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Dissected genitalia of mating pairs of C. tranquebarica frozen in liquid nitrogen revealed that the flagellum enters the speriçatheca duct as hypothesized by Freitag (Can. Entomol., 98 (1966) 942–952), and Freitag et al. (Freitag, R., Olynyk, J.E. and Barnes, B.L., Int. J. Invertebr. Reprod., 2 (1980) 131–135). The flagellum contains a deep groove along its entire length, and appressed hook-like structures which grip the walls of the spermatheca duct during copulation. Insertion of the flagellum probably clears the spermatheca duct of debris and allows seminal fluids to enter.  相似文献   

Summary The neuronal types and patterns in the visual system of the species Artemia salina and Daphina magna have been studied with the Golgi method and electron microscopy. The lamina contains five classes of neurons: photoreceptor axons, monopolar, centrifugal, tangential and amacrine neurons. The terminals of the receptor axons are distributed in two (A. salina) or three (D. magna) layers. The dilated terminals have an extensive and wide array of fine branches. One axon from each ommatidium bypasses the lamina and terminates in the medulla in A. salina. A. salina has four types of monopolar neurons, two of which are stratified, whereas in D. magna only two types are found, one of which is bistratified. Tangential T-neurons connect the lamina with the protocerebrum. D. magna has in addition one tangential T-neuron connecting both the lamina and the medulla with the protocerebrum. In both species monopolar-type centrifugal neurons connect the medulla and the lamina, whereas that of A. salina has a wide laminar distribution. Both species also have amacrine cells in the lamina. The medulla contains, besides those shared with the lamina, transmedullary neurons (two types in A. salina), amacrine cells and neurons originating in the protocerebrum.Cartridge-type synaptic compartments are lacking in the investigated species, although a periodic arrangement is discernible in the distal portion of the lamina of A. salina. The receptors from three types of specialized contacts in Artemia, one of which involves a dyad. D. magna has only one-to-one synapses. Neurosecretory fibres are absent in A. salina.The investigation was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (Grant No. 2760-009)  相似文献   

复眼是昆虫的主要视觉器官,昆虫复眼形态、结构的研究是理解昆虫感光的基础。本文从昆虫复眼的外部形态、内部微观结构和功能以及对光的感受机制作一简要综述,且对今后昆虫复眼的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Summary The retina of nudibranch eyes contains two types of large cells; pigment cells which comprise about two-thirds of the total, with unpigmented sensory cells making up the remainder. Both pigment and receptor cells carry microvilli on their distal borders, but no traces of cilia were observed among them. The cornea of the eyes of aeolid and dendronotid nudibranchs is composed of a single layer of small cells, unlike the dorids where the cornea is made up of one of more large cells. The latter contain nuclei comparable in size with those of the pigment cells in the retina, but are themselves unpigmented.The elliptical eyes ofAplysia contain three types of retinal cell; the pigment cells and two kinds of receptor cells. The ciliary receptor cells bear equal numbers of cilia (9+2) and microvilli, while the microvillous receptor cells carry long tufts of microvilli with only an occasional cilium among them. The proximal cytoplasm of the receptor cells inAplysia and the nudibranchs contains large quantities of the small spherical vesicles (averaging 660 Å in diameter) which appear to be characteristic of gastropod eyes.  相似文献   

Cardoso A  Vogler AP 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(11):3531-3546
Species delimitation is complicated where morphological variation is continuous or poorly subdivided, but for taxonomic convenience it is common practice to separate and name geographical groups to capture this variation. DNA-based approaches may be used to test if these groups in fact represent historically divided, discrete species entities. The Cicindela hybrida complex (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) is an assemblage of up to seven morphologically recognized species and 15 subspecies with wide distribution in the Palaearctic region. We sequenced a discontinuous segment of 1899 bp of mtDNA including three regions (coxI, rrnL+trnL2+nad1, cob) for a total of 99 specimens from 36 sampling localities across Europe, revealing 48 haplotypes. Four major clades could be identified corresponding to geographical groups from central Iberia, Ukraine, central Europe, and a band from the Atlantic Iberian coast to northern Europe. Taking into account further subdivisions within these clades, four of the six named species included in the analysis were recognizable by applying various procedures for species delimitation. Age estimates from calibrated molecular clocks date the diversification of the hybrida group within the past 2 million years (Myr), and the separation of the northern clade within 0.4 Myr. Nested clade analysis revealed the rapid range expansion of the northern group consistent with postglacial dispersal, but we did not find support for specific source population(s) in the postulated southern refugia. The evolutionary framework based on mtDNA sequences is shown to identify species entities as discrete clusters of closely related sequences and provides an objective system for delineating and recognizing hierarchically structured groups. In the case of the C. hybrida complex, these groups largely coincided with those established from morphology. The study adds further support to the utility of mtDNA-based sequence profiles (the 'DNA taxonomy') as a rapid and objective synthesis of evolutionary diversity and as reference system for communication.  相似文献   

