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Shell-anchored muscles that extend into the cephalopodium of five species of planktotrophic nudibranch larvae were studied by ultrastructural examination of sequential larval developmental stages. All species, regardless of larval shell type (inflated or non-inflated), showed a similar basic pattern of shell muscles. The larval retractor muscle (LRM) differentiates prior to hatching and its fibres insert on epithelia of the velum, apical plate, stomodeal region, or mantle fold. Many fibres also connect with subepithelial intrinsic muscles of the cephalopodium. Most but not all LRM fibres Project to left-sided targets and are innervated from the left cerebral ganglion. Two pedal muscles, which are innervated from the pedal ganglia, differentiate during the post-hatching larval stage and both insert primarily on pedal epithelium attached to the operculum. The left pedal muscle is anchored to the shell immediately adjacent to the attachment plaque of the LRM and consists of basal and distal tiers of muscle cells. The right pedal muscle arises on the ventral rim of the shell aperture and consists of a single tier of muscle cells. Ontogenic changes in larval retraction behaviour correlate with developmental change in the muscle effectors. Although some interspecific differences were noted, the presence of a common ground plan for larval shell muscles in these five species contrasts with previous indications of marked variability for nudibranch larval shell muscles.  相似文献   

Adaptive evolution is usually assumed to be directed by selective processes, development by instructive processes; evolution involves random genetic changes, development involves induced epigenetic changes. However, these distinctions are no longer unequivocal. Selection of genetic changes is a normal part of development in some organisms, and through the epigenetic system external factors can induce selectable heritable variations. Incorporating the effects of instructive processes into evolutionary thinking alters ideas about the way environmental changes lead to evolutionary change, and about the interplay between genetic and epigenetic systems.  相似文献   

Larval Development and Metamorphosis in Sipuncula   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In a brief review of development of the phylum Sipuncula, fourpatterns of development are recognized: (1) direct with no pelagicstage; (2) one larval stage, a lecithotrophic trochophore; (3)two larval stages, a lecithotrophic trochophore and a lecithotrophicpelagosphera; (4) two larval stages, a lecithotrophic trochophoreand a planktotrophic pelagosphera. Larval types and their metamorphosesare described, with special attention to the development andmorphology of the larval cuticle. In the majority of speciesstudied, the egg envelope is transformed into the larval cuticleat metamorphosis of the trochophore. The cuticle of many planktotrophicpelagosphera larvae is characterized by surface papillae ofdiverse form and pattern. The underlying cuticle in some speciesis composed of layers of fibers at right angles to one another.  相似文献   

The existence of an evolutionary syndrome linking dispersal and mating-system traits has been discussed in both plants and animals. In animals, dispersal as a means of inbreeding-avoidance has been cited as an ultimate cause of sex-biased dispersal. In plants, self-compatibility is widespread, which is often cited as a mechanism for reproductive assurance in organisms that have limited control of dispersal. Limited dispersal has also been hypothesized to minimize outbreeding depression and increase local adaptation. Here, we compare and contrast the various evolutionary hypotheses that link dispersal and the mating system in both plants and animals. We conclude that the majority of theoretical evidence supports the existence of two evolutionary syndromes: (1) outcrossing and dispersing; (2) inbreeding and not dispersing. In the light of the evidence compiled, we advocate for a redefinition of Baker’s law, which we consider to be an exception rather than the rule. As environmental heterogeneity is common in nature, the role of bet-hedging in the evolution of these strategies is likely to be very strong, albeit difficult to prove empirically. Lastly, we argue that exceptions to these two general syndromes (e.g., inbreeding and dispersing) should not be viewed as contradictory; instead they merit exceptional attention because they represent unusual biological adaptations. Throughout, we refer to specific empirical examples to illustrate these scenarios and conclude by suggesting that a meta-analysis of the available data would be a useful next step.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation strongly affects species distribution and abundance. However, mechanisms underlying fragmentation effects often remain unresolved. Potential mechanisms are (1) reduced dispersal of a species or (2) altered species interactions in fragmented landscapes. We studied if abundance of the spider-hunting and cavity-nesting wasp Trypoxylon figulus Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) is affected by fragmentation, and then tested for any effect of larval food (bottom up regulation) and parasitism (top down regulation). Trap nests of T. figulus were studied in 30 agricultural landscapes of the Swiss Plateau. The sites varied in the level of isolation from forest (adjacent, in the open landscape but connected, isolated) and in the amount of woody habitat (from 4 % to 74 %). We recorded wasp abundance (number of occupied reed tubes), determined parasitism of brood cells and analysed the diversity and abundance of spiders that were deposited as larval food. Abundances of T. figulus were negatively related to forest cover in the landscape. In addition, T. figulus abundances were highest at forest edges, reduced by 33.1% in connected sites and by 79.4% in isolated sites. The mean number of spiders per brood cell was lowest in isolated sites. Nevertheless, structural equation modelling revealed that this did not directly determine wasp abundance. Parasitism was neither related to the amount of woody habitat nor to isolation and did not change with host density. Therefore, our study showed that the abundance of T. figulus cannot be fully explained by the studied trophic interactions. Further factors, such as dispersal and habitat preference, seem to play a role in the population dynamics of this widespread secondary carnivore in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

