. Here, based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approaches, we demonstrated different detection protocols for characterization of PRSV CP-transgenic papaya lines. Transgene-specific products were amplified using different specific primer pairs targeting the sequences of the promoter, the terminator, the selection marker, and the transgene, and the region across the promoter and transgene. Moreover, after cloning and sequencing the DNA fragments amplified by adaptor ligation-PCR, the junctions between plant genomic DNA and the T-DNA insert were elucidated. The event-specific method targeting the flanking sequences and the transgene was developed for identification of a specific transgenic line. The PCR patterns using primers designed from the left or the right flanking DNA sequence of the transgene insert in three selected transgenic papaya lines were specific and reproducible. Our results also verified that PRSV CP transgene is integrated into transgenic papaya genome in different loci. The copy number of inserted T-DNA was further confirmed by real-time PCR. The event-specific molecular markers developed in this investigation are crucial for regulatory requirement in some countries and intellectual protection. Also, these markers are helpful for prompt screening of a homozygote-transgenic progeny in the breeding program.  相似文献   

Production of polyclonal antibodies requires large amount of purified virus that can be avoided by the use of recombinant coat protein (CP). Recombinant CP of Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) was thus used for the production of polyclonal antibodies as the virus purification from papaya tissues provides low virus yields. CP was expressed as a fusion protein (~72 kD) containing a fragment of E. coli maltose binding protein. Polyclonal antibodies from rabbits immunized with the fusion protein, successfully detected natural infection of PRSV in papaya and cucurbits samples collected from different locations at 1:4000 dilution in direct antigen-coated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.  相似文献   

环链棒束孢菌株培养特征、致病性及遗传变异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选一种对小菜蛾有高致病力的杀虫真菌,对来自不同地域的环链棒束孢菌株的培养特征尤其是孢梗束形成、对小菜蛾的致病性和基于5.8S-ITS nrDNA构建的系统发育等进行分析。结果表明,供试菌株的培养性状可分为3个类型:孢梗束浓密型、孢梗束稀疏型和不产孢梗束型。孢梗束浓密型对小菜蛾的致病性最高,平均达到88.9%,其中XS.1菌株,对小菜蛾幼虫的致死率达到98%;孢梗束稀疏型次之,为68.4%;不产孢梗束型最差,仅35%。系统发育聚类树分析表明,在环链棒束孢菌株中,致病性较高的菌株,如XS.1,XS.2和SL.7等聚在一亚分支内,致病性低的菌株8.02和468.10聚在一起;不产孢梗束的两个菌株8.02和468.10聚在一个亚支。这些结果表明环链棒束孢菌株间具有明显的种内遗传变异性。孢梗束形成与小菜蛾的致病死亡率有相关性。孢梗束的形成可作为高致病性菌株选择的一个重要指标。  相似文献   

At least three sources of resistance to the watermelon strain of Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV-W) have been identified in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) including: ’TMG-1’, an inbred line derived from the Taiwanese cultivar, ’Taichung Mou Gua’; ’Dina-1’, an inbred line derived from the Dutch hybrid ’Dina’; and the South American cultivar ’Surinam’. In this investigation we sought to determine the inheritance of resistance to PRSV-W in ’Dina-1’, the allelic relationships among the three sources of PRSV-W resistance, and the relationship between PRSV-W resistance and known resistances to other cucurbit potyviruses. Like ’Surinam’ and ’TMG-1’, resistance in ’Dina-1’ is controlled by a single gene. Despite differences in dominance vs recessive performance and patterns of virus accumulation, all three sources of resistance complemented each other. ’TMG-1’ and ’Dina-1’ also possess co-segregating, single-gene resistances to Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV), Watermelon mosaic virus and Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus. Sequential inoculations and F3 family analysis indicated that resistance to PRSV-W completely co- segregated with resistance to ZYMV in ’TMG-1’. Although PRSV-W resistances are at the same locus in both ’TMG-1’ and ’Surinam’, ’Surinam’ is only resistant to PRSV-W, and progeny of ’TMG-1’×’Surinam’ were resistant to PRSV-W but susceptible to ZYMV. Susceptibility to ZYMV and resistance to PRSV-W in ’Surinam’ was not influenced by co-inoculation or sequential in- oculations of the two viruses. Collectively, the co- segregation of resistances to PRSV-W, ZYMV, WMV and MWMV in ’TMG-1’ (within 1 cM), allelism of PRSV-W resistances in ’TMG-1’ and ’Surinam’, and resistance to only PRSV-W in ’Surinam’, suggest that multiple potyvirus resistance in cucumber may be due to different alleles of a single potyvirus resistance gene with differing viral specificities, or that the multiple resistances are conferred by a tightly linked cluster of resistance genes, of which ’Surinam’ only possesses one member. Received: 22 July 1999 / Accepted: 2 December 1999  相似文献   

