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In the present study, we investigated the possibility of spontaneous carp spermatozoa activation by freeze-thawing. To evaluate this, the parameters of spermatozoa motility percentage, velocity, ATP content level and fertility rate of sperm were used. The motility and velocity of spermatozoa activated by freeze-thawing were characterized by motile spermatozoa with a median value of 16% and a velocity of 98 μm/s. In addition, the motility and velocity of sperm from the thawed samples were significantly lower than in the control (median value of 100% for sperm motility and 175 μm/s for sperm velocity). Furthermore, a spontaneously activated spermatozoa motility terminated within five minutes post-thaw time. After freeze-thawing the ATP level significantly decreased with post-thaw time (46 nmol ATP/109 and 10 nmol ATP/109 at 25 s and 10 min after thawing, respectively). Fertility of spermatozoa was not significantly affected within 10 min post-thaw. On the other hand, the fertility of frozen-thawed sperm was significantly lower if compared to fresh sperm. We conclude that the freeze-thawing procedure spontaneously activated spermatozoa motility in common carp. However, this activation did not negatively affect the fertility of frozen-thawed sperm.  相似文献   

Wild common carp from two lakes and two rivers in Greece were genetically characterized with sequencing analysis of two mitochondrial DNA segments: cytochrome b (1119 bp) and D-loop (646 bp). A total of 9 variable singleton sites and 7 unique haplotypes were detected. A common haplotype was found in three out of the four populations examined, which seems to be the ancestral one and represents the European origin of common carp from Greece. This haplotype could be also justified by the introductions reported with individuals belonging to the Central European race, into many natural habitats in Greece. Limited genetic variation — in Evros and Aliakmonas populations — could be due to bottleneck effects and small effective population sizes, whereas the different haplotypes found in Lake Volvi could represent different common carp stocks. Values of sequence divergence among Greek haplotypes ranged from 0.0006 to 0.0023. The Neighbour-Joining (NJ) phylogenetic tree constructed based on the combined sequences, reveals that the populations of common carp from Greece belong to the European group of populations — which is highly divergent from the South East-Asia cluster — and to the subspecies Cyprinus carpio carpio.  相似文献   

The common carp (Cyrpinus carpio L.) is the oldest cultured and the most domesticated fish species, as well as one of the most important freshwater fishes in the world. However, scientific studies on evaluating the growth-related quantitative traits in this fish are limited. Heritability, the most important parameter in selective breeding programs, was extensively studied for the growth-related traits. The values varied widely among the experiments and methods used because of the existence of common environmental, dominance and maternal effects. However, correlations in phenotypic and genetic levels first evaluated several years ago were limited. On the other hand, heterosis was widely reported and easily obtained for growth-related traits in the common carp. Meanwhile, genotype environment interaction and prediction of breeding values have been studied recently, and are very important in conducting selective breeding programs. The developmental quantitative genetics of growth-related traits was first analyzed in the common carp for reasonable selection during ontogeny. It is expected that genetic improvement will be achieved by carrying out direct selective breeding in the common carp.  相似文献   

Hypoxia induced apoptosis has been studied extensively in many mammalian cell lines but there are only a few studies using whole animal models. We investigated the response of the intact liver to hypoxia in a hypoxia tolerant fish, the carp (Cyprinus carpio, L). We exposed carp to hypoxia for up to 42 days, using oxygen level (0.5 mgO2/L) that were slightly higher than the critical oxygen level of carp. There was extensive DNA damage in liver cells, especially during the first week of exposure, indicated by a massive TUNEL signal. However there was no change in cell proliferation, cell number or size, no increase in caspase-3 activity, no increase in single stranded DNA and this, combined with a number of other observations, led us to conclude there was no increase in apoptosis in the liver during hypoxia. There was up-regulation of some anti-apoptotic genes and proteins (Bcl-2, HSP70, p27) and down-regulation of some pro-apoptotic genes (Tetraspanin 5 and Cell death activator). The cells appeared to enter cell cycle arrest, presumably to allow repair of damaged DNA. As there was no change in cell proliferation and cell number, the damaged cells were not entering apoptosis and must have recovered during prolonged hypoxia.  相似文献   