A brief review of the work on crustacean compound eyes is given. Two main types of eye have been recognized: apposition and superposition. The ontogeny of the eyes of the common prawn Palaemon serratus is examined using a variety of methods: photography of live specimens, histological sections, SEM and TEM. In common with other decapod larvae, the common prawn hatches with apposition eyes having circular lenses packed hexagonally. After metamorphosis the gradual squaring of the eye facets, begun during the larval phase, is completed. This is an essential prerequisite for the functioning of the facultative superposition reflecting optics found in long-bodied decapods (e.g. shrimps, prawns and lobsters) and some Anomura. The possible phylogenetical significance of superposition, reflecting optics is also discussed.  相似文献   

The sperm structure of several ladybird species belonging to different subfamilies of Coccinellidae was studied. Three main sperm types were clearly recognized, and were characterized by differences in acrosomal length, the presence of a dense coat around the acrosome, the length of the basal body, the amount of the centriole adjunct material, and the diameter of the mitochondrial derivatives. However, the whole group shares a pattern of the posterior sperm region uncommon for insects, in which the axoneme and other flagellar components are running parallel with the nucleus. As a general conclusion, this study has revealed an inconsistency between the sperm structure and the systematics of the group, indicating that the generic concepts within the group do not reflect a natural classification, a statement also shared by molecular studies.  相似文献   

In carabid beetles, physiological and behavioural characteristics reflect specific habitat demands and there is a strong correlation between body form and habit in species with different life style. In this study, we compared the morphometry and compound eye characteristics of three species of the genus Siagona: Siagona jenissoni, Siagona dejeani and Siagona europaea. These carabids have a stenotopic lifestyle in Mediterranean clayey soils, inhabiting the ground fissure system formed during the dry season. All species have a Mediterranean distribution and are nocturnal olfactory hunters, and are strict ant predators. For morphometric measurements, we considered body length (mm), wing length (mm), antenna length (mm), head width (mm), trochanter length (mm), number of ommatidia, eye surface area (mm2), ommatidia density (number of ommatidia/mm2 of eye surface area), head height (mm), thorax height (mm) and abdomen height (mm). The data revealed intersexual and interspecific differences. The three species differ in relative length of the antennae, density and number of ommatidia and relative trochanter length. Significant differences occurred in wing sizes, which are well developed in Siagona europaea, the only species capable of flight. When eye size is compared with other ground beetles of various lifestyles, Siagona shows pronounced "microphthalmy" an adaptation to subterranean life in clayey crevices of tropical and subtropical climates with a marked dry season.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glaciations had a determining role for shaping the current distribution and diversity of organisms, especially in the Palearctic region. In this work, we carry out a phylogeographic analysis of Iberian and two Eastern European populations of the tiger beetle Calomera littoralis (Fabricius, 1787) in order to infer the processes that may have affected their evolutionary history. According to our results, the genetic diversity of central Iberian C. littoralis populations is very low. The haplotype networks also suggest that these populations experienced a genetic bottleneck in the past, possibly related to the last glacial maxima, similar to that observed in other cicindelid taxa. These results highlight the remarkable dispersal capacity of this species, being able to move freely from one locality to another, despite the relatively long distances of sub-optimal habitat that separates them. The genetic data of central Iberian populations contrast with those of the Eastern European populations, with higher genetic diversity and no hints of any past bottleneck. This can be explained by the different characteristics of both (Iberian and Pontic) glacial refuges. The high degree of genetic differentiation between the three C. littoralis clades, and the inclusion of C. lunulata between them, suggests that the three analysed populations could be considered as different cryptic species. In that case, C. littoralis may correspond to a species complex that is still undergoing a process of speciation, similar to that observed in Cicindela campestris.  相似文献   

Trichoniscus alexandrae Caruso is a blind troglobiont isopod; males possess secretory and sensory organs on the cephalon and 1st pereionite consisting of cuticular pits hosting a tuft of setae and gland openings. Such organs are absent in females. Three types of cuticular structures have been observed: (a) lamellar setae, which likely play a role in protecting the gland openings and favouring the evaporation of secretions; (b) contact chemoreceptors, each provided with six bipolar sensory cells, a scolopale cell and enveloping cells; (c) a secretory cell complex, consisting of a long cylindrical slender duct-forming cell, with the function of transporting to the cuticular surface a secretion produced by two deeper secretory cells. The duct-forming cell is characterized by the presence of numerous microtubules in its cytoplasm, and is provided with a flattened duct. It is suggested that the secretion produced by the secretory cells could serve for sex-recognition.  相似文献   