粘皮鲻鰕虎鱼(Mugilogobius myxodermus)的卵产出时为球型,直径0.40~0.60mm,具黏性,卵颜色淡黄,半透明,油球多且数量不固定。受精5~10min后吸水膨胀成椭圆形。水温16~18℃的条件下,胚胎发育共需138h。初孵仔鱼体长2.30~3.10mm,体高0.35~0.40mm,总肌节29~30。出膜30min~24h内鳔充气,从孵出到各鳍分化完全约需要40d。  相似文献   

云斑尖塘鳢胚胎和早期仔鱼的发育   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
对云斑尖塘鳢(Oxyeleotris marmoratus)胚胎和早期仔鱼的发育进行了观察,详细描述了各发育阶段的形态特征。在28℃定水温条件下,云斑尖塘鳢的胚胎发育历时80h 30min,可分为24个发育分期。在整个发育过程中,眼、耳囊、心脏、消化道、肾脏、鳔、胸鳍和尾鳍等得到了优先发育。  相似文献   

Splice sites (SSs)—short nucleotide sequences flanking introns—are under selection for spliceosome binding, and adhere to consensus sequences. However, non-consensus nucleotides, many of which probably reduce SS performance, are frequent. Little is known about the mechanisms maintaining such apparently suboptimal SSs. Here, we study the correlations between strengths of nucleotides occupying different positions of the same SS. Such correlations may arise due to epistatic interactions between positions (i.e., a situation when the fitness effect of a nucleotide in one position depends on the nucleotide in another position), their evolutionary history, or to other reasons. Within both the intronic and the exonic parts of donor SSs, nucleotides that increase (decrease) SS strength tend to co-occur with other nucleotides increasing (respectively, decreasing) it, consistent with positive epistasis. Between the intronic and exonic parts of donor SSs, the correlations of nucleotide strengths tend to be negative, consistent with negative epistasis. In the course of evolution, substitutions at a donor SS tend to decrease the strength of its exonic part, and either increase or do not change the strength of its intronic part. In acceptor SSs, the situation is more complicated; the correlations between adjacent positions appear to be driven mainly by avoidance of the AG dinucleotide which may cause aberrant splicing. In summary, both the content and the evolution of SSs is shaped by a complex network of interdependences between adjacent nucleotides that respond to a range of sometimes conflicting selective constraints.  相似文献   

