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天花粉蛋白引起敏感细胞膜上G蛋白激活的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Trichosanthin (TCS), a Type I Ribosome Inactivating Protein isolated from the root tuber of Trichosanthes Kirilowii M. has various biological activities including abortion induction, anti-tumor and anti-HIV. The mechanism of TCS specifically killing sensitive cells has not been studied clearly. In this study, we initially found that there exists TCS-affinity molecule on Syncytiotrophoblast cells and Jar cells. Furthermore, by [35S]GTP gamma S Binding Assay, we find that TCS can activate G protein on the membrane of TCS-sensitive cells. These results indicate that on the membrane of TCS-sensitive cells exists TCS-specific receptor.  相似文献   

Ding J  Yu Z  Rong DM  Zhong CS 《生理学报》1998,50(2):183-187
用电镜形态计量法检测血小板α颗粒(αG)和致密颗粒(dG)的数密度,用钙荧光指示剂Fura2检测血小板胞质游离Ca^2+浓度(「Ca^2+」i),观察到在钙离子导体A23187作用下,血小板「Ca^2+」i明显升高。凝血酶与ADP也都分别引起「Ca^2+」i升高,且有浓度依赖性,选用三种激动剂的不同量以反映血小板不同程度激活时,测定「Ca^2+」与颗粒数密度,分析两者间的相关性,发现αG和dG的数  相似文献   

去整合素是蛇毒中的一类蛋白质,能识别和作用于多种细胞膜上的整合素家族粘附分子,从而影响某些生理和病理过程,如血小板聚集、骨吸收、细胞迁移和血管生成等。  相似文献   

目的:明确线粒体ATP敏感钾通道与钙激活钾通道对正常和缺血脑线粒体渗透性转变的作用。方法:实验采用分光光度法,在分离的线粒体上分别观察两种线粒体钾通道激动剂对正常与缺血脑线粒体肿胀的影响。结果:在正常脑线粒体,diazoxide与NSl619能有效抑制由钙诱导的线粒体氏20下降,但其效应可被atractyloside所阻断。与正常相比,缺血损伤后的脑线粒体在钙离子诱导下线粒体A520下降较快,diazoxide与NS1619仍可抑制由钙诱导的线粒体A520下降,其作用同样为atractykxside所阻断。结论:线粒体ATP敏感钾通道与钙激活钾通道激活在离体条件均具有保护脑线粒体的作用,其作用可能是通过影响线粒体通透性转变而实现。  相似文献   

PKC,PKA和TPK在血小板激活中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用^32P-NaH2PO4标记猪血小板,然后,以PMA,凝血酶,PGE1腺苷等处理,结果表明,随着PMA激活PKC,血小板发生聚集,35μmol/LPGE1或1mmol/LdbcAMP不能抑制50nmol/LPMA诱导的血小板聚集,腺苷却能抑制PMA诱导的血小板聚集(EC50=0.1mmol/L,db-cAMP,腺苷都不能抑制100nmol/LPMA诱导的40kD蛋白磷酸化,PKA激活不能抑制P  相似文献   

PKC、PKA和TPK在血小板激活中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用~(32)P-NaH_2PO_4标记猪血小板,然后以PMA、凝血酶、PGE_1、腺苷等处理,结果表明,随着PMA激活PKC,血小板发生聚集。35μmol/LPGE_1或1mmol/LdbcAMP不能抑制50nmol/LPMA诱导的血小板聚集,腺苷却能抑制PMA诱导的血小板聚集(EC_(50)=0.1mmol/L),db-cAMP、腺苷都不能抑制100nmol/LPMA诱导的40kD蛋白磷酸化。PKA激活不能抑制PMA激活的PKC。在PMA、凝血酶激活的血小板中,PKC、TPK都发生激活,40kD底物既是PKC的底物又是TPK的底物,PKC和TPK在血小板聚集中起着重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

用蛋白质内源荧光、疏水荧光探针TNS及蛋白酶K限制性酶解等方法研究了二氢叶酸还原酶在盐酸胍变性过程中的构象变化及动力学,并与活力变化进行了比较.TNS可以监测到与激活同步的构象变化;盐酸胍浓度大于0.75mol/L时,二氢叶酸还原酶被蛋白酶K水解速度增大;当盐酸胍浓度大于1.2mol/L时,才能监测到酶分子整体构象的变化.以上结果表明二氢叶酸还原酶在盐酸胍溶液中的变性并不符合标准的二态模型,而是先经历构象逐步松散的序变过程,然后发生协同的构象伸展.二氢叶酸还原酶在低浓度盐酸胍溶液中的激活是由于酶活性部位构象的微小变化引起的.酶活性部位构象的变化虽然降低了酶与废物的结合能力,但加快了酶促反应限速步骤,即底物解离速度而使酶活力升高.  相似文献   