Fish behaviour was monitored in 1-m2 tanks each stocked with three 67-g rohu (Labeo rohita). In addition, 80-g common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were stocked at 0, 1 or 2 fish per tank. All tanks were fertilized prior to stocking to stimulate natural food production. In addition, half of the tanks were fed a supplemental diet. Results confirm the general view that rohu mainly lives and feeds in the water column, while common carp is a bottom feeder. In the presence of common carp, rohu increased the time spend grazing on tank wall and bottom, and decreasing grazing time in the water column. Supplemental feeding had a similar, be it less pronounced effect. When both present, rohu and common carp spend 47–52% of their time together. Rohu spends more time close to the bottom in the presence of common carp than when no common carp is present, presumably to profit from increased zooplankton production, triggered by the resuspension of nutrients by burrowing common carp. This was reflected in a higher growth rate of rohu in the presence of carp. These effects were stronger with one common carp per tank than with two common carp. In this study, the results from behavioural observations in tanks nicely complemented results from a pond study analyzing growth, production and food availability. Behavioural observations in tank yielded useful additional information helpful to clarify species interactions and feeding ecology in polyculture ponds.  相似文献   

Thermal discharge from power stations can affect normal environmental conditions and change in heat shock proteins expression of native fish with increasing temperature. In this study, we investigated levels of Hsp70 in the heart, kidney, brain and gill of the common carp Cyprinus carpio both in long-term heat discharge environment and after 24 h acute heat shock exposure. In laboratory exposure experiments, fish acclimated at 10 °C were exposed to various elevated temperatures (20, 24 and 28 °C). Hsp70 concentrations were determined in tissues by Western blotting analysis after one dimensional SDS-PAGE separation. In the field study, the level of Hsp70 in the gill of the carp remained at control values, and Hsp70 expression in the heart, kidney and brain underwent a 2.8 to 3.7-fold increase. A lower thermal sensitivity of the Hsp70 response of the brain, compared with the heart, kidney and gill, was observed in the laboratory experiments. Our data show that these tissues had different levels of Hsp70 responses to thermal influence both in acute exposure and long-term acclimation. The pattern of tissue Hsp70 expression may have a close relationship with the thermal tolerance of the carp and allows the fish to survive long-term thermal pollution.  相似文献   

The Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) is activated by single strand RNA and RNA-like compounds (imidazoquinoline), and it induces interferon production. We identified and described carp TLR7 cDNA and its mRNA expression. The full-length cDNA of carp TLR7 gene is 3427 bp, encoding 1049 amino acids (AB553573). The similarities of carp TLR7 with zebrafish, rainbow trout, fugu, and human TLR7 were 89.6, 83.4, 80.6 and 74.6%, respectively, at the amino acid sequence level. Furthermore, the expression of TLR7 mRNA was investigated in normal tissues of carp by semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis. Carp TLR7 expression was exhibited in healthy tissues (kidney, brain, spleen, skin, intestine, muscle, liver, gills and heart) and though the expression level in each tissue varied among healthy fish. Carp TLR7 expression was significantly increased in head kidney stimulated with TLR7 agonist, imiquimod, at 8, 24 and 48 h in vitro when compared to expression in the control group. Moreover, carp head kidney leukocytes produced elevated levels of pro-inflammatory and type 1 interferon cytokine mRNA in response to imiquimod stimulation.  相似文献   

Browse plants play an important role in providing feed for livestock in semi-arid rangelands of Africa. Chemical composition and in vitro ruminal fermentation of leaves collected from Acacia burkei, Acacia tortilis, Acacia nilotica, Dichrostachys cinerea and Ehretia obtusifolia in communal grazing lands in the lowveld of Swaziland is presented. Leaves were collected from trees located on two soil types (i.e., lithosol and vertisol) in the communal land but it had no effect on the chemical composition of tree leaves. The NDFom and ADFom content were highest in D. cinerea and A. burkei and lowest in E. obtusifolia and A. nilotica. Crude protein (CP) contents ranged between 108 g/kg and 122 g/kg DM. D. cinerea had the highest Ca and Mg content, while A. tortilis had the lowest. There were marked variations in K level amongst browse species, with A. tortilis (9.1 g/kg DM) having the highest value. The P, Zn and Fe did not differ between browse species. Soil type and tree species interaction impacted in vitro fermentation parameters. Extent of fermentation, as measured by 48 h cumulative gas production, and organic matter degradability was highest in E. obtusifolia leaves and lowest in D. cinerea leaves within soil type. Fermentation efficiency, as measured by partitioning factors, was highest in A. nilotica leaves. Leaves of E. obtusifolia could be a valuable supplementary feedstuff for ruminant livestock due to its in vitro fermentation characteristics as well as low fibre and moderate CP levels.  相似文献   