Lek polygyny, monogamy and scramble promiscuity have been reported in the two families and five species of Recent sirenians. Evidence for lek mating in the dugong or "sea pig" (Dugong dugon), monogamy in Steller's sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas), and scramble promiscuity in the three manatees or "river cows" (Trichechus manatus, Trichechus senegalensis, and Trichechus inunguis), as well as in one dugong population, is reviewed. Sirenians are long-lived "K-strategists" with precocious young, few potential young per female lifetime, high female investment in a few young, little apparent opportunity for post-copulatory male investment, and "paenungulate" reproductive physiologies that appear to increase uncertainty as to female receptivity and assurance as to paternity. Common features notwithstanding, diverse habitats, climates, and niches may account for mating system diversity. Scenarios for evolution of diverse mating systems, based on our understanding of mating systems in terrestrial herbivores, are presented. The dugong retains the ancestral low latitude marine, seagrass dependent, bottom-feeding, niche characteristic of diverse, tusked, Oligocene and Miocene sirenian faunas. With a long breeding season and high polygyny potential, retention of tusks by male dugongs in the absence of any foraging function suggests that tusks may have always had social functions and lekking may be of ancient origin. The sea cow lineage, isolated on the shoreline of the northeastern Pacific as seagrasses declined, turned to surface foraging on chemically undefended kelps and lost both tusks and molar teeth. As it followed kelps northwards, adaptation to a cold-temperate climate compressed the breeding season, limited the polygyny potential, and, in conjunction with incentives for paternal investment, favored pair bonding and the monogamous mating system postulated by George Steller (1751). Manatees, evolving in botanically-rich fresh waters of the Amazon basin as an aberrant offshoot of the marine dugongid line, remained in the tropics and retained a high polygyny potential, but became generalist foragers in the upper few meters of the water column. Labyrinthine river systems provided little opportunity for male aggregation and display (or rhizome foraging) and tusks were lost as the uncertainty of female inseminability drove the mating system toward scramble promiscuity and sperm competition. An observation of manatee-like behavior in a dense and sedentary dugong population in eastern Australia suggests plasticity in sirenian mating, and the likelihood that a form of scramble promiscuity may exist where no suitable site for lekking is available, where large group size makes female defence impossible, or where vulnerability of territorial males to hunting has resulted in extirpation of a lekking tradition. Dugong and manatee life history characteristics conform to expectations based on observed differences in mating systems.  相似文献   

Integrated vector management for malaria control has received a lot of recent interest. Attacking multiple points in the transmission cycle is hoped to act synergistically and improve upon current single-tool interventions based on the use of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs). In the present study, we theoretically examined the application of larval habitat source reduction with ITNs in reducing malaria transmission. We selected this type of environmental management to complement ITNs because of a potential secondary mode of action that both control strategies share. In addition to increasing vector mortality, ITNs reduce the rate at which female mosquitoes locate human hosts for blood feeding, thereby extending their gonotrophic cycle. Similarly, while reducing adult vector emergence and abundance, source reduction of larval habitats may prolong the cycle duration by extending delays in locating oviposition sites. We found, however, that source reduction of larval habitats only operates through this secondary mode of action when habitat density is below a critical threshold. Hence, we illustrate how this strategy becomes increasingly effective when larval habitats are limited. We also demonstrate that habitat source reduction is better suited to human populations of higher density and in the presence of insecticide resistance or when the insecticidal properties of ITNs are depleted.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural Characteristics of the Nacre in Some Gastropods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nacreous layer in Gibbula, Calliostoma, Trochus and Haliotis is described on the basis of scanning electron microscopic studies. The central part of each nacreous tablet contains a significant amount of calcified organic matrix which is insoluble in a chromium sulphate and a 25% glutaraldehyde solution. In most cases, the tablet is subdivided by radial vertical organic membranes into a varying number (2 to 50) of crystalline sectors. These sectors represent polysynthetically twinned crystal individuals which form cyclic or interpenetrant twins. The nacreous tablets in gastropods are compared with those in bivalves, and with the non-biogenic aragonite. The mechanical properties of the nacre, and the effects of the interlamellar conchiolin membranes upon the nucleation of the tablets, are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied, under laboratory conditions, the larval development of a rhizocephalan barnacle Sacculina pilosellaVan Kampen et Boschma, 1925, which parasitizes the kelp crab Pugettia quadridens(de Haan) in Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan. It is shown that at 22–23°C, the whole cycle of larval development takes about 3 days. The larvae of S. pilosellaare lecithotrophic; their development, like in other rhizocephalans, comprises five naupliar instars. Like the larvae of all sacculinids, the nauplii of S. pilosellahave no flotation collar. In their structure, the larvae of S. pilosellaare similar to the nauplii of the typical sacculina, S. carcini(elongated body outline, long furcal branches, and weakly pronounced segmentation of the abdomen). On the other hand, the characteristic outgrowth inbetween the furcal branches that is characteristic of stages IV and V in S. carciniand S. polygeneais absent in the larvae of S. pilosella.The first seta on the antennula of S. pilosellacompletely disappears only at stage IV; however, at stage III, it is already significantly reduced. No morphological differences have been revealed between male and female larvae of S. pilosellaexcept certain size differences.  相似文献   

