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Solution‐based semiconductors give rise to the next generation of thin‐film electronics. Solution‐based silicon as a starting material is of particular interest because of its favorable properties, which are already vastly used in conventional electronics. Here, the application of a silicon precursor based on neopentasilane for the preparation of thin‐film solar cells is reported for the first time, and, for the first time, a performance similar to conventional fabrication methods is demonstrated. Because three different functional layers, n‐type contact layer, intrinsic absorber, and p‐type contact layer, have to be stacked on top of each other, such a device is a very demanding benchmark test of performance of solution‐based semiconductors. Complete amorphous silicon n‐i‐p solar cells with an efficiency of 3.5% are demonstrated, which significantly exceeds previously reported values.  相似文献   

Today's perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are limited mainly by their open‐circuit voltage (VOC) due to nonradiative recombination. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the relevant recombination pathways is needed. Here, intensity‐dependent measurements of the quasi‐Fermi level splitting (QFLS) and of the VOC on the very same devices, including pin‐type PSCs with efficiencies above 20%, are performed. It is found that the QFLS in the perovskite lies significantly below its radiative limit for all intensities but also that the VOC is generally lower than the QFLS, violating one main assumption of the Shockley‐Queisser theory. This has far‐reaching implications for the applicability of some well‐established techniques, which use the VOC as a measure of the carrier densities in the absorber. By performing drift‐diffusion simulations, the intensity dependence of the QFLS, the QFLS‐VOC offset and the ideality factor are consistently explained by trap‐assisted recombination and energetic misalignment at the interfaces. Additionally, it is found that the saturation of the VOC at high intensities is caused by insufficient contact selectivity while heating effects are of minor importance. It is concluded that the analysis of the VOC does not provide reliable conclusions of the recombination pathways and that the knowledge of the QFLS‐VOC relation is of great importance.  相似文献   

Due to the high cost of silicon photovoltaics there is currently great interest in finding alternative semiconductor materials for light harvesting devices. Single‐walled carbon nanotubes are an allotrope of carbon with unique electrical and optical properties and are promising as future photovoltaic materials. It is thus important to investigate the methods of exploiting their properties in photovoltaic devices. In addition to already extensive research using carbon nanotubes in organic photovoltaics and photoelectrochemical cells, another way to do this is to combine them with a relatively well understood model semiconductor such as silicon. Nanotube‐silicon heterojunction solar cells are a recent photovoltaic architecture with demonstrated power conversion efficiencies of up to ~14% that may in part exploit the photoactivity of carbon nanotubes.  相似文献   

Thin‐film solar cells are made by vapor deposition of Earth‐abundant materials: tin, zinc, oxygen and sulfur. These solar cells had previously achieved an efficiency of about 2%, less than 1/10 of their theoretical potential. Loss mechanisms are systematically investigated and mitigated in solar cells based on p‐type tin monosulfide, SnS, absorber layers combined with n‐type zinc oxysulfide, Zn(O,S) layers that selectively transmit electrons, but block holes. Recombination at grain boundaries is reduced by annealing the SnS films in H2S to form larger grains with fewer grain boundaries. Recombination near the p‐SnS/n‐Zn(O,S) junction is reduced by inserting a few monolayers of SnO2 between these layers. Recombination at the junction is also reduced by adjusting the conduction band offset by tuning the composition of the Zn(O,S), and by reducing its free electron concentration with nitrogen doping. The resulting cells have an efficiency over 4.4%, which is more than twice as large as the highest efficiency obtained previously by solar cells using SnS absorber layers.  相似文献   

To alleviate the limitations of pure sulfide Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin film, such as band gaps adjustment, antisite defects, secondary phase and microstructure, Cadmium is introduced into CZTS thin film to replace Zn partially to form Cu2Zn1?xCdxSnS4 (CZCTS) thin film by low‐cost sol–gel method. It is demonstrated that the band gaps and crystal structure of CZCTS thin films are affected by the change in Zn/Cd ratio. In addition, the ZnS secondary phase can be decreased and the grain sizes can be improved to some degree by partial replacement of Zn with Cd in CZCTS thin film. The power conversion efficiency of CZTS solar cell device is enhanced significantly from 5.30% to 9.24% (active area efficiency 9.82%) with appropriate ratio of Zn/Cd. The variation of device parameter as a function of Zn/Cd ratio may be attributed to the change in electronic structure of the bulk CZCTS thin film (i.e., phase change from kesterite to stannite), which in turn affects the band alignment at the CZCTS/buffer interface and the charge separation at this interface.  相似文献   

Spray‐coating is a versatile coating technique that can be used to deposit functional films over large areas at speed. Here, spray‐coating is used to fabricate inverted perovskite solar cell devices in which all of the solution‐processible layers (PEDOT:PSS, perovskite, and PCBM) are deposited by ultrasonic spray‐casting in air. Using such techniques, all‐spray‐cast devices having a champion power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 9.9% are fabricated. Such performance compares favorably with reference devices spin‐cast under a nitrogen atmosphere that has a champion PCE of 12.8%. Losses in device efficiency are ascribed to lower surface coverage and reduced uniformity of the spray‐cast perovskite layer.  相似文献   

Organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaic devices predominantly use the fullerene derivatives [C60]PCBM and [C70]PCBM as the electron accepting component. This report presents a new organic electron accepting small molecule 2‐[{7‐(9,9‐di‐n‐propyl‐9H‐fluoren‐2‐yl)benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazol‐4‐yl}methylene]malononitrile (K12) for organic solar cell applications. It can be processed by evaporation under vacuum or by solution processing to give amorphous thin films and can be annealed at a modest temperature to give films with much greater order and enhanced charge transport properties. The molecule can efficiently quench the photoluminescence of the donor polymer poly(3‐n‐hexylthiophene‐2,5‐diyl) (P3HT) and time resolved microwave conductivity measurements show that mobile charges are generated indicating that a truly charge separated state is formed. The power conversion efficiencies of the photovoltaic devices are found to depend strongly on the acceptor packing. Optimized K12:P3HT bulk heterojunction devices have efficiencies of 0.73±0.01% under AM1.5G simulated sunlight. The efficiencies of the devices are limited by the level of crystallinity and nanoscale morphology that was achievable in the blend with P3HT.  相似文献   

Data‐driven materials discovery has become increasingly important in identifying materials that exhibit specific, desirable properties from a vast chemical search space. Synergic prediction and experimental validation are needed to accelerate scientific advances related to critical societal applications. A design‐to‐device study that uses high‐throughput screens with algorithmic encodings of structure–property relationships is reported to identify new materials with panchromatic optical absorption, whose photovoltaic device applications are then experimentally verified. The data‐mining methods source 9431 dye candidates, which are auto‐generated from the literature using a custom text‐mining tool. These candidates are sifted via a data‐mining workflow that is tailored to identify optimal combinations of organic dyes that have complementary optical absorption properties such that they can harvest all available sunlight when acting as co‐sensitizers for dye‐sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Six promising dye combinations are shortlisted for device testing, whereupon one dye combination yields co‐sensitized DSSCs with power conversion efficiencies comparable to those of the high‐performance, organometallic dye, N719. These results demonstrate how data‐driven molecular engineering can accelerate materials discovery for panchromatic photovoltaic or other applications.  相似文献   

Utilization of photons of sub‐bandgap energy, mostly near‐infrared (NIR) photo­ns, is highly desirable for photovoltaic devices. We show that (NaYF4:Yb‐Tm)/(Cu2O) composite films formed by electrodeposition exhibit robust photoactive current generation under NIR light excitation. The composite films consist of homogeneous crystalline particles of the fluoride and Cu2O in sub‐micrometer size. From spectroscopic characterization, it is found that the NaYF4:Yb‐Tm layer in the composite film converts NIR radiation by up‐conversion into visible emission, which is efficiently absorbed by the covering semiconducting Cu2O film, producing photoelectrons. Accordingly, the composite films exhibit highly photoactive current generation by means of a photoelectrochemical process driven by NIR irradiation. The methodology demonstrated here may have certain implications for the utilization of NIR radiation in solar cells, photocatalysts, and infrared photodetectors.  相似文献   

An optimal photon absorption in thin film photovoltaic technologies can only be reached by effectively trapping the light in the absorber layer provided a considerable portion of the photons is rejected or scattered out of such layer. Here, a new optical cavity is proposed that can be made to have a resonant character at two different nonharmonic frequencies when adjusting the materials or geometry configurations of the partially transmitting cavity layers. Specific configurations are found where a reminiscence of such two fundamental resonances coexists leading to a broadband light trapping. When a PTB7‐Th:PC71BM organic cell is integrated within such cavity, a power conversion efficiency of 11.1% is measured. This study also demonstrates that when materials alternative to organics are used in the photoactive cell layer, a similar cavity can be implemented to also obtain the largest light absorption possible. Indeed, when it is applied to perovskite cells, an external quantum efficiency is predicted that closely matches its corresponding internal one for a broad wavelength range.  相似文献   

Metal‐oxide‐free methylammonium lead iodide perovskite‐based solar cells are prepared using a dual‐source thermal evaporation method. This method leads to high quality reproducible films with large crystal domain sizes allowing for an in depth study of the effect of perovskite film thickness and the nature of the electron and hole blocking layers on the device performance. The power conversion efficiency increases from 4.7% for a device with only an organic electron blocking layer to almost 15% when an organic hole blocking layer is also employed. In addition to the in depth study on small area cells, larger area cells (approx. 1 cm?2) are prepared and exhibit efficiencies in excess of 10%.  相似文献   

To achieve high‐efficiency polycrystalline CdTe‐based thin‐film solar cells, the CdTe absorbers must go through a post‐deposition CdCl2 heat treatment followed by a Cu diffusion step. To better understand the roles of each treatment with regard to improving grains, grain boundaries, and interfaces, CdTe solar cells with and without Cu diffusion and CdCl2 heat treatments are investigated using cross‐sectional electron beam induced current, electron backscatter diffraction, and scanning transmission electron microscope techniques. The evolution of the cross‐sectional carrier collection profile due to these treatments that cause an increase in short‐circuit current and higher open‐circuit voltage are identified. Additionally, an increased carrier collection in grain boundaries after either/both of these treatments is revealed. The increased current at the grain boundaries is shown to be due to the presence of a space charge region with an intrinsic carrier collection profile width of ≈350 nm. Scanning transmission electron microscope electron‐energy loss spectroscopy shows a decreased Te and increased Cl concentration in grain boundaries after treatment, which causes the inversion. Each treatment improves the overall carrier collection efficiency of the cell separately, and, therefore, the benefits realized by each treatment are shown to be independent of each other.  相似文献   

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