In order to study the salinity tolerance of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.), embryos developed from mature seeds were isolated and cultured in vitro and subjected to different NaCl concentrations (0, 42.8, 85.5, 171.1 and 256.6 mM) for 30 days. The results showed that in vitro germination of embryonic axes was not affected by the salt concentration. However, the germinated embryo survival rates decreased from 100% for the control to 62.9% for the highest salt concentration (256.6 mM).In addition, the plantlet growth (length of aerial and root parts, number of leaf produced per embryo, as well as the production of total fresh and dry matter for both aerial parts and roots) showed significant differences according the various salt concentrations. To cite this article: B. Benmahioul et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

A series of in vitro experiments were completed to evaluate the potential of enzyme extracts, obtained from the white-rot fungi Trametes versicolor (TV1, TV2), Bjerkandera adusta (BA) and Fomes fomentarius (FF), to increase degradation of cell wall components of wheat straw. The studies were conducted as a completely randomized design and analysed using one-way ANOVA. Enzyme activities of the extracts, previously obtained from a liquid culture medium, were characterized in terms of laccase and peroxidase for ligninolytic activity. Carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) and avicell digesting cellulase (Avicelase) were used for cellulolytic enzyme assays. Wheat straw samples were incubated with enzyme extracts in a citrate buffer (pH 5.0) in a forced air oven at 25 °C for 6 days. In vitro NDF digestibility (IVNDFD), and the rate and extent of NDF fermentation, without and after incubation with the white-rot enzyme extracts, were determined using a gravimetric microbiological method and a gas production technique, respectively. Results from cell wall chemical composition showed that TV2 and BA enzyme extracts decreased NDF concentration (P<0.05) and that TV1 had higher activity (P<0.05) towards cellulose. There was an increase in IVNDFD (P<0.05), resulting from treatment of wheat straw with enzyme extracts from BA, TV1 and TV2, reaching a difference of 13% for TV2 (P<0.05), versus the non-treated straw control. Treatment with enzyme extract from TV2 caused increased gas production (P<0.05) after the first 20 h of incubation, and also increased the maximum rate of gas production, thus enhancing fermentation kinetics. This study indicates that enzyme extracts from white-rot fungi can be used to develop new approaches to overcome low digestibility of some plant cell walls. Utilization of different substrates to produce enzyme extracts can lead to production of viable ligninolytic complexes which could improve the nutritive value of fibrous feeds.  相似文献   

油莎豆快速繁殖体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立油莎豆(Cyperus esculentus)的快繁体系,以茎尖为外植体,MS为基本培养基,采用正交设计法研究了6-BA、KT和NAA组合对丛生芽增殖和生根的影响。结果表明,3种生长调节剂对油莎豆丛生芽增殖的影响为6-BA NAA KT,最佳生长调节剂组合为1.0 mg L~(-1) 6-BA+0.2 mg L~(-1) KT,培养4周的增殖系数为7.58。MS培养基为最优生根培养基,生根率可达88.10%,平均生根数为2.04条。这为高效繁育油莎豆优质种苗和种质资源优化奠定基础。  相似文献   

该研究以麻疯树种子实生苗的小芽和芽条为接穗,以带有胚根的实生苗下胚轴为砧木进行无菌微嫁接,试图建立新的有效微嫁接方法,解决农杆菌介导的麻疯树遗传转化体系中再生的转化不定芽难以顺利发育成完整植株的问题。结果表明:(1)抗生素对嫁接苗的生长有显著的抑制作用。(2)进行微嫁接所用砧木的苗龄以5d为宜。(3)进行微嫁接时适宜采用的砧木类型为带有部分胚根的下胚轴。(4)嫁接苗在0.3mg/L IBA+2mg/L谷氨酰胺+1/2MS培养基上的生长效果最好。(5)嫁接苗的移栽成活率最高可达76.40%。(6)以小芽或芽条为接穗的嫁接苗均可正常生长。该研究建立的麻疯树微嫁接体系,为解决麻疯树转化不定芽或芽条生长发育困难的问题提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

为了筛选分离入侵植物猫爪藤的细胞毒活性成分,采用MTT法以75%乙醇提取物的不同组分分别处理人肝癌细胞SMMC7721、Bel7402和正常肝细胞Chang Liver,对他们的体外增殖抑制率进行了研究。结果表明,总醇提物的氯仿组分对肝癌细胞表现出明显的体外增殖抑制作用,其次是石油醚组分。从氯仿萃取组分中分离出具有更强细胞毒活性的成分熊果酸。因此,入侵植物猫爪藤具有体外细胞毒活性,熊果酸是其体外细胞毒活性的主要成分之一。  相似文献   

