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Respiratory dysfunction is the leading cause of mortality following upper cervical spinal cord injury (SCI). Reinnervation of the paralyzed diaphragm via an anastomosis between phrenic nerve and a donor nerve is a potential strategy to mitigate ventilatory deficits. In this study, anastomosis of vagus nerve (VN) to phrenic nerve (PN) in rabbits was performed to assess the potential capacity of the VN to compensate for lost PN inputs. At first, we compared spontaneous discharge pattern, nerve thickness and number of motor fibers between these nerves. The PN exhibited a highly rhythmic discharge while the VN exhibited a variable frequency discharge pattern. The rabbit VN had fewer motor axons (105.3±12.1 vs. 268.1±15.4). Nerve conduction and respiratory function were measured 20 weeks after left PN transection with or without left VN-PN anastomosis. Compared to rabbits subjected to unilateral phrenicotomy without VN-PN anastomosis, diaphragm muscle action potential (AP) amplitude was improved by 292%, distal latency by 695%, peak inspiratory flow (PIF) by 22.6%, peak expiratory flow (PRF) by 36.4%, and tidal volume by 21.8% in the anastomosis group. However, PIF recovery was only 28.0%, PEF 28.2%, and tidal volume 31.2% of Control. Our results suggested that VN-PN anastomosis is a promising therapeutic strategy for partial restoration of diaphragm reinnervation, but further modification and improvements are necessary to realize the full potential of this technique.  相似文献   



Patients with unilateral neglect fail to respond normally to stimuli on the left side. To facilitate the evaluation of unilateral spatial neglect, we developed a new application that runs on a tablet device and investigated its feasibility in stroke patients.


We made the computerized table setting test (CTST) to run on the tablet computer. Forty acute ischemic stroke patients (20 patients with right hemispheric infarction with neglect, 10 patients with right hemispheric infarction without neglect, and 10 patients with left hemispheric infarction) and 10 healthy controls were prospectively enrolled to validate the CTST. The test requires subjects to set a table by dragging 12 dishes located below the table on the tablet screen. The horizontal deviation of the 12 dishes from the midline of the table, the selection tendency measured by the sequence of the dish selection, and the elapsed time for table setting were calculated automatically.


Parameters measured by the CTST were correlated with the results of conventional neglect tests. The horizontal deviation was significantly higher in patients with right hemispheric infarction with neglect compared with the other groups. The selection tendency and elapsed time also were significantly different in patients with right hemispheric infarction with neglect compared with the left hemispheric infarction and control groups, but were similar to those with right hemispheric infarction without neglect.


The CTST is feasible to administer and comparable with conventional neglect tests. This new application may be useful for the initial diagnosis and follow-up of neglect patients.  相似文献   



To evaluate the feasibility, effectiveness, and safety of reinnervation of the bilateral posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA) muscles using the left phrenic nerve in patients with bilateral vocal fold paralysis.


Forty-four patients with bilateral vocal fold paralysis who underwent reinnervation of the bilateral PCA muscles using the left phrenic nerve were enrolled in this study. Videostroboscopy, perceptual evaluation, acoustic analysis, maximum phonation time, pulmonary function testing, and laryngeal electromyography were performed preoperatively and postoperatively. Patients were followed-up for at least 1 year after surgery.


Videostroboscopy showed that within 1 year after reinnervation, abductive movement could be observed in the left vocal folds of 87% of patients and the right vocal folds of 72% of patients. Abductive excursion on the left side was significantly larger than that on the right side (P < 0.05); most of the vocal function parameters were improved postoperatively compared with the preoperative parameters, albeit without a significant difference (P > 0.05). No patients developed immediate dyspnea after surgery, and the pulmonary function parameters recovered to normal reference value levels within 1 year. Postoperative laryngeal electromyography confirmed successful reinnervation of the bilateral PCA muscles. Eighty-seven percent of patients in this series were decannulated and did not show obvious dyspnea after physical activity. Those who were decannulated after subsequent arytenoidectomy were not included in calculating the success rate of decannulation.


Reinnervation of the bilateral PCA muscles using the left phrenic nerve can restore inspiratory vocal fold abduction to a physiologically satisfactory extent while preserving phonatory function at the preoperative level without evident morbidity.  相似文献   