Five types of sensilla are situated on the apical area of the labial and maxillary palpi and galea of Cicidela sexguttata. Large, conical, and peg-like sensilla are in rows on the central region of each palpus. These sensilla have a hollow cuticular peg, with an apical pore and multi-innervation. This central region of palpal sensilla is surrounded by campaniform sensilla that are disc-shaped and small conical peg sensilla. A similar type of conical sensillum as the found in the palpal central region is situated around the periphery of the palpal apex and apex of the galea. This conical peg sensillum is located in a shallow depression and is structurally similar to the other peg sensilla, but it has a mechanoreceptor neuron attached to the cuticular base of the sensillum. A long, single, trichoid sensillum is situated in the center of the galea and is hollow, thick-walled, porous, and multi-innervated. The apices of the palpi and galea have a large number of dermal gland openings that actively secrete a substance during the feeding process of the tiger beetle. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Cicindela willistoni LeConte (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) adults and larvae occur only on saline and alkali flats with little or no vegetation in southwestern U.S.A. Unlike other larval tiger beetle species, C.willistoni constructs a chimney-like extension (turret) 1–4 cm above its burrow.
2. The function of these unique turrets was tested in relation to several biotic and abiotic factors in the Sulphur Springs Valley, Arizona, U.S.A.
3. The turrets did not prevent flooding of the larval burrows.
4. They did not prevent or reduce the frequency of parasitoids (mainly bombyliid flies of the genus Anthrax ).
5. The turrets did not make it possible for the adult and larval beetles to feed on obviously different types or sizes of prey.
6. However, larvae with turrets were raised sufficiently above the substrate surface and boundary layer to allow them to thermoregulate in the lower temperatures at these heights and remain active throughout the day.
7. The shade produced by the turrets attracted significantly more potential prey items than were available to turretless larvae in the same habitat.  相似文献   

Summary The ventral surface of the posterior sucker of Entobdella soleae, a monogenean skin parasite of the sole Solea solea, is covered with more than 800 papillae ranging in size from 2.5–19 m in diameter. The papillae are penetrated by nerves which double over themselves to form a stack-like array of lamellae running parallel to the surface of the haptor. No cilia or associated structures are present within these presumed sense organs and the papillae have no opening to the exterior. The much larger sucker papillae of a related species, E. hippoglossi, have been shown to have a similar ultrastructure. The possibility that the papillae may be contact receptors or strain receptors, providing proprioceptive information assisting the coordination of the attachment organ, is discussed and the papillae are compared with vertebrate touch receptors.I should like to thank Colin Ogden of the British Museum of Natural History for the generous assistance with the scanning electron microscopy and the Director and Staff of the Plymouth Laboratory and Ken Mackenzie and Rod Wootten of the Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen for help in obtaining material.  相似文献   

The genus Cicindela (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) is a species-rich cosmopolitan group of tiger beetles useful for comparing clade diversification worldwide. Knowledge about relationships of major groups is important for this analysis but basal nodes in Cicindela have been difficult to resolve with standard mtDNA markers. Here we developed the Mp20 gene, a single-copy nuclear marker coding for a muscle-associated protein in insects, for phylogenetic analysis of basal groups of Cicindela. Nearly full-length sequences were obtained for 51 cicindelids, including major taxonomic groups from all continents. Sequences of Mp20 were between 1.2 and 1.7 kb and spanning three introns. Phylogenetic signal of exon and intron sequences was compared with that from four gene regions of mtDNA (COI, COIII, Cytb, 16S rRNA; 2.4 kb total). Because introns differed in length, sequence alignment was conducted using various procedures of phenetic and parsimony-based character coding of indels to assess their phylogenetic information content, but major nodes were recovered consistently. Mp20 sequences contributed two thirds of the total support of the combined analysis, with most signal from the introns. We found major clades of Cicindela to be geographically largely coincident with continental regions, confined to Australasia, the Holarctic, the Indian subcontinent, Africa, and South and Central America. Clock estimates using various maximum-likelihood (ML) branch length calculations resulted in roughly similar divergence times whether Mp20 exon, introns, or mtDNA were used, and they were not greatly affected by different procedures for coding and optimizing indel characters. Based on existing clock calibrations in Cicindela, basal splits of continental lineages occurred in the mid-Miocene, placing the radiation of basal groups of Cicindela to a period when their open-vegetation habitats expanded globally.  相似文献   

Only few electron microscopic studies exist on the structure of the main eyes (anterior median eyes, AME) of web spiders. The present paper provides details on the anatomy of the AME in the funnel-web spider Agelena labyrinthica. The retina consists of two separate regions with differently arranged photoreceptor cells. Its central part has sensory cells with rhabdomeres on 2, 3, or 4 sides, whereas those of the ventral retina have only two rhabdomeres on opposite sides. In addition, the rhabdomeres of the ventral retina are arranged in a specific way: Whereas in the most ventral part they form long tangential rows, those towards the center are detached and are arranged radially. All sensory cells are wrapped by unpigmented pigment cell processes. In agelenid spiders the axons of the sensory cells exit from the middle of the cell body; their fine structure and course through the eye cup is described in detail. In the central part of the retina efferent nerve fibres were found forming synapses along the distal region of the receptor cells. A muscle is attached laterally to each eye cup that allows mainly rotational movements of the eyes. The optical performance (image resolution) of these main eyes with relatively few visual cells is discussed.  相似文献   

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