In 2002 and 2003, a study was conducted to determine the effect of bacterial strains, Burkholdria OSU 7, Bacillus OSU 142, and Pseudomonas BA 8, on biological control of brown rot disease (Monilinia laxa Ehr.) on apricot cv. Hacıhaliloğlu in Malatya province of Turkey. Apricot orchard at full blooming stage was inoculated with conidial suspension (1 × 106 spores/ml) of M. laxa Ehr. After inoculation, two apricot trees for each application were treated with each of the three biological control agents (Burkholdria gladii OSU 7, Bacillus subtilis OSU 142, and Pseudomonas putida BA 8) by spraying (1 × 109 cfu/ml) on inoculated branches. Disease incidence was evaluated for untreated (control 1) and four different treatment groups including commercial disease management (control 2, positive control: 3% Bourdox in fall, 50% Cupper at pink flower, 30 g/100 l Corus at first blooming, and 300 g/100 l Captan at last blooming stage) and treatments including each of the three bacterial strains (OSU 7, OSU 142, and BA 8). The results showed that disease incidence for negative control (control 1) was 9.94, which was significantly higher than disease incidence for commercial application (2.57%) or bacterial treatments (2.82–5.00%) in the first year. In 2003, the lowest disease incidence observed in OSU 7 treatment (6.80%), while disease incidence rate for positive control and negative control were 9.45% and 28.46%, respectively. This result may suggest that OSU 7 has potential to be used as biopesticide for effective management of brown rot disease on apricot.  相似文献   

The in vitro metabolism of carbosulfan, a widely used carbamate insecticide, by hepatic microsomes from human, rat, mouse, dog, rabbit, minipig, and monkey was studied. Altogether eight (8) phase I metabolites were detected by LC–MS; phase II metabolites were not found in human homogenates fortified with appropriate cofactors. The primary metabolic pathways were the initial oxidation of sulfur to carbosulfan sulfinamide (‘sulfur oxidation pathway’) and the cleavage of the nitrogen sulfur bond (N–S) to give carbofuran and dibutylamine (‘carbofuran pathway’). Carbofuran was further hydroxylated to 3-hydroxycarbofuran and/or 7-phenolcarbofuran, which were further oxidized to 3-ketocarbofuran or 3-hydroxy-7-phenolcarbofuran, respectively, and finally to 3-keto-7-phenolcarbofuran. 3-Hydroxycarbofuran was the main metabolite in all species, but otherwise there were some qualitative interspecies differences in carbofuran pathway metabolites. Only rabbit liver microsomes were able to metabolize carbofuran via hydroxylation to 7-phenolcarbofuran. Carbofuran was not detected in dog liver microsomes due to rapid further metabolism. In general, liver microsomes from all seven species produced more toxic products (carbofuran, 3-hydroxy-carbofuran, 3-ketocarbofuran) more rapidly than a detoxification product (carbosulfan sulfinamide). Differences in intrinsic hepatic clearances (CLint) between the lowest and highest species were moderate; 2-fold for the carbofuran pathway, 2.7-fold for carbosulfan sulfinamide and 6.2-fold for dibutylamine. Our studies, although restricted to in vitro metabolic data from human and animal hepatic preparations, provide valuable quantitative carbosulfan-specific data for risk assessment, which suggest that interspecies differences, for carbosulfan active chemical moiety, in toxicokinetics are within the standard applied factor for species extrapolation in toxicokinetics. These results will be valuable in further defining the risks associated with exposure to carbosulfan.  相似文献   

采用MTT法检测细胞活力,用倒置显微镜、荧光显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察细胞形态与结构的变化,用激光共聚焦显微镜观察细胞微管的分布,从而研究了野艾蒿挥发油对HeLa人宫颈癌细胞形态与结构的影响。结果表明:(1)野艾蒿挥发油对HeLa癌细胞的增殖有明显的抑制作用,呈剂量和时间依赖性。(2)野艾蒿挥发油处理HeLa癌细胞24h后,100、200μg/mL实验组细胞体积缩小,核染色质凝集、微绒毛消失、细胞表面有泡状突起,微管解聚,呈现典型的凋亡特征;400μg/mL实验组细胞膜破裂、胞浆内含物外泄,呈明显的坏死特征。(3)野艾蒿挥发油具有抑制HeLa癌细胞增殖的作用,低、中浓度的野艾蒿挥发油诱导细胞凋亡,而高浓度的野艾蒿挥发油引起细胞坏死。  相似文献   

