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  • 1 We investigated effective thermal environments and behavioural and physiological mechanisms for thermoregulation in two sympatric desert robber flies, Promachus giganteus (Hine) and Efferia texana (Banks). Although similar in body shape and colour, P. giganteus are 4–8 times heavier than E. texana.
  • 2 During midday, operative temperatures near the ground were substantially higher for P. giganteus (56–73°C) than for E. texana (54–63°C). Correspondingly, P. giganteus generally perched at greater heights above the ground than did E. texana.
  • 3 Both species maintained thoracic temperatures between 40 and 45°C during most of the day. However, differences between thoracic and abdominal temperatures for individual flies were significantly lower in P. giganteus than in E. texana.
  • 4 In the laboratory, P. giganteus regulated thoracic temperature by pumping haemolymph into the abdomen. This ability may have accounted for the smaller differences observed between thoracic and abdominal temperatures in P. giganteus and may have allowed this species to search for food and mates during midday when E. texana sought shade.

In the presence of a vertical thermal gradient, juvenile three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus and minnows Phoxinus phoxinus positioned themselves higher in the water column compared with adult conspecifics. This result was consistent regardless of whether age cohorts were tested separately or together. Furthermore, juveniles but not adult fishes positioned themselves higher in water column in the presence of a thermal gradient compared with those in the absence of a thermal gradient. Juvenile G. aculeatus and adult fish of both species did opt to position themselves higher in the water column in the hours immediately following a feeding event relative to their positions in the same gradient when they had not fed.  相似文献   

A procedure for rearing carrion-breeding scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) under naturally fluctuating temperatures is described. Data on the duration of development of the egg stage, egg plus feeding larval stages, postfeeding larvae and total development from egg to adult, at different temperature regimes (means of daily means) are tabulated for Megaselia giraudii (Egger) and M. rufipes (Meigen). The variation is greater than previously supposed and involves larvae derived from the same egg batch leaving the bait in successive waves. Despite this variation the tables allow the provision of percentage probabilities of estimations of the earliest oviposition dates for specimens collected from a forensic case.  相似文献   

Abstract The requirement for efficient thermoregulation has directed the coevolution of specialized morphological and behavioural traits in ectotherms. Adult butterflies exhibit three thermoregulatory mechanisms, termed dorsal, lateral and reflectance basking. In this study, we investigate a potential fourth mechanism whereby individuals perch with their wings fully spread and angled downwards such that the margins are appressed to the substrate. We find that mate‐locating male Hypolimnas bolina (L.) (Nymphalidae) adopt this posture when operational thoracic temperatures are lowest (less than approximately 34 °C). As thoracic temperature increases, males perch with wings increasingly closed and ultimately select shaded microhabitats. Using thermocouple‐implanted dead models, we show that appressed posture individuals warm faster than those adopting the conventional dorsal‐basking (horizontal wing) posture. This thermal advantage is not mitigated by shading of the outer 60–70% of the wing area, which suggests that – as with the conventional dorsal posture – only the basal wing surfaces contribute to heat gain via the absorption of solar irradiation. These investigations suggest that appression represents a novel extension of conventional dorsal basking behaviour in butterflies.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of seasonal change, competitive response and nutrient availability in the competitive asymmetry of grassland species a competition experiment was conducted on Holcus lanatus , Anthoxanthum odoratum and Festuca ovina , which represent a successional sequence of decreasing nutrient availability. Seven harvests were taken over two growing seasons. At each harvest the dry weight of plant parts, dead leaves, leaf area and plant height were measured. Three key traits that determine the successional status of the species were studied: specific leaf area, specific shoot height, and dead leaf fraction.
The response of these traits to competition appeared to be limited and insufficient to change the competitive relations in the experiment. However, all three traits showed marked seasonal changes which resulted in superior growth and survival in winter of the species adapted to nutrient-poor environments. The findings support the theory that competitive asymmetry increases at higher nutrient levels. It is postulated that the directionality of light makes it possible for the dominant species to monopolize this resource more easily than nutrients.  相似文献   