Shell-less Discinisca larvae of 2–3 p.c. (pairs of cirri)and small shelled larvae of 4 p.c. stages, hitherto undescribed,form a growth series with those previously described. The shellfirst formed during early 3 p.c. or early 4 p.c. stage. In swimmingthese young larvae did not rotate about their longitudinal bodyaxis, unlike larger larvae. In some larvae pigment granulesaggregated in the anterolateral stomach wall, forming "eye spots,"which are not comparable to the sensory eye spots of articulatelarvae. The order of appearance of embryonic setae and larvalsetae was described. The role of the former in floatation andin protective response was suggested. In recent brachiopod ontogeny there is an evolutionary simplificationfrom the presumably primitive condition in lingulids with shelledembryo, shelled larva with statocysts, long planktotrophic existenceand well developed trocholophe with continuous budding of cirrito 8-20 pairs; to the discinids with setiferous, shell-lessembryo, shelled larva with statocysts, shorter planktotrophicexistence and larval trocholophe with a maximum of 4 cirruspairs; and finally to the articulates with setiferous, shell–lessembryo and larva with no statocysts, no differentiated cirriand short free-swimming existence.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is widely used as a model organism to study cell and developmental biology. Quantitative proteomics of C. elegans is still in its infancy and, so far, most studies have been performed on adult worm samples. Here, we used quantitative mass spectrometry to characterize protein level changes across the four larval developmental stages (L1–L4) of C. elegans. In total, we identified 4130 proteins, and quantified 1541 proteins that were present across all four stages in three biological replicates from independent experiments. Using hierarchical clustering and functional ontological analyses, we identified 21 clusters containing proteins with similar protein profiles across the four stages, and highlighted the most overrepresented biological functions in each of these protein clusters. In addition, we used the dataset to identify putative larval stage‐specific proteins in each individual developmental stage, as well as in the early and late developmental stages. In summary, this dataset provides system‐wide analysis of protein level changes across the four C. elegans larval developmental stages, which serves as a useful resource for the C. elegans research community. MS data were deposited in ProteomeXchange ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org ) via the PRIDE partner repository with the primary accession identifier PXD006676.  相似文献   

通过Bouin's液、5%的福尔马林、透明液固定和活体解剖观察等4种不同方法,对白点鲑(Salvelinus leucomaenis)胚胎和仔鱼发育进行了系统观察,描述了早期发育过程。白点鲑受精卵为端黄卵,沉性,橙黄色,呈圆球形。在水温3.40~8.89℃,受精卵历时1 944 h,经历6个阶段的胚胎发育破膜孵出仔鱼;初孵仔鱼全长(17.89±0.32)mm,破膜后73 d各鳍条发育完全,并出现"幼鲑斑",破膜后350d鱼体外部形态与成鱼基本相同。将白点鲑与几种鱼类进行了对比,并且探讨了其胚胎发育特点。经比较4种不同观察方法,Bouin's液固定后剥离卵膜观察是研究白点鲑等卵膜较厚鱼类的理想方法。  相似文献   

Pairs of amino acid positions that evolve in a correlated manner are proposed to play important roles in protein structure or function. Methods to detect them might fare better with families for which sequences of thousands of closely related homologs are available than families with only a few distant relatives. We applied co-evolution analysis to thousands of sequences of HIV Gag, finding that the most significantly co-evolving positions are proximal in the quaternary structures of the viral capsid. A reduction in infectivity caused by mutating one member of a significant pair could be rescued by a compensatory mutation of the other.  相似文献   

Echolocating bats are auditory specialists, with exquisite hearing that spans several octaves. In the ultrasonic range, bat audiograms typically show highest sensitivity in the spectral region of their species-specific echolocation calls. Well-developed hearing in the audible range has been commonly attributed to a need to detect sounds produced by prey. However, bat pups often emit isolation calls with low-frequency components that facilitate mother-young reunions. In this study, we examine whether low-frequency hearing in bats exhibits correlated evolution with (i) body size; (ii) high-frequency hearing sensitivity or (iii) pup isolation call frequency. Using published audiograms, we found that low-frequency hearing sensitivity is not dependent on body size but is related to high-frequency hearing. After controlling for high-frequency hearing, we found that low-frequency hearing exhibits correlated evolution with isolation call frequency. We infer that detection and discrimination of isolation calls have favoured enhanced low-frequency hearing because accurate parental investment is critical: bats have low reproductive rates, non-volant altricial young and must often identify their pups within large crèches.  相似文献   

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