In this report, we demonstrate that a 50% ethanol extract of the plant-derived product, Chios mastic gum (CMG), contains compounds which inhibit proliferation and induce death of HCT116 human colon cancer cells in vitro. CMG-treatment induces cell arrest at G(1), detachment of the cells from the substrate, activation of pro-caspases-8, -9 and -3, and causes several morphological changes typical of apoptosis in cell organelles. These events, furthermore, are time- and dose-dependent, but p53- and p21-independent. Apoptosis induction by CMG is not inhibited in HCT116 cell clones expressing high levels of the anti-apoptotic protein, Bcl-2, or dominant-negative FADD, thereby indicating that CMG induces cell death via a yet-to-be identified pathway, unrelated to the death receptor- and mitochondrion-dependent pathways. The findings presented here suggest that CMG (a) induces an anoikis form of cell death in HCT116 colon cancer cells that includes events associated with caspase-dependent pathways; and (b) might be developed into a chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of human colon and other cancers.  相似文献   

The plasmalemma vesicles isolated from cucumber and maize roots were used to study the effect of Cu2+ and Cd2+ on the hydrolytic and proton pumping activities of ATPase. In vivo application of metal ions to the plant growth solutions resulted in stimulation of the proton transport in maize. In cucumber roots the action of metals was not the same: cadmium stimulated the H+ transport through plasmalemma whereas Cu2+ almost completely inhibited it. Copper ions decreased the hydrolytic activity of H+-ATPase in cucumber, without any effect on this activity in membranes isolated from maize roots. The effect of cadmium on the hydrolytic activities was opposite: ATP-hydrolysis activity in plasmalemma was not altered in cucumber, whereas in maize its stimulation was observed. The amount of accumulated metals was not the main reason of different influence of metals on H+-ATPase activity in tested plants. In in vitro experiments Cu2+ inhibited H+ transport in the cucumber, to a higher degree than Cd2+ and both metals did not change this H+-ATPase activity of plasmalemma isolated from corn roots. Cu2+ added into the incubation medium reduced the hydrolytic activity of ATPase in the plasma membrane isolated from cucumber as well as from corn roots. Cd2+ diminished the hydrolytic activity of ATPase in cucumber, and no effect of Cd2+ in the plasmalemma isolated from corn roots was found. Our results indicated different in vitro and in vivo action of both metals on H+-ATPase and different response of this enzyme to Cu2+ and Cd2+ in maize and cucumber.  相似文献   

The grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) is a wild relative of the protein pea which may be a useful genetic resource for the acquisition of interesting stress resistance traits. However, grass pea is cross incompatible with pea, leaving protoplast fusion as the only alternative to produce interspecific hybrids of grass pea and pea. In addition, as all grass pea seeds contain a toxic aminoacid, low-toxin containing genotypes will have to be produced by gene transfer. In this context, it is therefore essential that regenerated plants are fertile, true-to-type and not chimaeric in nature when they have been obtained in absence of any selection treatment. In the present study, shoot buds were regenerated from hypocotyls of three grass pea genotypes, and flow cytometry permitted us to characterise them in terms of nuclear DNA content. Plant regeneration competence was genotype-dependent and strongly also was correlated with a normal DNA content. The auxin/cytokinin balance of regeneration media affected the DNA level of regenerants. In turn, an abnormal DNA content was systematically associated with severe hyperhydricity symptoms, which hampered the regeneration of rooted, fertile plants.  相似文献   

For two years (2002, 2003) selective feeding ecology of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) has been studied in carp-integrated rice fields in Apatani Plateau of Arunachal Pradesh (India). Sampling strategy was based on the water depths in the fields and on the flood phases: early flood phase (June–July), mid flood phase (July–August), and late flood phase (September–October). In 2003 the water level was higher and therefore periphyton availability was better. This resulted in larger gut contents and better growth of the carp compared with 2002 when the water levels were lower. Gut contents analyses revealed a total of 60 food items of which 22 belonged to the Chlorophycea, 12 to the Cyanobacteria, 10 to the Bacillariophycea and 16 to several zooplankton taxa. With the progress of flood phases, the fish increased its feeding on periphyton food items; simultaneously, feeding on plankton items gradually declined. This was caused by the increasing periphyton availability on the rice-stems. Selective feeding on plankton and periphyton taxa was studied, selectivity changed with the flood phases. Periphytic Chlorophycea and Cyanobacteria, especially, were strongly positively selected. Generally, periphyton was the most important resource for the common carp in the rice fields.  相似文献   

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