We compared the phenotypic plasticity of two greenhouse-grown species (Corispermum macrocarpum and Salsola collina) occupying different positions in a successional sequence in Horqin Sandy Land, by treating with different population density and the availability of soil nutrients and water. The same species can exhibit different patterns of plasticity in response to different environmental factors. In the soil nutrient treatments, the plasticity pattern of S. collina could be described as “master-of-some”. However, in the soil-water and population-density treatments, it showed no significant difference from C. macrocarpum in the reaction norm for plasticity. It was similar to a “jack-of-all-trades” plasticity pattern. Contrary to the previous conclusion that late successional species had higher reproductive allocation than early successional species, in this successional sequence, the late species had lower reproductive allocation in all treatments. Reproductive allocation of both species increased with the increase in water availability and also increased with a decrease in nutrient levels. However, density had no effect on reproductive allocation. Although the root:shoot ratio increased with decreasing water availability, there were no differences in the plasticity pattern for this trait in both species. Root:shoot ratio was, however, not significantly affected by nutrient availability and density. In a word, the plasticity patterns of invaders are adapted to the analyses of succession.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Two sibling species of larval endoparasitoids of Drosophilidae: Asobara tabida (Nees) and A.rufescens (Foerster) occur in the same macrohabitat, but inhabit different microhabitats. Each species is most attracted by odours of its own microhabitat.
2. In order to assess the adaptive value of the microhabitat preference we studied the survival of both parasitoids in the major host species that occur in these microhabitats.
3. Survival in the major host in the preferred microhabitat was shown to be 40% higher for A.tabida and 30% higher for A.rufescens when compared to survival in the major host in the non-preferred microhabitat.
4. Measurements of developmental rates, specific mortalities and dry weights of the parasitoids suggest that the differential survival is due to differences in synchronization with the hosts.
5. The possible evolutionary consequences of some biological characteristics in Asobara are discussed. Microhabitat selection, differential survival, development and mating behaviour are attributes likely to have played a role in the reduction of gene flow between populations of the ancestral species, either in primary or in secondary sympatry.  相似文献   

The inhibition of female receptivity after copulation is usually related to the quality of the first mating. Males are able to modulate female receptivity through various mechanisms. Among these is the transfer of the ejaculate composed mainly by sperm and accessory gland proteins (AGPs). Here we used the South American fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (where AGP injections inhibit female receptivity) and the Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens (where injection of AGPs failed to inhibit receptivity) as study organisms to test which mechanisms are used by males to prevent remating. In both species, neither the act of copulation without ejaculate transfer nor sperm stored inhibited female receptivity. Moreover, using multiply mated sterile and wild males in Mex flies we showed that the number of sperm stored by females varied according to male fertility status and number of previous matings, while female remating did not. We suggest female receptivity in both flies is inhibited by the mechanical and/or physiological effect of the full ejaculate. This finding brings us closer to understanding the mechanisms through which female receptivity can be modulated.  相似文献   

Abstract. The thermoregulation strategies of Scarabaeus sacer L. and Scarabaeus cicatricosus Lucas were studied in the Doñana National Park, Spain. In this area, both species coexist, showing the same habitat and food preferences. However, S. cicatricosus is active during warmer parts of the day compared to S. sacer. Both species thermoregulate their thoracic temperature but, whereas the abdomen of S. sacer is a passive thermal window, S. cicatricosus actively thermoregulates abdominal temperature by increasing heat transfer from the thorax to the abdomen at high Ta values. In the case of S. sacer, their endothermy indicates an adaptive capacity to thorax heat retention, as occurs mainly in winter‐flying insects. This mechanism, possibly related to the aerodynamic flight posture in Scarabaeinae, could be an effective barrier to retard the rate of abdominal heat loss during flight. This endothermic strategy makes flight difficult at higher temperatures, although it allows flight during cooler periods of the day. On the other hand, S. cicatricosus showed a different adaptive behaviour to S. sacer. In this case, a significant decrease in abdominal heat loss at higher ambient temperatures would indicate a decrease in heat transfer from the thorax to the abdomen, as occurs in some desert and semiarid insects. This ‘heat exchanger’ mechanism observed in S. cicatricosus could be due to the irregular posture adopted during flight, with the posterior legs clearly extended and separate from the body. This behaviour increases turbulence and convective cooling, favouring exposure of the soft abdominal tergal cuticle and, subsequently, water loss. Thus, for S. cicatricosus, the well‐adapted ‘heat exchanger’ permits flight during periods of the day when temperatures would possibly be lethal for those species with high endothermy. From an adaptive viewpoint, these mechanisms of thermoregulation may explain how both closely‐related sympatric species respond in different ways to environmental temperature, favouring their coexistence.  相似文献   

