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The marine mussels, Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis, form an extensive hybrid zone in Europe where F2 hybrids and mussels of mixed genetic ancestry are often locally abundant. Hybrid zones are maintained by the interplay of dispersal and selection on hybrid genotypes but there has been vigorous debate on the form of selection that may occur in these systems. Tension zone models argue that selection is against hybrids because of developmental misregulation and is independent of the external environment. Exogenous selection models argue that selection is habitat-dependent and the structure of the hybrid zone is due to the distribution of habitat patches that vary in selection intensity. We test this prediction by comparing the genetic structure of mussel populations in open-coast habitats, where selection on hybrids is strong, to those within two independent estuaries. We show that mussels within these estuaries are protected from selection and thus selection is strongly dependent on habitat, which supports the exogenous selection hypothesis. Hybrid mussel populations on the open-coast experience strong selection against M. edulis-like genotypes, which has been postulated to be the result of differential dislodgment by waves. This hypothesis is supported by our results since mussels within sheltered habitats are protected from selection. There was, despite previous suggestions, no evidence of selection in favor of M. edulis-like mussels within either estuary.  相似文献   

鳑鲏鱼类产卵时对河蚌鳃不同位置的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾燏  刘焕章  沈建忠 《动物学报》2006,52(2):272-278
鰟鮍是鲤科中的一群小型鱼类,在繁殖季节,鱼类产卵于河蚌的鳃腔内,鰟鮍鱼卵在河蚌鳃上的分布有一定的规律性。以前的研究主要是关于不同的鰟鮍鱼类对河蚌不同物种的选择,而对鱼类产卵时在河蚌鳃的上具体位置研究很少。本研究分为野外和室内两部分,野外现场解剖16种河蚌并统计观察鱼卵在鳃上的位置;室内选择六种代表性的淡水河蚌鱼尾楔蚌(Cuneopsispisciculus)、圆顶珠蚌(Unioclouglasiae)、失衡丽蚌(Lamprotulatortuosa)、洞穴丽蚌(L·caveata)、背角无齿蚌(Anodontawoodianawoodiana)和射线裂脊蚌(Schistodesmuslampreyanus),在分别养殖6d和3d的条件下,观察高体(Rhodeusocellatus)卵寄生在河蚌鳃上具体位置。结果表明,不同种类的在繁殖时有不同的适应策略。在野外条件下鉴定出3种鱼类,短须(Acheilognathusbarbatulus)、越南(A·tonkinensis)和广西副近似种(P·cf·meridianus),它们用其较长的产卵管将鱼卵寄生在河蚌内鳃的前部和中部,而室内属鱼类产卵管短,对河蚌鳃的前、中、后部位置选择没有显著性的差异,但是其仔鱼所具有的发达翼状突起可以将其稳固地寄生在河蚌内鳃。本研究结果表明,不同的类群为了给其仔鱼提供最大的生存机会而采用不同的策略。这些结果与鰟鮍和河蚌之间的协同进化关系是一致的[动物学报52(2):272-278,2006]。  相似文献   

厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)黏附蛋白分子mcofp-3(M.coruscusfoot protein-3)主要分布于贻贝足丝盘,贻贝在水环境下的黏附过程中起到关键作用,但因其难溶于水且在贻贝足丝盘中含量极低,故妨碍了对其进行深入研究。为建立厚壳贻贝足丝蛋白mcofp-3的真核表达体系,并获得足够的mcofp-3黏附蛋白进行后续研究,采用酵母表达体系对mcofp-3进行了重组表达。通过PCR方法克隆厚壳贻贝的mcofp-3基因,构建mcofp-3的酵母真核表达载体pVT102U/α/mcofp-3,鉴定结果表明,重组表达质粒pVT102U/α/mcofp-3由真核载体pVT102U/α和mcofp-3的成熟肽DNA片段组成,插入的mcofp-3成熟肽DNA片段与预期序列完全一致;采用LiAC转化法将重组表达质粒转化到S78酿酒酵母中,经过RT-PCR分析以及1.0%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测,结果表明,重组的mcofp-3得到了成功的转录;发酵菌液经阳离子交换柱及高效液相色谱分离,以及Tris-Tricine-SDS-PAGE检测,结果表明,重组的厚壳贻贝黏附蛋白分子mcofp-3得到了成功表达,表达...  相似文献   

选择一段与COL1A1基因相应序列同源、适合于在大肠杆菌E.coli中表达、含有编码促细胞粘附位点GER三肽密码子的基因序列。利用RT-PCR技术自人组织扩增该序列,构建pET28a(+)-COL重组表达质粒并转化到大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)pLysS。IPTG诱导表达获得重组人源性胶原RHDC, 表达量达到菌体总蛋白的40%左右。SDS-PAGE和Western Blot结果推测该胶原具有三螺旋结构。细胞粘附试验证明RHDC具有促细胞粘附能力,具有应用在生物材料领域的潜力。  相似文献   

