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Autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) elements are the genetic determinants of replication origin function in yeasts. They can be easily identified as the plasmids containing them transform yeast cells at a high frequency. As the first step towards identifying all potential replication origins in a 73-kb region of the long arm of fission yeast chromosome II, we have mapped five new ARS elements using systematic subcloning and transformation assay. 2D analysis of one of the ARS plasmids that showed highest transformation frequency localized the replication origin activity within the cloned genomic DNA. All the new ARS elements are localized in two clusters in centromere proximal 40 kb of the region. The presence of at least six ARS elements, including the previously reported ars727, is suggestive of a higher origin density in this region than that predicted earlier using a computer based search.  相似文献   

DNA fragments capable of conferring autonomous replicating ability to plasmids inSaccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated from four different plant genomes and from the Ti plasmid ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens. The DNA structure of these autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs) as well as two from yeast were studied using retardation during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and computer analysis as measures of sequence-dependent DNA structures. Bent DNA was found to be associated with the ARS elements. An 11 bp ARS consensus sequence required for ARS function was also identified in the elements examined and was flanked by unusually straight structures which were rich in A+T content. These results show that the ARS elements from genomes of higher plants have structural and sequence features in common with ARS elements from yeast and higher animals.Supported by Grant 1RO1-GM41708-O1 from the National Institute of Health.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):2693-2702
A membrane-associated galactosyltransferase has been purified to homogeneity from the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 61,000 and is capable of transfering galactose from UDP-galactose (UDP-Gal) to a variety of mannose-based acceptors to form an alpha-1,2 galactosyl mannoside linkage. Immunofluorescence localization of the protein is consistent with the presence of the enzyme in the Golgi apparatus of S. pombe. This, together with the presence of terminal, alpha-linked galactose on the N- linked oligosaccharides of S. pombe secretory proteins, suggests that the galactosyltransferase is an enzyme involved in the processing of glycoproteins transported through the Golgi apparatus in fission yeast.  相似文献   

The sequence of tRNA tyrosine from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is pCUCCUGAUm1 GGUG psi AGDDGGDDAUCACACor (psi) CCGGUG psi Ai6 AACCGGUUGm7 GUm5C GCUAGT psi CGm1 AUUCUGGUCAGGAGACCAOH. This sequence differs in 30 nucleotides from the tRNA-Tyr seqence of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It has a unique anticodon stem of only four GC base pairs. The normal fifth pair position of nucleotide 28-44 is occupied by a C-U and in 20% of the tRNA-Tyr molecules it is psi-U. This unusual feature and its implications are considered in the discussion.  相似文献   

Five cyclin-like genes, cig1, cig2/cyc17, mcs2, puc1 and cdc13, have been discovered in S. pombe to date. It is not yet clear what their functions are or even whether they are all involved with control of the cell cycle. Conflicting data for cig1 and cig2/cyc17 have obscured analysis of their function and cig1 remains largely uncharacterized, although clues to the role of cig2/cyc17 have emerged. There is genetic data available for the more distant cyclin homologue mcs2, which has an essential although as yet unspecified role. Puc1 may be involved in regulation of exit from the cell cycle. The first cyclin to be discovered, and the best understood, is cdc13 which with cdc2 promotes mitosis. Studies of the roles of cdc2 and cdc13 in the overall ordering of the cell cycle suggest that cdc13 and probably other cyclins are key regulators, maintaining the order of S phase and mitosis during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

R K Clyne  T J Kelly 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(24):6348-6357
ARS (autonomously replicating sequence) elements are DNA fragments that can function as origins of DNA replication in yeast. We report the first fine-structure analysis of ars1, an ARS element of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Characterization of a series of nested deletion mutations indicated that the minimal fragment of DNA encompassing ars1 is surprisingly large. No fragment < 650 bp retained significant ARS activity. Analysis of deletion and substitution mutations scanning the entire minimal ars1 identified a single essential 50 bp fragment (segment 1). Only one other 50 bp mutation reduced activity as much as 5-fold and most deletions were without effect. Thus, the minimal ars1 is composed of two general types of genetic elements, a small segment that is absolutely required for efficient ARS activity and a much larger region that is tolerant of internal structural alterations. Higher resolution analysis of segment 1 defined a critical 30 bp A/T-rich segment which appears to contain redundant genetic elements. Schizosaccharomyces pombe ars1 promoted high frequency transformation in the budding yeast S.cerevisiae but this heterologous activity was not dependent on segment 1. Our analysis indicates that the functional elements required for ARS function in S.pombe and S.cerevisiae are clearly different.  相似文献   

Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is an important genetic model organism for studying the mechanisms of endocytosis and cytokinesis. However, most work on the biochemical properties of fission yeast actin-binding proteins has been done with skeletal muscle actin for matters of convenience. When simulations of mathematical models of the mechanism of endocytosis were compared with events in live cells, some of the reactions appeared to be much faster than observed in biochemical experiments with muscle actin. Here, we used gelsolin affinity chromatography to purify actin from fission yeast. S. pombe actin shares many properties with skeletal muscle actin but has higher intrinsic nucleotide exchange rate, faster trimer nucleus formation, faster phosphate dissociation rate from polymerized actin, and faster nucleation of actin filaments with Arp2/3 complex. These properties close the gap between the biochemistry and predictions made by mathematical models of endocytosis in S. pombe cells.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe serves as a model system for studying role of actin cytoskeleton, since it has simple actin cytoskeletons and is genetically tractable. In contrast, biochemical approaches using this organism are still developing; fission yeast actin has so far not been isolated in its native form and characterized, and therefore, biochemical assays of fission yeast actin-binding proteins (ABPs) or myosin have been performed using rabbit skeletal muscle actin that may interact with the fission yeast ABPs in a manner different from fission yeast actin. Here, we report a novel method for isolating functionally active actin from fission yeast cells. The highly purified fission yeast actin polymerized with kinetics somewhat different from those of muscle actin and forms filaments that are structurally indistinguishable from skeletal muscle actin filaments. The fission yeast actin was a significantly weaker activator of Mg(2+)-ATPase of HMM of skeletal muscle myosin than muscle actin. The fission yeast profilin Cdc3 suppressed polymerization of fission yeast actin more effectively than that of muscle actin and showed an affinity for fission yeast actin higher than for muscle actin. The establishment of purification of fission yeast actin will enable reconstruction of physiologically relevant interactions between the actin and fission yeast ABPs or myosins and contribute to clarification of function of actin cytoskeleton in various cellular activities.  相似文献   

Conjugation between two haploid yeast cells is generally controlled by the reciprocal action of diffusible mating pheromones, cells of each mating type releasing pheromones that induce mating-specific changes in cells of the opposite type. Recent studies into pheromone signalling in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe have revealed significant parallels with processes in higher eukaryotes and could provide the opportunity for investigating communication in an organism that is amenable to both biochemical and genetic manipulation.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

Proteinase and peptidase activities of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe were investigated. Several intracellular proteolytic enzymes were found: two endoproteinases, one carboxypeptidase, one aminopeptidase and one dipeptidyl-aminopeptidase. In addition, proteinase inhibitors were detected. In fresh crude extracts an activation procedure is needed to measure maximal activities of endoproteinases and carboxypeptidase, whose level is markedly dependent on growth medium composition and on growth phase, while aminopeptidase and dipeptidyl-aminopeptidase activities are very little, if at all, regulated by the carbon source.  相似文献   

Dikaryons, cells with two haploid nuclei contributed by the members of a mating pair, are part of the life cycle of many filamentous fungi, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the division of dikaryons are largely unknown. We found that the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has a latent ability to divide as a dikaryon. Cells capable of restarting the mitotic cycle with two nuclei were prepared by transient inactivation of the septation initiation network. Close pairing of the two nuclei before mitosis was dependent on minus-end-directed kinesin Klp2p and was essential for propagation as a dikaryon. The two spindles extended in opposite directions, keeping their old spindle pole bodies at the prospective site of cell division until the mid-anaphase. The spindles then overlapped, exchanging the inner nuclei. Finally, twin mitosis was followed by a single cytokinesis, producing two daughter dikaryons carrying copies of the original pair of nuclei.  相似文献   

Systems of L-lysine transport in Schizosaccharomyces pombe are not constitutive, as at no phase of growth in a rich medium is lysine taken up. Transport activity appears only after preincubation of harvested cells with glucose or another suitable source of energy. If cycloheximide is added during this preincubation no transport systems are synthesized. After removal of glucose, the activity of the transport system decays with a half-time of 13 min. The transport of L-lysine into S. pombe cells from the stationary phase of growth preincubated for 60 min with 1% D-glucose is mediated by at least two systems, the high-affinity one with a Kt of 26 mumol/l and Jmax of 4.95 nmol/min per mg dry wt., the low-affinity one with a KT of 1.1 mmol/l and Jmax of 11.8 nmol/min per mg dry wt. The transport of lysine mediated by these two systems proceeds uphill. The high-affinity system has a pH optimum at 4.0-4.2, the accumulation ratio is highest at a cell density 2-5 mg dry wt. per ml and decreases with increasing lysine concentrations. Lysine accumulated by this system does not exit from cells. The only potent competitive inhibitors are L-arginine, L-histidine and D-lysine. The other amino acids tested do not behave as competitive inhibitors. Of the various metabolic inhibitors tested, the most potent were proton conductors and antimycin A.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS) activity of Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972 was high in ammonia-limited cultures, low in phosphate-and sulphate-limited cultures and not detected in glucose-limited cultures. When ammonia was pulsed into an ammonia-limited culture then GS activity decreased at a rate faster than that calculated if enzyme synthesis ceased and enzyme was diluted out by growth. Enzyme activity increased in ammonia-starved, phosphate-limited cultures and in the ammonia pulse system when the added ammonia had been utilised. These increases in enzyme activity were prevented by the presence of 100 g/ml cycloheximide. GS activity was inversely related to the intracellular concentration of glutamate.Abbreviations Gs Glutamine synthetase, EC - GOGAT Glutamine: 2-oxo-glutarate amino transferase, EC - GDH Glutamate dehydrogenase, EC  相似文献   

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