Urine volatiles from different ungulates (cows, horses and sheep) were tested as bait for tabanids in southeastern France using Nzi traps during the early summer of 2011. Tabanus bromius Linnaeus, 1758 and Atylotus quadrifarius (Loew, 1874) (both: Diptera: Tabanidae) were the most captured species, respectively representing 57% and 41% of all tabanids collected (all of which were female). Horse urine significantly increased catches of T. bromius (1.6‐fold) and A. quadrifarius (3.5‐fold), and sheep urine significantly increased catches of A. quadrifarius (2.5‐fold). In parallel, an electroantennogram (EAG) study was conducted for the first time on these two species, in which EAGs were recorded using 1‐octen‐3‐ol and extracts of the same urine samples used in the field. For T. bromius, the EAG response to 1‐octen‐3‐ol increased quasi‐sigmoidally with dose, with a maximum response at ≥100 µg on filter paper. For both species of tabanid, cow and horse urine elicited larger EAGs than did sheep urine. The behavioural implications in host‐seeking and feeding habits are discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1 Whenever parasitism by more than one female occurs, larvae of parasitoids not only have to resist host defence but also face competition with other (unrelated) larvae. Competition is particularly important in solitary parasitoids where only one larva is able to complete its development. Such a situation is found in Conopidae (Diptera) parasitizing adult bumble bees where larvae of two species of conopid flies, Sicus ferrugineus L. and Physocephala rufipes F. often compete within the common host Bombus pascuorum Scopoli. This study analysed the larval development of the two species and asks how competition among larvae may be regulated.
  • 2 Parasitized workers of B.pascuorum were caught in the field and kept according to different experimental schedules in the laboratory. This provided stage-structured data for the temporal course of development of the parasitic larvae. For the analysis, a simulation model was constructed that estimated the duration of all parasitic stages (Manly, 1990, first method). In both species the egg stage was found to be approximately 2 days, first instar 3 days, second instar 4 days, and third instar 3 days. The total development time is an estimated 10.8 days from oviposition in S.ferrugineus and 11.4 days in P.rufipes. S.ferrugineus develops faster in the beginning, probably because of its larger egg size, whereas P.rufipes pupates at larger size. First-instar larvae of both species possess strong, pointed mandibles.
  • 3 The success of conopid larvae seems only marginally affected by host defence, for a single larva per host almost always completes development. Under competition, however, mortality rate increases substantially, and most larvae die in their first instar. Moreover, they show signs of melanization. The estimates for developmental times and the patterns found in this study suggest that conopid larvae seem capable of physical attacks, particularly during the first instar, when elimination of competitors is most common, and that S.ferrugineus has a time advantage because of its faster early development. Because most studies have previously been carried out with hymenopteran parasitoids, this study provides new information about the other large group of parasitoid insects, the Diptera, and demonstrates convergent patterns.

采用封闭式流体压力呼吸计,分别在5-35℃和5-40℃的环境温度范围内测定了白头鹎(Pycnonotussinensis)和丝光椋鸟(Sturnussericeus)的代谢率、热传导和体温等指标,探讨其代谢产热特征。结果显示:在环境温度(Ta)为5-35℃时,白头鹎的体温基本维持恒定,平均温度为40.3±0.1℃,热中性区为26.6-32.8℃,基础代谢率为73.10±4.11mlO2/h,是体重预期值的79%;Ta在5-26℃范围内,代谢率(MR)与Ta呈负相关,回归方程为:MR[mlO2/h]=265.37-7.24Ta(℃);Ta在5-30℃范围内,热传导值最低且基本保持恒定,平均为0.24±0.01mlO2/g·h·℃,是体重预期值的126%。丝光椋鸟的热中性区为27.6-34.5℃,平均体温为40.5±0.1℃(5-40℃),基础代谢率为160.64±9.20mlO2/h,是体重预期值的90%;最低热传导为0.16±0.05mlO2/g·h·℃,是体重预期值的129%。在5-25℃范围内,MR与Ta的回归方程为:MR[mlO2/h]=377.96-7.88Ta(℃)。白头鹎和丝光椋鸟的基本生物学特征为:较高的体温,热传导和上临界温度,较宽的热中性区和较低的代谢率,符合南方小型鸟类的代谢特征.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):364-370
Larvae of the genus Silba Macquart, 1875 were obtained from the syconia of three different species of Ficus growing on the southern islands of Japan and Taiwan. Examination of the emerged adults identified four species, two of which are described as new to science: Silba erecta MacGowan and Arimoto sp. nov. and Silba thunbergii MacGowan and Arimoto sp. nov. Of the four species observed, the larvae of S. erecta, Silba ishigaki MacGowan and Okamoto, 2013 and S. thunbergii feed on the tissue of the fig syconia. Silba inubiwa MacGowan and Okamoto, 2013 was observed as a predator of three fig wasp species. The biogeographic distribution and biological data are provided for each of these fig-associated species.  相似文献   