DNA和RNA肿瘤病毒可以通过整合基因、病毒自身携带的癌基因及病毒的致癌蛋白 细胞内源怀癌基因或抑癌基因相互作用,顺式或反式激活癌基因,致使基因过度表达,产生细胞转化和组织癌变。本文阐述病毒基因及其产物对细胞癌基因的顺式激作用与反式激活作用,进而深入了解病毒诱导癌基因转录的分子机制。  相似文献   

化学激活和季节对克隆猪出生率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解化学激活对克隆猪出生效率的影响, 研究了体外成熟的猪卵母细胞被激活恢复减数分裂到克隆猪出生的整个过程. 首先研究了电激活(Ele), Ele+CHX+CB和Ele+6-DMAP 3种激活方法对猪卵母细胞孤雌激活(parthenogenetic, PA)和核移植(nuclear transfer, NT)重构胚体外发育的影响. 比较了Ele或Ele+CHX+CB激活方法对克隆猪出生效率的影响. 实验中单独列出了PA胚的扩张囊胚率或NT优质囊胚率来代表囊胚的质量. 结果表明: 化学联合激活提高了PA的囊胚率和扩张囊胚率, 但对PA胚的卵裂率和囊胚细胞数没有显著影响(P>0.05). Ele+6-DMAP对PA胚的囊胚率和扩张囊胚率有显著提高(P<0.05), 但对NT胚的囊胚率和优质囊胚率没有提高甚至降低了NT胚的发育. Ele+CHX+CB虽然提高了NT胚的囊胚率(P<0.05), 但对优质囊胚率没有影响. Ele+CHX+CB激活方法使克隆猪出生率有所提高但不显著. 本文还研究了季节对猪孤雌发育和克隆猪出生率的影响. 结果表明, 春季收集的猪卵母细胞使用3种激活方法卵母细胞的孤雌囊胚率均高于冬季收集的猪卵母细胞的囊胚率. 春季和冬季进行移植, 克隆猪出生率没有区别. 综上, 在PA中获得的结果与NT胚中获得的结果不一定完全匹配, 说明孤雌激活和重构胚的激活机制还是有区别的. 化学联合激活虽然能提高囊胚率, 但它的作用相当于降低囊胚形成的门槛, 却不是从本质上改变囊胚发育能力, 因此不能显著提高克隆猪出生效率. 春季收集的卵母细胞在体外培养中的发育能力好于冬季收集的卵母细胞, 但季节对克隆猪出生率没有显著影响.  相似文献   

血管内皮细胞的激活   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
血管内皮细胞被多种炎症介质激活后,主要表现为3个方面的变化:(1)细胞收缩变圆,细胞连续间出现裂隙,内皮层通透性增高;(2)细胞膜表面表达一些新的蛋白质抗原,如主要组织相容性抗原和多种细胞粘附分子,影响炎症、免疫和肿瘤转移过程;(3)细胞合成分泌对凝血、纤溶系统和血管张力有调节作用的活性因子以及多种炎症介质,影响机体内环境的稳定,参与某些疾病的发病过程。  相似文献   

Recently a thrombin receptor with a unique mechanism of activation was cloned from a megakaryocyte-like cell line (Vu et al., Cell 64:1057-1068, 1991). Thrombin cleaves a portion of this receptor creating a new N-terminus that acts as a "tethered-ligand" to activate the receptor. A thrombin receptor activating peptide (SFLLRNPNDKYEPF) homologous to the new N-terminus was shown to activate platelets. We synthesized this peptide and demonstrated that it desensitized platelets to activation by low concentrations of alpha-thrombin but not gamma-thrombin. We also synthesized a thrombin exosite inhibitor (BMS 180742) that inhibited platelet aggregation induced by low, but not high, concentrations of alpha-thrombin. In contrast, a thrombin active site inhibitor, N alpha-(2-naphthylsulfonyl-glycyl)-D,L-amidinophenylalanylpiperi dide, competitively inhibited thrombin-induced platelet aggregation. We conclude that thrombin-induced platelet activation is mediated by at least two pathways: one activated by low concentrations of alpha-thrombin and blocked by a thrombin exosite inhibitor that appears to be coupled to the "tethered-ligand" thrombin receptor, and another that is stimulated by higher concentrations of alpha-thrombin and by gamma-thrombin and does not require the thrombin exosite for activation. Both pathways are blocked by a thrombin active site inhibitor.  相似文献   

Receptors are functional membrane proteins on the cell surface that recognize external signals and trigger biological responses by generating intracellular signals. Due to prolonged exposure to external signals, receptors are often desensitized and no longer produce intracellular signals. This simple control mechanism may work without negative-feedback regulation from another molecule if the active state of a receptor reflects a transient metastable molecular structure. A theoretical framework is developed to identify a metastable state associated with a conformational transition of protein molecules, in which a transient state can be observed somewhat above the equilibrium transition point. The conducting state of the acetylcholine receptor may thus represent a metastable state associated with a conformational transition from the resting state to the desensitized state. Similarly, the conducting state of the voltage-sensitive sodium channel may represent a metastable state associated with a conformational transition from the resting state to the refractory state. The rates of appearance and disappearance of the transient state, as well as the equilibrium ratio of the two preexisting states, can be estimated from the free energy of protein structure. The appearance of the transient state is generally a multirelaxation process and may show a time lag, while the disappearance is a slower single-relaxation process.  相似文献   