目的:建立甲型、乙型流感病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒A型、B型(RSV-A、RSV-B)和腺病毒(ADV)五种主要上呼吸道病毒的多重RT-PCR检测方法。方法:利用Primer premier5.0分别针对甲型流感病毒的M基因、乙型流感病毒的PB1基因、RSV-A和RSV-B的F基因及ADV的hexon基因设计五对特异性引物,对Mg2+、dNTP、引物浓度及退火温度等进行优化,建立同时检测甲型、乙型流感病毒、RSV-A、RSV-B和ADV的多重RT-PCR方法,并验证该检测方法的灵敏性。结果:所建立的五种病毒的多重RT-PCR方法可以同时或者分别扩增甲型、乙型流感病毒、RSV-A、RSV-B及ADV的141bp、635bp、525bp、377b和283bp基因片段,敏感度分别达到770PFU/ml、800PFU/ml、680PFU/ml、970PFU/ml和850PFU/ml,且五种病毒间无交叉反应。结论:所建立的多重RT-PCR方法可以迅速准确地检测甲型、乙型流感病毒、RSV-A、RSV-B和ADV,为五种病毒的检测提供了一种方便易行的方法。  相似文献   

This protocol specifically focuses on tools for assessing phrenic motor neuron (PhMN) innervation of the diaphragm at both the electrophysiological and morphological levels. Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) recording following phrenic nerve stimulation can be used to quantitatively assess functional diaphragm innervation by PhMNs of the cervical spinal cord in vivo in anesthetized rats and mice. Because CMAPs represent simultaneous recording of all myofibers of the whole hemi-diaphragm, it is useful to also examine the phenotypes of individual motor axons and myofibers at the diaphragm NMJ in order to track disease- and therapy-relevant morphological changes such as partial and complete denervation, regenerative sprouting and reinnervation. This can be accomplished via whole-mount immunohistochemistry (IHC) of the diaphragm, followed by detailed morphological assessment of individual NMJs throughout the muscle. Combining CMAPs and NMJ analysis provides a powerful approach for quantitatively studying diaphragmatic innervation in rodent models of CNS and PNS disease.  相似文献   

Recent evidence from several laboratories suggests that activation of afferents in the diaphragm can reflexly affect inspiratory muscle activation. This study determined whether afferents in the diaphragm contribute to compensatory changes in phrenic motor drive when the operating length of the diaphragm is suddenly increased. Experiments were performed in six closed-chest pentothal-anesthetized cats. Length changes were measured using a pair of piezoelectric crystals implanted in the left crural diaphragm. The crural electromyogram (EMGdi) was measured by electrodes fixed to each crystal. The animal was suspended in a spinal frame, and a Plexiglas tube was fitted around the cat's abdomen. A balloon placed inside the tube was inflated during the expiratory phase to produce a mean increase of 17% in diaphragm length at functional residual capacity. Ten trials were performed in succession under the following conditions: intact, after bilateral vagotomy, after spinal section at C7, and after cervical dorsal rhizotomy. Peak integrated EMGdi (integral of EMGdi) and neural inspiratory time (nTI) were measured for the last control inspiration and the first after inflation. There was a significant reduction in the peak integral of EMGdi when the length of the diaphragm was increased for all conditions except after rhizotomy. Although not measured, it is likely that the tension developed by the diaphragm was also increased during abdominal compression. Results suggest that afferents sensitive to changes in the operating length and/or tension in the diaphragm contribute to compensatory alterations in phrenic motor drive.  相似文献   

目的:为了避免中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒(MERS-CoV)感染与中和试验中操作活病毒带来的生物安全隐患,构建只具有一次感染能力而无复制能力的MERS假病毒,建立MERS假病毒系统,并应用于中和抗体检测。方法:构建含有MERS-CoV S基因的重组质粒pcDNA3.1-MERS-S,与缺失Env基因、含有萤光素酶报告基因的HIV-1骨架质粒pNL4-3.Luc.RE共转染293T细胞,收获含有假病毒的上清;通过Western印迹、细胞感染实验和血清中和试验,确定是否包装出MERS假病毒,及是否能有效应用于细胞感染与中和试验。结果:MERS假病毒pMERS-S培养上清经Western印迹鉴定出相对分子质量为25×103的HIV-1 P24蛋白和相对分子质量为180×103的MERS-CoV S蛋白;与阴性对照假病毒pEnv-相比,pMERS-S能有效感染MERS-CoV敏感细胞系Huh-7,在感染细胞中产生荧光信号,感染细胞的假病毒量与产生的荧光信号呈明显的量效关系;在MERS假病毒中和试验中,pMERS-S能被MERS-CoV中和抗体中和而失去感染力,反映抗体对MERS-CoV的中和活性。结论:建立了不依赖于BSL-3高等级生物安全条件的MERS假病毒系统,并有效应用于中和抗体检测,为MERS-CoV疫苗、药物评价及病毒致病机制研究提供了良好的技术支撑手段。  相似文献   

Spectral-prosodic characteristics of signals were analyzed synchronously with the main frequency for 32 mammals and one reptile using a KAZ-01 complex sound analyzer. The method of phoneme analysis was adapted for analysis of the signals. The main features of signaling in mammals have been revealed, which differed from those in birds and humans: low frequency range, low fundamental frequency, small number of local maxima, small frequency distance between them, and a significant amount of local maxima with zero energy.  相似文献   

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