our named species of scuttle flies were collected from Ardabil province-Iran, during 2013–2014. A new species of the genus Megaselia Rondani 1856, M. ardabilensis n. sp., is described from the region and Megaselia producta (Schmitz) is recorded from the country for the first time. Geographical distributions and supplementary figures are given.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B28C521B-2BFE-44F3-9041-1656341F29B6  相似文献   

The establishment pattern of monocultures of 61 species common to Central European semi-natural grasslands was analysed in a field experiment. The objectives were to identify key traits for successful establishment, defined in terms of above-ground biomass production, and to characterize the degree of niche overlap with respect to the use of above-ground resources, such as light and space. Four months after sowing, 15 species reached an above-ground biomass of more than 400 g m−2. Highly productive monocultures adopted extremely different strategies of space filling in terms of canopy height, biomass density and centre of gravity of vertical biomass distribution. Regression tree analysis identified (1) the number of seedlings and (2) a trade-off between the development of a large number of small-sized shoots of species with intensive clonal growth in contrast to the establishment of fewer large-sized shoots as the two most important traits for successful establishment. Further variables associated with high above-ground biomass production by individual species were traits known to be relevant to the relative growth rate of herbaceous species, such as specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen or allocation between shoots and roots. The principle finding of this study is that the success of the 15 most productive species was not based on a single pathway but on a variable combination of traits. There are clearly many possible combinations of morphological and physiological features that will result in a species becoming productive, and these combinations differ among species in a local species pool.  相似文献   

van Hocke  P.  Impens  I.  Behaeghe  T. J. 《Plant Ecology》1981,46(1):221-232
Plant Ecology - In 1963 a set of seven treatments X three replieates, situated in East-Flanders (Belgium), was sown with a seed mixture of eight grass species and one clover species. Seven...  相似文献   

Abstract. Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans L.) deprived of a bloodmeal until 3 days post-emergence had higher mortality rates than control flies fed from the day of emergence. Fat bodies of deprived females required one more bloodmeal to reach maximum size, and maximum size was smaller, than fat bodies of control females. Ovarian development did not commence prior to feeding in deprived flies, and proceeded more slowly thereafter, resulting in a one bloodmeal delay in egg maturation in deprived flies. Deprived females produced fewer (54.7, SD 2.8) eggs than controls (75.9, SD 3.7) and eggs from deprived females were smaller (mean length 684.0 μrn) than control females' eggs (mean length 1165.7 μm).  相似文献   

Chagas disease is one of the main vector‐borne diseases in Latin America, including Mexico. Understanding the biological parameters of the triatomine species is a crucial first step in estimating the epidemiologic importance of each group. The aim of this study was to compare the biological fitness of Meccus pallidipennis (Stål), M. bassolsae (Alejandre, Nogueda, Cortez, Jurberg, Galvão, Carcavallo) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) and their laboratory hybrids, by estimating six biological parameters in order to increase the knowledge of the potential role of triatomine hybrids in the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi to reservoir hosts. Biological parameters related to lifespan, number of blood meals to molt, mortality for each instar, percentage of females at the end of the cycle, number of eggs laid, and hatching of eggs in four cohorts of 100 specimens of M. pallidipennis, M. bassolsae, and their laboratory hybrids were evaluated and compared. In four of the six studied parameters (accumulative mortality, the percentage of females, mean number of laid eggs, and egg hatching), the hybrid cohorts had better fitness results than the parental cohorts. The increase in hybrid fitness found in our study could lead to an increase in the epidemiologic risks caused by transmission of T. cruzi to humans.  相似文献   

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