Summary The Atlantic ribbed musselGeukensia (Modiolus)demissa attaches itself to the roots of cord grass and other hard objects in tidal salt marshes by spinning adhesive byssal threads. The precursor of a protein apparently present in the adhesive plaques of the threads was isolated in quantity from the foot of the mussel. The protein has an apparent molecular weight of 130000, a pI of 8.1, and contains a high proportion of Gly, Glu/Gln, Lys and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-l-alanine (DOPA). Sequence of tryptic peptides suggests a pattern of repeated motifs, such as: Gly-DOPA-Lys, and X-Gly-DOPA-Y-Z-Gly-DOPA/Tyr-Lys, where X is Thr or Ala in octapeptides and Gln-Thr in nonapeptides. Y is variable, but more often than not hydrophobic; and Z is frequently Pro or 4-trans-hydroxyproline (Hyp). The presence of Pro-Gly and Hyp-Gly sequences of -hydroxylysine in the protein is reminiscent of typical collagens; however, the protein is not labile to clostridial collagenase, nor does collagen cross-react with antibodies raised against the mussel protein. Unlike typical collagens, Gly probably occurs only at every 4th or 5th residue in this unusual mussel protein.Abbreviations Anti-Gdfp anti-G. demissa foot protein - Dopa 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine - CTAB cetyltrimethylammonium bromide - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (DMB 8500301) and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-86K-0717)  相似文献   

In order to characterize the genetic relationship of six populations of Mytilus coruscus Gould in the East China Sea, a 681 bp region of mtDNA COI gene was sequenced and analyzed. Eighty four individuals in total were collected from three cultured populations and three wild populations from three localities of the coast of East China Sea. The sequences from these different populations identified 62 polymorphic sites, which included 41 singleton variable sites and 21 parsimony informative sites that defined 45 distinct haplotypes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that most haplotypes were highly interconnected with each other. Thirty seven of the 45 haplotypes were only found in their own populations, seven were found at two-four localities and only haplotype NO.2 was found in all six populations, indicating that most haplotypes were locally restricted. All haplotypes had shaped two similar branches, each including individuals from all six strains. The results of FST values indicated that the genetic distances between populations are not closely associated with their geographic distances.  相似文献   

A novel fluorescent protein termed hmGFP homologous to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria was cloned from the tentacles of sea anemone Heteractis magnifica by EST sequencing and analysis of cDNA library and followed by using RT-PCR. The sequence analysis suggested that the chromophore, consensus amino acids, and secondary structure of 11 beta-strands of hmGFP were similar to those of GFP from other species. The recombinant hmGFP protein with high purity was obtained by the fusion expression of pETTRX-hmGFP in Escherichia coli and subsequent purification. The pH sensitivity and fluorescence spectroscopy of recombinant hmGFP were characterized. The excitation spectrum of recombinant hmGFP has a rather wide major peak with a maximum at 490 nm and a shoulder at 420 nm, and its emission spectrum at 510 nm. The expression of hmGFP and the chimera IPL through hmGFP in CHO cells has shown that the fusion protein IPL through hmGFP has retained the normal membrane targeting of the IPL from Dasyatis akajei, as well as maintaining fluorescent properties similar to those of native hmGFP, suggesting a promising prospect of the application in biotechnology research for the new protein.  相似文献   

PKF-2 from mussel mantle was phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The phosphorylation does not change the enzyme activity at neutral pH values, but at acid pH the activity of the phosphorylated form is higher than the native PFK-2. With respect to the native enzyme, the activation consisted of a reduction in the Km for Fru-6-P and a decrease in the inhibitory effect of PEP. These results are in keeping with the stabilized concentration of Fru-2,6-P2 found in the mussel mantle during the physiological hypoxia caused by the closure of the valves.  相似文献   

1. A low molecular weight, mercury-binding protein was isolated from the gills of Mytilus edulis and partially characterized.2. This protein had a minimum mol. wt of 14,400 daltons and 115 amino acid residues per protein molecule.3. The relatively low amounts of half-cystine (7.8 mol%) in this protein and the presence of aromatic amino acids and histidine were not characteristic of metallothionein.4. The amino acid composition was similar to a cadmium-binding protein of mussels reported by other researchers.  相似文献   