Effects of neurotropin (a non-protein extract obtained from the exudate of rabbit skin tissue treated with vaccinovirus) on platelet and neutrophil aggregation were studied. In vitro neurotropin reduced platelet and neutrophic aggregability only at high concentration. However, in vivo anti-aggregating effect of neurotropin was more marked. Intravascular aggregation of platelets and leukocytes was induced in cats by selective injection of 4 beta-phorbol-12 beta-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) into carotid artery. It was found that activation of platelets and leukocytes by intracarotid PMA-injection led to a brain ischemia. Regional tissue analysis showed ipsilateral derangement of the cerebral energy state. The values of energy charge in the parietal cortex and caudateputamen of the PMA-injected hemisphere was significantly decreased. Simultaneously the increase of lactate level was observed. Pretreatment with neutropin prevented the development of cerebral energy failure. It is suggested that neutropin appears to be effective for treating cerebrovascular disorders.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of adenosine on aggregation of human platelets activated by platelet activating factor (PAF), ADP and serotonin (5-HT) were examined using native platelets from blood of volunteers. Platelet aggregation was determined by Born's method. Effective adenosine concentrations (IC50) which had inhibited platelet aggregation were found to be 0.63 +/- 0.11, 1.47 +/- 0.31 and 0.64 +/- 0.18 microM, respectively. It was shown that 10 microM adenosine inhibited PAF-induced platelet aggregation completely. The same adenosine concentration blocked ADP- and 5-HT-induced aggregation only partially. Adenosine is physiological inhibitor of human platelet aggregation in administration of PAF, ADP and 5-HT. Specific characteristics of adenosine modulating effect on these ligands was elicited.  相似文献   

Long-term treatment with a drug to a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) often leads to receptor-mediated desensitization, limiting the therapeutic lifetime of the drug. To better understand how this therapeutic window might be controlled, we created a mechanistic Monte Carlo model of the early steps in GPCR signaling and desensitization. Using this model we found that the rates of G-protein activation and receptor phosphorylation can be partially decoupled by varying the drug-receptor dissociation rate constant, k(off), and the drug's efficacy, alpha. The maximum ratio of G-protein activation to receptor phosphorylation (GARP) was found for drugs with an intermediate k(off) value and small alpha-value. Changes to the cellular environment, such as changes in the diffusivity of membrane molecules and the G-protein inactivation rate constant, affected the GARP value of a drug but did not change the characteristic shape of the GARP curve. These model results are examined in light of experimental data for a number of GPCRs and are found to be in good agreement, lending support to the idea that the desensitization properties of a drug might be tailored to suit a specific application.  相似文献   

The actions of four tachykinins on inhibition and desensitization of the M-current of bullfrog sympathetic neurons have been characterized. Radioligand binding parameters of the tachykinins were determined at a neurokinin receptor in a heterologous expression system. The correlation between binding, signaling and receptor regulation was investigated. A correlation between receptor binding and signaling was found between the peptides; however, their ability to produce desensitization was not correlated with binding and signaling. These results show that the ability of a tachykinin peptide to induce signal activation is not indicative of its ability to induce receptor regulation.  相似文献   

Fluid shear stress has been known to activate platelet reaction such as aggregation, but the exact mechanism of shear-induced platelet aggregation (SIPA) has not been fully understood. Calpain, an intracellular calcium-activated cysteine protease, is abundant in platelets and is considered to be activated and involved in the proteolytic processes during platelet activation. A possible activation of calpain in SIPA was investigated, employing a newly developed aggregometer and specific monoclonal antibodies to detect activation of calpain. When a shear stress gradient varying between 6 and 108 dyn/cm2 was applied to platelets, activation of μ-calpain was observed only in high-shear-stressed platelets, resulting in the proteolysis of talin. At 1 min after the onset of constant high shear stress of 108 dyn/cm2, μ-calpain activation and proteolysis of talin were detected and increased in a time-dependent manner. Constant shear stress more than 50 dyn/cm2, applied for 5 min, caused μ-calpain activation and proteolysis of talin, which were increased in a shear-force-dependent manner. Calpeptin, a calpain-specific peptide antagonist, caused the complete inhibition of both μ-calpain activation and proteolysis of talin, while SIPA profiles with calpeptin showed almost no change compared to those without calpeptin. These results suggest the possibility of calpain involvement in late phases of shear-induced platelet activation such as cytoskeletal reorganization. J. Cell. Biochem. 66:54–64, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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