Vampirovibrio chlorellavorus is recognized as a pathogen of commercially‐relevant Chlorella species. Algal infection and total loss of productivity (biomass) often occurs when susceptible algal hosts are cultivated in outdoor open pond systems. The pathogenic life cycle of this bacterium has been inferred from laboratory and field observations, and corroborated in part by the genomic analyses for two Arizona isolates recovered from an open algal reactor. V. chlorellavorus predation has been reported to occur in geographically‐ and environmentally‐diverse conditions. Genomic analyses of these and additional field isolates is expected to reveal new information about the extent of ecological diversity and genes involved in host‐pathogen interactions. The draft genome sequences for two isolates of the predatory V. chlorellavorus (Cyanobacteria; Ca. Melainabacteria) from an outdoor cultivation system located in the Arizona Sonoran Desert were assembled and annotated. The genomes were sequenced and analyzed to identify genes (proteins) with predicted involvement in predation, infection, and cell death of Chlorella host species prioritized for biofuel production at sites identified as highly suitable for algal production in the southwestern USA. Genomic analyses identified several predicted genes encoding secreted proteins that are potentially involved in pathogenicity, and at least three apparently complete sets of virulence (Vir) genes, characteristic of the VirB‐VirD type system encoding the canonical VirB1‐11 and VirD4 proteins, respectively. Additional protein functions were predicted suggesting their involvement in quorum sensing and motility. The genomes of two previously uncharacterized V. chlorellavorus isolates reveal nucleotide and protein level divergence between each other, and a previously sequenced V. chlorellavorus genome. This new knowledge will enhance the fundamental understanding of trans‐kingdom interactions between a unique cosmopolitan cyanobacterial pathogen and its green microalgal host, of broad interest as a source of harvestable biomass for biofuels or bioproducts.  相似文献   

Reviews modern data on the genetic control of the key factors of Vibrio cholerae pathogenicity: cholera toxin and toxin-coregulated adhesion pili. Pays special attention to the temperate filamentous CTX bacteriophage, whose genome contains structural genes of cholera toxin, and the "pathogenicity island" carrying tcp genes responsible for the most important factor of the human small intestine colonization with V. cholerae. Discusses the mechanism of coordinated regulation of the activity of the main genes of V. cholerae pathogenicity genes.  相似文献   

A multitude of factors may determine reproductive skew among cooperative breeders. One explanation, derived from inclusive fitness theory, is that groups can partition reproduction such that subordinates do at least as well as noncooperative solitary individuals. The majority of recent data, however, fails to support this prediction; possibly because inclusive fitness models cannot easily incorporate multiple factors simultaneously to predict skew. Notable omissions are antagonistic selection (across generations, genes will be in both dominant and subordinate bodies), constraints on the number of sites suitable for successful reproduction, choice in which group an individual might join, and within‐group control or suppression of competition. All of these factors and more are explored through agent‐based evolutionary simulations. The results suggest the primary drivers for the initial evolution of cooperative breeding may be a combination of limited suitable sites, choice across those sites, and parental manipulation of offspring into helping roles. Antagonistic selection may be important when subordinates are more frequent than dominants. Kinship matters, but its main effect may be in offspring being available for manipulation while unrelated individuals are not. The greater flexibility of evolutionary simulations allows the incorporation of species‐specific life histories and ecological constraints to better predict sociobiology.  相似文献   

Full-length double-stranded cDNA was prepared from purified circular RNA of two new Australian field isolates of citrus exocortis viroid (CEV) using two synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide primers. The cDNA was then cloned into the phage vector M13mp9 for sequence analysis. Sequencing of nine cDNA clones of isolate CEV-DE30 and eleven cDNA clones of isolate CEV-J indicated that both isolates consisted of a mixture of viroid species and led to the discovery of eleven new sequence variants of CEV. These new variants, together with the six reported previously, form two classes of sequence which differ by a minimum of 26 nucleotides in a total of 370 to 375 residues. These two classes correlate with two biologically distinct groups when propagated on tomato plants where one produces severe symptoms and the other gives rise to mild symptoms. Two regions of the native structure of CEV, comprising 18% of the total residues, differ between the sequence variants of mild and severe isolates. Whether or not both of these regions are essential for the variation in pathogenicity has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in pathogenic fungi often underlie the development of virulence and infection by these organisms. Our knowledge of the components of the cell signalling pathways controlling morphological switching has, to a large extent, come from studies of pseudohyphal growth of the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which control is exerted via changes in the intracellular cAMP and mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades. There is evidence that pathogenic fungi also utilize these pathways to control dimorphic switching between saprobic and pathogenic forms and, as such, the elements of these pathways have potential as drug targets.  相似文献   



In this work a simple method for the computation of relative similarities between homologous metabolic network modules is presented. The method is similar to classical sequence alignment and allows for the generation of phenotypic trees amenable to be compared with correspondent sequence based trees. The procedure can be applied to both single metabolic modules and whole metabolic network data without the need of any specific assumption.  相似文献   

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