Interest in understanding physical and hydraulic factors that might drive distribution and abundance of freshwater mussels has been increasing due to their decline throughout North America. We assessed whether the spatial distribution of unionid mussels could be predicted from physical and hydraulic variables in a reach of the Upper Mississippi River. Classification and regression tree (CART) models were constructed using mussel data compiled from various sources and explanatory variables derived from GIS coverages. Prediction success of CART models for presence–absence of mussels ranged from 71 to 76% across three gears (brail, sled-dredge, and dive-quadrat) and 51% of the deviance in abundance. Models were largely driven by shear stress and substrate stability variables, but interactions with simple physical variables, especially slope, were also important. Geospatial models, which were based on tree model results, predicted few mussels in poorly connected backwater areas (e.g., floodplain lakes) and the navigation channel, whereas main channel border areas with high geomorphic complexity (e.g., river bends, islands, side channel entrances) and small side channels were typically favorable to mussels. Moreover, bootstrap aggregation of discharge-specific regression tree models of dive-quadrat data indicated that variables measured at low discharge were about 25% more predictive (PMSE = 14.8) than variables measured at median discharge (PMSE = 20.4) with high discharge (PMSE = 17.1) variables intermediate. This result suggests that episodic events such as droughts and floods were important in structuring mussel distributions. Although the substantial mussel and ancillary data in our study reach is unusual, our approach to develop exploratory statistical and geospatial models should be useful even when data are more limited. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

The ~93-kDa surface layer protein SgsE of Geobacillus stearothermophilus NRS 2004/3a forms a regular crystalline array providing a nanopatterned matrix for the future display of biologically relevant molecules. Lactococcus lactis NZ9000 was established as a safe expression host for the controlled targeted production of SgsE based on the broad host-range plasmid pNZ124Sph, into which the nisA promoter was introduced. SgsE devoid of its signal peptide-encoding sequence was cloned into the new vector and purified from the cytoplasm at a yield of 220 mg l- of expression culture. Secretion constructs were based on the signal peptide of the Lactobacillus brevis SlpA protein or the L. lactis Usp45 protein, allowing isolation of 95 mg of secreted rSgsE l-1. N-terminal sequencing confirmed correct processing of SgsE in L. lactis NZ9000. The ability of rSgsE to self-assemble in suspension and to recrystallize on solid supports was demonstrated by electron and atomic force microscopy.  相似文献   


A low-temperature protein expression system is useful for the production of thermolabile proteins. We previously developed a system that enables constitutive protein production at low temperatures, using the psychrotrophic bacterium Shewanella livingstonensis Ac10 as the host. To increase the utility of this system, in the present study, we introduced a repressible promoter of the trp operon of this bacterium into the system. When ß-lactamase was produced under the control of this promoter at 18°C and 4°C, the yields were 75 and 33 mg/L-culture, respectively, in the absence of L-Trp, and the yields were decreased by 72% and 77%, respectively, in the presence of L-Trp. We also found that 3-indoleacrylic acid, a competitive inhibitor of the Escherichia coli trp repressor, increased the expression of the reporter gene. This repressible gene expression system would be useful for regulatable recombinant protein production at low temperatures.  相似文献   

贻贝足蛋白是一类通过贻贝足腺分泌的蛋白质复合物,与基质表面发生反应而产生极强的黏附作用。其在海洋环境中具有强黏附能力、可降解性和优秀的生物相容性等优点,因此常被用做生物医药黏合剂。但提取天然蛋白质受原料来源限制,且工艺烦琐导致价格高昂,阻碍了贻贝足蛋白的进一步应用发展。微生物合成的最新进展为贻贝足蛋白的产出提供了一种新思路,并且具有扩大规模生产的意义。主要综述了贻贝足蛋白的基因工程生产方法,总结了重组蛋白在黏附抗污涂层、组织工程材料等领域的应用现状。同时对其研究方向进行了展望,指出重组贻贝足蛋白的进一步发展的关键技术是解析蛋白质的构效和层级结构,在此基础上提高其异源表达水平,以获得更多生物功效性的衍生产品。  相似文献   

贻贝足蛋白是一类通过贻贝足腺分泌的蛋白质复合物,与基质表面发生反应而产生极强的黏附作用。其在海洋环境中具有强黏附能力、可降解性和优秀的生物相容性等优点,因此常被用做生物医药黏合剂。但提取天然蛋白质受原料来源限制,且工艺烦琐导致价格高昂,阻碍了贻贝足蛋白的进一步应用发展。微生物合成的最新进展为贻贝足蛋白的产出提供了一种新思路,并且具有扩大规模生产的意义。主要综述了贻贝足蛋白的基因工程生产方法,总结了重组蛋白在黏附抗污涂层、组织工程材料等领域的应用现状。同时对其研究方向进行了展望,指出重组贻贝足蛋白的进一步发展的关键技术是解析蛋白质的构效和层级结构,在此基础上提高其异源表达水平,以获得更多生物功效性的衍生产品。  相似文献   

Nitrile hydratase (NHase) has attracted substantial attention for industrial applications to produce large-scale amides. Several NHases have been investigated for functional expression in Escherichia coli (E. coli). A Fe-type NHase was obtained from an acetamiprid-degrading bacterium, Pseudoxanthomonas sp. AAP-7 and functionally expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3). No significant NHase activity was detected from the E. coli expressing either the NHase gene alone or NHase and P46K genes transcribed as one unit. Purified recombinant NHase, co-expressed with P46K on two separate plasmids, exhibited the maximal enzyme activity. Furthermore, a GST tag attached to the N-terminus of α subunit resulted in a slight increase in the solubility and stability of NHase compared with a His tag at the C-terminus of β subunit. When co-expressed with the chaperones GroEL-GroES, the yield of the soluble recombinant NHase was improved substantially, while a small decrease in NHase activity was observed. The putative activator P46K was strictly required for production of the recombinant NHase for full enzyme activity, although the chaperones GroEL-GroES appeared to assist NHase to fold properly. This study of the expression of a fully active Fe-type NHase would provide another example to enhance our understanding of NHase biosynthesis.  相似文献   

目的:在大肠杆菌原核表达系统中高效表达禽多杀性巴氏杆菌成熟黏附蛋白Cpm39,并检测其免疫原性。方法:通过BamHⅠ和SalⅠ双酶切重组载体pMD18-cpm39获得cpm39基因片段,将该基因片段克隆至表达载体pMAL-p2X上,构建表达质粒pMAL-p2X-cpm39,转化至大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),在IPTG诱导下表达融合蛋白,用禽多杀性巴氏杆菌C48-3株Cp39天然粘附蛋白的免疫血清经Western印迹检测其免疫原性。结果:SDS-PAGE结果显示表达的融合蛋白相对分子质量为78×103,与预期结果相符,而Western印迹结果表明诱导表达的融合蛋白MBP-Cpm39能与Cp39天然黏附蛋白抗体发生特异性反应。结论:构建了表达质粒pMAL-p2X-cpm39,获得了具有免疫原性的重组融合蛋白,为进一步研究禽多杀性巴氏杆菌成熟黏附蛋白的免疫保护功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Chilean mussel populations have been thought to be panmictic with limited genetic structure. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing approaches have enabled investigation of genomewide variation that may better distinguish populations that have evolved in different environments. We investigated neutral and adaptive genetic variation in Mytilus from six locations in southern Chile with 1240 SNPs obtained with RAD‐seq. Differentiation among locations with 891 neutral SNPs was low (FST = 0.005). Higher differentiation was obtained with a panel of 58 putative outlier SNPs (FST = 0.114) indicating the potential for local adaptation. This panel identified clusters of genetically related individuals and demonstrated that much of the differentiation (~92%) could be attributed to the three major regions and environments: extreme conditions in Patagonia, inner bay influenced by aquaculture (Reloncaví), and outer bay (Chiloé Island). Patagonia samples were most distinct, but additional analysis carried out excluding this collection also revealed adaptive divergence between inner and outer bay samples. The four locations within Reloncaví area were most similar with all panels of markers, likely due to similar environments, high gene flow by aquaculture practices, and low geographical distance. Our results and the SNP markers developed will be a powerful tool supporting management and programs of this harvested species.  相似文献   

Mussels of the genus Mytilus have been used to assess the circumglacial phylogeography of the intertidal zone. These mussels are representative components of the intertidal zone and have rapidly evolving mitochondrial DNA, suitable for high resolution phylogeographic analyses. In Europe, the three Mytilus species currently share mitochondrial haplotypes, owing to the cases of extensive genetic introgression. Genetic diversity of Mytilus edulis, Mytilus trossulus and Mytilus galloprovincialis was studied using a 900-bp long part of the most variable fragment of the control region from one of their two mitochondrial genomes. To this end, 985 specimens were sampled along the European coasts, at sites ranging from the Black Sea to the White Sea. The relevant DNA fragments were amplified, sequenced and analyzed. Contrary to the earlier findings, our coalescence and nested cladistics results show that only a single M. edulis glacial refugium existed in the Atlantic. Despite that, the species survived the glaciation retaining much of its diversity. Unsurprisingly, M. galloprovincialis survived in the Mediterranean Sea. In a relatively short time period, around the climatic optimum at 10 ky ago, the species underwent rapid expansion coupled with population differentiation. Following the expansion, further contemporary gene flow between populations was limited.  相似文献   

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